Jack Hibbs Podcast


Yes, I am truly thrilled that you have a podcast Pastor Jack. We actually stumbled upon your church in Chino Hills many years ago. My mother-in-law lived nearby and we would go visit her on Easter but I had to have my Easter service. Upon searching we found your church, went one Easter, and went there every Easter after that. If we lived closer to your church, that would be my home church for sure! I learn so much from you Pastor Jack. You are my pastor even if I don’t go to your church. 🙌🏾☺️Especially since we relocated back to my Texas home state! You are a true follower of God I can always count on you to keep me updated on real current events, I am super thankful for you!

Feb. 19, 2024 by MM5/19 on Apple Podcasts

Jack Hibbs Podcast