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The Hope Of Heaven
The Hope Of Heaven
In the Book of Romans, the apostle Paul presents a compelling argument for the case of Heaven. In today’s episode of Real Life TV Pastor Ja…
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Sept. 23, 2024

The Hope Of Heaven

The Hope Of Heaven
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Jack Hibbs Podcast

In the Book of Romans, the apostle Paul presents a compelling argument for the case of Heaven. In today’s episode of Real Life TV Pastor Jack uses Paul’s argument to teach us why Heaven is real and what that fact means for how we should live our lives today.

(00:00) Living in Hope
(14:38) God's Design for Salvation
(18:53) Eternal Life Through Belief in God



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00:00 - Living in Hope

14:38:00 - God's Design for Salvation

18:53:00 - Eternal Life Through Belief in God

00:00 - Speaker 1
Real Life presents the Jack Hibbs Podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture. But wow.

00:11 - Speaker 2
God says I've got this. God is saying to you before you ever woke up and realized that you had sinned and that you had shipwrecked your life, god is saying I knew this about you, come to me now. I knew this about you, come to me now.

00:26 - Speaker 1
You can get the outlines of this podcast by going to jackhibbscom slash podcast Today. If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five-star ratings. To us that's like saying amen or yes. Then that rating will encourage others to listen Now. Open your hearts to what God's word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs.

00:55 - Speaker 2
Heaven. When you read about in the Bible it's there in black and white to a degree enough for us to get excited. But I have to tell you and I told you this before is that I've been victimized by myself for a long time, thinking that when I thought about heaven, I never meditated on it enough. I should think about it more, because when I do think about it, my first thought is white floor, white walls, white ceiling, white robes, white lights, just sterile and kind of like this Hello, hi, how are you? Are you Welcome? You know, when you go to a nice restaurant the hostess, we have a table right over here and then you read about heaven and there's a lot of freaky looking things up there with weird wings and eyeballs, right, angels that have one head and four faces on each side of their head, one head with a face and a face and a face and a face. That ought to freak you out. You're not going to walk in there and be like what, oh, that's so cool. You're going to freak you out. You're not going to walk in there and be like what, oh, that's so cool. You're going to freak when you get there and the music is incredible and it's very loud. It's very loud and it's beautiful. And again, I push, this guy should send me royalties.

You know Randy Elkhorn's book Heaven. I have talked about that book all over. It is so good. If you want to get healed of having this white, monochromatic heaven, you've got to read his book. It's a great theological work on the doctrine of heaven.

And the Bible says there's trees in heaven and here's what we do Trees, what does that look like? It says trees, yeah, but you know it's heaven. So what does it look like Trees? The Bible says there's rivers. Really Like what? Like the best river you've ever seen in your life, but better.

The Bible talks about animals being in heaven, horses at least. And during the millennial reign of Christ, the Bible says the lion will lay down with the lamb. What could that possibly mean? The lion is going to go give the lamb a little lick and a kiss. It's going to happen. That's the government of God.

And for the believer, we get excited about it. We don't talk about heaven enough until you get older. Then you start thinking about it. But, young people, you need to think about heaven. It's there, we're going to go there. It's going to be amazing Heaven, the proof it's within us. And then also, we learned that heaven's love is a constant contact for us, that the love of heaven is present in the life of the believer, of heaven is present in the life of the believer. Our friend, Timothy Meany, years ago, decades ago, maybe a century or two, I don't know, I don't remember used to sing a song heaven's love is way beyond me, and it's a beautiful song. And heaven's love is beyond you, the love of God for you. You think about this right now. And if you're new to the Bible right now, if you've just tuned in or you just walked in here today, you need to know something the God of the Bible has gone to great lengths to communicate to you that he loves you. The God of the Bible wants you in heaven.

I got on the plane yesterday evening and getting on the plane, to my left there was a young woman and I'm going to guess I don't know 25-ish. I don't know, I'm bad about this, but she had a black beanie on, she had black makeup, she was just goth, looking right and all that's fine. It's totally fine. I lived through the 70s, I made it, it's fine. And so here's the thing though I was walking. You know how you walk and it's slow and you walk and the next person the bag, and then you move forward and you get into your seat and I looked and our eyes caught and she looked and she looked at me and there was a moment where I'm looking at her and I'm thinking she's staring. So here's exactly how I think she's staring. Is she? Does she go to first service, second service? No really, is she first service, second service or third service? And she's looking and I'm thinking what service, I don't know. And then she just put her head down and she looked mortified. I got the sense that she recognized me, but I don't know her. She doesn't know me, I don't think. And then I looked at her t-shirt and it says I hate me too. That's exactly what I did in my heart, not so loud as you just did it in my heart and and there was no opportunity to talk to her, but I just said dear God in heaven, speak to her, convince her, show her your true nature, who you really are.

The love of heaven is constantly reaching out to every man, woman, boy and girl to contact with us, to make contact with us, to tell us that God loves us, that Christ died on the cross for our sins and rose again from the dead. Why would he do that? Because he loved us and he loves us. So, church, we dive into it now. It's this. Number two is the hope of heaven. It is the hope.

And verse 24 begins by saying and watch it, get your highlighter ready. I'll exaggerate it when I get to it, for we were saved in this hope. But hope that is seen is not hope. For why does one still hope for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly await for it with perseverance. What a huge statement. You do not hope for that which you possess, you've got it, you see it, whatever it might be. Oh, I've never owned a car before. And you get a car. You no longer hope for a car, you drive the car. Hoping doesn't apply, but for the Christian it's. So, beyond all that, because we have the proof of heaven dwelling in us by the Holy Spirit and we have now been conditioned and prepared for eternity heaven. Been conditioned and prepared for eternity heaven. Even though we haven't seen it, our hope is confirmed because God has made us these promises.

This gets very, very important here. Church real quick. The hope of heaven. Listen, heaven's assurance is our hope. Please make note of this is our hope. Please make note of this Every time.

Listen, when someone is dying and they call the church and I or a pastor goes to that home or to that hospital and it's a believer and they want to hear scripture read, I'm telling you right now, just get ready for it. You and I are going to experience this, unless Christ comes for us and I hope he does. But listen, every time I go, I better take my Bible when I go right. Why? Because the believer lying there as the outward man is perishing. The believer says things like this Pastor, will you read me scriptures? Pastor, tell me about Jesus. Just talk to me. Just tell me from your heart again, from the scriptures, about Jesus. I have never, once, once ever, have someone come and say or have me come and say Pastor, just tell me what was on the front page of the LA Times today. It's never happened. No one says Pastor, how's my stock? How's my stock doing today? How much money did I make today? Nobody on their deathbed asked that question.

The believer on their deathbed says you know, paul said it in Timothy 2, timothy. He says when you come, bring the parchments. Paul was saying before my head is decapitated in Rome. Can you bring the scriptures when you come? And while I'm in prison, will you read to me? Oh, and bring my. He said bring my cloak, it's the outer garment. Bring my jacket. I'm freezing down here. When you come, bring it. I left it in Troas.

Tell me the truth when I'm dying. Tell me the truth when things hurt. Tell me the truth when you speak about what God has for me in life. God has heaven for the believer. As believers, we don't make it up being a believer. Oh, believer, what do you believe? We don't make anything up. We're believing in what God has said and you need to find out right now. With what you're believing in, does it bring you assurance? Listen, is what you're hanging on to going to walk you through the valley of the shadow of death? Is what you believe in going to comfort you in that hour of decision, in that moment when you come? No wonder. To come for you in that hour of decision, in that moment when you come, no wonder, as you're reading scripture to somebody.

The Bible says God says precious in my sight are the death of my saints. It's an amazing thing, but note this, would you. It says for we were saved. Compound past tense. Notice it says were saved for we were saved. Compound past tense. Notice it says were saved For we were saved in this hope, church, family. Whatever we're gonna learn, we're gonna learn from the Bible. The Bible makes commentary on the Bible. So get excited about this, because you have an assured hope.

It's Ephesians, chapter one. Listen to this, grab all these as you see them happen Again. I'll try to exaggerate it so that you mark it Ephesians, chapter 1, verse 3. Blessed past tense be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. What does that mean? It means that in heaven is reserved for you everything you need forever. Verse four just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, meaning before the foundation of the world was ever laid, that physical universe was ever created. That we should be holy and without blame before him in love. Verse five having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of the glory of his grace by which he made us accepted in the beloved. Can you look at that Right now, christian, you are accepted because of the blood of Jesus Christ. That guarantees your assurance in heaven. It's the blood of Christ, and this is speaking from God's perspective.

Where are you, so to speak, seated in the stadium? What's your vantage point? I can't see because of this. I'm over here and I can't exactly see the whole field. We're up here and everybody's too small. God is right over every moment, every play, so to speak. He sees it all, and before you were ever brought into this world, god had gone before us with his redemption plan. I'm so glad he wrote it down in advance. Why would he do such a thing? We're not making this up as we go along.

I'm reading to you something that's 2,000 years old, and what's 2,000 years old is quoting the ancient scriptures. It's absolutely awesome. Verse 7 says here it is that in the dispensation of the fullness of times. That means God worked in seasons to bring man to a glorious conclusion. That word, that in dispensations of fullness of times, is one of your favorite verses. Jeremiah 29, 11 answers to that. God says I know the thoughts. I think toward you, thoughts of hope and for a future Not of destruction, but to bring your life to a glorious and full completion. That's right out of the Old Testament and reminded us again in verse 10 of Ephesians, chapter 1. The fullest of the times, he might gather together in one all things in Christ, that's the body of Christ, the church, church age believers and more Tribulation saints, old Testament saints, all of us both which are in age believers, and more Tribulation saints, old Testament saints, all of us both which are in heaven and which are on earth. In him, and in him also, we have obtained an inheritance being predestined according to the purpose of him, who works all things according to the counsel of his will, that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of his glory Boy. That is deep stuff and it's kind of shallow in English, it's deeper in the original languages. But wow, god says I've got this. God is saying to you before you ever woke up and realized that you had sinned and that you had shipwrecked your life. God is saying I knew this about you. Come to me now. I knew that you had sinned and that you have shipwrecked your life. God is saying I knew this about you. Come to me now. I knew that you'd flub it up. Come to me, see you. And I think I flubbed it up. I cannot come to him Again.

I was away this weekend and I had a chance to speak to a group of people, small group of people. They, I found out, are gazillionaires who support Christian ministries all around the world. These people I'm not going to mention their names, some of them are household items you have in your house, you have under your sink, and they don't care about that stuff anymore. All that stuff, they just say all that stuff was just to make money, and it's the money that we take. And that's how we build hospitals in Africa. This is what we're doing to build this center in South America. This is how we're reaching the people in these abandoned nations in Africa. It's so impressive God designed to work and move in our lives, in whatever position or station we are in life. And all they cared about was not their money but the fact that, hey, god's done this for me. I can't wait to go out and bless other people, whatever position or station we are in life, and all they cared about was not their money, but the fact that, hey, god's done this for me. I can't wait to go out and bless other people and you think about that. You guys are an amazing church and I'm not just saying that.

Your faith is spoken of all over the world, literally. You want to know why I said faith. I didn't say your attendance, I didn't say how beautiful you are, your faith, because some of those people came up and they said we know about your church, we've seen what influence it has for righteousness and for what's good. That's all of you, that's not me, that's you Doing the right thing and that honors God. How do you do that? Because you're secure in Christ.

You've got this assurance of this hope that you're not hoping for. If you are today saying I hope I make it to heaven, friends, I want to introduce you to Jesus Christ today. If you're hoping you're going to make it to heaven, let me just cut to the chase. If you're hoping to make it, you're not going to make it because that's not how you get there. You want to be certain that you're going to make it and that's the hope the Bible speaks about, not a hope. I hope it is a hope. I know it's a hope assured and that scripture there in Ephesians backs up Romans beautifully Saved and hope that you can have now. This upsets people every time I bring it up. It's unnecessary, it's wrong that you should be upset by this. Listen carefully. The Bible says saved.

Jesus said to Nicodemus unless you're born again, you will not see the kingdom of heaven. Nicodemus, all of our righteousness put together stinks compared to the righteous deeds of Nicodemus. And Jesus says you're not making it, you're not going. Nicodemus was befuddled. He said what you would say. How can this be true, pastor? Are you nuts? I've been a good student, good citizen, good. You don't get points for that You're supposed to be. That doesn't get you to heaven. Isn't it amazing if God writes the Bible, and just writes in the Bible? All of you be good citizens, vote in every election, mow your lawn, use a deodorant, be nice to people and heaven's going to be fantastic. It's going to smell good too.

He didn't say that the Bible says that we are all lost, selfish, sin bent. He didn't say that the Bible says that we are all lost, selfish, sin-bent, and that God sent the Savior, jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins and to be risen from the dead for our eternal life. Listen, your salvation is only as secure as Christ is alive. Did you hear that your salvation is only as secure as Jesus in heaven? Let me make this very clear If you're born again, then you're in the family of God.

The word here is called saved, and if you're saved, the word here is called saved, and if you're saved, you cannot find me a verse that says you can become unsaved. People want to argue about this. They're wasting my time. You want to argue about it? You go, are you are going to sit in the corner, argue about it with yourself all day long. When God says you come to me, you repent of your sins at home, or theo, say the same word about sin that I say about it believe in me and you shall live. You'll have eternal life.

19:21 - Speaker 1
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