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What Spirit Lives In You?
What Spirit Lives In You?
Jesus wants us to act, live, and speak just like Him. That’s why the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within us as believers. The Holy Spirit ani…
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Jan. 1, 2024

What Spirit Lives In You?

What Spirit Lives In You?
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Jack Hibbs Podcast

Jesus wants us to act, live, and speak just like Him. That’s why the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within us as believers. The Holy Spirit animates our lives so that we can fulfill God’s purpose in the world.



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00:00 - Assurance of Salvation and Living

09:00:00 - Experiencing the Joy of Faith

17:18:00 - The Mind, Consciousness, and Eternity

00:00 - Announcer (Announcement)
Real Life presents the Jack Hibbs podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture.

00:09 - Jack Hibbs (Host)
Listen, I have a good word for you today. God wants you to leave the past in the past. He wants you to know something Stop flogging yourself over the things that you cannot remedy. That's why Jesus went to the cross. Trust Him.

00:30 - Announcer (Announcement)
You can get the outlines of this podcast by going to Today. If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five-star ratings. To us that's like saying amen or yes. Then that rating will encourage others to listen. Now open your hearts to what God's word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs.

00:58 - Jack Hibbs (Host)
I'm going to give you four options that are predominantly prevailing options with respect to the assurance of salvation. Now, before I read these, listen up everybody. You say Jack, you just said assurance of salvation. In fact, you mentioned it a couple of times. Do you listen? Are you listening, everybody? This is so important.

Do you believe one saved, always saved? Well, in the context of the argument that you hear people bring that forth, I don't even like the question. Due to the context of the argument, there are people who will say oh, so do you believe that you can lose your salvation, or do you believe one saved, always saved? I don't know what that person means when they ask the question, nor do you. What do they mean? So let's just go for the throat on this. How about this? One saved, always saved, if you're saved, how about that? How about? In fact? Let's make it even more clear.

Jesus said to Nicodemus unless you're born again, you will not see the kingdom of heaven. So it's clear when Jesus said you've got to be born from above. Nicodemus, you've been once born of the earth, but now you need a second birth, the birth that comes from above. So I'll put it to you this way If you've been born again. You will forever be born again, because there's no passage of Scripture nor verse that says you can be unborn again. Isn't that great? Summing that up, god commits no abortions in his family. The question today is what spirit lives in you? That's the challenge today. That's what Paul the Apostle is defining to the Romans.

Number one we look at this. You fall into one of these categories. Number one there are those who are not saved and they know that they're not saved because they do not believe in the need to be saved. These are they who are in a state of condemnation according to the Bible. They don't feel it. They don't think it. They don't understand that the Bible says they're in a state of condemnation. What does condemnation means? It means that they're just basically breathing air until eternity comes and their destination is not heaven, if you know what I mean. But they don't care. They don't believe in any of that. Number two some are saved and they celebrate having the full assurance of their salvation. They know that they are living in an active state of grace with God and they know that they are secure in Jesus Christ alone. I am behind door. Number two that's my life. I'm an income poop. I'm a sinner saved by the grace of God. But here's what's true about my life is number two I'm saved. I celebrate that every day of my life.

It's not that I wake up in the morning and I have to have little reminders. I don't have alarms that go off and say Jack, remember, you're saved. Jack, read the Bible. It's two o'clock, read the Bible or whatever it is. I don't take Lisa's lipstick and write it on the mirror. Jack, remember this morning you're saved.

No, you know what? I hear? That the first thing I start to come to in the morning, before my feet hit the ground, the thought of my relationship with God is already in my head and I celebrate that. You want to know why? It's not human, it's of God. And listen when God forgives me of what I did in the past and what I think in my head still to this day, and he still loves me. Oh, I want to celebrate his grace. Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not out running around and sinning up the town, I don't have to. I could have one wondering thought that would be bad enough to put Christ on the cross, but now I know, oh God, please forgive me of that thought or of that temptation. Lord, I entertained that and I. That's wrong, forgive me. You died for that.

Number three some are in fact saved. Listen, this describes a lot of people, by the way, unnecessarily. Some are in fact saved, but they are emotionally insecure in their salvation in Christ. Their souls are unnecessarily fearful, they are restless and often troubled, even though they are secure in Christ. Yet they fail to enjoy Him. If you were to ask them, do you love God? They'd say yes. Did Jesus die on the cross for your sins? Yes, but they're so burdened by their past they never escaped the shell, the prison of what they once were. They're saved, they're going to heaven. Their names are written down in the Lamb's book of life, but the past weighs them down. They can't get past it. And listen, I have a good word for you today. God wants you to leave the past in the past. He wants you to know something Stop flogging yourself over the things that you cannot remedy. That's why Jesus went to the cross. Trust Him, rejoice in Him, celebrate your salvation.

Number four some are not saved but think they are saved. This is probably the next definition, or perhaps the biggest definition, of the common American today, or Westerner. They are not saved, but they think they are saved. They have convinced themselves of their assurance of salvation based upon another gospel, in other words, a different gospel. They don't have a belief that's biblically rooted. They have a belief maybe in morality, maybe in their religion, maybe it's denominationalism, maybe. Well, my grandfather was a preacher, my father was a preacher, my sons are preachers. I'm fine, that's dangerous. It's based upon another gospel, meaning or understanding. Thus their assurance is a false assurance. There are some people who say I'm a Christian and then, if you watch their lives in some way, shape and form, the week that they live out after making the proclamation just begins to undo what they say with their mouth. Does that make sense? Everybody, it's very, very common, it prevails. It's unfortunate, but it's true.

Number one point today is this what spirit lives in you? It's found in verse nine and it's this Is it the spirit of comfort? Will you write that down in your notes? Is it the spirit of comfort? Because the Bible talks about the Holy Spirit being the great comforter. What does that mean? That means in life, no matter what's going on, you and I may spike as the bad news arrives, or we get the phone call and there's that instantaneous rush of oh no, and then we pull back. God begins to minister to us and he begins to comfort us with truth and with verses in scripture, in revelations of his nature, from the word of God, and we begin to be comforted. I wanna ask you. You ask yourself what spirit lives inside of you. Can you actually put your finger on a supernatural power that you lean upon on the inside of your life? And it's not you. You know, it's not you.

Jesus promised over and over again, as we shall see, that the Holy Spirit has been given to comfort us and we see it manifested in three ways. Number one in verse nine, we see that he is the Holy Spirit who confirms. So you're asking is he the Spirit who confirms? So the Spirit of God starts out in the life of the believer, bringing them comfort. You're now in the family of God. And then, the next thing he does, he starts to confirm your relationship with God.

New believers can give you this in graphic detail. It's beautiful, listen. Are you an older Christian? Find a new Christian to hang out with. You know, like an old dog, you get a puppy to help out the old dog. It's pretty cool to hang around new believers, because they're on fire, and sometimes us older saints, we kind of get a little stiff, you know, and it's great to get a puppy, so to speak.

You ask somebody, you know, what are you so excited about? I just accepted Christ last week. Now don't you ever dare say to them no, just calm down. No, no, no, no, no, no. We need to be like them, we need to get pumped up and their faith is so new and so fresh and it's exhilarating. Why, what's going on? They're experiencing those wonderful moments, very much like birth, if you think about it.

You know, the baby's brought into this world. All the tensions on the baby, the spotlights on the baby, the baby's coming out. There's the baby, the doctor. I don't think they slap babies anymore. Do they Remember? Didn't we know time out? Didn't you get slapped when you came into this world? I'm sure I got slapped when I came into this world. But you know everybody's doting over the baby, and so they should. And they're taking pictures and they're doing this and all this kind of stuff and it's baby, baby, baby, baby. And then after a while, you know, especially when you have your first baby, it's all baby. And then you have your second baby. It's like who are you Third kid? Do you live next door?

You know it's kind of funny, but when you're born into the kingdom of God, the Holy Spirit is comforting you and he's telling you things like this Jack, I have forgiven you your sins, the life that you lived before coming to me. I've washed it all away. And God's word speaks and says as far as the east is from the west, I've removed your sins from you. I've taken them and put them in the bottom of the sea. Say it to the Lord. And it's like, yes, and he comforts you. How does he do that, the Holy Spirit, using the word of God to confirm your relationship with Him.

It says in verse nine, opening up, it says but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit. Note the great contrast Living a life of the flesh, fleshly appetites, the life of this world, or living the life now for the Spirit of God and the things that are in God's word and the things that God wants to do. There's a great division and God confirms that to us. I firmly believe in what I'm about to say. Because of this verse right here, I don't think anybody walks around confused or deluded about what spirit dwells within them? I really don't. The Bible says these things have been written that you might know that you have eternal life. That's what the Bible says, and I believe what the Bible says, and God's spirit will speak to you and he'll comfort you with his word.

Galatians, chapter four, verse eight, tells us about this distinction. He says in chapter four, verse eight indeed, when you did not know God, do you remember? When you didn't know God, you served those which, by nature, are not gods. Isn't that an interesting comment? You say, that is so ridiculous. Who worships gods today? Everybody who doesn't know God.

You say well, I'm an atheist. Oh boy, you worship all kinds of gods. First of all, you worship the God of your supposed intellect. I used to believe in God, and then I went to college. And what happened there? Well, I got educated beyond your intelligence. Think about it.

Going to college cannot make you wise. Can you imagine going to a university? What is it If USC could make people wise? They'd really have a lot of people go in there. Think about it. Wisdom is not knowledge. And today you've got to ask what knowledge are you learning? Well, gravity, you know. We're not exactly sure. You want to be sure, climb the telephone pole. No, I'm not here, not on campus somewhere else. Gravity is crystal clear. The laws of nature are solid. Why? Because the God of the Bible says I made him. He's a God of absolutes and he confirms things to us by distinction.

Is your life being led by the Holy Spirit of God? It's very simple to answer the question or is it being led by you and your appetites? That's what Paul is drawing the line right through. There's a division. He says. You're no longer in the flesh. It's a beautiful statement that he's making to the Roman believers you guys aren't led by the flesh anymore. And they all would have said, hey, man, but no doubt it's human nature.

There's always among those who believe in God, those who think they believe in God, there are those who are among believers who are not believers. Maybe they might enjoy the morality of what people of faith bring, or whatever it might be, but a real Christian lives and moves and dwells in the reality of the realm of the Spirit. Now look, people, let's be honest. As Christians, we need to be careful More than ever right now. For this one reason. We need to be careful how we witness to people, not if, of course, we are to witness, but when we walk around.

We live in such a post-Christian America that you cannot talk Christianese any longer publicly. Nobody knows what you're talking about. In fact, you go outside, listen, you go to a Rams game or you go to a Laker game and you say God bless America. And people are gonna say which one, which one? Because this guy over here, he believes in 25 gods. This guy believes in an infinite amount of gods. Which God are you talking about? We once knew, now we don't.

But somebody leans on some other source of identity. That's a God. Money, that's a God. You can make it a God. Sex people have made I think that's the preferred God of the nation now. Sexuality Power, those are gods. It's funny because in our 21st century we would never say that those are gods. And yet isn't it interesting that every previous generation, since the beginning of time, had idols and icons of gods of power, gods of drunkenness, gods of pornography? Did you know that we may not have statues, but there may be a God that has taken the place of the almighty God, the real God, the living God?

No, listen, we're not in the flesh anymore. We've come out of that and now we're in the spirit that his God is working and living his life through us. This flesh, think about this flesh. The Bible talks about our flesh. We look at it. Look the first thing you did this morning. You got up, what'd you do, right, oh man, you washed your face, showered whatever you did, you shaved it or whatever and we're body fixated. You know it's like okay, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. Body, body, body. But listen, the Bible says God made us body, soul and spirit. But if we live in the flesh, we're focused on the body part and it just goes downhill from there if we make that our identity. Listen, as a believer, your identity's in Jesus and the body part of who we are is just one third of our existence body, soul and spirit. The soul is your mind. The spirit is the new you, the born again you. And it's remarkable, our God changes the way that we think because that changes the way we speak while using these bodies.

Watch this, I'll prove it to you. I think this is very fun. Now please pretend you're in awe of this, because I've been studying this and I just so, I've been marinating in it, so I don't know. But this is just a body. What you have right now is just a body. Nothing that is physical can express anything meaningful.

Do you understand that If my mind or my soul was not here right now, I'd just be like this. If my spirit was gone, I'd be like this Okay, you with me, two thirds of me would render me like this. But if my soul starts to think, watch this, because it's invisible. You mean your brain. No, that's eight pounds of meat. I mean it's. You know what I'm talking about. It's such a brain.

Your brain is what the mind uses. Put your finger on that. Can we like crack open your head and, oh, look, there goes his mind. No, the consciousness of who you are operates in the mind. Watch what it does. See, I know what I'm gonna do right now. How do I know that? Because I thought about it, and in a second I'm gonna employ my brain to communicate to the rest of my body. So I have a thought, and it's this I'm going to now. Number one, tell you that I'm gonna raise my right hand. So what is telling you right now that I'm gonna raise my right hand? If you say my mouth, you're wrong. If you say even my brain, you're wrong If you say even my brain. You're wrong to raise my right hand. That consciousness is going to employ my brain in its mechanics. Cs Lewis called us the human machine, for good reason. The brain says, alright, everybody listen up. He's given this tons of warning. We're gonna get a request any second to raise the hand. And so I raise my hand. This just did what I first thought.

I want you to stop and think for a moment that you are far deeper and mean far more than the physical existence that you have. You are someone who will live forever. In heaven, the Bible says, or in hell. You'll live forever. The choice is yours. Christ has bought the ticket for you to go to heaven, but by default, thanks to mom and dad out of an Eve, we're on a default path to hell. That's why Christ went to the cross. That's why the Bible, from the beginning, announced to us redemption. And the beautiful, awesome thing is this that the Holy Spirit dwells in us as believers. You either know that or you do not. Don't guess, oh, do not guess.

19:37 - Announcer (Announcement)
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