Jack Hibbs Podcast

Healing and Suffering: Thy will be done

This is a great podcast for everyone but especially the so called “Faith Healers” and “ Word of Faith” non denominational ministers who have led people for years to believe that if they are not healed then they are not in the will of God. I’m beyond happy that I study and know the Word of God which has sustained me and made me strong in my resolve as I suffered all of my life with chronic illness. I am so thankful for Pastor Jack Hibbs who is bold in his faith and is a true representative of God. May this podcast be heard by numbers untold because many need to hear this true word in order to be set free from the lies coming from the very place where TRUTH should be emanating from. Thank you Pastor Jack for teaching the uncompromising Word of God. Maranatha!

Sept. 14, 2023 by Mediaspec7 on Apple Podcasts

Jack Hibbs Podcast