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The Antichrist - A Man Possessed By Satan
The Antichrist - A Man Possessed By Satan
The Willful King, the Son of Perdition, the Idol Shepherd—these are all names to describe a man who will be possessed by Satan to bring ter…
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Sept. 25, 2023

The Antichrist - A Man Possessed By Satan

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Jack Hibbs Podcast

The Willful King, the Son of Perdition, the Idol Shepherd—these are all names to describe a man who will be possessed by Satan to bring terrible harm to the entire world. Get ready to hear more about the Antichrist now.







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0:00:01 - Speaker 1
Real Life presents the Jack Hibbs podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture.

0:00:10 - Speaker 2
Antichrist it's a very interesting word In English. Our picture is somebody with like red leotards on, kind of putting a suit on, but his tail keeps sticking out. He's getting ready to go to a board meeting, but his horns keep sticking out of his hair. That's how we owe this. Yeah, it must be the Antichrist. Anti means not only to oppose, but it also means it also means to be instead of the imposter.

0:00:45 - Speaker 1
You can get the outlines of this podcast by going to Today. If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five star ratings. To us that's like saying amen or yes. Then that rating will encourage others to listen. Now open your hearts to what God's word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs.

0:01:14 - Speaker 2
There's demonic powers manipulating people, just as there are righteous powers of God manipulating people, and there's a kingdom in collision and you're on the battlefield. You're the trophy, by the way, you're the prize. See, I thought you said Satan was defeated. He is defeated, so why doesn't he give up? Because he knows something and he has this opportunity. He hates God so much that the only way he can get at God with the time that he has remaining is to destroy the things that God loves. Because God made you a free moral agent. God, god, listen, god doesn't. God doesn't make AI. God made you an autonomous individual with free choice and listen, because you can choose to love God or not. That's the way it works. That's the way it works, and Satan's doing everything possible to get you to turn your back on God, to blame everything on God. Why do you think the world blames everything on God first? People who don't believe in God blame God. That's hilarious. What a confession. I don't believe in God, but that earthquake was just from God. Get it straight. Well, which one is it? I already know which one it is, by the way, but notice that Satan wants to ruin your life so he can hurt God. Why? What's the connection? God's love for you and he'll blind you. Satan will. He'll try to get you confused.

The Bible says that God is not the author of confusion. Satan's the author of confusion. The book of Isaiah tells us, and the book of Ezekiel says, that on the day of judgment the world will look upon Satan and say are you the one that put nations at war with each other? You're the one that stirred it all up. Isn't that amazing? By the way, the Bible says in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 that he's ridiculously beautiful, that he's the most handsome, most beautiful entity God has ever made. Isn't that something? And the Bible tells us in those two chapters that when he moves, music comes out of him. Isn't it funny that music can either glorify God or be flat out bad.

The Antichrist is a man who will be possessed by Satan. And I would just submit to you that all these little games people played, the little magic eight ball Ouija board just a little rolling of the dice, it's not going to hurt anybody, Just a little peek. Oh, just a little, this little that I submit to you today, that it's satanic wooing to try to get you away from God, flirting, as it were, to get you away from God. The Bible says he's also known as the willful king. The Antichrist is known as the willful king. Daniel 11, verse 36. Notice how everything's coming out of Daniel or revelation. See how those are connected. Yeah, Somebody told me after first service pastor, I have been coming here for two and a half years.

I've never had more Old Testament Bible verses in my 50 years of being a Christian and I just can't believe my respect for the Bible. And that just made my day. And here's the deal. It is so true You've heard me say it a thousand times you don't even know if the New Testament's true. You don't even have a clue. If it's true, None of you can prove it unless you know your Old Testament. Amen, You're walking on a wire, friend, Stay away from pastors and say you don't need to study the Old Testament.

I tell you what? Shake the dust off your feet and run, Get out of there. Oh, you don't need to read it. Really, that's the only thing that the apostles had to preach was the Old Testament. It's a demonic doctrine of demon that gets you to discredit the Bible. Watch out for that.

He's the willful king, Daniel 1136. Then the king, the little horn, shall do according to his own will. He shall exalt and magnify himself above every God and shall speak blasphemies against the God, the God willful. Also this he's known as the idol or worthless shepherd. The Bible says in Zechariah, chapter 11, verse 17,. Zechariah 1117,. Woe to the worthless or idol shepherd who leaves, abandons the flock. It's Zechariah speaking to Israel about a shepherd that's gonna come to you, but he's the deceiver and he's gonna leave you in your moment of need. He's gonna run. Watch this. Are you guys awake? A sword shall be against his arm and against his right eye. His arm shall completely wither and his right eye shall be totally blind. You see, what does that have to do with anything?

Revelation, chapter 13, says in verse three and I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded and his deadly wound was healed and the world marveled at him and followed him In some way, shape or form. There is going to be now listen, this is so important the beast person thing, anti-Christ, who's possessed by Satan. Something is gonna happen to him whereby he is going to be in some way, apparently mortally wounded. What's another word for mortally wounded? Dead? It means dead. But he's going to be healed.

But because Satan can't do, perhaps, perfect miracles like God can do, Satan can do miracles. Let's be honest. Moses threw down his staff. It became a snake. Those magicians threw down their staffs. They became snakes. That's pretty sick. Satan can do that stuff.

The Bible says Satan can come and appear to you like an angel of light. Think about deception. What is going on in your life and my life that's drawing us closer to God or putting us in neutral? Oh, I just, it's just. I just spend my time doing games. I'm a gamer, that's just what I do. How did you, how does that help anyone? You're created to serve God? Oh, I just look out the window all day, or whatever it is. But Satan can do miracles.

Listen, the Bible tells us that Satan and the false prophets and the beasts. They perform signs and wonders and miracles. But I just actually misquoted it and see if you caught it Signs, wonders and miracles. Thank you, I heard it over here. Jesus and the disciples went out and they did signs, miracles and wonders. The unholy trinity is Satan, the false prophet and the antichrist. You're going to do the exact same thing, but it says lying signs, wonders and miracles. Why? Because the father of it all is a liar and we'll put an end to this right now. This way, antichrist, what comes to my Jack? I mean, you know, this is fascinating, but it's ridiculous. Because what do you mean? Antichrist? Like Rosemary's baby that went over really big at first with an older generation of believers, the omen Does anybody remember a band?

Was it Incubus? Raise your hand. If you've ever heard of that band before, have you ever looked up the meaning of that word? It's real. You say Satanism's real. Yeah, it's real, it's extremely real. Let me ask you this when people die in satanic rituals, do you think that's real?

0:10:33 - Speaker 1
Yes, People die, See man, that's just like voodoo weirdness.

0:10:40 - Speaker 2
No, that's real too. Antichrist it's a very interesting word In English. Our picture is somebody with like red leotards on, kind of putting a suit on, but his tail keeps sticking out. He's getting ready to go to a board meeting, but his horns keep sticking out of his hair. That's how we say oh, this guy must be the Antichrist.

Anti means not only to oppose, but it also means to be instead of the imposter. This imposter. Remember how we read about him in the temple. That won't be God's temple, it's his temple. He's gonna give Israel a green light to rebuild it. Then he's gonna come and deer it. Listen to this. The Bible says he's gonna take it 1,260 days after he has.

Israel signed the peace treaty among its surrounding enemies in Daniel, chapter nine, verses 24 to 27. How specific, how specific? Do you wanna go on this? Antiochus Epiphanes, in about 165 BC, when he invaded Jerusalem, went into the Holy of Holies and sacrificed a pig and spread its blood and urine all over the altar, and it was known as the desecration. But this one's different, because this is a desecration of a man declaring himself to be God in the temple that he gives the Jews permission to build, and today Israel is willing to build it. As I speak. See, jack, why are you telling us these things when we have the amalgamation taking place of the World Economic Forum connecting with the Council of Foreign Relations, connecting with the United States, connecting with the European Union, to establish a global governance program called the Great Reset that is now beginning to appear on your bank statements? The Reset the world is an economic peril. Oh, and we'll talk about that too, because he's got a plan for that. He's gonna digitize the global system. There'll be no dollars, there'll be no Yen or Shekel.

The Bible says in the book of Revelation 13 that he's going to digitize currencies. He's going to make them into numbers. This is 2,000 years old. And the Bible also says we'll study this in the next few weeks. Am I trying to get you to come back? No, I mean, I got all this stuff going in my head that I it's that clock, it's that clock that thou gave us to me. But isn't it amazing, see, he's going to have great ideas and we can put an end to all this border problem and drug trafficking, fentanyl, sex slave market. We can end it all right now. If we just digitized the currency right now, we'd put an end to it all.

Listen, watch this watch. Do you want to stop human trafficking? Estimated 40, no, 40 million victims of global sex trafficking. Would you like to stop that? Fentanyl drugs, all of it, illegal drug trade, the cartel. Would you like to put them out of business?

You really, you know you're guarded and you're yes, it's like yes, do I? Of course you do, but how do you do it? You know the follow the money line, or if you can dry up the money. You know what Sanctions are all about cutting off the money. What if you can't cut off the money anymore Unless you digitize?

And to digitize you have to present yourself as a full package of identity, which is why DARPA has invented the subcutaneous identification system that goes under your skin that measures everything from your heart rate, temperature, your complete ID. No more eye scans, no more thumb prints, no more social security number. It is a broadcasting digital piece that goes under your skin. Darpa, go, look at it. We made that, we developed that. I mean not here at this church, america, the folks at DARPA. It's a government agency and instead of you listen, you can just stand right here like this, and the device can be a hundred feet away and it can recognize you and you're good to go in. Oh, you're good to spend.

I'm really going to end with this. Has anyone been at LAX Bradley Terminal lately? Anyone, raise your hand, anyone, class, anyone. So at the west end of the Bradley Terminal if you've seen it, I was just there you walk in, okay, and you just wave your credit card and the door opens up to the store. There's nobody inside. You shop, get what you want and walk out and leave no human contact. Bradley Terminal, lax Scanners somewhere. Read my card. It opened up the door. I went in when I lifted it. The item is somehow scanned in the cloud that's inside the store, deducted from my account.

I didn't speak to a human being, revelation 13. So if you want to scare more people, bring them back next Sunday with you. Listen, just remember this, everybody. Just remember this. We're talking about the one who we're not going to see. The Bible makes it very clear that the rapture will take must take place before this guy can be revealed. He can't come out until we've gone up. Remember that the Holy Spirit is holding back evil and when he steps out of the way, then shall that wicked one be revealed whom the Lord will consume. When the Holy Spirit steps out of the way, he doesn't go anywhere. He just steps out of the way. What causes him to step out of the way? The Holy Spirit deposits the church into the hands of Jesus in John 14. Jesus receives us in the atmosphere and takes us to His house.

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