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Bishop Sets A Trap For Trump
Bishop Sets A Trap For Trump
President Trump recently attended the traditional church service at the National Cathedral after he was inaugurated. What should've been an…
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Jan. 30, 2025

Bishop Sets A Trap For Trump

Bishop Sets A Trap For Trump
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Jack Hibbs Podcast

President Trump recently attended the traditional church service at the National Cathedral after he was inaugurated. What should've been an inspiring and encouraging message from God's Holy Word was instead a scolding lecture from a woke female bishop with an agenda. Hear what advice Pastor Jack would give to Trump regarding that "church service" and how he should navigate the next four years when it comes to churches and surrounding himself with Christians.

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(00:00) National Cathedral Presidential Prayer Controversy
(08:52) Trump's Religious Exposure
(22:57) Gender Confusion and Religious Influence
(31:15) Podcast Call-to-Action


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00:00 - National Cathedral Presidential Prayer Controversy

08:52:00 - Trump's Religious Exposure

22:57:00 - Gender Confusion and Religious Influence

31:15:00 - Podcast Call-to-Action

00:00 - Speaker 1
Real Life presents the Jack Hibbs podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture.

00:09 - Speaker 2
Hey, recently President Trump, on his inauguration day, went to the National Cathedral. Was Trump trapped in something that he didn't know about? Who organized that thing? We ought to find out. But I think we need to say a few words about it. So stay tuned for no doubt a controversial podcast, but it's going to speak truth to you all. God bless, let's hang on.

00:35 - Speaker 1
You can get the outlines of this podcast by going to Today. If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five-star ratings. To us that's like saying amen or yes. Then that rating will encourage others to listen Now open your hearts to what God's Word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs.

01:04 - Speaker 2
Well, hey everybody, welcome to the Jack Hibbs Podcast. We're glad that you are with us. Some things that we're excited about. We just got some news yesterday, and so if you haven't gotten a copy of Living in the Days of Deception, we want to encourage you to do that. It's available, obviously, book form, kindle, audiblecom but the reason why I'm bringing it up right now, before we dive into our podcast today, is because God really blessed it. It turns out that for the entire year, it landed, I believe, number 28 or 29? Number 29 in best sales of all Christian books in all categories, for 2024. It was placed at number 29. So that's huge, that's just huge, and so we're grateful. I want to thank all of you who got a copy for yourself, and a lot of people told us from the beginning that when they got it, they began using it in their small groups, and so the publisher heard about that Harvest House Publishing and they turned around and they put out a study guide for living in the days of deception for small groups, and so if you care to get your hands on that, you can go to Amazoncom, of course, and get that as well.

But listen, moving on, we want to talk about. I think it's a debacle. Debacle would be a good word, debacle. Is there anything more sinister than this? That would be a planned debacle. Debacle is the word right. That means mess up, goof up, falling apart just not good. Well, let's talk about this debacle that might have been, could have been. We really need to find out if this was an engineered debacle, and I am talking about the presidential prayer gathering on the day of the inauguration for President Trump at the National Cathedral. That was a debacle.

And I'm talking about the buffoonery of the bishop. In fact, I take the word back bishop, biblically speaking, pure doctrinal, pure Bible. It's not possible for this woman who did what she did, she turns out to be an activist. She's a known activist who masquerades with clerical, religious garb, but she's an activist. A known activist, but she was masquerading as a bishop. You say, jack, that's not true. She's got her doctorate in theology Maybe I'm making this up right now. I don't know if she has a bachelor's or master's. It's irrelevant because according to 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus, the Bible, she's not a bishop. She's not a bishop, but somebody said she is, which opened up the door for her to somehow be selected by somebody within the planning committee of the National Cathedral in Washington DC.

If you've never been, you ought to go. It's pretty cool to see architecture. I don't know if I'd go there for a church service, but it's the nation's cathedral. Be that as it may, it's a tradition for the president to go there on the day of the inauguration. Trump did that to go there on the day of the inauguration. Trump did that, and he actually conducted himself during that service way better than most Christians would have.

I personally was almost jumping out of my skin. I would have interrupted the service Then. That's probably not a good thing to do, because why would I be another lunatic in the room? It was just a travesty. And let me talk a little bit about it.

The Bible says in 2 Timothy 3, but know this that in the last days we're in them, perilous times will come. Perilous this spans an infinite amount of issues. Perilous times will come. Perilous this spans an infinite amount of issues. Perilous, the word in the Greek means. Let me try to draw you a picture. The word in the Greek means to wear down or to wear out, the best picture I have. Some of you young people won't even know what I'm saying right now, but some of you oldies will get it. Oh, how about this, maybe for the young people?

You ever seen Pinocchio? You ever seen the cartoon or the rendering of Pinocchio? There's Geppetto's woodshop, right. What's on the floor and what's on the table of Geppetto's workshop Wood, wood shavings? Remember those little curly cube wood shavings that come from what's known as a planer right? So the plane is a device where it has a knob on the front and a handle in the back and a very sharp blade in the middle. It's pretty heavy, pretty weighty, and when you run it across wood it begins to take a rough wood and it begins to make it smoother and smoother and smoother until, if you just keep going, it will turn a log into a toothpick.

And so that's what the word perilous times, times that will wear you down, will be upon us. And so 2 Timothy 3, verse 1 says that, for men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. And here it comes, verse five having a form of godliness. Look religious, sound, religious, masquerade as religious, but denying or denying the power or its power, and from such people turn away. Verse five means this there's going to be those in the last days who look religious but they deny the power of God. More specifically, they deny in the sense that they do not operate in their religiosity under the influence of the Holy Spirit. They're under a different spirit. They look religious, they're under a different spirit. This is something that every believer in the last days is to be looking out for. Every single one of us, me. You all were to be watching out for that.

We saw that on display on the inauguration service at the National Cathedral and the internet is lit up about it. All kinds of people have commented about it. But I want to kind of talk about, more importantly, maybe a message that we could get out and draw the line in the sand, or maybe the red line. We've heard a lot over the years about the red line. I'd like to draw a red line to find out who in the world vets these people, especially in light of President Trump, where so many events that are Christian, that he is involved in, are really goofball events. It's like what in the world? And I've been to some of those things because I was asked to speak at some of these things. But I'm hearing people and it's like what in the world is that? Now? Somebody I understand and I get it Somebody might say to me well, pastor Jack, because there's lunatics in these services, you should say no to these invitations.

I'm not going to say no. I thank you for caring so much about my reputation. I don't care about my reputation when it comes to God giving an open door. If there's 10 crazy people masquerading around in religiosity, denying the power of the Holy Spirit, and I'm invited and I'm the 10th, I'm not going to care about losing followers, losing friends. I'm not going to care about that. I'm going to care about speaking truth to life, truth to error. I'm going to go in the dark dark of the dark dark and shine some light and I'll let all you guys worry about. You shouldn't do that, because you shouldn't be involved with these crazy names, because now they're. I get that. I agree with you a hundred percent.

But if President Trump asked nine people, what's your, what are your thoughts on this? And they're all bad thoughts, not biblically based, crazy, in fact, antichrist thoughts. And then he turns to me and says what do you think about this? Are you going to pass the opportunity up? You will not pass the opportunity up to speak truth to error. That's what we're supposed to do. So whoever's picking Trump's religious exposure makes me cringe. I'm terrified.

Now, if Trump's going to speak at a church, oh no, oh great. Who picked the church? Who on his team? Who in PR? Who, as a spirit-filled believer, is the one doing this? Or is there a spirit-filled believer doing it? I'm skeptical. It's scary and I think President Trump should have a handful of guys that are unknown offline over the shadows that can vet stuff. That when they say, president Trump, you know you're going to be speaking in this town and that town and this pastor is going to open up in prayer or end in prayer or this. You can go to this first Baptocostal church. We want Trump to focus on the border, on the economy, on our national security and the economics of it all and in our military. We don't need him to be worried about or thinking about where he goes and speaks next at some church. If I were him, oh boy, here we go.

After what happened at the National Cathedral, if I were Trump, I wouldn't accept another invitation to a church, wouldn't do it. It's too risky, it's too crazy. Why put himself out there, unless he's got some good handlers in this area, and I don't know if he does or not. I don't know if he does or not. It was listen, it was painful, listen, it was painful, and so leave it up to Trump. This is, this, is he's back, ladies and gentlemen, he's back. So, trump, at about mid what time is this? It is 12, 1239, if I'm reading that, am Am. So after that night, after that day, before he went to bed, trump says I'm going to try to read this. It's small Quote the so-called bishop I agree with him who spoke at the National Prayer Service.

Was she supposed to speak or was she supposed to pray? I guess it doesn't matter, because nobody was listening to her and what she was saying, and I don't think God was listening if she prayed, because if you don't pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the Bible says God's not going to hear your prayer. You're to pray to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ. The Bible says God's not going to hear your prayer. You're to pray to the Father in the Spirit and you're to pray in the name of Jesus. I don't recall her doing that. Maybe I missed something. Probably did. Let's give her the benefit of the doubt.

This past Tuesday was a radical left hardline Trump hater. Guess what Trump's not being bombastic. It turns out that her social media proves that to be true. So question to Trump's handlers why did you let him sit before this well-known, clothed in religiosity robes Trump hater? Somebody already screwed up the first day out of the gate. Not good, not good. She brought her church into the world of politics in a very ungracious way. This is Donald J Trump rebuking the conduct of this woman and her church. He's rebuking her. He's correct. He's 100% correct.

She was nasty in tone and not compelling or smart. It's true. She did that to herself. She took an opportunity to honor God, if she knows God. She took the opportunity. She turned it into her own show. She turned it into what would be a perfect add-on Listen to me what would have been a perfect add-on to the rhetoric at the View. Oh, that's right. The View did feature her in their comments because she was right, in line with the View and all of those on that ridiculous program. And so, yeah, she wasn't very smart. That's true. This is not a slam. She failed to mention the large number of illegal migrants that came into our country and killed people. Boom, he's 100% correct. She listen, she played and plucked the strings of emotion.

Emotion has nothing to do with truth whatsoever. In fact, I'll argue this. Emotion has an enemy. Emotionalism, I should say, has an enemy, and emotionalism's enemy is truth. Because have you noticed that people who cannot cope with the truth, they go ballistic on emotions instantly? If you know the truth, you don't have to fight and scream and freak out because you know the truth. But notice, in fact, you know what, when Elijah went to Mount Carmel and there was the battle of the gods, where all of the gods of the really technically it was the gods of Babylonian-ism there were 850 prophets, total Only 450. Get the main attention. But if you add them all up, there's 850 prophets and then there's one prophet of God. They're on Mount Carmel and Elijah's all put together. He's calm, he's got his, he's got Elijah's got the. You know, he's got God and he doesn't have to freak out. What are they doing? They're screaming, yelling, freaking out, cutting themselves, crying all day long. Because? Why? Because they didn't have the truth, they had emotion. And if you're loud enough, long enough you think you're going to win the day.

Or, in this woman's case, she had her doctrine. She had her doctrine, her teachings, that she wanted to rob the American people from the day of inauguration. Robbed the American people from the day of inauguration as the president goes into the through the National Cathedral. She had an agenda that threw everybody else under the bus, including those who have been mourning the death of their family or friends at the hands of illegal immigrants. Many of them, not all of them, many of them, not all of them. Many of them MS-13, guatemalan gangs, russian, chinese, colombian.

Remarkable, she didn't say anything about that. She didn't say anything about border agents, having told us that there were children that were kidnapped 20 miles south of Tijuana, that were gutted, disemboweled, their guts were taken out heart, lungs, bowels, all their insides were carved out and fentanyl and cocaine and everything else put inside of them and then stitched them back up, put their clothes back on, put an LA bullcap over their head, put their seatbelt on and drove in, drove across the border. You ever hear about that on the news, why not? She didn't say anything about that. No, trump was the bad guy, as you're going to hear in a moment, not her and not who she's actually defending. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a national security issue. There's no doubt about it. You got to start somewhere and you got to do it right. And because it's been under Democrat control for so long, who've done it? Grossly wrong? Trump's actions. Look at the time of this podcast last night when I went to bed. I've not checked on it this morning.

Since Trump signed his executive order to shut the border down and to start making arrests, 722 very bad people have been arrested and they're going through the process now of deportation. Some of them are being taken back to their countries for imprisonment. The problem is, their countries don't want them back. Believe me, they're going to be put somewhere, but it won't be in America. Thank you, donald Trump. Thank you, president Trump. If Colombia doesn't want these guys back, well then drop them off somewhere, but not here, because they're killers and rapists. We know this and I thank God.

By the way, a shout out to the patriots that were in the border agencies or DHS, who must have been monitoring these guys constantly, knowing that someday politics are going to change. And in the moment Trump signed the executive order, the raids happened and these bad guys were arrested. That means some great, great good people, law-abiding agents, contrary to Newsom, contrary to Biden, contrary to the manipulation of the Democrat party. These good guys and gals were watching and knowing where these bad guys were living and we got them. And that's a good thing, that's the right thing to do and that is a biblical thing to do, to uphold the law, good laws.

And so she failed to mention the large number of illegal migrants that came into our country and killed people. Many were deposited from jails and mental institutions. He means that they were deposited here having come out of their jails and institutions of their country. It is a giant crime wave that is taking place in the United States. That's a pure fact. That is an absolute fact and the wokes will not admit it. But it's pure fact. That is an absolute fact and the wokes will not admit it, but it's a fact.

Okay, apart from her inappropriate statements plural, he's right again it was very boring. Apart from her antics, the boredom would have killed you. At least she spiced it up a little bit by doing something insane. So it was very boring and uninspiring. That's a—I have to agree Uninspiring.

She is not very good at her job. Oh wait, she's not only President not very good at her job. Oh wait, she's not only President Trump not good at her job. Technically, according to the Bible, she shouldn't have had that job. She's not supposed to have that job. She's not supposed to be a bishop. Show me in the Bible where she should have been a bishop. It's wokeness that got her into the place. It's wokeness that got her into the place. It's wokeness that got her into her robe. It's wokeness that got her her title. And listen, you mess with woke. You get woked, and she woked everybody around the entire world and it was really shameless and embarrassing. If you haven't seen it, you got to watch it. So he goes on. He's almost done and so it was uninspiring. She is not very good at her. She and her church owe the public an apology.

I agree with every word President Donald Trump said about the service that he was the apart from God, apart from the Lord Jesus. Trump was the key guest to the entire service. But she's an activist. She had to propagate what she had to say and it was this stuff, and I'll paraphrase you need to watch it yourself. She said please be merciful. Please be merciful.

Now, today, lbgtq transgender everybody's scared. We're fearful. Have mercy, president Trump. I'm calling upon you to be merciful. Isn't it weird that President Trump gained, got received the overwhelming vote of the LBGTQ community over Harris? Who's scared? I'll tell you who's scared. I'll tell you who's scared 722 rapist maniacs from international countries who are illegal bad guys with criminal records. They're scared. You think the homosexual community in America is scared right now because Trump's president, they're not scared.

And look, trump said there's two genders. Did you know that, out of all of Trump's comments and issues that he spoke on in his speeches, I'm going to in fact I'm going to ask you I won't tell you up front which one of the top. Was it national security? Was it border? Which one received the greatest ovation? Was it the economy? Was it Israel? Was it Ukraine-Russia thing? Nope.

When Trump said oh, by the way, there's two genders and from now on there's two genders, well, there's always been only two genders. You can ask an atheistic, pagan-worshiping biologist and he'll tell you there's two genders. Listen, if you can hear me right now, you are the you. There's two genders. Listen, if you can hear me right now, you are the byproduct of two genders. If you can hear me, it's because of two genders. I'm here in front of this camera lens, in front of the microphone, because there's two genders. There's no third gender, fourth or 72 genders. There's not. You'll never listen. Every doctor knows this, every nurse knows this, every biologist, chemist knows this, every scientist knows this. Everybody knows this.

How did we get? Isn't it weird? We woke up from the COVID nightmare and now we've all been living normal lives. And when we look back at the COVID nightmare, we were almost ashamed and we go how do we put up with that man? Did we drink the Kool-Aid? We're all ashamed of. What are the stuff we allowed into our heads? Three feet apart, three feet distance, three feet, no wait, six feet, six feet apart, distance. Wear a mask.

And then, and then they said no, no, no, masks don't work. Fauci said that at the start Masks don't work. And then he says, oh, mask work, oh, and Gavin Newsom buys I forget how many millions and millions of dollars worth of masks from China. Gavin Newsom in California, the governor, what's with that? All of a sudden, hey, wait, masks don't work unless I can buy stock in those companies that make masks. And then masks work. And so we made it through the nightmare. We look back at COVID and say what did we do? How dumb were we.

And then this stuff about BLM and all this woke ideology and the gender craziness came out which, by the way, listen, I've upset so many people right now. Why should I stop All this gender rhetoric? If you peel back the layers, you're going to be talking to people who are very, very pro-pedophile, very pro-aberrant sexuality, very, very immoral people. Very, very much have a history of pornography extreme and many of them have a tragically a history of themselves having been molested as a child and then they grew up perpetrating the same thing on children as they grew up, through their adolescence and into their adulthood. Who were they? They were the main advocates or activists for the gender confusion clan, and now we are waking up as a nation. It's just a tragedy. So know this. What's the takeaway? The Bible's always right. The Bible's always true. Tomorrow, listen, tomorrow's breaking news is going to be in alignment with the Bible Breaking news. Two years from now, one year from now, two minutes from now, the Bible's anticipated it. And for us, right now, the takeaway is this the National Cathedral is beautiful, it's a building, gorgeous.

The service that took place if prayer wasn't offered in the name of Jesus Christ. By those who know him, it wasn't prayer. It was called a service, but was it or was it a lashing? Or was it a lashing? And then there was a bishop who presided over it. Was she a bishop? Sad to say, the whole thing was, in my opinion, a debacle. It shouldn't have happened.

And, president Trump, I'd like to say this to you, those of us who really know Jesus, we're sorry that you had to be put through that and I would say we're sorry that you were subjected to that. I would say if we had anything to do with it, we wouldn't have had it happen. So I would encourage you to surround yourself with good faith leaders, good faith advisors, who don't have to be in the spotlight, don't have to get the picture shot or the selfie, who are seriously working hard. That your four-year agenda only steers you in the direction of a real Christian and a real Christian church. If you intend to be in association with a real Christian and real Christian churches, we don't need you to have to worry about other things. There should be a handful of people that say President Trump, you're safe to speak at this church, they're not going to abuse you and it's going to go well. So in the last days, there'll be those who will parade themselves as religious, but they're going to propagate the Bible tells us in another place doctrines of demons and the teachings of evil spirits, all dressed up in religion, and the teachings of evil spirits all dressed up in religion. You may not have liked what I've said today, but you can go on YouTube, I'm sure, and watch this woman and you'll see the fulfillment of 2 Timothy 3, verses 1 through 5, right in front of you on the screen. Wow, walk in the word. Walk in the word and you'll find yourself seeing and watching the word walk through you. Very important.

And so, if you want to help us, we're not asking for money. If you want to help us and we have no commercials, have you noticed that no one's ever asked us to promote anything? That's why we don't have any commercials. I was asked by somebody who has a podcast how come you don't do commercials? We haven't been asked to do commercials, but then, as soon as we do, what are we going to be selling?

Is it good, is it fake? Is it real? Who knows? We don't listen. We're not asking for money. What we're asking for is better than that. Is you liking this? And in clicking subscribe, hit the button for notifications. Get the word out. Cut, copy paste, send. Let people know about this podcast. Look, it may not be pretty, but it's accurate. It's always honest and maybe that's why you're watching. But we're not going to lie to you, we're not going to play games, and this is my robe today, a jacket but I'll speak truth to you. So, as always, we believe it's time for you to live out what you believe in. It's time for real life. So God bless you guys.

32:07 - Speaker 1
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