00:00 - Speaker 1
Real Life presents the Jack Hibbs Podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture.
00:09 - Speaker 2
Hey everybody hot button topic immigration. Where is the Christian on immigration? Are we loving people or are we not? Let's find out.
00:23 - Speaker 1
You can get the outlines of this podcast by going to slash podcast Today. If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five-star ratings. To us that's like saying amen or yes. Then that rating will encourage others to listen Now open your hearts to what God's Word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs.
00:52 - Speaker 2
Hey everybody, welcome to the Jack Hibbs podcast, and I'm Jack and this is the pod cast, and so we are happy to be with you. We want to bring you topics from the Word of God that are answering everyday life, and this is very important to me. I have to tell you, it's more than important to me. It is so fundamental to my faith in relationship to God. I have an unwavering belief that there is nothing that can happen in life that God has not addressed in the scriptures. That sounds like a huge statement, but if you take the time to read, for example, the Gospels Matthew, mark, luke and John the Gospels Matthew, mark, luke and John and then you read, for example, what Matthew has to say, when Matthew says and this was done, which was spoken of by the prophet Zechariah and he quotes, for example, chapter nine, verse nine of Zechariah, chapter 9, verse 9 of Zechariah, when you turn back to Zechariah 9 and you read it, you're blown away because you're thinking what the Holy Spirit in Matthew gave commentary and fulfillment between Zechariah and Matthew, and it comes together perfectly. If left on your own, you would never figure that out in most cases. Some of them are overt, where it says that the Messiah is going to be born in Bethlehem and he's eternal. Okay, that's Micah 5, verse 2. And then you read the advent of Jesus, recorded in the Gospels, and it's obviously crystal clear. Listen. For example, the Bible says Out of Egypt, I have called my son. Go. Look at the Old Testament reference and you would never figure that out if it wasn't for the illumination of the Holy Spirit. What's my point? My point is even when things seem obscure, they're not. In fact, some of the most seemingly obscure verses or statements in scripture are the most profound beckoning, as it were, to us to be students of the Bible. I believe God is always testing us and inviting us to be students of the word and not of emotions. You need to remember that where I'm going, because today some of you are going to find out that you do not have a biblically based theology. You have an emotionally. You have a politically based theology, which is wrong. You have an emotionally based theology, which is wrong. You have a warm, fuzzy view of theology, which is wrong. You have an emotionally based theology, which is wrong. You have a warm, fuzzy view of theology, which is wrong. All of it is wrong because there is none of those things that exist to God except pure truth, and his word is truth. And yet God has revealed his word to us in the Bible that we might identify truth, and so saying that you will make the decision after this podcast, during this podcast, to be a disciple of the truth or to be a disciple of yourself, to be a disciple of the age. How's that? To be a disciple of the genre? In other words, I'm going to be a disciple of what's trending, what's happening now, what's the word on the street? That's what I'm going to decide to do.
And the Bible talks about people like you, that you're like a reed in the wind. A reed will break in the wind, can't even handle a wind. The Bible says people like that, people like you, if you're emotionally based theology, that sounds kind of like this Well, I know the Bible says this, but I believe that person's off. Well, I know the Bible says this, but you know, I prayed about it and I really feel like that person's off. Are you with me? How about this? I'll do the reverse, which kind of describes my life and maybe other believers as well. Hey, I feel like doing this, but the Bible says I should do that. I have got to do that, not this. I have to do that because that's what the Bible says.
Do you know what that's called? That's called a Christian. And you know what Christians are? They're disciples. And you know what a disciple is? It's a follower of Jesus. And do you know what it means to follow Jesus? It means to love him. And do you know what it means to love him? It means to obey him. Jesus said why do you call me Matthew, chapter 7, verse 20, 21 and 22? He said why do you call me Lord, lord, and you do not do the things I say? He said, in fact, in the day of judgment, many people will say Lord, lord, didn't we cast out demons in your name? Didn't we do all these miracles and preach in your name? Didn't we do all that stuff? And Jesus says. Jesus says I will say to them I don't even know who you guys are. Depart from me, get out of here into everlasting punishment. Wow, wow. If you love him, you will obey him. So here we go.
This has been something that we've needed to talk about for a long time, but time is limited, but we'll touch on it today. I wish it could be exhaustive, but it's this issue of what happened and what is happening and what's going to happen regarding borders, borders. There's a lot of woke Christians, or is that even a possibility? Can you be a woke Christian? I wonder what Jesus thinks about that. I don't have to guess. I think he's already written about it to us.
But let's say there are those who say they're Christians but they want to massage the Bible for the moment. They want to massage the Bible for what's trending. They want to massage the Bible, bend it and twist it so it makes their emotions feel better and I guarantee you, as we'll talk about in a moment, they're going to look silly, because emotions always make you look silly. If you doubt what I'm saying, just take your kid to Toys R Us and go down the toy aisle and tell them no when they want that toy truck or that doll or that thing. Tell them no and they freak right. What are they having A tantrum. And there's a lot of so-called Christians today that you can identify them by their tantrums, and this is one of them.
Borders, the border debate. So, number one, let's be honest. No, let's not be honest yet. Let's be 100% biblical first, and then I'll talk to you about what I want to be honest about, and that is things that we have lived out and are living in. So let's do this. John, chapter 10, john, chapter 10, verse 10.
The Bible says Jesus is speaking Most assuredly. I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs up some other way, the same as a thief and a robber. But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the doorkeeper opens and the sheep hear his voice and he calls his own sheep by name and he leads them out. The point is this a sheepfold the context of Jesus's words is a sheepfold. If you don't know what a sheepfold is, in first century, when Christ lived, it wasn't made out of wood. It was a area made of rocks. Many of them are still existing today in Israel and they're a rock fenced area, and the width of the door was only large enough for the shepherd to lay down and sleep in. There was no door, like on hinges. The shepherds slept in the door so nobody could come over him or no one could leave and try to escape. He would be the immediately awakened.
Jesus says there's borders where sheep can live and be safe. Why am I saying this? The concept of borders. I'm not saying that this verse should be on a Homeland Security website. I'm not saying that. I'm saying that you can protect sheep by keeping them in their borders, into the sheepfold at night, because if you don't, they'll wander around and scatter. What else will happen? Everybody? What else happens If they don't scatter? Bad things come in and attack them. I think you know that Everybody you can be half dumb and still figure that one out. That's not tough.
Acts, chapter 17. Acts, chapter 17. Let's take a peek at this. Acts, chapter 17, and verse whoops.
Verse 24, paul is in Athens, greece. He's waiting for the ministry team to arrive. He got there early and or they were delayed, so he's waiting for the rest of the missionary team to show up before he starts ministering in that area of Greece. And he's in Athens and they have the Avenue of the Gods in that region. You go through the Ogura marketplace and then you ascend up to Mars Hill and as you're going up to Mars Hill I've been there you walk up the Avenue of the Gods. You walk up the Avenue of the Gods. So think of Rodeo Drive if you're in Southern California, or think of Main Street, usa. Okay, so in Chino Hills, where I'm at, the Main Street is lined with American flags. It has been ever since September 11, 2001, which I thought was awesome American flags lining main street.
There's this main street, right there's the main drag. Paul's going up that street and he sees all of these gods, the avenue of the gods, and he starts and he's looking at all of them Zeus, athena, diana, bacchus, pan, titan, zeus all of them are there. And then there's one podium with no God on it. It's empty and it says there to the unknown God. And the Greeks were so superstitious that they believed we better put something here, because if we leave out a God, we could offend him and he could destroy us. That's why they put that up.
So Paul says in verse 23,. Excuse me, for as I was passing through and considering the objects of your worship, I even found an altar with this inscription to the unknown God. Therefore, the one whom you worship without knowing him, I proclaim to you Well, who is he? What kind of God is he like? All the other gods had names. All the other gods had certain attributes. All of those other gods, by the way, had certain wheelhouses. Okay, if you wanted to get drunk and have an orgy, then you want to go worship over there with Bacchus. If you want to just go nuts and crazy and be wild and run around in a frenzy, you would do the worship that was known as panic, and panic was the worship of the deity Pan, p-a-n.
So Paul is looking at all of this stuff and now he worshipped with men's hands as though he needed anything, since he gives to all breath and all things and he has made from one blood. By the way, that's a scientific fact. We know in hematology that mankind has come from one blood, one actual DNA source, from one blood. Every nation of men. That's right. We're one race. Are you black, are you white, are you yellow, are you red? We're all one, one race. There's not black race, white race, red race, no, there's one race. There's not black race, white race, red race, no, there's only one race To dwell on all the face of the earth. And he has, listen, he has predetermined their appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings or nations so that they should seek the Lord in the hope that they might grope for him and find him through or, excuse me, though he is not far from each of them.
Notice the Bible says that God has established nations or boundaries, or peoples or borders. Book of Acts, chapter 17, verses 23 to 27. Daniel, chapter 2, verse 44. God says that he establishes his everlasting kingdom that will preside and prevail over all other kingdoms of the world. Kingdoms is another term for borders or realms. For example, we could very accurately say that there's the kingdom of America, there is the kingdom of Russia, the kingdom of Germany, we could say the kingdom of China. Okay, interchangeable, same difference, let's. Let's press onto this.
Romans, chapter 13, and you could go ahead and read like the first seven verses later. But Romans 13 tells us that God has established the laws and the leaders of any given land, and they are to be for good. You say, well, jack, there's bad laws. Yes, there are bad laws. Isaiah, chapter 10, verse 1, says man writes very bad laws and those laws are to be overthrown Just because it's a law. You know what? For example, it is a law in California to smoke. You can smoke dope, you can smoke pot. Okay, so, I've never smoked pot in my life, but it's the law. Gosh, I guess I have to start. You're laughing right now because it's so stupid. There's stupid laws and we're not to obey stupid laws. Romans 13 says I'm paraphrasing now obviously don't obey stupid laws. It says that the leaders, political leaders, the law enforcement leaders, right, they're to be obeyed as long as they're doing good. When they cease to do good, then they have violated the call of God and the office of God and they're to be voted out or to be taken out of office.
Romans 13. Very, very important. And so listen to this. Deuteronomy 32. Deuteronomy, chapter 32. And then we're going to get down to some things that all of this pertains to See. I believe that the Bible speaks to everything at all times, always has. Acts 32, verse 7. Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations. Ask your father and he will show you your elders. They will tell you when the Most High divided their inheritance, that's, mankind people, to the nations, when he separated the sons of Adam. He separated the sons of Adam. Are you hearing me? God established nations and he separated Adam's children. He separated them to make nations. He set the boundaries of the nations according to the number of the children of Israel, for the Lord's portion is his people. Jacob is the place of his inheritance. Borders God has established borders. So there's a lot of listen.
There's a lot of wokesters out there and emotionally charged individuals. Believers are not. They're emotionally charged and their emotions have gotten ahead of their reason, quite frankly. And so here's what the wokester and the, in my opinion, I have to be kind, but I have to be accurate. I have to speak the truth.
In love, there are those who masquerade as being religious and even educated, and yet they are anti-borders. Masquerade as being religious and even educated, and yet they are anti-borders. This is a foolish individual because immediately you know that their emotions trump their theology and because their emotions are number one, their theology is somewhere down the list. And, by the way, their theology will always blow in the wind until it breaks, and it will always break. It will always break Because they're not on a foundation. Their theology is formed. When they hear the news, they try to Christianize it so that they can feel better, but it never works. And then eventually, if they stay at it, they walk around like the king that has no clothes.
Remember that old story about the king? The king that walked around naked because somebody lied to him and said you know, look, you're wearing a robe that's so beautiful. Only brilliant people can see it. Only brilliant people can see it. And the king goes oh, oh, oh, I see it, wow, yeah, so okay. And the king goes walking out into the among his subjects, and everybody's going oh, what a beautiful outfit. Oh, what a the king's naked, what a beautiful outfit. And then some kid goes hey, can someone tell me why the king's naked People do that with theology? Because their emotions are greater than their theology. And so, listen, let's talk practical.
I have noticed that only a certain political group of people are whining about borders right now. Think about it. Who is whining about borders? Not only are they only a particular political religious belief system, but they have a profound deficiency in all other areas of both politics, culture and theology. I could go on forever on this. For example, what's their view of Israel? What's their view of gun laws? What's their view of—do they believe—listen, here's a test Do they believe that the Constitution is the founding document or do they believe that the Constitution is a living document? If they believe the Constitution is a living document, then they're woke and they have bizarre, bizarre positions that never work. Only, they're only theoretical, because they never work, and I'm going to prove it to you again. We're limited on time, but I'll do the best I can. For example, are all borders good? Or how about this? Do all borders exist? Where there's a border, does it exist? That's the question to you.
So if you go with me right now down to LAX or any airport I just did this the other day, so I had my US passport and I was surprised yet again. It's happened to me once before. I went to Switzerland not too long ago, to Geneva, and that's where I first saw this. And I was in Los Angeles and they didn't want my passport. They just told me to stand there. They said just look into the screen, sir, just look into the screen. And I looked into the screen and the light turned green and the door opened up and I went and got on my plane. Facial recognition, why Borders? That's why, when I landed in Geneva guess what? I had to go through Customs. I had to go through customs before I could enter into the country of Geneva, I mean of Switzerland.
Apparently, you don't like that. Guess what? You won't be going to Switzerland, you will not be going to the Alps and you will not be going to Lake Geneva, because you don't believe in borders. You believe that you can just walk right into Switzerland because you have the right to? No, you don't. You have no rights at all to do that. None, nor do I Try walking into Saudi Arabia. I'd love to see you try. You won't make it. You won't even. You won't. I was going to say you won't even make it three feet. You won't even make it three inches. Listen, as woke as the UK is, you cannot get past customs at Heathrow. Past customs at Heathrow. I've done it a hundred times. It's not going to happen. Go to Mexico, they're going to. When you land in San Jose del Cabo, they are going to require identification.
So don't talk to me about Christians. We shouldn't, we shouldn't have borders. Okay, I know what planet you're on, but it's not God's planet. That's insane. And plus, you're lying to yourself and I'll prove it to you. If you don't think we should have borders, then how is it that you lock your door at night when you go to bed? How is it that you pay homeowner's insurance or insurance for your dwelling if you live in an apartment? How is it that you pay insurance so that nobody breaks in and steals your alarm clock Because there's borders?
Okay, now in America. In America, and believe it or not, california, I think, is the biggest. I think it's even more than Texas. Last time I heard there's more gun owners in California than any other state in America. In America we get to own guns. Why? Because the Constitution says we can protect ourselves against invasion Invasion.
Did you know that that belief system means that it's not the invasion of the beach or the invasion of airplanes flying over that's called war, the invasion of your property. Did you know that I have, you have, homeowner's insurance that starts at the very nth of a degree of the public sidewalk in front of your house and your private property. Did you know that sidewalk in front of your house and your private property? Did you know that you know if somebody slips on a roller skate or a skateboard on the sidewalk, the city's responsible. Did you know if two inches over, if that skateboard is on your property, you're responsible. Why Borders? So listen, not only do borders work, borders are the law and you, you, you, theorist, you live off of borders and God is a God of laws and God says in the Bible that he establishes borders. And I think it's important also to keep in mind this very, very important thing. So the breakdown in US borders pains me to say this because he's one of my heroes.
The breakdown in borders in the United States can pretty much be pinpointed to the man Ronald Reagan. Oh, I know it hurts Ronald Reagan. When he was governor of California, the crops in California were producing so much fruit and vegetables and nuts that the production was greater than our ability to harvest it. So Ronald Reagan worked it out with the Mexican government that Mexicans could come across the border at San Diego and they could have day passes. And then it was three day passes and then it was week long passes and then Reagan was no longer governor. Reagan moved on. People began staying longer, people began violating that opportunity. Some people never went home, but all the while, for the last 200 years, people have gone through immigration process in every country.
You have to If you're going to move. If I'm going to move, for example, if I'm going to move to Israel, I'm not only going to need all the luck in the world, I'm going to need God to move mountains, because the immigration process is so stringent. Same is true if I want to move to Tehran. If I want to move to Tehran in Iran or Persia. It's going to take an act of God. It's so difficult.
My point is this everybody, that the people that are whining about aren't we supposed to be loving? Aren't Christians supposed to be loving? What are you saying? Of course, we're supposed to be loving. What in the world are you implying? Well, my heart tells me, if we're loving as Christians, we should open up the gates and let people walk in and out and have no borders. Really, really, why don't you live like that then? You don't live like that. Why don't you be loving and open up your door and say with a sign out front I'm a Christian, I'm loving, my door is unlocked, I've got an extra bedroom, there's hot water here. Regarding the food in the refrigerator, make yourself at home. You would never do that, of course not, because it's personal. You have all the luxury to goof around with your little experiment in your head theoretically, but it doesn't work in reality. So, again, I just want to go down this argumentation that if we're loving, we're to obey God. If we're loving, we are to take care of those that are in need. When we're loving, we are to participate in our government, we are to participate in our churches.
What in the world. Does that have to do with being illegal, acting illegal, breaking the law? To assist those who have broken the law, you have to come into this country legally, period, just like I have to go through any other country legally period. See, this is only a really bizarre, dumb American issue. No other country's going through this. Because why we have such freedoms that, frankly, we don't even deserve them. We're so stupid that we don't even know how to govern and steward our freedoms. We were led by emotions. I'm going to go fast on this. It's 28 minutes into this. I got to speed this up, so the pope just got done schooling Donald Trump and Tom Holman on border security. The Pope, the Pope. When's the last time you said hi to the Pope? When's the last time you gave the Pope a hug? In fact, go hug the Pope. Let's start a go hug the Pope day.
The Pope is schooling Trump on the borders. That is mean, nasty and ugly. Then why doesn't the Pope open up the gates to the Vatican City and let all these illegals in? In fact, come on, pope, open up the Vatican and let all the illegal aliens in. Let them all in. You know why he won't do that Because there's going to be one, two or three murders in the group, and the way you keep murders out is that you establish borders, they apply for immigration, they come through the process and guess what you find out.
These seven people were fantastic. Come on in, listen, my my, of course, if you're in America. Our great grandparents came here from other countries. Think about it. On my mom's side, they came to an American territory at the time that was called Hawaii, from Portugal or, excuse me, from Brazil. But having said that, you see the hypocrisy of that. The Pope. What a come on. What a hypocritical thing to say. Trump is mean, ugly, brutal. Oh Pope, why don't you just make another room? I'm sure the room that you sleep in is so gigantic you could probably bring in 50 beds. Let's have people move into the Vatican. It's ridiculous. You think Vladimir Putin is going to have people move into the Kremlin? No way, he's too smart for that.
Did you know that there's a 100% correlation between the rise of crime in America and illegal immigration? I'm not saying that every illegal immigrant committed a crime, but I'm saying that the explosion of the crimes that have been recorded, 100% of those explosions regarding crime, it's 100% correlation between the rise of crime in America's cities, from rape, break-ins, gangs, formation of new gangs, all these things to illegal immigration, somebody will say and it cracks me up the woke Christian crowd. They're saying well, you know, leviticus 19 says that we're to be nice to the foreigner that's among us. I'm going to forgive you for using Scripture that way. You're forgiven, but don't do that again, because you really look dumb.
Who is the book of Leviticus written to the Jews? It's one of the five books of the Pentateuch, moses. Who do you write that to the Jews? If a non-Jew lives among you, they're considered foreigners to the Jew. How about this? If you are a foreigner, not a Jew, you're a Gentile, the foreigner and the Gentile is the same person in the first five books of the Bible. So these pastors that have actually taught sermons on we need to love our neighbor and we need to take care of our. Take care of the foreigner that's among us. It doesn't say you need to aid and abet those who have broken the law of God and take them in and do all that stuff. No, it means that you're to be kind to those who live among you that are not Jews. Wow, what else Did you know that the very word nation puts an end to your argument of this bizarre emotional theology Nations.
Nations have borders, nations have kings, nations have governments, nations have prime ministers and presidents. Nations have leaders, nations have leaders and the nation listen the nations of leaders. According to the Bible, they communicate to other nations with leaders throughout the Bible. And what does human history teach us? Human history teaches us that nations invade other nations. Nations bless other nations. Nations come to the aid of other nations, other nations. Nations come to the aid of other nations. Nations join together to defend one another as a group against hostile nations.
If you want to open up our borders and our gates and let crime rage, you're actually a danger to the United States. Or, if you're watching this in Great Britain, or if you're watching this in Peru, you're endangering your country with that kind of a worldview. Did you know that? Why do you think in America I can't speak for any other country in the United States? Did you know that you raise your right hand, you put your left hand on a Bible and you swear an oath? If you're going into law enforcement, if you're going into law, if you're going into politics and military, did you know that you swear an oath to uphold the laws of this land and to defend the Constitution against enemies, foreign and domestic. That's the law. So if MS-13 is here in America and they are by the tens of thousands whoever let them in has committed treason, pure and simple. A treasonous act. To open up the gates and to dismiss the watchmen on the wall are border security agents, so that they would run in. Joe biden is guilty of treason according to the Constitution, and the border czar, kamala Harris. It was her responsibility to manage the border for four years. Treason. The Democrat legislators in Washington DC and in California and in Texas and in Arizona. Treason. It's not my opinion, it's pure fact. That's what it means to swear an oath to the Constitution.
So a little bit of a wake-up call. Heaven has gates. The city of God in heaven has city limits. It's in the Bible. Start reading in Revelation, chapter 20. And you'll come to the end. Two chapters later You're at the Bible. Start reading in Revelation, chapter 20. And you'll come to the end. Two chapters later you're at the end and you're going to find out that heaven has gates. Heaven has walls. In fact, the Bible says all those who are outside the walls are cowards, the abominable, manslayers, fornicators, adulterers, and he's actually saying those that are outside the gates of heaven. They're in hell. Read it later.
But people, we got to wake up to this thing, and I'm going to end with this. I'm not going to give all the details on this one, but I'm not going to give all the details on this one, but this is the first time I've ever said it publicly. How's that? So some years ago, and I'm waiting for my phone to ring. I'm not joking, I'm waiting for my phone to ring Because one day years ago here in California, boom, it was like an epiphany. It's like what I instantly had an answer to at least part of the immigration problem here in California. So I'm not going to name names, but I picked up the phone and I called a very dear friend in Washington DC and I said hey, let me run something by you.
If the system's broken and it is, and it's been broken at least, maybe even beforehand, but at least since Ronald Reagan and it's got nothing but worse. It's hard to fix something that is so broke, but you got to start mending things. In other words, you know what triage is. Basically, triage is if there's blood and guts laying everywhere. Then you got to do the best you can to stop the bleeding. Does it make sense? You got to start somewhere. So guess what? Everybody, donald Trump, has started somewhere.
And what's Trump saying? If you're here illegally, you got to go. That's what he said. That's what he's always said, that that's what the law says. It's so funny. You I'm just pretending now I don't know who you are, but I'm just picking on you and it's kind of fun You're upset with Trump.
Why? Because Trump is literally obeying the law regarding immigration. But we have a big problem. The law's been broken for so long. How do we get back to at least ground zero? We're so subterranean. How do we get back to the top? We could start with this. Oh and, by the way, let me give you a little secret. We could start with this.
Oh and, by the way, let me give you a little secret Trump is not going to throw away, throw out all illegal immigrants. Now that he's president, I can tell you this. He was never intending to do that, but Nancy Pelosi didn't know that, neither did Chuck Schumer, neither did the Democrat Party. They didn't know that. Here's what Trump's doing. Have you noticed? Have you watched the news.
Who's he rounding up? Known murderers, known rapists, known killers, violent people who not only committed crimes here, but we have the data from the countries that they came from that they were wanted criminals in their countries. That's why those countries are saying we don't want our people back. They're dangerous, they're murderers. Now, I'm not going to tell you what the Bible says, what you should do to a murderer, but it would sure fix the problem. Or a rapist, by the way. So here's the deal. Trump is not dividing up families. It's not happened. It's not happening, unless your family member committed a felony. Then yeah, so here's the deal.
What if I know someone who's illegal and they paint or they? You know what I'm saying. You know somebody like this, good people, but they're here illegally. Here's what you do. Here's where you start. I'm going to make up a name. Here's what you do. Here's where you start. I'm going to make up a name. If I know Juan and Juan has been doing my yard and he's great love the guy, faithful, hardworking. I've met his wife, his kids.
You know what I'm proposing, that I, jack, say to Juan Juan, do you have two other Americans like myself, that you know Three, three of them. Do you know three Americans that can vouch for you? Yes, I do. All right, here's what we're going to do. We're going to vouch for you. We're going to fill out this form, because it's now law. We are going to fill this form out, and the process is this Cost no money to anyone. One. You just keep doing what you're doing, but I'll be interviewed by ICE, and so will Mike, and so will Susie. We three will be interviewed by ICE. And am I in trouble? And am I in trouble? I have a meeting at 10. I have a meeting right now. Oh no, you guys want to do part two. We're going to do a part two and I'm going to give you the answer that Trump ought to listen to, and others. Wow, I'm out of time. I'm in so much trouble, I'm so late. I'm not even going to tell you what to do next. Goodbye.
43:15 - Speaker 1
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