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Thank you Lord
I am so grateful to have been turned on to this incredible podcast. It is a gift to my mind and spirit and I highly endorse Jack Hibbs and his understanding and wisdom!! 5 stars

Love listening to this podcast. What everyone needs to hear not what they want to hear.

The best
Thank God for Pastor Hibbs. I love listening to his message every day. He is so inspiring and I feel blessed to have found him.

Yes, I am truly thrilled that you have a podcast Pastor Jack. We actually stumbled upon your church in Chino Hills many years ago. My mother-in-law lived nearby and we would go visit her on Easter but I had to have my Easter service. Upon searching we found your church, went one Easter, and went there every Easter after that. If we lived closer to your church, that would be my home church for sure! I learn so much from you Pastor Jack. You are my pastor even if I don’t go to your church. 🙌🏾☺️Especially since we relocated back to my Texas home state! You are a true follower of God I can always count on you to keep me updated on real current events, I am super thankful for you!

Thank you
I need to hear your message on backsliding so much. Thank you for helping to restore my confidence in my salvation

Great message about backsliders Did you know at the end of the podcast, someone spoke about listening to the daily Rosary podcast? I’m almost certain Pastor Hibbs would not be promoting that.

Best teacher I’ve ever heard!
I was practically born in the church. My dad was a Southern Baptist Minister. I’ve heard a lot of pastors over my 55 years. Pastor Hibbs is the best teacher I’ve ever heard. He makes the Bible understandable relatable. Thank you for all you do! 🙏✝️❤️

Always about the Word!
I appreciate how Pastor Jack always weaves his sermons and stories around the Word! So powerful and always inspires me to be in the Word more. He is encouraging and regardless of the situation, he consistently points us to the goodness of God. He is fearless in his convictions and inspires the rest of us with his courage. May the favor and blessings over his life ( and his family) continue!

Best podcast ever!!
I appreciate the truth that is spoken. He has a biblical perspective and I love this podcast.

Grace without truth is nothing but a lie. Listening to Pastor Jack gives me hope in these trying times. Relating everything back to scripture is so important. This podcast does just that. With a relatable style and truth from the scriptures, Pastor Jack has my ear! I look forward to every new episode. God Bless!!

A terrific podcast!
Pastor Jack communicates the truth of God’s word in such a relatable way. You won’t be disappointed! Praise the Lord for his ministry!

Not for those who want their ears tickled
If you’re hungry for truth, this is your podcast. Pastor Jack does not shy away from the sometimes uncomfortable truth. This podcast is terrific for the person following Christ and possibly eternity-changing for anyone not sure who God is or what He wants. Great quality and quantity of content. I love to listen on my way to and from work. I have never listened to one of Jack’s messages and not been encouraged, chastised, and learned something new. He also cracks me up. I’m grateful for this podcast.

Inspiring and Full of Hope
This podcast is so full of God’s love, hope, and truth. I listen everyday as I am currently working through the episodes I missed. It is a much needed dose of sobering truth before I go to school.

God’s Servant
Thank you for obeying God, and becoming His servant. I learn a lot from your teachings. I pray that your social media reaches many many people, because the truth of the Bible comes out.

I listen to Jack Hibbs everyday even if it is a rerun. . He speaks truth! Rare today. Thank you for your service and May God protect and Bless you Katherine

I thank God for all your teaching’s
Reading your book, “ Living In The DAZE of Deception “. It is right on time, but God is always right on time. Thank you Pastor Jack and your wife and family for the time you give to do God’s work. I pray for God’s Shalom on you all.

Great Message
Thank You Pastor Hibbs! Praying for the Peace of Israel !! Happy New Year to You and Your Family/Team!!!! Please pray for my Wife and two Daughters. They need Jesus!! Victor Crockett. (Retired Soldier)(Retired Postal Worker)

Knowing Your Place Podcast
Yes and Amen message. Looking forward to your new book Daze of Deception ♥️

Wonderful Message
Thank You Pastor Hibbs! Praying for the Peace of Israel !! Happy New Year to You and Your Family/Team!!!! Please pray for my Wife and two Daughters. They need Jesus!! Victor Crockett. (Retired Soldier)(Retired Postal Worker)

Love it!
Biblically based with no nonsense. Is very affirming and uplifting, giving me the strength to persevere in my walk with Christ.

I’m so glad I found this podcast with Pastor Jack Hibbs. He is so easy to listen to but more importantly he preaches and speaks from the Word of God, no sugar coating, just truth.

Faithful and Trusted
These days it is more natural to question authenticity from the media than not. Jack Hibbs is the first leader in faith that I felt comfortable listening to and trusting in. Highly recommend him to anyone who will listen!

Always on point
While I have learned not to put human beings on pedestals, I am so thankful for Jack Hibbs and his walk with Jesus. His messages are always on point and well executed. No fluff, just God’s word well explained. I have a good home church, but in these last days I find myself craving more of God’s word than ever before, especially concerning Jesus’ return, and Jack Hibbs delivers consistently.

How will you?
Excellent biblical guidance from Pastor Hibbs.

Good news
I appreciate Jacks biblical teaching and have been impacted both in my faith and my roll as a husband and father.

Biblical Truth!
Biblical truth, straight from God’s word.

Wonderful Message
Thank You Pastor Hibbs! Praying for the Peace of Israel !! Merry Christmas to You and Your Family/Team!!!! Please pray for my Wife and two Daughters. They need Jesus!! Victor Crockett. (Retired Soldier)

5 Stars
This is good preaching from the Bible. Highly recommend!

Oh yes!!
This is what our world needs: more people and pastors like Jack!!

Wonderful Message
Thank You Pastor Hibbs! Praying for the Peace of Israel !! Please pray for my Wife and two Daughters. They need Jesus!! Victor Crockett. (Retired Soldier)