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Great Show. 🇺🇸
Love Your podcasts Pastor Jack. Praying for the Peace of Israel !! Praying for America!!! Praying for Pres Trump! If You have any room on Your prayer list, Please pray for my XWife, Joy Lynn and two Daughters., Sunny Glynn and Zoee Lynn. They need Jesus!! I failed during our marriage to show Him!! 😔Praying for California and NC!! Victor Crockett. (Retired USARMY (Abn))(Retired Postal Worker) (Lake Alfred, Fl). 🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 ps. Could You also pray for me, I need to follow Jesus more 😔Thank You. Thank You!!🙏 ps. Have You thought about “Intelligent Design “? Would love to hear Your views!💔

Follower of Jesus, wife and mom
This is a fabulous podcast!! Much truth. It is a great way to fill your ears with Jesus.

Excellent Podcast
Overall great show, excellent speaker, excellent topics and teachings. Solid biblical knowledge!

Great Show. 🇺🇸
Love Your podcasts Pastor Jack. Praying for the Peace of Israel !! Praying for America!!! Praying for Pres Trump! If You have any room on Your prayer list, Please pray for my XWife, Joy Lynn and two Daughters., Sunny Glynn and Zoee Lynn. They need Jesus!! I failed during our marriage to show Him!! 😔Praying for California and NC!! Victor Crockett. (Retired USARMY (Abn))(Retired Postal Worker) (Lake Alfred, Fl). 🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 ps. Could You also pray for me, I need to follow Jesus more 😔Thank You. Thank You!!🙏 ps. Have You thought about “Intelligent Design “? Would love to hear Your views!💔

Always pointing to The Bible.

Solid Biblical Teaching
Pastor Jack is a gifted, biblical teacher. You will learn solid, foundational truths when you listen to his podcast.

Thank you!
Pastor Hibbs I thank you for not watering down the truth. You tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. For to do anything less is to compromise the salvation message. Jesus isn’t just a way, HE is the only way!

Great Show. 🇺🇸
Love Your podcasts Pastor Jack. Praying for the Peace of Israel !! Praying for America!!! Praying for Pres Trump! If You have any room on Your prayer list, Please pray for my XWife, Joy Lynn and two Daughters., Sunny Glynn and Zoee Lynn. They need Jesus!! I failed during our marriage to show Him!! 😔Praying for California and NC!! Victor Crockett. (Retired USARMY (Abn))(Retired Postal Worker) (Lake Alfred, Fl). 🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 ps. Could You also pray for me, I need to follow Jesus more 😔Thank You. Thank You!!🙏

Sound Doctrine
If you are looking for sound doctrine and learning about the days we are living in, Pastor Jack is the man to listen to! Thank you Pastor Jack for helping us all learn and grow our faith and love in God!

Heart of God
A good podcast to understand biblical concept. Love it stay true.

My mother sent me one of Jack’s podcasts about a month ago, and I literally wept from start to finish. I’ve been navigating incredible challenges in my life including sin, and to hear the power of the Holy Spirit speaking through this faithful man of God was so refreshing. Thank you Jack and team. Praise God I’ve been led to listen to your podcasts. Truly are blessing my life and now my teens

Very good podcast
It explains the Bible very well

Thankful to have the teaching and biblical guidance from Pastor Hibbs in times such as these 🤍☝🏼 #oneway #Jesus

One of, if not THE best truth speaker
I absolutely love Jack Hibbs and everything he speaks about. So informative, easy to listen to, often funny and relatable. By far my most favourite podcast to listen to. Absolutely brings me so much closer to Christ, helps me understand the word of god and teaches me so much I’ve never known. I laugh, I cry, I pray, and I fall deeper in love with my relationship with God and Jesus. Absolutely recommend to everyone and anyone. Thank you Jack

Loved hearing the truth about pretending bishops it’s so unbelievably unbiblical to give her that title. Keep speaking the truth. Even if trump would go easy on this “bishop” I am not sure God will.

This pastor is faithfully sharing the Word of God no matter what happens. He is one I keep coming back to and listening to his messages over and over. He is an American history expert and he speaks on current events and how we as Christians should respond.

Love Pastor Jack
I listen everyday to him, I can’t wait to hear his preaching. What an amazing pastor he is! I am a sponge soaking in every message I hear. God bless Pastor Jack

Always blessed by the messages.

Great Show.Happy New Year!!💥🇺🇸
Love Your podcasts Pastor Jack. Praying for the Peace of Israel !! Praying for America!!! If You have any room on Your prayer list, Please pray for my XWife, Joy Lynn and two Daughters., Sunny Glynn and Zoee Lynn. They need Jesus!! Praying for California and NC!! Victor Crockett. (Retired Soldier)(Retired Postal Worker) (Lake Alfred, Fl). 🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

You don’t want to miss hearing this guy! His Biblical messages are powerfully bold, truthful and loving! Pastor Jack Hibbs

Jack is always inspired to bring you something fresh that is a message from God and it seems to be something that is enlightening to me or inspiring to me and when your own church is not being led or is not invigorating or is not preaching on the Bible in daily applicable terms, and bringing the Bible to life for you, I have found Jack’ sermon especially on Israel and what’s happening in Israel, and the biblical perspective of it being brought to life in today’s terms as utterly fascinating. And I can only hope more churches preach in today’s terms and bring the Bible to life for today. That is the only way I see that we can live by the Judeo-Christian principles that we have in a western society that are being pushed out of society today and treated as if it’s a crime. I love Jack’s ministry, his ministry with his wife and his whole church and can only wish there was one in Australia that I could attend. Keep up the God inspired ministry. That’s inspiring people internationally. Love from Australia.

Truth about GOD’s Church
Pastor Jack addressed the topic about “Am I in the right church?” with such simplicity and wisdom. He left no room for any doubts. May our LORD and CREATOR, our Heavenly FATHER keep blessing this podcast, this church.

Mahalo from Hawai’i!
thank you pastor Jack! Love the Podcast! Preach preacher!

For Gods Glory!
Lord Jesus, thank you for Pastor Jack. Thank you for instilling him with the fire of the Holy Spirit. May you please keep using him and putting him situations to be an encouraging example to the way of Christ! In Jesus Name! You will hear truth in this podcast prepare your hearts! And let the Lord and His word bring you to salvation.

Undeluded biblical truth taught without apology
Pastor Jack teaches with such wisdom and boldness!

Four years ago, God introduced us to this ministry. The amount of knowledge I have gained from Jack Hibbs is priceless. I learn something new each time I listen. He steps on my toes sometimes and I praise God!!! Keep doing God’s will Pastor Hibbs. You’re reaching people all across the country!

Great messages
I am so blessed Really an amazing pastor My GOD bless you just more

Best Podcast!
This is the best podcast!

Great Christian podcast
Great topics and great theology