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Israel Is The Issue
Israel Is The Issue
Israel at war. Should we support Israel or pull back? Should we stand with them or run from them? Be careful what you believe when it comes…
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Aug. 29, 2024

Israel Is The Issue

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Jack Hibbs Podcast

Israel at war. Should we support Israel or pull back? Should we stand with them or run from them? Be careful what you believe when it comes to the media, things aren’t always what they appear to be.

(00:00) Israel and the Conservative Commentary Trend
(05:09) Support for Israel and Media Manipulation
(23:16) The Importance of Supporting Israel
(30:18) Media Awareness and Support for Truth


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00:00 - Israel and the Conservative Commentary Trend

05:09:00 - Support for Israel and Media Manipulation

23:16:00 - The Importance of Supporting Israel

30:18:00 - Media Awareness and Support for Truth

00:00 - Speaker 1
Real Life presents the Jack Hibbs Podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture.

00:09 - Speaker 2
Israel at war. Should we support Israel? Should we pull back? Should we stand with them or run from them?

00:21 - Speaker 1
You can get the outlines of this podcast by going to jackhibbscom slash podcast Today. If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five-star ratings. To us that's like saying amen or yes. Then that rating will encourage others to listen Now open your hearts to what God's word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs.

00:49 - Speaker 2
Hey everybody, welcome to the Jack Hibbs podcast right now, today, about 25 minutes worth. We've got to give you a shotgun version of something that is very important going on out there and I'm going to ask you to pay close attention because of the influence factor. The influence factor not by me, but by others. So you've probably figured out that I do not talk much about, maybe, global economics. I don't talk much about current contract issues between Boeing and their employees and the lack thereof. I don't come to you and discuss to you things that are taking place in the environmental movement. These are things that are not my wheelhouse.

It's good that someone who's an influencer stay within their wheelhouse, their place of expertise. Now, all of a sudden, a lot of conservative broadcasters, commentators, influencers, have somehow come to the conclusion that because they're very good in this particular lane or that particular lane or this avenue or that broad way of topic and information, they're great at it. They have fallen for a trick and that is to become relevant in an area that they don't have expertise in. There's a lot of conservative commentators I'm not going to mention them by name, you'll figure it out but they are in an area now of conversation and of opinion with their huge followings, and they're talking about things that they have not studied for 45 years, and that is the issue of Israel. Israel, just because you're famous or just because you have a microphone, doesn't mean that you're qualified to speak about what's going on with Israel. For example, there's a lot of great people out there that I listen to to find out what's going on in the environmental movement, to find out what's going on in the economic dilemma and to find out what's going on in that such and so area, and I go to them because that is their wheelhouse, it's my wheelhouse, it's what I've studied for 47 years and I've read the Bible through and through to know this.

And I'm going to sum it up in one portion of scripture, and that is Jeremiah 31, verse one. It says at the same time says the Lord, I will be the God of all the families of Israel and they shall be my people. Thus says the Lord. The people who survived the sword found grace in the wilderness Israel. Found grace in the wilderness Israel when I went in to give him rest, or when I went to give him rest. This is the prophet Jeremiah speaking about Israel's future. You say well, when is that? Well, technically, israel's the only nation on the face of the earth that has its past spoken about it, its present spoken about it. Read Romans, chapter 10. You can actually find out about Israel right now in Romans, chapter 10, and Ezekiel, chapter 38. Right now, chapter 37 is complete. Romans chapter 9 is complete, but Romans 10 is current, ezekiel 38 is current and, by the way, romans 11 is futuristic and Jeremiah, right here, is futuristic.

God will more and more be focusing on Israel, not less and less. Your opinion, my opinion, is worthless when it comes to our analysis of Israel. Why God wrote it out? See this book. There's only one nation featured. That is the key role of this book, only one. It's Israel. Period. It's not America. Shocker.

The US is going to dissipate and eventually be amalgamated, or become what's the word homogeneous, into the group of the nations of the world. It's just going to. America's prominence has already begun to wane and we have become weak and we have lost our will and certainly we have lost our constitution. Having said that, we're just going to be assimilated into the nations of the world. America is going to go among the nations of the world. You can't say that about Israel. So everybody listen. Be careful who you're listening to, because God is going to and he's about to refocus his attention on Israel. God is going to be doing more with Israel. He is going to work through Israel's drama.

And here's where we become very foolish. We begin to think, without God thoughts, what things ought to be done or the way things should go. So we say things like we should not, as a nation, be supporting Israel. Why do you say that? Because they're genocidal. Really, how do you know that? How do you know that Israel's genocidal? Oh, they're killing people. Who are they killing? Oh, they're killing people. Who are they killing? Who's being killed? How do you know that? Where did you hear that? From Little parenthetical insert here. At this moment, this world has fallen and Israel, just like the United States. There's innocence that dies in war. It's not the plan, it's not the target, but no one.

According to the top generals of militaries of the world, they all agree on one thing there is not a nation on earth that has a more moral military than Israel Hands down. Just research that for yourself. And so that's why Hamas, hezbollah, iran. Now we know Syria and Damascus. Where are the bad guys hiding out and where have they stored their most vicious armaments? Anybody know, you can know it, all of you in the military, both Israeli, british, us know it. They hide their weaponry in daycare centers, hospitals, neighborhoods, schools, areas where there's civilian population. It's a fact.

Have you been in Israeli Air Force military briefings to see the film revisited, with pilots, to analyze the taking out of rocket launchers in southern Lebanon? Have you been in those meetings? Have you been invited? Have you seen it happen? I've been. Listen, I have sat there with the Israeli Air Force as a spectator in briefings when they unpack a sortie, where they've gone in to areas of Syria or Lebanon or Gaza to take out rocket launchers that are being launched against the general population of Israel. I've seen it with my own eyes. I'm telling you now. I've. I've been there. I've seen it more than five times. I'll tell you that.

That said, don't believe me. I want you to be thinking right now. If, if, this guy and that girl and this girl and that guy, who are big names, say we should defund Israel, we should not send support to Israel, listen, they're speaking from their lane, but they're not staying in their lane. God has announced in the scripture that those who bless Israel. He will bless Genesis, chapter 12.

Be careful that you do not fall for the demonic atmospherics and optics of replacement theology and anti-Semitism. I'm fully aware, friend, that Israel is not a perfect country. I'm fully aware that their government is divided, like ours is, but not as much I fully understand that when a rocket is launched from a daycare center, israel drops leaflets and warns them to get out. But then when the bad guys read that, they hold babies and they run to their cars and drive away. They hold babies and they run to their cars and drive away. I've seen this, you've seen this. Maybe you haven't seen this, but again, I must confess I've been blessed to be in some pretty interesting situations. I do support Israel and I will support Israel because God says to do that and remember Israel is the land of Israel, the Jew is in the land of Israel.

Show me the land of Palestine. Go ahead, show me artifacts from the people of Palestine. Show me flags. Show me banners. Show me ancient weaponry. Show me coinage. Show me a Palestinian coin from I don't know the third century BC. Come on, do it. There aren't any. The actual Palestine of today is a construct to serve a purpose. That's why Islamic radicals will pimp, they will use Palestinians in Gaza to even kill them, destroy them, when all the Palestinians were heading down to Rafagate? Because Israel said get down to the Egyptian border, you'll be safe there. There's water and medical and food there.

Why did Telegram and various platforms report and show uncut, raw footage of Hamas terrorist machine gun down, killing men, women and children on bicycles, cars and on foot who were leaving to go get help? Why did that happen? Because it didn't fit their narrative for what's going on. You want to talk about genocide. That's genocide. And so right now, listen, israel will not stop erasing Hamas from the south and Hezbollah from the north. They can't, they won't, they're not going to stop, nor should they stop. Listen, there's a tactic among bullies they start a fight and then, if they start losing, they call for a ceasefire. You hear anything about ceasefire? You hear anything about ceasefire? Hamas and Hezbollah and the proxies of the Iranian government are calling for a ceasefire. You want to know why? Because Israel's whipping them. They're losing to Israel. Oh, jack, you don't know what you're talking about, because I saw this dead body of this little child being carried through the streets of Gaza, or Yonkunis, or Falufa or whatever, somewhere, tehran. How do you know what you're looking at is real? Oh, because the baby is real footage and the baby is covered in blood. How did he die? When was that footage taken? Are you guys aware? Are you aware that so many times footage is either A being shown to influence the world against Israel, that it's old footage from things where there's an earthquake and there's been devastation, and the Hezbollah, hamas, islamic people personnel public relations organization will pull out footage and replay it and reframe it and reuse it? Did you know that?

I have been in one of our buses 50 people do a bus. We were in Bethlehem and my bus was in the front. And as we left Bethlehem, we were heading back out of the West Bank and I could hear the bus driver speaking in Hebrew to my guide, speaking in Hebrew, and motions to me to lean over, and I said yeah, going on. He goes. You look up ahead. The drivers identified this white vehicle up ahead. This is most likely going to be and it's sure enough this is most, most likely going to be a certain three-letter acronym media group that everybody knows of. They said watch this, jack, try to get the people to look to the left of the bus, point something out, get their eyes away from what's about to happen on the right side of this bus. And our bus driver began to speed up. He's talking to the other buses behind us. They began to speed up. You want to know why. There was a film crew there. They had their cameras set up and there were youth out of Bethlehem and they started throwing rocks and slingshotting rocks at our buses and I said what in the world is going on? And they said we don't know what's going on for this particular issue, because it's rather odd for them to attack a bus like this. Usually it's civilian vehicles. But they'll reframe it and they'll use it and notice who was taking the. They had the blue jackets on with helmets and it said press and they had three different camera angles of reporters that came out of this blue, out of this white bus, white van, and they'll use the footage and they said if we were to pull over and watch this, they would begin to distribute US dollar cash. They'll slip those kids a $20 bill for doing that stuff.

Making news. Making news Witnessed it with my own eyes. Making news, friends. Listen just because it's on the news doesn't mean it's true, and listen. Just because it doesn't fit your particular view of how things ought to be doesn't make it true.

Listen people who are reporting and broadcasting on Israel, the genocidal nation. Do you know that Israel has the military power to do away with Jordan, for example? They could take Gaza in a second. They could listen. They could take Syria in a minute. Do you understand Israel?

It's undisclosed, but everybody knows that Israel, not only as a nuclear-armed nation, but they've taken the nuclear technologies and even some more advanced technologies and they have made them to be so incredibly surgical that it's Israel, it's not the US, that invented a regional tactical nuke. We didn't invent that. I know, listen, every American warrior is going to contact me that invented a regional tactical nuke. We didn't invent that. I know, listen, every American warrior's gonna contact me and say how dare you? We're smarter than everybody. We're the ones that invented. After Hiroshima and Nagasaki we saw the mass devastation of that. We're the ones that invented a pin prick drop of a nuclear weapon. No, we did not. No, israel did that.

Israel is not committing genocide. If Israel wanted to, they would. You wouldn't be able to do a thing about it, nor I, and they would clean up that neighborhood of the Middle East in a second. They're not going to do that, but they could. Friends, listen, please be careful. Well, we should cut off all arms supply to Israel. Well, listen, you're going to equate that as a parity or a equity thought regarding, for example, ukraine.

Now somebody might say we shouldn't give money to Ukraine or Israel. Listen, geopolitical analysis is so important because a state department will figure out what nation or nation state is good for the United States, good for America. This is normal people. This is normal thinking. You globalists out there are having your brains fried right now, because I can't believe. He just said that Canada works with other nations that help the Canadian dollar and Canadian interest China. Why do you think China is buying California or bought California? Why, because it helps Chinese interests. America does the same thing. So does Venezuela. It's normal geopolitical State Department operating procedures, and that is this.

What kind of relationship do we have with Ukraine? I don't know. You're going to have to ask Joe Biden, ask Hunter. But what kind of relationship do we have with Israel? Oh, that's not even on the same map. Number one do our intelligence agencies share information? Oh, absolutely. We need to. We have to for both nations to stay safe? Do we share ideas? Do we share technologies? Do we share education? Do we share much of our culture? Between the United States and Israel? Absolutely. Did you guys know? Have you forgotten that, if you're so quick to hold Israel back from its weaponry, which is very interesting I'm going to interrupt myself. A lot of this stuff.

They had the idea, but without the funding. It was their idea, it was their brains, but we had the bucks. So they got together with MIT or Stanford and they figured out this is how we're going to build this thing. So it's so intermingled between the Israel and the US. We had the money, but they had the brains, and so this was invented, and you can talk about the Patriot missile system versus the Iron Dome all you want.

If you ever knew the exact history about that, america would be humbled. Israel's an ally and it's the only democracy in the region, israel, and we want to abandon Israel. That's a very bad idea. However, I've read my Bible. Pretty soon, america is going to turn its back on Israel. I hear this loud and clear, ladies and gentlemen, because I'm in my lane Israel will be abandoned by the United States. We don't know the reason why. We do know that the nations of the world, including the United States, will question why an Islamic-led, russian-involved attack was levied against Israel for its annihilation.

Ezekiel, chapter 38, and all we will do is file a complaint with the United Nations, asking the question why have you done this? We demand an answer. Ezekiel says why did you invade Israel? Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this? And then God steps in and annihilates those armies invading. It's going to happen, but America will not come to Israel's support.

So those of you who are saying stop supporting Israel, why? Because you're trying to fulfill Bible prophecy? Well, you ain't going to do that. No, listen, we want to support Israel and defend Israel because, if you believe it or not, if you like it or not, israel is the first line of defense for the United States. That's why Israel has often been referred to as the 51st state. There's shirts in Israel you can buy and it shows the shape of Israel and it says Israel, the state of Israel, and it will say 51. We're so close together but we're going to cut ranks with Israel.

But here's the deal. Don't you fall for the trickery of very passionate, very articulate, very well-spoken people saying we need to dump Israel. You're falling right into the trap that Satan has set for anti-Semitism and it makes for bad policy. And are you sure you want to do that? You sure you want to cut Israel off? Because if you want to cut Israel off, then turn over your iPhone, turn over your Samsung, your Galaxy, turn over your fill in the blank. Why? What are you saying? The inside of your cell phones made by Israel? Tons of your technology that you have at home is Israeli made. Think of that, and I'll leave you with this.

Want to know a dirty little secret? Here it comes. Dirty little secret, here it comes. Let's stop Israel from having weaponry, joe Kamala, or forget those guys. Obama, stop selling weapons to Israel. As I speak to you right now, I received videos two days ago of a string, a line, a fleet of US Air Force Globemasters C-17s landing at Ramat, david, tel Aviv, or Ben-Gurion, david, ben-gurion International, and Navatim and Tel Naf bringing weapons from the United States. Yes, we should cut that off. Did you know that if we did what you think, if we do what you're hearing from many pontificators on their websites and stuff and on their channels, we should cut Israel off? Stop supplying them. You have no idea what you're talking about. Did you know that those US companies would go out of business if they weren't making weaponry for Israel? In fact, here's the dirty little secret.

We just passed a spending bill and I forget the number. Please forgive me. I forgot the number, but it's something like $10 billion, watch, watch. We're going to give Israel $10 billion for it to arm itself. The money given is tied to Raytheon, general Dynamics, martin Boeing, owned by Americans, who make the state-of-the-art metals for rockets and missiles. Did you know that when we give Israel money, we approved oh my gosh, I can't believe it. We approved money. Did you know that we send them $10 billion and in some cases, it never leaves the country of America? We approve Israel to buy $10 billion, or we give Israel $10 billion to arm itself. But listen, it's so funny. We send them the money. Israel orders the rockets from US-based corporations. Israel sends the money back to the United States. Those private corporations keeps our economy going, keeps our people employed. Israel gets what they needed and the money goes. Like this it happens all the time. I can't believe we're going to be giving that much money to so-and-so. They have to buy the stuff from us. It's going to come right back.

Be smart, be wise, be careful. Don't be a sucker. It's really cool right now to be anti-Israel and people are doing their crazy pushback videos and all of this stuff. Listen, you better be on the right side of God, not what's cool to report or not what you think should be the breaking headline news, or the policies of America regarding Israel. You need to slow down and read your Bible and find out, and I'll leave you with this In Matthew, chapter 25, jesus judges the nations of the world, and it's called the great judgment of the sheep and the goats.

Judges the nations of the world, and it's called the great judgment of the sheep and the goats. My friend, jesus is not currently a sheep herder or a goat herder. Read Matthew 25. You and me and the nations which we reside will someday be judged by Jesus Christ himself. And he says I will separate those nations based on how they treated my brethren, israel, and I will judge them based on that criteria. How did you treat my people? He's not talking to the church. He's not talking about the church. That should that should cause you to sober up right now. Be careful. Watch out for the reruns of former crisis footage recirculated. Watch out for media stunts. America's the best at it, by the way. Where did you hear that from and how do you know it's true? That's the questions. Those are the thoughts that you should be having. Listen, if this reality is something that you'd like to hear more of, give us a five-star rating. Tell people about it. It's time for us to live out what we believe in. It's time for real life, right, so God?

30:58 - Speaker 1
bless you Until next time. This Jack Hibbs podcast, as well as all the broadcast outreach opportunities, are listener supported. Will you consider partnering with us through a special gift? Go to to learn more and stay connected.