00:00 - Speaker 1
Real Life presents the Jack Hibbs Podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture.
00:09 - Speaker 2
In our culture today. I know I say this often, but I'm going to keep saying it often we've got to figure out how to get alone. We're too busy, we're too distracted. When was the last time you just unplugged and said God, speak to me. How are we doing Lord Together, you and I? Let him speak to you. He's personal.
00:32 - Speaker 1
You can get the outlines of this podcast by going to slash podcast Today. If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, if this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five-star ratings. To us that's like saying amen or yes. Then that rating will encourage others to listen. Now open your hearts to what God's Word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs.
01:01 - Speaker 2
The security of the sovereign Word when God speaks. God, who is not a man, the Bible says, cannot lie. When God speaks, he speaks the truth, and the Bible tells us in verse 6, right here, in the opening part of verse 6, it says but it is not that the word of God has taken no effect when he speaks about this, the Jews not believing that not all who say they're Israel are of Israel. What does this mean? What's the result? Those that say they're Jews, but not all of them, are Jews. Is it the lack of God's word being powerful? Has God's words failed? Will God's word ever fail? You Never fail you. God's word cannot fail.
The only reason why you and I would say this is not working, it's because of us, not him. And they refused to believe Jesus had to contend with it. They had taken the revelation of God and they had made it into a man-made religion and they set up all of these orders and all of these do's and don'ts, and all God desire and desires is a personal relationship, and you come to know that by his awesome, sovereign word. When God speaks to you, he says listen, does this attract you? God says I have loved you with an everlasting love. Therefore, with loving kindness, do I draw you? The word draw means he pulls you in, but he doesn't make you love him. That would not be a relationship, that would be tyranny. His love for us is clearly revealed in scripture. But this is pretty, uh, I think, powerful for us when you look at verse six, in the opening words of it. But it is not that the word of god. Mark it down in your notes. That's the logos of god, the logos, that beautiful word, logos, and this is the meaning of it logos, logos.
The logos is the embodiment of thought. Think about that when the word Jesus became flesh and dwelt among us. Right, everybody? Are you guys awake? Okay, so the logos is the embodiment of a thought. This is fun, jesus. What does this mean? It means that Jesus is the manifestation of the will of God. You can actually see the will of God when you're watching and listening to Jesus, minister 2,000 years ago. Can you imagine You're watching the will of God be lived out on earth? An idea, an expression. It is the embodiment of a statement, an answer, an utterance, an appearance. It is the divine revelation of the divine thought. Utterance and appearance. It is the divine revelation of the divine thought and is the communication of the most perfect thought, information or intelligence to another. In other words, it's communicated, the logos, by being the very logos.
Jesus Christ is to be spoken of, is to be announced. I love this. Jesus Christ, the name of Jesus, the word of God itself, was never to be contained in a box or hidden. It is to be announced to the world that, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever would believe in him would not perish but have everlasting life, that Christ died on the cross for our sins. He rose again from the grave for our justification. That's to be preached among the world Never contained God's sovereign word.
When it goes out, people have to decide on it. Let's be honest. I know you're wringing your hands, you're frustrated. You see your son or your daughter or your mom or your dad. They're just not responding to the gospel. Just pray, but just know this Ask God to intervene. Ask God, lord, wake them up. Lord, cause your mercy to fall upon them. You pray and you battle like that in prayer, but know this God's word goes out and his children will respond to his word, and he knows this. He's always known this and God has never existed without knowing this. It's called foreknowledge. We read it a moment ago and that's a strong foundation for where we're going.
Revelation, chapter 1, verse 1, is a beautiful picture of this Logos being revealed. It says the revelation of Jesus Christ. The book of Revelation is the apocalyptus, or the revealing, or the pulling of the drape, so to speak. Imagine you have a statue and you're going to reveal the statue. You pull off the covering and that is the apocalypsis. And that is the apocalypsis, the revealing of the statue. Okay, you with me. The book of Revelation is pulling off the veil of who Jesus Christ is, and it's awesome.
Read always the book of Revelation. You should read it all the time. The Bible, the book of Revelation, says you should read it all the time because number one, it says God says I'll bless those who read it and I'll bless those who read it and I'll bless those who hear it being read. You want to bless your family. Read the book of Revelation to them. So you're going to be kidding me? I'm not kidding you, but I will tell you this. The book of Revelation has a presupposition to it. It supposes you've already read the Old Testament. You will never understand the book of Revelation unless you read the Old Testament. It's impossible. What's mentioned in the Old is fulfilled in the book of Revelation. That book will unlock things to you, not make you more confused. Unlock things to you.
But God's word is effective, even if people don't believe it. This is what Paul is saying in the front end of verse 6, is God's word never fails. In fact, the word listen when it says that it's not, that it has not taken any effect. The word effect means to drop off or to diminish. God's word does not drop off in strength. So the Bible, it's so old I can't believe.
You get up in the morning, you guys go to that church and you just gather around an old book. It's not an old book, this thing is alive and it's. And listen, there's stuff that hasn't even happened yet. That's written in this book and we're waiting for it to happen. This thing's alive. Okay, it's not the newspaper To drop off or to diminish, to fade away. The Bible doesn't fade away, it doesn't lose power. Wow, it doesn't fail. It's not going to fail Church, family, the effectiveness of the word of God. It doesn't need to be charged. It doesn't need to be charged, it doesn't need to be pumped up. I don't know if this is good or bad, but the other day, like last night, actually over by PF Chang's you know, there's a whole lineup of Teslas getting charged up.
Some people are sitting in their car reading books. Seriously, I said, what are they doing in there? They're reading a book. Why are they reading a book? Because they're charging their batteries. And this one guy I've never seen this happen before. You got to hand it to this guy Some guy pulled up in a big Ford pickup truck and just parked right in one of those Tesla parks. I mean, he turned off his, he had his diesel going and turned that thing off. He got off and he just walked into PF Chang's and I'm thinking that's awesome. He didn't plug it in, he couldn't find a parking spot, so he parked where the electric car is supposed to park, ate his dinner, got back in his truck. The people are still sitting there reading their book.
God's word's not like that. In fact, tonight, if the conditions are right and everything goes off at about 7.13 this evening, look to the west and watch Elon Musk launch a rocket and you'll see it. Go out and listen. That thing not only picks up speed, but once it gets into space, it keeps going. And you're going to watch it. You'll lose sight of it just south of Hawaii by the time. It's just a little speck. What's going on? It's accelerating and then it gets into an atmosphere that it doesn't diminish, it just keeps going.
Think about that regard in the Bible. God launched the Bible through his prophets. He launched the Bible through Abraham. He launched the Bible through Moses, through Deborah you name the great men and women of the Bible and that truth of his never diminishes. It keeps going, it doesn't run out. Well, that was then. Today's now. The Bible doesn't lose any power. What we need to do is align ourselves with the strength of God's word. I want to see God move. So do I. So let's find out where he's moving or what he wants to do to move. His word is alive, and God says in Isaiah 55, 11, I'm going to send it out to accomplish whatever I've intended it to do, and it will not return unto me void. The power of God's word is absolutely awesome, and you know something about this and how beautiful this is that God would personify his word in John chapter, one very familiar to all of us as Christians.
John, one verse, one that is in the beginning. That was a physical universe. In the beginning of the physical universe was that is was already the Logos, the Word and the Logos. The Word was with God and the Word was God. Let that sink in. He, the Logos, was in the beginning with God. So when physical universe is being created, he was already there.
Jesus was never created. The cults create Jesus. That's why they're a cult. Jesus has never been created. The cults create Jesus. That's why they're a cult. Jesus has never been created. Jesus is the eternal Son of God, savior, the second person of the Holy Trinity, as revealed in the Bible. Thus the Elohim of the Bible, god in singular plurality, god, the Father, god the Son, god, the Holy Spirit. Awesome. All things were made through him and without him, nothing was made. That was made, verse 14. And the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory. John says the glory as of the only begotten, of the Father, full of grace and truth. Is that awesome? That is absolutely incredible. The logos of God never diminishes. The security of God's sovereign word is at work in your life. Are you a follower of Christ today? Guess what he is committed to himself to get you into heaven. What do I need?
11:32 - Speaker 1
to do. Stay out of the way.
11:34 - Speaker 2
Let him get it done. He'll do it. Follow him. Jesus never said now, here we go. You lead. No, jesus said here we go, you follow. Isn't that great, don't you like to follow? I like to follow.
I've always struggled with God personally. Don't tell anybody about this. I'm really good at following. I'm really good at it. I think growing up in a Marine Corps home had a lot to do with that. But it made a lot of sense to me becoming a Christian and if I were to ever be in the ministry, I would have picked being an assistant pastor, because I just, what do you need done? I'll do it, because I have no problem doing what I'm doing to God. It doesn't matter who the guy is, I'm going to do it, I'm doing it for God and I love that stuff. And there's liberty. I don't know if you know this or not, but there's a lot of liberty and obedience. You know God calls us his children. He doesn't call us his slaves. But did you know the word servant in the bible is the word slave? So which one is it? It's both. The more you get to know God, the more you fall in love with who he is as a person, that when you come to him in a relationship, you want to be his biblical slave. So what is a? A biblical slave? A doulos, or douloi A doulos? So what is that? That means listen.
In the Roman world, if I owed somebody money and I couldn't pay them, then I had to go into servitude to their world and I had to mow their lawn, trim their tree, milk their cow, whatever it was, until I had my debt paid off. Are you with me? But during that time, maybe, I met this woman and she's also in servitude and we get married. This happened all the time in the Roman world. And then we had kids. We still work for the same boss. He's the guy that we couldn't pay back. So we're working off our debt. But I worked off my debt before. My wife works off her debt and I've got the kids.
And I realized, you know what? Excuse me, sir, but you're a good master. I have flourished under this time of servitude to you. I don't wanna go. Well, your wife's got three more years to pay off her debt.
Well, listen, you're so good to me, good to us. I want to give you my life. So the master would say that's awesome. I want to keep you, I love you, I love you. Then let's settle it.
They go out to the porch. The guy puts his ear on a piece of wood right there and the owner takes a nail and puts it it's called an awl, puts a earring in there. All the guys are going what? And all the girls are going. Is it gold, is it diamond? Little cross? It's an announcement. I have a good master.
I've chosen to give him the rest of my life to serve him, and that relationship is very descriptive of the Christian relationship with God. The Father Listen. He calls. He says call me, father, you are my children. And then, out of that love, we turn around and say whatever you want done, whatever you're going to do, lord, send me. It's that sweet, it is that beautiful, because the Logos has communicated to us that he has been and has provided for us salvation.
Philippians, chapter 2, verse 12, says Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling or reverential awe. Look at verse 13. For it is God who works in you. You say well, wait a minute. You just said work out your own salvation. Then it says for God is. It is God who works in you both to will and do of his good pleasure. What's the answer? Yes, that's true. The answer is yes, present yourself, and God, the Spirit, will do your work of life. You're just to yield. Does that make sense, people? And this is going to be important because Abraham is going to be commended in a moment, the works of Abraham will be commended. I'm going to ask you in advance, be thinking what are the works of Abraham?
In Luke, chapter 24, verse 44. Luke 24, 44. We're still talking about the security of His sovereign word. It says there that Jesus said to them this is the latter evening, now, resurrection Sunday. These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses, everybody.
Jesus is the issue. Christ is the issue of the entire Bible. Jesus is speaking here in Luke 24, 44. Listen, everything that's been written from Moses and the prophets and the Psalms, concerning who, me. Jesus is speaking and he says the whole book is written about my life, about me, about my person. We don't believe in Jesus. Because what? Because it's Jesus. Well, you know, I'm born in the Western world, christianity was the dominant religion and I guess I'm a Christian. No, no, no, no, no, no, it's Jesus. Because the Bible, from Genesis 3.15 to the book of Revelation, chapter 22, it's all about Jesus, and Jesus says so right there.
By the way, if anybody ever tells you, remember, oh, you know, jesus never said he was God. This is a verse right here that Jesus is announcing the entire Bible was written about me. I mean, that's pretty wild. Think about it. Well, I believe Jesus was a great prophet. I don't that's crazy. Well, I believe he's a very good person, the best person ever. I don't that's crazy.
Well, why do you say that? Because if you're saying he's the best person ever, but he's not God, then how do you explain this? Jesus said if you die believing in me, you'll live forever. Jesus says you come to me, your sins will be forgiven. Either that's crazy, or he's God or he's a good prophet. No, no, no, no. You can't be a good prophet and pull that off. And you can't be a good person and say such things without being God. And yet, everything he did, he said that he was going to do it in advance. It's called the Bible, absolutely awesome, verse 45, and he, that is the Log, the logos, opened their understanding that they might comprehend the scriptures, that they might, in a sense, behold him. Absolutely remarkable security. Listen, christian, don't say anything out loud right now, where you're at. Do you understand that you cannot save yourself? None of us can. That's why Jesus went to the cross. You can't do it.
18:56 - Speaker 1
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