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Ask Me Anything: Episode 01
Ask Me Anything: Episode 01
Join us as we begin an intermittent series called "Ask Me Anything", where Pastor Jack will devote an entire episode to answering questions…
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July 25, 2024

Ask Me Anything: Episode 01

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Jack Hibbs Podcast

Join us as we begin an intermittent series called "Ask Me Anything", where Pastor Jack will devote an entire episode to answering questions from listeners. Today's questions include how we should handle our feelings when our heart says one thing but God's Word suggests another? How should we handle adult children that are living in sin? What does it mean "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord"?

(00:00) Biblical Decision Making and Afterlife
(12:04) Biblical Masculinity and Relationships
(29:37) Personal Struggles and Niacin Treatment


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00:00 - Biblical Decision Making and Afterlife

12:04:00 - Biblical Masculinity and Relationships

29:37:00 - Personal Struggles and Niacin Treatment

00:00 - Speaker 1
Real Life presents the Jack Hibbs podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture.

00:09 - Speaker 2
Hey crazy podcast today. I think you're going to like it. Maybe not Super practical, kind of personal, but we're going to reach into the mailbag. Many of you have responded with some questions to us and we're going to try to answer a few of those from the Bible, yes, and some of the answers from the Bible plus. Well, stay tuned.

00:32 - Speaker 1
You can get the outlines of this podcast by going to slash podcast Today. If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five-star ratings. If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five-star ratings. To us, that's like saying amen or yes. Then that rating will encourage others to listen. Now open your hearts to what God's Word has to say to you. Here is Jack.

01:00 - Speaker 2
Hibbs. Hey everybody, welcome to the Jack Hibbs Podcast, and we're going to have some fun today. We are going to grab from our mailbag responses from people, questions from people, so we're going to dive right in. We're going to try to get as many as we can within about a 25 minute period of time and allow me, if you would, with your generosity, to be honest with my answers. When I say honest with my answers, I may or may not be correct, but to be honest with my answers. When I say honest with my answers, I may or may not be correct, but I'll be honest with my answer. Of course, I believe I'm correct, but I will absolutely be correct when I happen to either hit science on the nail head or on target right, and I will definitely absolutely be correct if I am citing scripture. So we'll do our best to bring you everything accurately and right as is possible, and then, ultimately, you'd be the judge. As long as you understand the word of God judges us.

And so, listen, we're going to go to the mailbag. I think that's a popular term to use. We should use that. We're going to go to the mailbag. I think that's a popular term to use. We should use that. We're going to go to the mailbag and these mailbag questions have come to us, obviously, by listeners that have reached out to us and have emailed us or have written to us. So, mailbag question number one from our producers behind this microphone and screens is what?

02:25 - Speaker 3
behind this microphone and screens is what Explain what it means to be absent from the body present with the Lord and how that works with the dead in Christ.

02:37 - Speaker 2
Explain what does it mean to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord, and how does that correlate with those who are dead in Christ? Perfect Bible answer. Here it is the scriptures say of the believer, the Christ follower. This is the Christian, the real one, that to be absent from the body is a reference to the moment we die. Our body is vacated by the spirit of who you and I are. Our minds, our spirit leave the body. Please start thinking about your body as a biomedical, bioengineering, bio device, a bio designed apparatus to be a tool whereby it's animated by the mind and by the spirit of who we are. Okay, that's very important. To be absent from the bodies, to be present with Christ. The believer immediately dies in this world and is immediately with Christ in his presence, instantaneously. There's no such thing as soul sleep. There is no such thing as purgatory. There's no such thing as soul sleep. There is no such thing as purgatory. There is no such thing as the believer floating around in some sea of souls awaiting some form of intervention. Nope, if I have a heart attack right now and drop dead, I will immediately be with the Lord, Jesus, christ. The Bible tells us that in this life, while we're at home in the body. Paul said to the Corinthians if we're at home in our bodies, we are obviously absent from Christ. But for the reverse to take place, death sets the believer free. We need to remember that Jesus has made death the great escape for the believer. You say, jack, did you get that right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He took away the power and the sting of death, turned it right around and made it for us, the believer, a door that we walk through into the presence of God. So the believer is set free by death. We're not terrorized by death. The Bible not terrorized by death. The Bible says to the believers who come to Christ they're no longer held captive by the fear of death. So remember that. I think I'm missing. Did I answer that or did I miss something else? Oh, the dead in Christ who rise first. At the moment of the rapture 1 Thessalonians, chapter 4, verses 13 through 18, the Bible says that those who have died in Christ will rise first. We're talking about the body. Their bodies are dead, either cremated, burned alive, buried in a graveyard, eaten by a shark and eliminated. It doesn't matter the molecular structure, the molecules of who you are exist, if you've been cremated or not. Okay, that's very important to remember. That must be resurrected. But remember now, follow this If the believer dies right now, we bury your body at Forest Lawn over here or Rose Hills. You're with the Lord, we're hosting your service. You're not there, you're in heaven, the dead, those who have died in Christ.

When Christ returns in John, chapter 14, verses 1, 2, and 3, and again 1 Thessalonians 4, 13 through 18, when Christ returns in the atmosphere, he doesn't physically arrive. Christ returns in the atmosphere. He doesn't physically arrive, he appears in the atmosphere. The trumpet blast is blown, the shout is given, the voice of the archangel, the trumpet of God. The dead in Christ shall rise first. What does that mean? It says that their bodies will rise up. He brings with them those who once inhabited those bodies. They're in heaven, my mom, for example. If Christ were to come today for the church, he would come and he would bring my mom with him in the atmosphere. Her body would come up out of the ground in resurrection. And it says that they will be united. She will be united with her glorified body. I, you will immediately be metamorphosed. We will be changed in an instant, in a twinkling of an eye. Our bodies will go from this body that is subject to sin. Our bodies will be reconstituted in the twinkling of an eye and we will go up to meet them in the air Again.

Read 1 Thessalonians 4, 13 through 18 carefully. When a believer dies, their body goes to the ground, their spirit goes to the presence of the Lord. When Christ comes back, he raises their new body and they receive that new body and they have that resurrected body. You say well, what kind of body are they wearing right now? Scholars call it the intermediate body Our moms, our dads, our friends, our children, the aborted babies. They are wearing something, but it's not their resurrected bodies. The ultimate fulfillment and goal of course in God's redemption will be the day that you obtain your resurrected body. I hope that helps. Next one from our producers. It is what.

07:51 - Speaker 3
Explain the biblical point of view of decision-making. People say my heart says one thing, God says another.

07:59 - Speaker 2
So explain the biblical worldview, the biblical way of making decisions, in light of the fact that I want one thing, my emotions want this thing. This is what I feel to be right. I would really like to do this, but the Bible says this. In other words, I think the way the question was put is that I feel I should go left, but the Bible says I should go right. You do understand right, correctly, do you? Do you do understand that to be a disciple? This is what this is definition of a disciple. A disciple does what the master, what the journeyman, right, if those of you in construction, there's the journeyman and there's the apprentice we go with what the Bible says, absolutely against what our feelings say. You know our thoughts that we have. We have them all the time. What do we do with them? We wash our thoughts through the filter of the word of God. This is what's called a disciple.

A lot of people I have to be sorry to be blunt with you, but you know how Jesus said a lot of people are going to go into hell and miss heaven altogether. Few there be that find the path to eternal life. And there's very few people on that straight and narrow path. You know why. One of the reasons is is that there are a lot of people who say they believe in God, but they do what they want to do and their life proves that they don't believe in God. They just say they do, but they don't. They believe a God exists, but they don't know who he is. And you can say, oh, it's Jesus. So what, who's he If you can't define who he is in charge of your life? What Jesus are you talking about? So to be a disciple is to follow what God's word says, not what you feel. And therein is the modern day, 21st century dividing line. There's a lot of people that are going to wind up in hell, shocked.

Matthew, chapter 7, beginning at verse 20. Go ahead and read it. Start there, matthew 7, verse 20. There's going to be so many people shocked because they were really religious. They went to church services, but they did what they wanted to do. Jesus said they never did what he said to do, they were never disciples. That's very important. I hope that helps, boy. I really hope that helps, because if you were doing what you want to do, then you shouldn't call yourself a Christian, because the word Christian means Christ follower, which means you're a Christ obey-er. No, you want to be a disciple. Disciples follow the master. It's the apprentice doing what the journeyman instructs him to do.

10:49 - Speaker 3
Next question how do you respond to Christian couples in church living together?

10:55 - Speaker 2
Ah, great.

10:56 - Speaker 3
They are in the same house, but they say they're not living together.

11:00 - Speaker 2
So how do I respond to Christian couples living living together? Christian couples living together. They're not married, but they're living in the same house and they might even claim that they're not having any sexual relationship whatsoever. Number one we have an immediate answer for this. This is the absolute fail-safe response. Abstain from all appearances of evil. You can be living in the same house. You could actually be keeping yourself pure On opposite ends of the house, like Bill Clinton lived on that side of the White House and Hillary lived on that side of the house. That was a fact. By the way, I know people who worked the White House during their administration. They lived in the same house but they didn't have any physical relationship. That's true. Physical relationship that's true.

But listen for you and I for you, who are asking this question even if you don't, it looks like you do To neighbors who live across the street. They've heard that you're a Christian, but you guys are living in the same house, not married To them. It looks sinful, to them, it's wrong, and the Bible says stay away from things that even look wrong. You say yeah, but yeah, but yeah. But what you don't understand the moment you go into the defense mode of this. It proves you're wrong. We can't do that. If you're living like that, you're not married and you're living like that, well, we're trying to save money. No, you're not obeying God and you don't trust God. Obey God, he'll take care of the money. Obey God, trust him. He's not going to listen to anyone of any of your excuses and I've heard them all. Approaching almost 40 years of ministry. I've heard them all. I've heard it all. Years of ministry. I've heard them all. I've heard it all. It doesn't fly. Look, if you love each other, then go back and stay at mom and dad's house or a friend's house. You guys break up, split up that way physically and do it the right way Abstain from all appearances of evil, keep yourself pure, get married and build a life. Okay, but just know this it's for financial reasons. If she doesn't stay in our home, then she's going to be homeless. Don't you have some friends where she can stay? Doesn't she have any Christian girlfriends? Are there any people listen? Have you gone to the pastors at your church and said look, we don't want to live like this? We know that the appearance is wrong, so can is there a elderly couple that they have a room for her so we can get married. We're going to get married soon.

Listen, if you love her, if you guys want to be married, get married. Well, I'm waiting to get my degree in astrophysics. Stop it, get married. Love deferred makes the heart grow sick. Oh no, my parents said we have to wait till we're 45. That's insane. Get married. Do you love each other? Get married. Get married. Stop waiting for all the alignments of the universe to come together and it's all perfect, and we got the money happening and we got all these things in line and we've got enough to do this and the other. It will never happen. It will never happen If you love her, if you love him. Get married, start your life and go for it. God will bless you.

14:37 - Speaker 3
Next question With men under attack in modern society. What does it mean to have biblical masculinity, and how do they lead their households according to the Bible?

14:48 - Speaker 2
Yeah, masculinity. The question is, with masculinity being under attack, what's the man to do to be a biblical man and living out masculinity Number one? A biblical man living out masculinity Number one. God created masculinity. Stop apologizing for it. Okay, there's a woke world out there that wants you to grovel and bow down and apologize to everybody because you're a man. Okay, that is called idiocy and it's a sickness and our culture's full of it. It should be taken out with the trash. God made men. God made women. He didn't. Make. A.

Third option, that said, is that a man needs to learn how to be a man. Boys need to learn how to be boys From the beginning. When little junior comes popping out, you've got to train that little guy in how to be a guy. We have to imprint that upon them. We're the ones, as parents, to import to them, or export to them, our understanding of what history, medicine, physiology, biology makes of a man. In other words, a little boy who's three years old doesn't understand. He just thinks it's really cool that mom's high heels make this clickety-clack sound on the tile down the hallway. When you see your three-year-old boy wearing mom's high heels, you say this hey, junior, take those things off. They look goofy on you. They look better on your sister. Put these on instead. Put on dad's boots let's be dudes and then let him do it. That's how you do it.

When a five-year-old boy wants to have a tea party with the girls in the neighborhood, boy wants to have a tea party with the girls in the neighborhood it's really good for you to actually talk them out of it. You need to tell them. You know what. Let the girls do that. I'm going to take today off from work. Buddy, you know what we're going to do. We're going to go fishing or we're going to go to the Bass Pro Shop and we're going to look at some really cool things. Let's go get some slingshots. We'll buy some slingshots there, maybe even a BB gun or a pellet gun, and we'll get some targets and we'll go to the park or we'll go to the wherever and we'll just do some target practice. Okay, buddy, believe me, you offer your boy the option. He's going to take a trip to the Bass Pro Shop over tea this quick. If he doesn't, you're a little too late. You need to get back on it. You need to get on it. You need to—listen. Here's the Bible Train up a child in the way that they should go and when they are old they will return to it or they will not depart from it. Train up a child in the way that they should go.

Are you raising a female? Cause her to embrace femininity, show her that it assumes you know what that means. Do you have a son? Raise him in the way of masculinity, roll him around in the dirt. Do you have a son? Raise him in the way of masculinity? Roll him around in the dirt? Do guy crazy things? Thank God Boys need to become men and part of man.

We're wired, you know. We're wired to do things that are not always healthy. We shouldn't jump off of roofs, but we're so tempted to jump off of roofs. I remember growing up jumping off of roofs. I just I wanted to fly so bad that that was my thing. It was so stupid.

We went down to at the time. We went down to what was called the Long Beach Army-Navy surplus store and we bought a bunch of parachutes and we strapped them on and we jumped off the highest point of our house. It didn't go over so well because by the time the parachute opened up we hit the ground. It was like a suicide run, but that's what boys do. And, by the way, the neighborhood girls they watched us because they're smart, neighborhood girls, they watched us because they're smart. That's how life is, parents. Don't suppress that. Don't suppress that, manage it. But masculinity we've got the greatest example. He's called Jesus. Jesus confronted evil. Jesus prayed. Jesus walked with a bunch of other guys and taught them how to be guys. Jesus was gracious and forgiving toward women that were caught in very terrible situations. Jesus saw people that were tired and weary and he fed them. Biblical masculinity is exactly what the prescription is by God for the world to see right now, and I hope we've grown up now, because this experiment has come and gone. It's pretty much dead.

And that is the incredible dumbness of woke-ism. Whoever's woke? Still, they are woke nuts. Come on, let's be honest. Oh, I believe that everybody should pay for me while I sit around and focus on my navel and worry about climate change. You want to change the climate. Why don't you get a job? Why don't you get a job and contribute to fixing things? But come on, step up. We need a culture to step up. And if you think I'm being harsh, 17 and 18-year-olds stormed the beaches of Omaha, utah, normandy, to liberate France from Adolf Hitler. 17 and 18-year-olds. What are 17 and 18-year-olds doing today? They can't even storm their bedroom. We need to stop woke and we need to get real and biblical masculinity is what the world needs right now.

21:01 - Speaker 3
Next question this is from a parent with an adult child. Their God-fearing son announced that he's gay and left his family.

21:11 - Speaker 2
Poor parent. He left struggling with how to handle that. No, listen, I need to almost repeat this verbatim Poor poor parent. By the way, I wrote a book not too long ago called living in the days of deception, and this poor parent is entertaining deception. The parent said what? What do we say to our god, to our adult, god-fearing son, who now says he's a gay Christian? I don't even know where to begin on this.

This is wrong. This is wrong on so many fronts. You cannot be a God-fearing Christian and be gay. You can be a God-fearing Christian and be gay. You can be a God-fearing Christian and struggle with same-sex attraction. Okay, you can be a God-fearing Christian and struggle with heterosexual attraction. That's called temptation. Kill it. Bring every thought under the captivity of Christ Satan's out there throwing every kind of dart at us as possible. But listen, the moment you go from claiming to be a God-fearing Christian to the practice of homosexuality or the practice of adultery or the practice of fornication, you're no longer God-fearing. If you were God-fearing, it wouldn't have happened. Okay, god, the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, wisdom and the fear of God keeps you from doing dumb things that the world tries to talk you into doing. No, the truth is, your son made a decision to depart from the will of God and he knew it. The Holy Spirit was there telling him to do what he wanted to do. There are other reasons as to why he confirmed this decision in his life. Could be that somebody heard him. Most often, I always get mail on this one. Are you ready? And yet I've yet to be proven wrong.

Over 90%, well over 90% of people who opt for the homosexual experience were molested as a young child and or exposed to heavy pornography. It messed them up, confused them terribly. They saw things that they were not supposed to see at that age. They were not hormonally and mentally able to process it. It caused profound confusion and thereby they wonder if this relationship that is not working out right between myself and my girlfriend or myself and my wife, is not working. It must be because I'm gay.

The origin of that is in the early days of life. Nobody is straight with a normal upbringing says. You know, I think I'm gay now and I can say this with a whole lot of authority. And listen the LBGTYQ. They're not going to be happy when they hear this. It's pure fact. I've been pastoring for over 35 years I've watched what's happening. The circle is coming out to full circle. I've had people say Pastor Jack, I'm 17 years old, I'm gay. And now they've come back around Hi, pastor Jack, I'm 27. Remember me? Maybe I do, maybe I don't. I told you right here in the church foyer that I was gay. Turns out I wasn't Boy.

Did I go down the stupid road and make bad decisions? I want to be a dad, or I want to be a wife, I want to have a normal relationship and I want a girlfriend, or I want a boyfriend, I want to have a family and I want to have kids. And then they wake up. So now here's my answer to people who say I'm gay. Now. I always say to them I never take them seriously. They can pass your jacket, you know. I just want you to know I'm.

I'm gay now. No, you're not. I don't believe you. What? No, I don't think you are. I don't think you're gay. And that's founded upon science. By the way, god doesn't make gay. Man makes gay. God made us to make babies. So if you can't make a baby, then what's going on here? Well, first of all, you can thank God that God exists. Right now you need to repent and get your life straight with him, right with him. But you know you say well, that's so brutal, that's so brutal. No, you want to hear brutal. I'll tell you honestly, because they're not going to tell you. You know, for example, richard Dawkins.

Isn't he an evolutionist? I think he's the most famous evolutionist walking around right now. Isn't he an evolutionist? I think he's the most famous evolutionist walking around right now, or is it? Who's? The other guy Is Harris? No, hitchens is Hitchens, tragically, is in hell. I hope he's in heaven, but Hitchens is gone. He's a Jewish guy, he's the neurologist. You guys know who I'm talking about Harris. Anyway, he's an evolutionist. Have you noticed evolutionists? Never Sam Harris, thank you, thank you.

Have you noticed that evolutionists never talk about homosexuality? They should be the ones talking about it first, because you know what they believe that homosexuality was eradicated by evolutionary processes in place that washed away homosexuality 10,000 years ago, a million years ago. Evolution does not allow for homosexuality. It's impossible. Evolutionists say we would thank God if we believed in God. But we're going to thank evolution because a homosexual only lasts for one generation and he's dead. Evolution washes out that anomaly. That's evolution. I didn't say it. That's evolution. It washes away the anomaly. I'm saying to you that God can heal brokenness. He loves doing that. Please, please consider Jesus. Next question Last question Last question Last question.

27:53 - Speaker 3
With such a noisy world, how does one?

27:56 - Speaker 2
meditate and quiet their mind. Oh, wow, this is personal. How does somebody quiet their mind in such a noisy world? Wow, this is personal because I'm going to give you two answers. Maybe three, I'm not sure, but two for sure. And I'm sure people are going to be upset with me when I say this. I don't care, this is what works for me. I've always found my comfort because the Bible says to find comfort in the scriptures.

The Bible says that we need to renew our minds. In the Bible, number one question how much Bible are you just letting sit, seep, drip, marinate, meditate into your life? I'm not talking about your daily Bible reading, which is about 20 minutes long Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Get in the car, let's go. That's not it. That will do you nothing. I'm talking about sitting there with a verse or a couple of verses, and you're actually letting it marinate inside of you. That begins to calm you down, it begins to still the heart. In fact, you'll even see your heart rate slow down. Your mind will start to be renewed, as the Bible says. That's how you renew your mind is with the word of God. Those of you who don't like to hear this are those of you who are saying that doesn't work. You're actually admitting that you do not meditate on the scriptures. I'm telling you right now the Bible is true. You meditate on scriptures. It affects you.

I am Mr ADD, okay, and I have two problems going on. I'm not only ADD, but I'm certain that I have some form of chemical disorder and you may have the same. For this reason, I know that I have a very hyperactive liver because that's been diagnosed. So, for example, if you take a sleeping pill and you fall over and go to sleep and I take the same pill you take, I'm going to watch you sleep. It has no effect on my body. If you were to take two sleeping pills, you would sleep eight hours. I would take two and I would watch you sleep for eight hours. It doesn't affect my body and that is a very, very bad thing. I'm one of those guys that if I go into surgery, I've gone through procedures and I'm the guy that wakes up, or I'm the guy that feels stuff and I can't move. You know and tell the doctor about it. It's horrible. So I'm being very personal with you right now, but I got to tell you right now my mind always listen, my mind always. Oh, by the way, write this down how to Handle your Emotions by June Hunt. It's a book how to Handle your Emotions by June Hunt. Get the book. But back to my problem. I'm going to do this.

This is until recently, I didn't know any better In my head. This is what you would hear in my head. This is what I would hear. Hear that static. That's been in my head for 65 years, 66 years. Lay down, walk, read, talk. Hear that Static.

And somebody told me to start taking niacin. Now, I'm not a doctor, don't pretend to be a doctor. Do not try this at home. Niacin for me.

I started taking heavy dosages of niacin Very expensive, not trash that you buy at some dumpy, you know store. This is very, very high-end niacin and I take a volume of it daily and I've been doing this for a little over a month and listen to this Stopped. I don't know. I don't know if I was niacin deficient. I don't know if niacin goes to war and fixes it. I don't know.

But this I know there is a spiritual problem that is dealt with by immersion and meditation in the Bible and God fixes it. In my life there's a combo issue where I found out that I have this noise, this white noise, in my head and, for whatever reasons, niacin took it away. So you may have a chemical problem, a hormonal problem, a blood disorder, something. So you may have a chemical problem, a hormonal problem, a blood disorder, something. But this I know for sure Renewing my mind in the scriptures calms me down. See, when we freak, we have a tendency to run right past the Bible with our hair on fire, when we should stick our head in a bucket of water, put out the fire, sit down and read, for example, the Psalms or the book of Philippians, where their God promises you to give you a sound mind.

Okay, try it, look into that. So listen, I know this is crazy, crazy podcast, strange. You may not want to share this with anybody else, but if you do, you can go to jackkibbscom, you can hit share, you can hit subscribe, you can hit like. But look, we're just keeping it real. We believe that it's time for us you know our word right we believe that it's time for us to live out what we believe in. It's time for real life, and this is part of it, and so I want to just do that and be happy about it, because the awesome thing is, I'm out of time. You can hear the alarm we got to go. God bless you guys. Jackhibbscom, we'll see you next time. We'll see you next time.

34:31 - Speaker 1
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