March 13, 2025

Hey Trump, Here's My Plan

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Jack Hibbs Podcast

Last week, we heard about what the Bible says about borders and "loving thy neighbor." This week, Pastor Jack continues his discussion on immigration by delving into his personal thoughts on a plan for the country going forward. 

(00:00) Loving Thy Neighbor
(13:47) Border Security and Immigration Process


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00:00 - Loving Thy Neighbor

13:47:00 - Border Security and Immigration Process

00:00 - Speaker 1 Real Life presents the Jack Hibbs podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture. 00:09 - Speaker 2 Hey everybody, this is part two of Loving Thy Neighbor. What does that look like in the area of foreigners and specifically illegal aliens? How do we do that and still be the church? Do we break the law to fulfill the law, or is there a better way? There's a better way. Stay tuned, we're going to find out. 00:32 - Speaker 1 You can get the outlines of this podcast by going to Today. If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five-star ratings. If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five-star ratings. To us, that's like saying amen or yes. Then that rating will encourage others to listen. Now open your hearts to what God's Word has to say to you. 01:03 - Speaker 2 Here is Jack Hibbs. Well, hey, everybody, welcome back to our podcast, where we last time together abruptly had to cut it off. If you remember, I went too long, got all excited about the topic and I wound up just eating up a bunch of time, a bunch of your time, but hopefully it meant something, and so, if you missed part one, you're going to want to take a listen to that and I trust that you will do that because of the topic. The topic is immigration, the topic is border security, border control and, of course, thank God, the one who made it such a big issue and a big issue because he wants to fix it is none other than Donald J Trump. I mentioned to you guys in the opening that the initial immigration crisis issue began with a hero in California, a legend in California, a legend in America, considered one of the greatest presidents in the United States in its history, none other than Ronald Reagan, and we talked a little bit about that and how that came about, regarding the mistakes that we made here in California regarding immigration, which in some ways spread to the other states over time, but we got into the answer the other states over time, but we got into the answer and, if I remember right, I ended the last podcast by saying this is what Trump needs to do, or Tom Holman, or Kristi Noem or the others, and it's this. So we'll just get right down to it and remember all of this is regarding love thy neighbor, because there's. I'm answering this issue because I'm not so far, I can't go so far to say this. 02:55 People will say the church is divided on the immigration issue. I don't believe that People will say, oh, the Christians are divided on this issue. I actually I don't believe that either. I just don't believe that the body of Christ is divided. I think that there are people who claim to be in the body of Christ and issues. It's not that the issue causes you not to be in the body of Christ. It's not that you have to agree with me on all millennialism, premillennialism, postmillennialism, or are you a futurist or are you a preterist? I'm not talking about that stuff. I'm talking about that your biblical worldview governs everything about you. Even if you have an anti-biblical worldview, it governs your decision-making process. 03:53 Having said that, I don't believe the actual Christian and church is divided over the issue of immigration. You say, jack, are you nuts? You've been sleeping under a rock. The Catholic Church is in all kinds of trouble right now because of all that. So you've been sleeping under a rock. The Catholic Church is in all kinds of trouble right now because of all that. 04:06 I don't associate with any church whatsoever as being the answer, other than the church that Jesus Christ knows who's his. Okay. Bottom line Look, I happen to be a pastor of a Calvary Chapel, but not everybody in Calvary Chapel are going to heaven. Not everybody in Calvary Chapel is born again, just like not everybody in the Lutheran Methodist Baptist are born again. Okay, your association with any movement or denomination doesn't guarantee anything to you whatsoever. The bottom line is are you obedient to God? 04:42 And when God says love thy neighbor, it doesn't mean that God takes all of the other scriptures that he's given us and throws them away. He doesn't flush all the remaining truth down the toilet. When he says love your neighbor, he means for you to love your neighbor, and when he talks about the foreigner being in the midst of you remember this, you guys. We cover this in the part. One is that he was speaking to Jews. That's in the first five books of the Bible, most specifically Leviticus, and it says love the foreigner who's among you. Take care of them, treat them well. It doesn't have anything to do whatsoever regarding illegal aliens and or criminals that have come into your country illegally. It has nothing to do with that at all. God was telling the Jews in the first five books of the Bible that when there's a non-Jew in your presence, treat them kindly. Okay. He didn't say if somebody's committed a felony, treat them like they haven't. He never said that he is not a God of contradictions. He upholds the laws that he's established, and there is what Thomas Jefferson, as well as John Locke, declared is natural law. Natural law is the internal law that God has written upon the human heart. The Bible has made that very clear. In other words, everybody knows murder's wrong. Even where there's no Bible, in the jungles of the Amazon, where nobody's gotten a visitation yet by a missionary, they still know murder's wrong. They have a morality. Where'd they get that from Natural law? God writes it on the tablets of our hearts, he has said. That being the case, let's get to the answer, and that will be the closeout of this particular podcast. 06:38 So my plan about fixing the immigration process is only one tiny little little part of it, and I'm going to try to kind of cartoon it out for you and I can't draw, but I I think this way. So I mentioned to you guys um, if, if you and I know someone who is here illegally, you find out. And I used I think I remember I made it up, by the way, I think I used the name Juan. I don't know why, I grabbed it out of nowhere Juan. So if you know Juan and you've known him because you've hired him for years, he's worked on your yard or he's worked in your, he's cleaned your house or whatever the situation is, and you know them and they're, they're here illegally and you know that now you, you found out. 07:31 What do we do? What do we do? Because we have to start somewhere. People, we got to stop losing our minds and thinking like fools and panicking and being some sort of a woke. You know, when you talk to woke people, just walk away from them. Don't turn your back on them, by the way, when you walk away from them, because they might throw a brick at you. They can't cope with reality. They never come up with a solution. All they do is scream Trump's Satan, trump is Satan, elon Musk is the Antichrist. Just those people are irrational. They've lost their minds, and I never thought this was true, but I'm convinced of it now. 08:15 There is a lot of validity to the Trump derangement syndrome TDS they're calling it. I think it's kind of sad. You can mention Jesus and people don't even care anymore. You mentioned Trump and people freak out. It should be the other way around. Jesus's name should get people all fired up, but it is what it is. And here's the deal. Trump is obeying the law. Everybody's angry at him. Why? Because he's obeying the law. Translation people don't want the law. People don't want our borders. People don't want security. People don't want rapists to go to jail. People don't want murderers to be caught. They've lost their minds and you can turn on MSNBC, you can turn on CNN right now and you can see people losing their minds. And these people, in my opinion, they may be Americans, maybe in title, but not in spirit, and they would sacrifice this country in a heartbeat, including your child's safety and your wife's protection and your business. They'd sacrifice you in a second just to defend their woke ideology. 09:23 We're not talking about insanity here. We're talking about how do we fix a broken problem. You got to start somewhere, and so my thing is this, and so my thing is this, and so I want to vouch for Juan. And so what this is is a possible answer. So I, jack, know Juan, no one and the Trump administration hypothetically would have created or would create a pathway to citizenship. I know those are buzzwords and it freaks out conservatives when I say such things, but just grow up for a second. The system's broke. You gotta start somewhere. You're talking about asylum. Listen to me, listen to me. Listen to me. They are already here. We've gotta start somewhere. 10:22 If I am a reputable American citizen, I have no felonies. I've paid my taxes, I'm an upstanding citizen. Okay, if I can ask Juan, I have to ask Juan. This is part of the rules. Juan, can you get another person to join on my petition that I'm starting for you Juan? Yes, jack, I can. Great, can you give me their names? 10:55 There is now a connection with these two individuals. We have individual one, individual two, individual, three, all legal Americans coming together. Why do I do this? Because in the witness of two or three, the truth shall be established is the biblical rule. In a witness of two or three, the truth shall be established is the biblical rule In a witness of two or three, the truth shall be established. I've got three individual Americans saying that one is okay, I submit, we submit the three of us data. Listen to me, listen to me. I fill out this form. It is now shared with ICE, homeland Security, fbi and NSA if necessary. 11:42 Whoever, it doesn't matter Whoever the federal agencies are, they would share this information. Watch what they have, because the government loves information on you and me. They love it. Okay, listen, now they know who Juan is. They got Juan's name. Now they know how to get to Juan. They can get to Juan by me, this guy or this guy, but there's more. But wait, there's more. They not only get data on Juan from the form we filled out, but now they have data on me that they can look at and research and find out more and more about. Same with number three and same with number two. The government, our, our national security, national security, our FBI love information. They love it. They love databases. So we are now handing them this database on our lives. 12:43 Regarding Juan, the process begins there's no money exchange, there's no money needed. It's free. It's free, he's already working, he's already viable, but he may not be paying taxes. So the IRS says, ooh, I like this because we want his taxes. Juan's willing to pay tax, but he's terrified that somebody might find out that he's here illegally. He wants to join the system. So he winds up being introduced to the system by three witnesses, all Americans, that all meet the criteria of making him or get him on the pathway to being legalized. That pathway begins and this train starts to go down a track begins and this train starts to go down a track and let's say this that once the process begins, it's law. It has to be approved or denied within one year or six months. That can be set up by our legislators right now. 13:47 So the government is is wringing. It's not wringing its hands, it's. It's going oh boy, wow, we didn't even really none of these four people were on our radar. Okay, we got three of them, all Americans. So we're looking at them and we're checking now to see if they have any parking tickets, to see if they're really viable Americans. And, on top of it, we've got one and these people are vouching for him. So let's take a look at this and all they are saying me and the two are saying he's a good guy, he should stay and we submit that to the US government and we begin this person's pathway. And again, it requires no funding, it requires no money and it's a win-win. 14:33 You say, what if? What? What if Juan wants to be legalized but he's kind of shady? This is what's beautiful about it, watch this. If Juan is shady, okay, but I'm not. I don't know this about Juan. And I and I say, hey, juan, do you want to do you want to apply for a X, y, z, one, two, three form? Yeah, I heard about it. It's awesome, I want to do it. Okay, great, can you get two other people? Uh, yeah, so he gets. Uh yeah, so he gets Phil and Mohammed over here to be his guys. 15:25 Ok, so in the investigation they find out that Phil has been arrested several times for pushing drugs and Mohammed is tied to a terrorist ring. They just found all that out. And then they asked me how do you know these two guys? Only through one. One is the one who got these guys. All of us are Americans, but you got this guy who has been arrested a few times for pushing drugs and this guy who had a bomb factory in Philly, you know, three months ago or three years ago. And so the government says thank you, this is awesome. We were. You know, we're interested in this stuff, and if they accept or deny one's application, the government's so happy because they got Intel. But it's a way of us vetting the system. 16:10 Let's take it to the extreme, and I'll begin to wrap this up. What if I am not Jack? What if I happen to be Bob? And Bob likes Juan and says Juan, you ought to fill out an XYZ123. All right, and the names that Juan gives, including mine on the app, were kind of shady. Were kind of characters. You see what happens here. 16:53 The federal government begins to find out wait a minute, juan, you want to live here legally. But these guys that you are having vouch for you. They're wanted in other countries before they came to America. They're wanted even right now. There's an outstanding warrant on this guy. Do you know what I'm saying? I mean, law enforcement is just drooling right now. 17:17 Listening to what I'm saying, it's like wow, all these people are basically turning themselves in. You see my point. My point is this If one says I don't want to be legal, oh really, how come, hmm, why not? How come, hmm, why not? You see, alarms go off. We might have a hot one on our hands here. Why don't you want to be legal, juan? Because I don't have any good friends. Why don't you have any good friends? Because I hang out with drug pushers and bomb makers. Why don't you have any good friends Because I hang out with drug pushers and bomb makers. Now we're making some headway here. In other words, the good advance and the wicked are exposed. 18:10 And it all starts with one American approaching his illegal friend, bricklayer, homekeeper, yard mower and the process begins and the nation begins to, the government begins to be able to gather intel, and that's how it starts. And here's the deal. If I were the president, I would implement this and some, of course, edit it, because I'm not a politician, I'm only a pastor. I don't know anything but pastoring. So a president or a homeland security secretary can say, hey, that can certainly be an element of the rest of the whole thing, great, but just implement something right. So here's what's happening. But just implement something right. So here's what's happening. 19:08 Since I did that first podcast, part one of this, there's been a flurry of insane things that have happened where ICE has rounded up bad people. You see, that's very mean to say Just hear me out. Ice gets all these guys and arrests them, put them on flights, deport them. And did you know that there's been now a couple of flights military flights going into international, taking these people back to their countries? The people tore the plane up on the inside while it was in flight. The pilots they said thank God our door was secured because they would have killed us. They destroyed the airplane inside. They were beating up each other other. It had they're all going back to. It was either Honduras or Haiti or Colombia or Guatemala. They were all a bunch of very bad, crazy, mean people and they they began to take it out on the actual aircraft itself, tearing it apart and beating up each other, and hours earlier they were walking the American streets. That's a good day. That's a good day when stuff like that is found out. 20:29 And so, listen, some people don't want to even hear a podcast like this because they don't want to even believe. But it's happening, and so I'm going to preface what I'm about to say by saying this I am a monarchist personally. I don't, just for the record, I don't live in England. I don't live under a king or a queen, okay, but I am a monarchist, not an anarchist. A monarchist, which means I follow a king. He's not a king, he's the king, king Jesus. Okay. That being the case, I say that to dampen the blow of what I'm about to say I don't care if you're an independent Republican or Democrat. Say I don't care if you're an independent Republican or Democrat. 21:23 If you are, right now, upset because Donald Trump closed the borders, what in the world is wrong with you? If you're upset because Trump shut down the borders, like every other country in the world has secured borders, what's wrong with you? Maybe you wouldn't pass the three-tier test of this immigration plan. Maybe you're an anarchist yourself. You're thinking I want America to be destroyed. 21:52 Are you a politician? Are you in state assembly? Are you in the county board of supervisors? Are you a mayor or city council, or are you a state senator or congressperson and you are anti-border control? You're dangerous. Something's wrong. You, literally according to the constitution, have vacated your authority based on the Constitution. Think about it. You're conducting yourself illegally by not defending the Constitution of the United States against invaders, both foreign and dangerous, as well as invaders both foreign and domestic. Are you someone who believes that ICE should be abolished? You should be looked into. Are you somebody who believes that we should do away with homeland security and the border control and all of that should be suspended? Something's wrong with you. 23:03 You certainly don't live life like that. You guard your own home, you protect your own house. You lock your doors at night. Because, why? Because you set up borders around those that you care about. Do you care about your country? Do you care about the United States? Listen, germans care about. Do you care about your country? Do you care about the United States? Listen, germans care about Germany. I can't walk into Germany, listen. I can't walk in to Japan. I just can't take a flight or take a boat to Japan. I can't. Oh, I'm going to leave you with this. 23:52 I was in a boat on the Red Sea, about 100 yards off the border between Israel and Egypt, at the Egyptian-Israeli border, and a man, a guy, an Arab, because he had a red kifa on and he had a white robe on and he was riding a horse coming from the Israeli side. He took the horse into the water and it was swimming. He swam around the border we're all watching it and as soon as he made land on the Egyptian side, the Egyptian military arrested him instantly. How dare they, how could they? It doesn't matter if you walk across, swim across or take a pony across, it's illegal. Why? Because every nation has a border, because God has established nations and God has put leaders in those nations. 24:53 And so, listen, this is the end of part two. You need to watch part one and two together because I go through some scriptures backing this up, about loving thy neighbor does not mean we violate the law. We are to love our neighbor, and wouldn't it be a loving thing if such a policy was adopted whereby we could make one legal? That's about the most awesome act of love I could think of, because I'm laying down my life for Juan as I give my government more information on me, and then two other Americans love Juan enough to do the same thing. That is loving thy neighbor in the context of the foreigner, and it's a little step toward fixing a big problem that our politicians got us into and that Trump is getting us out of because he's not a politician, thank God. 25:57 Hey, listen, we believe, and this is it. We believe it's time to live out what we believe in. We believe it's time for real life, and the issue we just talked about is exactly real life, isn't it? It's what you and I are living right now. So let's be the solution to the problem and not let's just start screaming at the problem. 26:14 There's enough people out there that have lost their minds. I don't know if it was during COVID Maybe they were there but somehow there's just a lot of logical or illogical spasms going on and it's being spewed out of people's mouths. Pathetic. But let's counter insanity with reason and logic, and we've got to start somewhere, folks. So please, as always, sign up, click for notifications. Give us a five-star review, share this with others. The greatest compliment you can give us, the greatest encouragement you can give us, is to share this with others. 26:54 By growing, this podcast Makes a really, really big difference. Notice, we have no sponsors. It's not that we've denied any. We've never been asked. Big difference Notice, we have no sponsors. It's not that we've denied any. We've never been asked by anybody. Apparently, we're so nondescript and non-influential that nobody's taken us up to say hey, will you at least sell a pillow or some slippers? We've never been offered that. But what would be nice is for us to be so impactful with truth that people hear this and so listen. Until next time. You guys, god bless you. Be wise, be strong, keep your eyes wide open as evil is getting round up in our country. This is a good day in America. This is a good time. Let's join in, god bless.