Jan. 27, 2025

The Autopsy Of America

The Autopsy Of America
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The Autopsy Of America

An autopsy is performed to find out why someone died. Are we at the point in history where the America that the Founders built has breathed its last? Find out why Pastor Jack is wearing the uniform of the Black Robe Regiment in today’s timely podcast episode.

(00:00) Awakening America to God's Guidance
(04:03) National Call to Prayer and Repentance
(15:07) Prayer for God's Intervention


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00:00 - Awakening America to God's Guidance

04:03:00 - National Call to Prayer and Repentance

15:07:00 - Prayer for God's Intervention

00:00 - Speaker 1
Real Life presents the Jack Hibbs Podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture.

00:09 - Speaker 2
God. Our nation has been torn open, our borders have been destroyed, our economy is imploding, our children are exposed to the violence of the streets, we are in debt, we have forsaken Almighty God and we ask you, Lord, in Jesus' name, that you would awaken the United States of America for no other reason but to bring you glory.

00:41 - Speaker 1
You can get the outlines of this podcast by going to https://jackhibbs.com/podcast Today. If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five-star ratings. To us that's like saying amen or yes. Then that rating will encourage others to listen Now open your hearts to what God's word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs.

01:10 - Speaker 2
Just as God warned the nation of Israel and any nation, your land will be filled with confusion, and our land is full of confusion. God gave birth to the nation of Israel, and that is a matter of biblical fact. The interesting thing about God giving birth to the nation of Israel and that is a matter of biblical fact, the interesting thing about God giving birth to the United States is that it is an historical fact. There is no mention of America being birthed as a nation in the Bible. No one educated can deny the fact that the United States has had more of God's blessings than perhaps even Israel itself over the years. What God did for Israel in the space of thousands of years, god did, and beyond, for America in a couple hundred years. How could that possibly come to pass? How could that happen? How could that possibly come to pass? How could that happen?

Because our pilgrim fathers saw that by chance, if we, as a people who believe in his word, would seek his face, it might be that God would want to do a work among those who trust Christ. Our founding fathers knew that they were not Israel. They knew that they weren't confused, but they also made reference and preached messages regarding the fact that God's promises are open-ended to any nation who will take up his promises. That God's word to us is to anybody who will take up his promises. That God's word to us is to anybody who will take up his word to obey. This is so true that if Russia today, or if North Korea today picked up the Bible to obey it, god would begin to bless their land, god would begin to bless their leadership. God will not turn away anyone who calls upon him in humility. When people pray humbly before God and seek his face, based upon the word of God, not to pray that you might win the lotto or have a happy day, but that God might rule and reign in America again through the hearts and minds of men and women, do you think that kind of prayer is going to go unopposed by the forces and powers of darkness? Think again. If you're today and I can't imagine you being at this church but if you are today, somebody who practices recreational Christianity, it's time to wake up and get real. These are desperate times. It is obvious on all fronts. What will become of America, only God knows, but this we know If we will turn and seek his face, repent of our sins and humble ourselves. God says I will heal your land. I don't know what that means, but I know it's good.

But, with all due respect, we have to qualify. That. That's a condition. Did you know that? Well, I thought salvation was free. I'm not talking about salvation, by the way. Salvation is free, but not to God. It cost him everything. Thus, it's free to us Because he doesn't accept our currency.

But regarding this country, there's a qualifier. If, if, my people, let's be honest. Have you been weeping? Have you been sick to your stomach? Have you been unable to eat? Have you been sick to your stomach? Have you been unable to eat?

Are you watching the systematic rise of those manifestations that the Bible says is of demonic activity? You know this. We call it mental illness. There is mental illness, there is mental illness, but I'm not buying that everything that's going on is of mental illness. First of all, if it is mental illness, where's all that coming from? I think the mental illness that we do have is certainly a result of spending 40 hours a week playing video games and never seeing the light of the day and having Pepsi and donuts for breakfast. That stuff will kill you. The brokenness of family we read it today. That will destroy you.

The attempted banning of preaching of the gospel so that young people think that they were nothing but a successful exit out of a primordial mud hole of evolution. And then somebody grabs a rifle and shoots up a classroom and we are all in shock. What a bunch of hypocrites. We tell people they're a derivative of an animal and a monkey and then we expect them to act like angels in the classroom or on the streets. What a bunch of hypocrites. Our nation needs to turn back to God. Listen when it says nation, don't wait for Barack Obama or Donald Trump or Gavin Newsom or anybody else. It's not going to happen until I turn back to God. It's not going to happen unless you turn back to God. Don't leave this service today and say you know those people need to return back to God. No, it's us. We are here in this condition because of the church.

Do you not know history? Alexa de Tocqueville gets dispatched from Paris, from Versailles. You've got to go. Take this assistant with you. We'll fund the whole trip. You're brilliant. You're a great observer, you're a great philosopher. You're just the right man. Following the Revolutionary War and the victory of the colonies over Great Britain. Go figure out how did they do that and then bring back the report so we can have a revolution here, just like they did.

Tocqueville came to America and he went throughout the colonies. You can read it. He wrote the book, taking notes. Notation this, notation that, and he was puzzled Out of his own mouth. He was puzzled as to the greatness of America. How could this be happening? This upstart nation defeats the greatest military power on the face of the earth. How is it that this nation, in its army, loses almost every battle and then somehow wins the war? So it's not their military strength, everybody knows that. So he checks that off his list.

He goes to the fields and de Tocqueville writes unbelievable production of apples and peaches, walnuts, cherries, wheat. The farmer is getting so much out of one square acre of land. I've never seen such a thing. Bounty writes that down. Cattle, all of it. He writes it down, but he said, listen, this is brilliant. He said this still doesn't explain the greatness of America. What makes the ground do this? Do you remember in California, you guys? Years ago I was born listen, born in San Diego. This is as far north as I've ever lived, but I remember the days of California, when the Central Valley and the Salinas Valley you could almost spit on the ground and strawberry bush would grow. Did you know that California was the fruit and vegetable basket of the nation? The entire nation, salinas region was known as the salad bowl of America. Did you know that the Tocqueville can't figure it out and he's about ready to get back on the ship and head back to France? But he went to church and he said I just found out. America is great, he wrote because America is good. The day that America ceases to be great, he wrote because America is good, the day that America ceases to be great will be because it ceased to be good. America is in its last twilight, gleaming. The very founder of this nation, the first citizen, the first commander-in-chief, the first general, the first president, bowed his knee daily in prayer to Almighty God. So much so. The famous painting from Valley Forge is not a hoax, it's not a joke. The famous painting from Valley Forge is not a hoax, it's not a joke.

Isaac Potts was dispatched to keep an eye on Washington as he went into the woods away from the starving forces of the colonial army Feet frozen in snow, bloody trails left behind by bloody feet in ice, cold weather? Did you know at Valley Forge we were eating the soles of our boots? Did you know that we were eating and chewing on bark off the trees? We were reduced to nothing. And Washington left his troops exhausted and it was noticed where's he going? And he walked his horse into the woods and he got on his knees in the snow and he prayed. And part of that prayer was written down by the man who heard him. That man also said in that moment I knew right then and there, there is no way for Britain to defeat the United States.

If the God of benevolent heaven heard this man's prayer, is this too much for people? Is this a message that I'm saying that will gender criticism? I hope so. We are so ignorant of American history we don't even know this nation and how it came into being. But do you realize that if we got on our knees and prayed, god might do something? Can we get on our knees and pray For those of you who don't care to remain seated? Some of you cannot physically get on your knees. Actually, that's just, it's too tight, isn't it? You want to stand? Can you get on your knees? Actually, that's just, it's too tight, isn't it? You want to stand? Can you get on your knees? Okay, let's do it. Let's get on our knees. Yep, you can be part of Newsweek's headlines. Pastor forces people at Sharpie Pinpoint to get on their knees.

Father, we come before you right now. We pray right now that unless you watch the gate, the watchman watches it in vain. God, our nation has been torn open. Our borders have been destroyed, our economy is imploding, our children are exposed to the violence of the streets, we are in debt. We have forsaken Almighty God and we ask you, lord, in Jesus' name, that you would awaken the United States of America, for no other reason but to bring you glory. God, wake us up to the reality, but to bring you glory, god. Wake us up to the reality. This nation has not won a war since World War II and we live off of hype, showmanship, so much of it perception. We have been hollowed out. Because you are no longer the epicenter of this nation, lord, we invite you to come back to this country with mercy. Come back to this country, god. We plead, we ask upon you and we plead upon you, almighty God, to forgive us of our sins. Expose the pornographers. Expose, lord, the drunkenness. Expose, lord, the evil. Expose the aberrant sexuality. Expose the robbery. Expose, lord, the idolatry. Expose the things that have ravaged this nation All the while you, you have been targeting our ears all along and saying church, will you hear me?

Church, listen. And, father, I pray today that, instead of President Trump raising his fist in victory which I understand any political photo of that I mean. That is a poster, no doubt about it. That's a commercial clip, no doubt about it. I pray that you would just dissolve that thinking and that there would be the going to the knees. Father, god, we pray now and we ask, in Jesus name, for you to do a miracle in our midst. Start with California. If you're going to start with California, start with us. But, dear God in heaven, may we not wave a flag all over the place without the Holy Spirit being pleased with our conduct. The only answer is going to come from God's house and we pray Lord, god, in Jesus' name, and all God's people said amen.

Church, family, I'm going to ask you to hear this, right? You hear this all the time. But for God so loved the world. I heard a very famous preacher this last week say that God only loved those who believed in him and he did not love those who did not believe in him. It's too bad Jesus didn't know that, for God so loved the world. Jesus said that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever would believe trust in him would not perish but have everlasting life.

Jesus Christ loves you. He died on the cross for your sins. But for you to reject and disobey his free offer of eternal life leaves you in the condition that you're in. To throw the gift back in his face is to have no gift, and it's that gift that you must have to enter into heaven. I pray that for you. I pray that would sweep this nation. Time is running out. I pray that for you. I pray that would sweep this nation. Time is running out. I pray that you sense the great sense of urgency that we would stop being idle and that we would obey him.

17:40 - Speaker 1
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