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Nov. 9, 2023

Get Rid of the Jews?

Get Rid of the Jews?
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Jack Hibbs Podcast

Why should Christians care about the Jews and Israel? Do you happen to hold the belief of "replacement theology," which has the Christian Church assuming the role over Israel, God's covenanted people?

Is God done with Israel? Find out what the Bible says about these topics in this episode. 



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00:00 - Israel, Palestine, and Theology

17:08:00 - Future of Israel and Jerusalem

29:34:00 - Pre-Order Success and Call to Action

00:00 - Announcer (Announcement) Real Life presents the Jack Hibbs podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture. 00:09 - Jack Hibbs (Host) Hey everybody what's going on in Israel right now War, palestinians, Palestine, israel, jew replacement theology Big conversation today among those who don't know. Well, let's find out what the Bible has to say about it. 00:26 - Announcer (Announcement) You can get the outlines of this podcast by going to Today. If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five star ratings. To us that's like saying amen or yes. Then that rating will encourage others to listen. Now open your hearts to what God's word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs. 00:54 - Jack Hibbs (Host) Hey everybody, good day. I was going to say good morning, but it might not be morning where you're at, so good day to you. And we're going to have this topic. That is needed right now, at the time of this podcast airing, or dropping, as they say. There is the perpetual global, constant dribbling, drip, conversation, argument, speculation, pontification of Israel at war, the Palestinian issue which, by the way, if you listen to the collective narrative of what's happening out there, it's Israel and the Palestinian issue. I might submit to you today that you're not hearing much about Hezbollah and Hamas. 01:41 There's a demonic reason for this the Palestinian people, and we've covered this in previous podcasts. Before you can go, I'm not going to belabor this you need to find out where answer these questions. Where do the Palestinian people come from? Who are they in a genetic sense? Where's their DNA from? What land was promised to the Palestinians? That's a big one. 02:13 Has there ever been Palestinians existing in history? In other words, is there a Palestinian nation? Is there Palestinian archaeology? Is there a Palestinian flag from antiquity? Were there Palestinian wars? Were there's Phoenician wars? There's Grecian Wars. There is Israeli Wars, there's. You see what I'm going with this? 02:41 Stop listening to CNN and anyone who is on a university campus, because they literally are exposing their ignorance in the public square. It's amazing. If you know your Bible, you're laughing at these college professors, as I am. If it wasn't so sad, I'd be enjoying it immensely. But they're just so. They're just so. They're so proud in themselves that it's actually the fulfillment of Romans. One professing themselves to be wise, they've become fools. I'm watching a lot of fools right now, but it's not limited to that topic. But I would challenge you during this time, with Israel at war, you need to understand. Israel is at war with Hamas and Hezbollah, iran. Now, apparently, as of today, kim Jong-un of North Korea is going to be start. He's going to send advisors and military weapons, possibly to Hamas. So unfortunately, the Palestinians have been held captive by Hamas and Hezbollah and the others. 03:45 But that's not what we're talking about Today. We're talking about what some theologians are saying today. I may or may not drop their names intentionally. Pretty famous people, pretty famous people with pathetic eschatology, pathetic end time views. 04:03 And I want to preface this as I go down line by line and, by the way, I've only got a few things. I just put down some thoughts. There's only a few. This could go on for days to make the case. So watch this. Number one. 04:20 I want everybody to take a deep breath and relax. Have your Bible open, take some notes, get some questions answered on your own. Not for me. God's word can tell you all about what God has done, is doing and is going to do. But what I find awesome right now is this time. 04:37 I'm calling this among our staff, by the way, I'm calling this 2.0. This is all 2.0, what's going on right now with Israel. See what do I mean? 2.0? What was 1.0? Oh, 1.0 was COVID. I don't care about the virus. It's ridiculous. I had COVID at least twice. No big deal got through it, but some people died of COVID, I guess others didn't. Interestingly enough, nobody died of car crashes and stuff. Everybody died of COVID. 05:05 Having said that, what did COVID do? Regarding spiritual, regarding church, regarding the Bible? What did COVID do? Or can I say, how did God use COVID? He may not have sent it. How did God use it? Number one COVID divided the church and divided Christians. But can I be more specific? Covid divided that which is the church and that which proclaimed to be the church. Then COVID divided those who are real Christians from those who are pretend Christians. And we have the Arif. That is a very good thing. You see, jack, are you talking about division being good? Yes, when it's done on doctrinal grounds. Yes, when God is the one that is separating the wheat from the chaff, that's a good day. And we're in 2.0. 05:55 2.0 is what does the church think about Israel? What does the church think about the Palestinians? And so you are either gonna be led by what many of you are led by and we know this because your comments are read and it's clear. The staff, the team, goes through the comments and they take a look and it's clear to us. This person is bound up in replacement theology, for example. This person is bound up in some hyper form of a covenantal theology. This person is of a dominion theology view. 06:33 And where do these things come from? These things that are opposition to scripture or, more specifically, an ill interpretation, wrongly dividing the word of God, wrongly dividing the word of truth. And so, number one, friends, listen throughout the Bible, read your Bible and write down how many times you find the word Palestine or Palestinian in your Bible. Then write down how many times you find the word Israel, jew, judah, jerusalem. You know what I'm saying. The Bible is either your foundation or it's not. 07:15 And the Bible says that God has made a covenant promise with Abraham, who is the father of Israel, the father of the Jews, he's the father of all who believe. He's the father of even Gentiles who believe in the God of Abraham, isaac and Jacob. Isn't that true? Have you read the book of Acts? The book of Acts is all about a Gentile world coming to faith and the God of Abraham, isaac and Jacob. Did you know that? The God of the Bible is revealed in the book of Acts as being the God of the Old Testament? And we learn from the epistles that the church has been grafted in. Gentiles have been grafted into the quote commonwealth of Israel, not the commonwealth of Palestine. 08:03 Okay, I told you before, I'm not gonna say it again, except this there was no Palestine until the Roman emperor Hadrian said so. He made it up. And Palestine, by the way, is a extrapolation or a word that we use today that's rooted in Philistine. Philistine or phallistia, the invader. Philistine means those who invade, specifically those who invade from the sea. I find that interesting. 08:33 So you gotta ask yourself are you gonna have a? Are you gonna have a woke view of your theology, good luck, because that's all you've got is luck. You don't have God. If you're gonna approach the Bible based on your feelings. Is this a time of war? Yeah. Is it horrible? Yeah. Is it gonna get worse? Oh yeah, it's gonna get worse for us too. Oh yeah, it's gonna get worse for the world. It's gonna get worse. In Israel, jesus said if he didn't come back, there'd be no human flesh left on the earth. That's how bad things are going to get. Okay, and let me ask you this If the Bible speaks and mentions only Israel and God's sacred promises to Israel, and that the covenant to Abraham is made not only with Abraham and his descendants, the remnant, who believes, but isn't Abraham the forefather of the Jewish people? 09:27 The answers are obvious to this. Didn't God give Abraham the borders of what would be the land of Israel? Is God a liar? Well, he must be. If you're a replacement theologist, theologian, then God's a liar. God symbolically told Abraham what the borders would be of the promised land For God. He either A lied, b didn't quite know what he was talking about, or what many of you believe is. He wasn't able to pull it off. He made a big, big promise, but he doesn't have the ability to perform it. Well, thank God, all of you are wrong that are holding that view. 10:11 I think that what you want to do is have a biblical view and, by the way, my view is not my view. I don't want my view. What I believe is based solely upon Scripture. I guess this would kind of be the third thing. First thing was is Israel in existence today? Yeah, israel has always been in existence. The Jew has been everywhere. 10:37 God said that after Christ was crucified, and the Old Testament prophets said that, because of their rebellion, that he would drive them to the ends of the earth. Did God also say that, before he began to focus on Israel again in the last days, he would draw them back from all the nations of the world? Yep, you can read Isaiah 43, among many other passages. Read it carefully. But here's something you have to deal with Does Israel exist today? You're either going to say yep or you're going to say nope. If you say no, then you know not God, my friend. Yeah, but Jack, they don't believe in the Lord, they don't believe in Jesus. They're pretty secular. Yep, once again, god's Bible said that's how they would come back to their promised land in unbelief. 11:26 Their time is not yet. The veil has not been pulled from their eyes. They are secularists, mainly in Israel. There's just a little remnant, as my Jewish friends. It's just such a little bit. Yes, it's such a little bit. It's not going to be that way for long. God wants to send us another topic, but some other day. 11:50 But once God removes the church from the earth, it's very clear in Scripture, old and New Testament he begins to focus on the nation of Israel. The scales will fall from their eyes like they fall from Saul of Tarsus' eyes, and the Jew will begin to believe and to follow God. By the way it begins. If you read Ezekiel 38 with that battle, then they will begin to believe in God. Ezekiel 38 battle, whenever that is, is a real, no pun intended eye-opener or maybe pun is intended. They will begin to see him and that will begin to expand by the time you come to the seven-year tribulation period. 12:30 What's the seven-year tribulation period for 100% Jewish? 100% described in the scriptures as being Jew-centric, messiah-centric. It's 100% clear that it is the judgment of the unbelieving Gentile world, while God is focusing on the remnant of the believing Israel. That's why some of you are so messed up trying to wiggle in the church in the seven-year tribulation period so you say, oh, see the word elect. That's the church? Yeah, it is, but it's not only the church. The Old Testament saints were the elect. The church is described as the elect and believing Israel is called the elect. So you can't land your airplane on one spot. You got to land your airplane on a runway. 13:29 And when you mentioned saints, david was a saint, noah was a saint, billy Graham was a saint. According to the Bible, I'm a saint. It's hard for me to. I have to receive that by faith. But the Bible also says there's tribulation saints. Oh, how did that happen? Just that? 144,000 male Hebrew-speaking Jews, who are virgins, preached the gospel to the four corners of the earth during the tribulation period and a Gentile crowd got saved, so big that John said I couldn't even number them. There were so many. How'd they get saved? Jews who got saved, who saw Jesus as Yeshua HaMashiach. Jesus is the Messiah, and they're going to preach that gospel. And at the end of the tribulation period, god will do a mop up of everything and he'll send two angels flying through the midst of the atmosphere proclaiming the everlasting gospel to all those who remain that have not yet heard it. And then the end comes. Notice the tribulation saints must die for their faith in Christ. Today, the church age is called to live for their faith in Christ. 14:40 If you're into replacement theology and you think that Israel is illegitimate today, as some of these popular, very emotionally driven, famous pastors who have written these books and sermons that are just I'm sorry I'm going off on these guys these knuckleheads, have so replaced Israel with the church that they've backed themselves in the corner. So now people are asking them hey, what's going on right now? What's going on? Oh, israel's not even supposed to be existing today. All the government of Israel is illegitimate. All that's going on there doesn't even count. 15:20 You need to listen Jesus, you need to meet Jesus. At the checkpoint, they say you need to meet Jesus. Jesus was a disenfranchised, displaced Palestinian. That is heresy. That's the talk of Satan and hell itself. To say that Jesus is a Palestinian. How in the world is that possible when Jesus predated Palestine in his life? How did that ever happen? There's a lot of deception going on out there, people. So let me ask you this you see, if you begin to muddy the waters and say that there is no Israel that's viable today. Then what's happening in the Middle East right now? The battle over Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Then answer this when Jesus Christ returns? Oh, wait a minute. Not all of you believe that he is going to return. Let's take a wild leap. 16:23 Let's say the Bible's true for a moment, and Jesus returns. Do you know where he's returning to? What does the Bible say? Just that? Just please indulge me for a moment. Is it Canada? Oh, I know he's coming to California. This is where so many Jews live. The environment's the same, california. No, he returns to Israel. The Bible says so. More specifically than that, let's take our microscope and let's dial down, let's zoom in. Where does he set up His throne? In DC? No, americans, who are watching right now, shocker. God is not an American. Thank God for that. No, he's not returning to DC. 17:11 He's going to return to Jerusalem to establish His throne, as promised by the Old Testament prophets. That's if you believe in them. That's even if your church studies the Old Testament prophets. I already mentioned this, but the seven-year tribulation period has nothing to do with the church. Nor is the church mentioned in the seven-year tribulation period. But Israel is, and so are Gentiles who come to faith, and so are those who are being beheaded because they did not accept the mark of the beast of the Antichrist. 17:44 Let me ask you this Is there a future, according to the Bible, to Israel and to Jerusalem? Does the Bible say, for example, that Israel will be forever. Any verses for that? Some of you are saying, no. Well, that's because you only read portions of your Bible. You should read all of it, because Jesus said I've come to fulfill the law and the prophets. That's why we need to read the law and the prophets. So, the future of Israel and Jerusalem. They're going to go through some really rough times. So will the world, but Israel is the only one that's going to survive because God said he's going to keep it. It's going to look like it's going to be destroyed. The Antichrist is going to seize it as his own capital. He's going to declare himself to be God in the temple. 18:35 Second Thessalonians 2 tells us, and other portions of Scripture the Antichrist coming. It could be a life today. He is going to announce to the world that he's God. A lot of Israel, a lot of those who live in Israel, will be deceived, not all. But let me ask you Jesus said in Matthew 24, tribulation Period Talk. 18:57 Matthew 24 has nothing, nothing to do with the church. It's the Olivet Discourse. See, you put that stuff in there and say oh look, we're going to meet the Antichrist. Oh, look, we're going to need to come down from our housetops and run to the wilderness. Technically, we're going to head to Selah. We're going to head to Petra in Jordan. Yep, that's what the church is going to do. 19:21 And the church is going to the moment the Antichrist reveals himself. We've got to stop plowing our fields and we've got to run Don't even go back to your house and we've got to really pray that when this happens, it's not on the Sabbath day, because the church can't do that on the Sabbath day, and we also have to make sure that it's not snowing on that day. That's what the Bible says, matthew 24, pray that your flight or your escape is not in winter. Why? Because Jerusalem gets snow in the winter and when that happens, it shuts down. Man, really, that's the church how about letting the Bible be the Bible? And that's the Jew who wakes up to the realization, three and a half years, or 1,260 days into the seven-year peace treaty contract of the Antichrist with Israel, and people wake up and they run, and they're going to run to Jordan. By the way, scripture's pretty awesome on that. Petra, p-e-t-r-a. Petra in Jordan today. Look it up, google it. Harrison Ford, indiana Jones, and he knows all about it. He's been there. Next thing is this the Bible says. In fact, from Revelation, chapter 21 on, the Bible says that Jesus is going to rule and reign on earth for a thousand years. 20:42 Some of you don't believe that. Some of you say this to me right now. I can almost hear you. I can almost hear you saying that is typological metaphor, that's not real. Good luck with that. You know what? If you want to, by the way, you want to approach that form of theology wrongly dividing the word of truth, then you'll never think about it. How do you know you're saved? Oh, it was a metaphor. Well, pastor, that's okay, because hell is a metaphor too. I don't think so. Jesus said it's real. Don't let your feelings get in the way of biblical theology. And I'm going to try to land this airplane here real quick. 21:26 If Israel's been replaced by the church and what we're seeing today in the news is just a joke we should let Hamas slaughter every Jew. We should just let them kill them all. They're illegitimate people. They're the Christ rejecters. Remember Even our beloved Martin Luther, whose theology was good but it wasn't perfect. He despised the Jews. Did you know that Adolf Hitler picked up on Martin Luther's evaluation of the Jewish state and the Jewish people and Hitler believed, or at least he used. I don't know what he believed, he was possessed, but at least, not at least, but conveniently. It was a very, very good idea. Not at least, but conveniently. Adolf Hitler used portions of the doctrine of Martin Luther to justify his destruction of the Jewish people. 22:22 Historically, have the Jews always had to fight for their existence? Yeah, Now, granted, god said you disobey me as the chosen people and you go throw me off. You go do your own thing. You're going to really suffer. You should come back under the umbrella of my love". But listen, they're Jews and they're stubborn. It doesn't mean they've lost the covenant. 22:41 The covenant was made with Abraham while Abraham was sleeping like a baby. The Bible says that God, who could swear by none greater, swore with himself over Abraham. Well, abraham, watch this. There's a burning, there's an altar and there's a sacrifice. The lamb is burning and the Bible says God sends a sleep upon Abraham. Abraham is like this, waiting. In fact, he's shushing away the vultures that are trying to eat the sacrifice. Abraham is waiting for the Lord to show up and Abraham is like this oh man, I'm getting tired, he just…. He falls asleep. The Bible says God put him out. And then, while Abraham was out and had no opportunity to screw the thing up, this is the Lord shows up and makes a covenant with Abraham, because God could not swear by Abraham because he's a man and God could not swear by an angel, because they're actually just God's servants. That God swore by himself and everlasting covenant with Abraham. And Abraham woke up and the deal was done. 23:53 So listen, explain this to me if there is no Israel today or forthcoming in the end times. In Matthew, chapter 23, beginning at around verse 35-ish, jesus said oh Jerusalem, jerusalem, the one who stones the prophets and those that I've sent to you. How often I wanted to gather you together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you are not welling. And so now behold, look, your house, god's house, has left you desolate. And he began to give the details of the Olivet discourse. And it all started on that Palm Sunday when Christ wrote into Jerusalem and everybody was cheering, but Jesus was weeping. 24:52 Here's the punchline, friends, this is what's going to keep you up all night. Go get ahold of all your theologians who have been educated beyond their intelligence, frankly, in woke universities and woke seminaries. If there's no future for Israel. Explain this to me. Jesus said and you will not see me again until you say to me blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Jesus said he's coming back to Jerusalem. Jesus said he's coming back in the last days to Israel. Jesus has to have the fulfillment spoken to him, of the 118th Psalm. 25:44 Think this through. You will not see me. He didn't say you won't ever see me again. You bunch of nuts, you threw me off. I'm done with you. Sorry, abraham Covenant. Next, you guys ruined it. No more Israel, all legitimate. You Jews, all of you should be beheaded. All of you should be killed. 26:05 Israel, yeah, iran is right. The Mullahs and the Khomeinis, they're correct. Push it into the Mediterranean, let's nuke them. That's exactly what Satan wants. You don't know why it's not. You can almost see Satan is saying well, it's not personal, it's just that the Jews in the way, the Jew is in the way of my plan. My plan, you see, as Satan, is to not have an Israel existing in the last days, because if it does, then there's a Jerusalem that exists. I can't have that because that's where the Bible says the Messiah returns. We can't have him back, and so Satan's theology is get ahold of people who don't know the Word of God, who are very, very in touch with their emotions and they're watching CNN and this is a horrible thing. And so we have to make a judgment call on this. Yeah, you know what War is demonic, sick and it's horrific. But at the same time, listen, you're going to be shocked. The reason why there's a difference in the 10 commandments from the word murder versus killing. There is no word kill in the 10 commandments. It's thou shall not murder. In Hebrew, god has sanctioned war, as horrible as it is. He doesn't approve of it. He knows that it's going to happen until Christ returns. But I want to leave you with that one. It's this Jesus said you're not going to see me again, israel until that means he's coming back to where, to Israel, to Jerusalem. 27:39 Beware everybody of those who are replacement theology heretics. They're out there everywhere. Some of them have bestselling books. Some of them are really entertaining to listen to. Some of them are very funny. I just find it incredibly interesting. They strut around in their confidence while they undermine the scripture, and I believe that they are literally at this moment wrestling with the scriptures to their own destruction. 28:10 These are serious times. We are commanded. How does this go down? God commanded you to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God commanded you, the Gentile believer, to witness to a Jew about Jesus being the Messiah. If you're not doing that, nobody wants to hear from you. Honestly, you're just a hot air. You're just talking nothing. You heard some guy say something Could have been some past, you like, because he's got awesome tennis shoes or he wrote a cute book and you're just regurgitating what you heard. You don't even know what it is. You believe Replacement theology is from hell, and I love the fact that Jesus said to the seven letters to the seven churches I hate those who call themselves Jews and are not. Wow, listen. Yeah, fired up today over this topic. It's pathetic. I hate deception. 29:09 We've got a book coming out, by the way, pretty soon. We're excited about it. It's going to be launched in February, something like February 6th or 9th. It's going to be everywhere where books are sold Barnes and Nobles, amazon, walmart, you know, costco, whatever they do with this stuff Online everywhere. It's called Living in the Days D-A-Z-E of deception Living in the Days of Deception, and you can pre-order that right now at Amazon. 29:34 By the way, we were happy to report that. I made mention of it, and not too long ago, and it actually hit number one for a few hours. Out of a million books, it hit number one for a few hours, just the pre-orders. So we're pretty happy about that. But you can pre-order it and when it's released by the publisher in February it'll be shipped straight to your house or audiblecom. But anyway, we're excited about that. Listen, as always, you guys, if you like what you're hearing, if you like what you just heard a moment ago that's funny Hit, subscribe. But as we you know, we just absolutely believe here that it's way past time. Now's the time to live out what you believe in. It's time for real life. So God bless you guys, until next time.