July 22, 2024

We Are At War

We Are At War
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We Are At War

Until the Prince of Peace returns, believers are at war. The battle is all around us in the spiritual realm, and we cannot ignore or avoid it. Learn to fight the war from the victory that’s already been won at the cross. Jack Hibbs tells us how to stand firm and fight in today’s episode.

(00:00) The War Against Humanity
(08:44) Parenting and the Pulpit
(17:49) A Call to Gospel Ministry


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00:00 - The War Against Humanity

08:44:00 - Parenting and the Pulpit

17:49:00 - A Call to Gospel Ministry

00:00 - Speaker 1
Real Life presents the Jack Hibbs Podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture.

00:09 - Speaker 2
Good is under attack today. The Bible says in Isaiah, chapter 5, verse 20, woe to those who called evil good and good evil. Is this not our day? Who put darkness for light and light for darkness, bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes. That is two verses on pure confusion, something to twist, something to turn something to make untrue Good is under attack today.

00:47 - Speaker 1
You can get the outlines of this podcast by going to jackhibbscom slash podcast Today. If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five-star ratings. To us that's like saying amen or yes. Then that rating will encourage others to listen. Now open your hearts to what God's Word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs.

01:07 - Speaker 2
Number eight the war against men.

The war against men. I believe one of Satan's greatest attacks is against men. Keep men dumb, don't let them lead, have them take the back seat, don't let them sacrifice, don't let them do the things that God designed them to do. I believe Satan is against these things. A man was created a certain way, obviously. A woman was created a certain way. A man was created in a certain way, for sure, and God knows exactly what he's doing.

Genesis, chapter 1, verse 26. Then God said let us notice the Trinity, let us make man in our image. God says mankind, but he started with Adam. I tell this as often as I can. It's amazing to me Eve is the mother of mankind. All people came from Eve, but Eve came from Adam. Is that wild? God put him to sleep, yanked out his rib. I don't know if he yanked out his rib, but he took his rib. The Bible says again in Genesis, chapter 1, verse 27,. Next verse so God created man in his own image, in the image of God. He created him Male and female. He created them Absolute, symbiotic perfection. God speaks, creates Male, female, completely different but compatible, and they come together as one. What an amazing thing.

But you and I live in a world of lies right now, lies like this. Men cannot be strong, you're not allowed. So what do men do? They back away. Men are told they can't be leaders anymore. Men are told that they can't have an opinion anymore. If you watch the commercials on TV, honestly, go watch them. We don't know how to buy a battery. We can't shop. We don't even know how to use our phones. We can barely walk. Actually, we have to use our knuckles to walk, and a man cannot possibly know what he should do with his life. There's a war on men. I find it interesting, by the way, in the world of biology, did you know that when a woman miscarries, do you know, the bulk of miscarried babies are males? Did you know, from the moment of conception, the male has a strike against them all along the way? How many children are brought into the world more male or female? Female by far. I think Satan hates men. Number nine is the war against women, the war against women.

In Genesis, chapter 2, verse 18, the Lord God said it is not good that man should be alone. I will make him a helper. Comparable to him, comparable, comparable. Look what the Hebrew meaning of the word is it's absolutely awesome the word for the wife and the husband relationship, for the woman in this in life period. When God says I've made for Adam a woman, she is to be conspicuous. Think of that word. That's what the Hebrew word means obvious. She's to be obvious, it is obvious. That's Adam's wife. An ally. A woman is to be an ally. The answer.

The word means one who encourages. The word means one who encourages, informs, denounces, displays, explains. To give evidence to, to inform, to speak plainly. Now I'm reading you God's definition of why there's a woman, why God gives wives and I love the reality of this to be an ally. Most of us men at times are tempted to reject the ally feature of the wife. That comes from insecurity. She encourages she, she informs, she denounces. She says I don't like that, I know you don't like that because that's her saying I think you're wrong about you, should have made a left turn back there. She says you ought not to be doing that. She speaks truth, she speaks plainly, she informs the power of a woman. I forget who said this, I'm just going from memory, but the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. And boy, that's so true, the power of a woman, wife, be it a mother, the power of a woman and friends. Today we're in a world at war. Number 10, because I'm going quick now is the war against children. We're all aware of this one. It's this one, though, that I have a hard time controlling my emotions, personally, and I confess that up front.

The Bible says in Proverbs 22, verse 6, train up a child in the way that he should go or she should go, and when he is old or when she is old, they will not depart from it. Now, this is an important passage of scripture. It's often misunderstood when the Bible says train up a child in the way that it should go. Now I need all of you to take, you need to handle this. You ready, ushers lock the doors, nobody escapes.

This is pure truth, and here it comes right out of the Bible. You're pregnant, you have a baby and you go home with the baby and your friends call you or whatever email text. I don't know What'd you have. None of us ever took our kid on the way home, called our parents or grandparents. We don't know. We're not sure what we have here. We don't even know yet. We don't know. So take a look, look under the hood. What's there? What do you see? I'm speaking what every five-year-old knew 20 years ago, maybe even last week.

We live in a world that is so deceived, with the war on truth and logic and everything else that we're talking about, that there are those who would argue with you about your own child if you were to say that. There are those who would argue with you about your own child if you were to say, hey, celebrate with us, we just had a little boy, and they'll post on your site or something. How do you know? Don't even answer people like that. The Bible says never answer a fool in their folly. Did you know that? I need to text them back? I need to email them? Don't you dare. You don't answer a fool in their folly. You just let them be in their folly. Don't engage them.

My point is this, friends, the Bible says train up your child in the way that they should go. That means you check the plumbing. If you're confused, look, some people have twins male, female, boy, girl twins. They look exactly the same at birth, except body parts. Their biology is different. Their chemistry is different. They're different even if they're twins. And the Bible says even if you have twins like that, train them up in the way that they should go. You check the plumbing and you realize she's a girl and he's a boy. Listen, this is going to be a hard truth. You're going to hate me for this. No, seriously is going to be a hard truth. You're going to hate me for this. No, seriously.

Without any intentions, without any preconceived notions, your four-year-old boy might grab your high heels and go down the hallway clicking your high heels because it sounds cool. What are you supposed to do as a parent? Do you stand and observe or do you say yo, dude, here's the deal. Those are for your sister and for mommy. Get your dad's boots and take a listen to how those sound. Let's put those on now. Put your dad's boots on and go down the hallway stomping. What are you doing? It's called parenting. Watch, watch this, oh, but watch.

The woke, progressive world that we live in will say oh, my gosh, you're abusing that child. Oh, yeah, what do you want us to do? Give them to us, we'll totally make them into our image. Isn't that funny? You're not allowed to parent, but they are allowed to groom. You can't. You brought that child into the world, but you have no authority over that child. The moment that kid crosses the property of the school which you pay for, they'll tell them what their gender is and immediately, your little kids, our little kids, are being confronted with the philosophies of a dark world or a world of light, a world of lie or a world of truth. The reason why we're seeing so much going on in our culture today regarding this genderality stuff is because of a lack of parenting. Listen, if you don't want to be courageous, don't be a parent. If you don't want to grow up, don't be a parent. But if you want to be a parent, you got to parent and listen.

Sometimes there's events with boy and or girl, it doesn't matter. Go out in the backyard with them, roll around in the mud, chop down a tree, change the oil in the car, get the son and daughter down there, get all dirty, fun and sweaty. It's awesome. They love it. But there are certain things that God has preserved for women and young girls and there are certain things that God has preserved for boys and for men, and to mess with that equation is to destroy a child's mind. That child didn't destroy their mind. We either allowed it or we left them vulnerable to the powers that be, and the powers that be are diametrically opposed to the plan of God. In our world around us. Children are under attack. Good is under attack. Good is under attack today.

The Bible says in Isaiah, chapter 5, verse 20, woe to those who called evil good and good evil. Is this not our day? Who put darkness for light and light for darkness, bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes. That is two verses on pure confusion. Oh, look at the beautiful sunlight out right now. That's not sunlight. That's not sunlight. Something to twist, something to turn, something to make untrue. Good is under attack. You do good today and you'll be probably ridiculed for it, get in trouble for it, and then, finally, you guys is the war against the pulpit, and we'll end with this.

In Revelation, chapter one, verse 20, it starts out by saying the mystery of the seven stars. By the way, this is Jesus speaking the mystery of the seven stars, which you saw in my right hand, and the seven golden lampstands. The seven stars are the seven angels, not angels that like Gabriel or Michael. These are angels we would say pastors, messengers, proclaimers. The seven stars are the seven pastors, proclaimers, messengers of the seven churches, the ecclesia, the congregation, the church, and the seven lampstands which you saw are the seven churches, chapter 2, verse 1. And to the pastor of the church at Ephesus, write Seven times, jesus will say. And to the pastor of the church at Ephesus, writes Seven times, jesus will say. And to the pastor of the church at Ephesus, to the pastor of the church of Thyatira, to the pastor of the church of Laodicea, to the pastor of the church at Sardis Are you with me everybody. To the pastor of the church at Philadelphia, and he speaks to them.

Listen, this is the 21st century and this is 2024. Listen, this is the 21st century and this is 2024. The world around us has fallen apart, and yet it's the glorious hour for the church to stand. But listen, the church won't stand unless it's got pastors in the pulpit that are more afraid of the judgment of God than of the government. You've got to fear God. You've got to fear God. I'm going to quote myself here on this. If it offends you, then that's on me.

The pastor is to be a man of God, called to be the voice of God to the church and to the culture to which he's been called, the pastor's real estate matters. Location, location, location is his pulpit, where he has been placed, and those who are influenced by his calling will be witness of it. In other words, there are no pastors in America unless they've got Bible open and they're teaching the flock of God to look to God, to know God and to know God's word. And this year is going to cause a great shaking and you're going to see I don't know what pretend pastors from real pastors. And don't be surprised by the end of the year that the pretend pastors will be gone, but the real pastors will be standing bloody, cheeks swollen, eye missing, a tooth, armor dented, but thank God armor was used.

But church, according to the Bible, the pulpit is the place where the truth is to be proclaimed without apology. According to the Bible, the pulpit is the place where the church is trained in righteousness. According to the Bible, it's the place where faith is ever increasing and developed. And according to the Bible, the pulpit is the place where biblical doctrine has and is the final word of God. We are living in some very perilous times. I'm going to ask you to stand as I read to you these last final scriptures here regarding the pulpit.

First verse Jeremiah, chapter 3, verse 15. God says I will give you shepherds according to my heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding. Just think about that for a moment. Ask yourself this question Is this happening in the pulpits of America? In some places, yes, but by and large no. Next verse Jeremiah 23, 4. I will set up shepherds over them who will feed them, and they shall listen. They shall fear no more why. Whatever food the shepherd's feeding the sheep of God, the result is they don't have any more fear. They are not dismayed anymore. Nor shall they be lacking, says the Lord. That's powerful stuff, you don't need to the Lord, that's powerful stuff, you don't need to be afraid.

It's flu season, happens every year. Klaus Schwab announced the other day that the X virus is coming. Did you see that it's called the X virus? It's not funny, by the way. The X virus, it's a designer virus. No, I mean, it's made. Don't be afraid. Why? Why, you have this word and he himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists and some pastor teachers for the equipping of the saints. That's you, that's us. For the working of ministry. That's what we do, for the edifying of the body of Christ. That's why we love on one another. That's what it's for. It's called church.

I'm going to ask you to lift your hands in dedication to God Halfway through this prayer. If you're chickened out, put your hands down. Heavenly Father, we stand before you with our hands outstretched and we dedicate our lives to you. Today we ask you, holy Spirit, to possess us, to fill us, to baptize us afresh in the renewing power of your word. Heavenly Father, we declare the name of Jesus. We may be standing with hands raised high, but we proclaim before heaven as our witness. Our hearts are bowed low, our knees are bowed low. We proclaim him and him alone, lord and Savior. We dedicate our lives to the Lord.

Now we pray that every step of our lives, from this moment forward in this year to come, now, that God, we would be ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ for God's soul of the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever would believe on him would not perish but have everlasting life, that you would trust Jesus, and that the world would hear the gospel through us, that Christ died for us and rose again from the dead.

So, father, here we stand, we ask you to fortify us and to galvanize us, to cause us to speak up and to stand up and to show up God, that we might honor you as husbands, as men, as wives, as women. Our children would be blessed. And, god, we pray, we pray, I pray selfishly. Starting from Chino Hills, the pulpits of America might catch fire with the Holy Spirit's presence like this nation has never seen before, until it reaches the tip of Maine, into the Keys of Florida, into the islands of Washington State and everywhere in between. We dedicate ourselves to you, dear God. We pray in Jesus' name and all God's people said Amen. God bless you.

19:24 - Speaker 1
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