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Can Man Save The World?
Can Man Save The World?
God has called us to be stewards of this wonderful world He’s created. Does that mean it’s up to us to save the environment? At what point …
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Aug. 19, 2024

Can Man Save The World?

Can Man Save The World?
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Jack Hibbs Podcast

God has called us to be stewards of this wonderful world He’s created. Does that mean it’s up to us to save the environment? At what point does caring for the planet become Earth worship? Get answers to your eco-related questions in today’s episode!

(00:00) The Purpose and Impact of Truth
(16:05) The Pain and Joy of Birth


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00:00 - The Purpose and Impact of Truth

16:05:00 - The Pain and Joy of Birth

00:00 - Speaker 1
Real Life presents the Jack Hibbs Podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture.

00:09 - Speaker 2
The Bible warns us in the book of Romans, chapter 1, if you get your eyes off of God, you will wind up. Interpreting Romans 1 says nature to be your God. It says that when you no longer believe in God, you will believe in four-footed beasts and creeping things on the earth and things that fly, and you will make those your origins in the Bible.

00:41 - Speaker 1
You can get the outlines of this podcast by going to jackhibbscom slash podcast Today. If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five-star ratings. To us that's like saying amen or yes. Then that rating will encourage others to listen Now open your hearts to what God's word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs.

01:10 - Speaker 2
Nature is suffering because of the sins of man. You look around this world. People will say I can't believe in your God. Look at this horrible world, say, dude, I agree with you. With this horrible world, you got the blame going in the wrong direction. We did this. Our mom and dad did this, not your mom and dad. Adam and Eve, they're the ones that crushed this thing.

God creates a perfect hey, listen. God creates a perfect ecosystem. Man ruins it. Oh, I'm going to step on some toes here. We have to save the planet. Really, what makes your life so great that you can save the planet? Oh, it's going to be a collective effort. Yeah, what are we going to do? We're going to recycle. That's great. What else?

Have you ever stopped to consider how God cleans things up in this world? After us, we crash a bazillion gallons of oil in Alaska with the Exxon Valdez in whatever name that harbor was, I forget and we supposedly destroy the ocean, seabed for a thousand years, they said, and everybody's crying. And we've destroyed the world. We should all, just, you know, end it all. And you ought to go look at the documentaries and find out what happened. It seems now we know that God built into the system, the ocean's ability to scrub itself and clean itself in the face of disasters. And there's no problem or evidence of that oil spill now, at this time, and it's a matter of a documentary that you should see. Oh my gosh, this is happening, but a volcano goes off and pollutes the entire world and it winds up actually increasing the carbon Carbon.

Don't say the word no, no, no. You can't have trees or grass. The carbon Carbon. Don't say the word no, no, no. You can't have trees or grass without carbon. No, got to have it. I digress, but your battery ain't helping anybody out here. We need to. No, I'm serious. It's amazing how God's no, we got to save the planet. Wait a minute, it was here before you got here and it's going to be here after you leave and it doesn't need our help. That just got me knocked off of YouTube right there. I can feel it. Nature itself is waiting for the redemption of the sons of God, that's, us. It's remarkable.

Listen to what Dr D Martin Lloyd-Jones said by the time we have left. Dr Martin Lloyd-Jones, great preacher of yesteryear pastor, great expositor at the Westminster Chapel in London, england, and he was a medical doctor on top of it and you can hear him, by the way, even though he's been dead and gone for many decades. You can go to his YouTube channel and listen to him. He says the pains of childbirth are real pains, severe pains, but they are not endless pains. Such pain only endures for a time. That so describes the believers suffering. It's not something that befalls us, it's something that prepares us, and it's only for a season. Well, yeah, but what if it ends in death? Are you a Christian? Yes, you're going to heaven. Think of that. But we need to remember something all of creation is under this expectancy, which is an interesting term. Think of that. But we need to remember something All of creation is under this expectancy, which is an interesting term If you remove the emotional suggestion away from it. It means that the created universe is laboring in its mechanics, as it were, to do what it was designed to do. It's laboring in its mechanics, as it were, to do what it was designed to do. It's laboring. Think about you. That describes us. We're part of the physical creation. The sun is not the only thing burning out. Everything is slowing down, including light itself. It's wearing out.

Do you resemble that remark? You ever feel like that. It's okay for the believer. I told you before, I'll say it again when you're young, it's great, you're supposed to be young. Do that. When you're older, as a believer, I don't know man. If I was not a Christian, I'd freak out. But as you get older, as a believer, I don't know man. If I was not a Christian, I'd freak out. But as you get older, as a believer, it's like sweet. So yeah. But you know those golden years, gold in my foot. What does that mean golden? Oh, it means that your hospital gown is made out of yellow color. The golden years.

But Paul the Apostle would say what's the problem? Well, paul, don't you see? You're like wired up to these tubes. They got this tank on you. You're plugged into a machine. Paul would say to live is Christ, to die is gain. Think about that. That's true for all of us as believers. For sure, you know it's amazing.

And then, finally, we'll end with this part, just in verse 20. We'll pick it up next time. But it's the fact that when hope is increasing, we can know that the plan of God is unfolding. Friends, nothing's falling apart, it's all coming into place. Yes, I am very, very much aware of the World Economic Forum and the EU and the USA and the you know, I don't know whatever those acronyms are. We're all aware of them. Don't yeah, don't worry about it, it's all coming together. You read your Bible. It's like, wow, look at this. Even though I know we're all going to do the right thing, don't get me wrong. But the results are in God's hands and I'm glad he wrote us his Bible. But God's plan is unfolding. Man has his plans, like how man's going to save the world, how man's going to save himself. So man creates artificial intelligence to save himself and now it looks like it's turning on us to eat us alive. I just find that. I'm sorry. I find that very funny. We don't want God in our. We don't want God, we deny God, we'll play God, we'll create something. And boy, that thing turned on us real quick. Huh, back in the day when Clinton was running for office. Bill Clinton was running for office, he had his campaign manager. What Bill? I'm talking about Bill 1992.

James Carville remember James Carville? He said listen, he's trying to tell the team. This is famous. Now, as soon as I say it, you'll know he was telling he was instructing the whole campaign team. You don't need to talk about anything else. The economy is so bad. The issue is this it's the economy, stupid. Remember those famous words? Those are legendary words. Now it's the economy, stupid, james Carville. You, those are legendary words. Now it's the economy, stupid, james Carville. You can look it up later. It's famous.

Well, for the believer, listen. For us it's the creation, smarty pants. We can look at what God has made and it even announces to us that things are askew. Logic and reason demand the outcome of what's the word progress or progression? No, and never has order ever come out of disorder. For those of you who've had basic physics in the seventh grade, entropy is the second law of thermodynamics. Everything is going from an ordered condition to a destroyed condition. Everything is running out Entropy.

That's evidence of what God's Bible says, isn't it? But he's going to reverse that someday. His plan is unfolding. When it says that he subjected it in futility and hope, it means that, god, when sin happened in the Garden of Eden, it means that, god, when sin happened in the Garden of Eden and there was this seismic wave throughout the entire universe, both spiritual and physical, god had built into that explosion the plan that in that futility, and it was subjected to emptiness or nothingness, that even in that, god had a plan to bring it back together before it ever fell apart. In other words, god was not surprised that Adam and Eve would turn their back on him, and yet he loved them. That should comfort you. It's been subjected in hope, and so I'll end with this. The Bible tells us the world that's to come, In Isaiah, chapter 35, verse 1,.

In fact, this is a remarkable portion of scripture, you guys, because it's one of the evidences that Jesus and I'm curious if you can catch it Jesus used Isaiah 35, one of the evidences that Jesus and I'm curious if you can catch it Jesus used Isaiah 35 to tell John the Baptist's disciples remember when John was in prison, he got arrested. John's in prison, john the Baptist and his disciples come and they ask Jesus, jesus, john wants to know are you the one, are you the Messiah? Yeah, or do we wait for somebody else? Well, number one, that's a shock, because John knew exactly who Jesus was. But guess what? John was just like us. Sometimes we have lapse in faith. John's in prison.

Doesn't look like the kingdom to me. Hey, I'm following Jesus and I'm behind bars. What kind of a gig is. This Flies in the face right of modern day so-called Christianity. Hey, come and be a Christian, send us your money and you'll be rich. How does that work, right? Oh, if you just believe, you'll never have any bumps in the roads that you drive on. Oh, if you just have enough faith, you'll never get sick, really. Oh, if you just have enough faith, you'll never get sick, really? Hmm, jesus says why don't you go back and tell John the things that he has seen and heard? And Jesus alludes or in some areas directly quotes Isaiah 35, written 743 years before Christ was born.

He's talking about the kingdom of God coming. So technically it's about the second coming of Christ. The wilderness and the wasteland shall be glad for them and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose. Think of the California desert. Think of the Arizona-Sonora desert desert. Think of the Arizona Sonora Desert. Every needle on a cactus is a flower that never develops.

Can you imagine the desert when Jesus comes back? I don't know. Is he going to snap his fingers? No-transcript. You're going to hold a barrel cactus and it's going to look like a bouquet. Wow, it shall bloom abundantly and rejoice, even with joy and singing. The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it the excellence of Carmel and Sharon. They shall see the glory of the Lord, the excellency of our God. Strengthen the weak hands and make firm the feeble knees. You want justice. You want God to settle the score against evil. Oh, he will. With the recompense of God, he will come and save you.

Verse 5. Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened hey, that's what Jesus did when he walked on earth and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Deaf people, they got their hearing back when Jesus walked on earth. Verse 6. Then the lame shall leap like a deer and the tongue of the dumb sing, for water shall burst forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert. The parched ground shall become a pool and thirsty land springs of water. Is that awesome? That's what God is going to do. Friends, listen.

The Bible warns us in the book of Romans, chapter 1, if you get your eyes off of God, you will wind up interpreting. Romans 1 says nature to be your God. It says that when you no longer believe in God, you will believe in four-footed beasts and creeping things on the earth and things that fly, and you will make those your origins. In the Bible, romans, chapter 1, read it for yourself. Why would you do that when all of creation is groaning under the sway of the effect of sin? Let's be honest, believer and non-believer, we all agree this place is hurtful and painful, but God's not responsible for any of it. He bought us the way out of it and our suffering in it.

It's like being pregnant for nine months and you start feeling contractions, I'm told. I just want to make that clear. Here in California you start having whoa, what's this is going on? And then get the car. We're going and to me I think I speak on behalf of all of us guys. Women are a special creation Because most men faint during delivery. It's like what? Wait, this is happening here. Wait, this is happening here right now. This You've heard the mom-to-be saying I can't wait to get this kid out of me.

You ever heard mom say that? Mom-to-be, I've had enough of this. Let's just, I can't wait for this kid to come. And it's just like you do know what's going to happen, right? Oh yeah, listen, it's so Christian. Oh yes, I do know I'm willing to go through the pain because it's only for a season and the results are joy. Jesus said. A woman has pain and travail until the baby's born and then she's singing with great joy. I've seen it when our kids came out, all the screaming and hollering and all that stuff that happens. And then the baby comes out and then Lisa goes in 30 seconds screaming, crying too, crying with a smile. Jesus says that's how it is and for us, as believers, we're in this world, it's not long, and soon we'll enter the kingdom of heaven. That's why Jesus said you got to be born again into the kingdom of God, and our crying will be turned into joy, our weeping into laughter.

18:23 - Speaker 1
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