Jack Hibbs Podcast

Jack is a Pastor of Pastors

Personally, I marvel at the life and ministry of Jack Hibbs. His heart for people, God’s Word, and his proclamation and teaching of scripture is - in my opinion - unmatched.
I am both a Pastor and Chaplain with over 33 years in full time ministry. I also attend a very healthy local church. Nevertheless, I view Jack Hibbs as my pastor.

Jack, I listen to your messages, from various sources, at least 8 times every week. I often purchase your wonderful monthly book suggestions and send some financial support to your ministry monthly because I feel it is one of the best ways I can support the furtherance of the Gospel.
Jack, your daily encouragement and teaching puts a fire in my heart to teach six Bible Studies each week. I can not thank you enough for all you do. May Jesus RICHLY bless and protect you.

Sept. 21, 2023 by BoiseBeliever on Apple Podcasts

Jack Hibbs Podcast