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Did Trump Survive?
Did Trump Survive?
What if the spiritual destiny of America hinges on our collective humility and prayer? Join us as we explore the critical aftermath of the …
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July 15, 2024

Did Trump Survive?

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Jack Hibbs Podcast

What if the spiritual destiny of America hinges on our collective humility and prayer? Join us as we explore the critical aftermath of the July 13th assassination attempt on Donald Trump and the national soul-searching that followed. We'll draw powerful parallels between God's blessings on Israel and the United States, emphasizing the urgency of heartfelt spiritual intervention to navigate our moral crossroads. Recent calls for fasting and prayer in Tennessee highlight the desperate need for divine guidance, especially as society grapples with a culture obsessed with self-gratification.

Experience a riveting recount of an extraordinary interaction with President Trump that sheds light on California’s shifting political landscape since 2016. Discover the miraculous series of events that ensured his survival during the assassination attempt, unraveling insights from international news sources like BBC and Sky News. We dissect the alarming reduction in Trump's Secret Service protection and the implications of outsourcing his security, which raise pressing questions about the safeguarding of our nation's leaders.

As we close, we delve into America's urgent need for spiritual revival, invoking historical precedents set by the nation's founders, such as George Washington at Valley Forge. Critiquing both political parties, we stress a return to biblical principles as the only hope for America's future. A heartfelt prayer addresses critical issues, from weakened borders to societal violence, and calls for a revival starting in California. Join our passionate call to action for believers to seek God's guidance and support for outreach efforts, igniting a national spiritual awakening for His glory.

(00:00) Analyzing America's Spiritual State
(08:33) Assassination Attempt on President Trump
(24:51) America's Need for Spiritual Revival
(40:46) Calling for National Spiritual Awakening


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00:00 - Analyzing America's Spiritual State

08:33:00 - Assassination Attempt on President Trump

24:51:00 - America's Need for Spiritual Revival

40:46:00 - Calling for National Spiritual Awakening

00:00 - Speaker 1
Real Life presents the Jack Hibbs Podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture Today. If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five-star ratings. To us that's like saying Amen or yes. Then that rating will encourage others to listen. Now open your hearts to what God's Word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs.

00:32 - Speaker 2
Hey everybody, welcome to this special podcast and we're glad that you're with us. Jack Hibbs Podcast here with you and we are going to dive into the question did Trump survive? So listen, let's get ready and let's get into something, because this is unusual. We've all heard the political analysis. We've all heard the Secret Service analysis. We've heard from every particular area of expertise, but the area that I'm coming from is yet to be determined and the question remains did Trump survive? It's all going to come down to what I think you're going to get out of this.

This is a message that was delivered regarding the sad and tragic July 13th assassination attempt. Sad and tragic July 13th assassination attempt. The question is still at this hour did Trump survive? And for you to maybe be better acquainted with what you're about to hear, you could read what the congregation read, and that is Deuteronomy, chapter 28. I encourage you to do that Deuteronomy, chapter 28. Let's dive into this and listen to a special message.

So yesterday on the news, as you saw and were interrupted, wherever you were at, whatever you were doing, it will go down in history. You're going to remember the clothing that you were wearing. You're going to remember the music that was playing, if you were on a flight, if you were at the beach, if you were barbecuing, whatever you were doing. You're going to remember yesterday, due to what transpired and as more and more investigation takes place, so much will be coming out and so much in the last 12 hours has been coming out, and the internet is full of stuff which I highly recommend you just frankly, just steer away from. There's images out there that are not true, they're false, they've been generated, they're fake and yet they're just being reposted and reposted by good people, by the way. But just as God warned the nation of Israel and any nation, your land will be filled with confusion, and our land is full of confusion.

God gave birth to the nation of Israel and that is a matter of biblical fact. The interesting thing about God giving birth to the United States is that it is an historical fact. There is no mention of America being birthed as a nation in the Bible, yet no one educated can deny the fact that the United States has had more of God's blessings than perhaps even Israel itself over the years. What God did for Israel in the space of thousands of years, god did, and beyond, for America in a couple hundred years. How could that possibly come to pass? How could that happen? Because our pilgrim fathers saw that by chance, if we, as a people who believe in his word, would seek his face, it might be that God would want to do a work among those who trust Christ. Our founding fathers knew that they were not Israel, they knew that they weren't confused, but they also made reference and preached messages regarding the fact that God's promises are open-ended to any nation who will take up his promises. That God's word to us is to anybody who will take up his word to obey. This is so true that if Russia today, or if North Korea today, picked up the Bible to obey it, god would begin to bless their land. God would begin to bless their leadership. God will not turn away anyone who calls upon him in humility.

And do you think for one moment that it's a coincidence that when Governor Bill Lee of Tennessee was approached by some believers, will you dedicate the month of July to fasting and prayer for our great state of Tennessee? And they didn't limit it to that, but they said this pray for America too. And we all got that notice. So remember I announced to you let's all be Tennesseans. And people have been praying. When people pray humbly before God and seek his face, based upon the word of God, not to pray that you might win the lotto or have a happy day, but that God might rule and reign in America again, through the hearts and minds of men and women, do you think that kind of prayer is going to go unopposed by the forces and powers of darkness? Think again.

If you're today and I can't imagine you being at this church, but if you are today, somebody who practices recreational Christianity, it's time to wake up and get real. It has nothing to do necessarily with the assassination attempt yesterday. It has everything to do with God having removed his hand of blessing from this country. And God will continue to be absent from this nation Until those who seek his face Give him a reason to come back, and we've already been watching Places like Louisiana, oklahoma and Tennessee Wake up. That doesn't mean there's going to be immediate blessing, but already people have been rejoicing and, by the way, cheer up everybody. Good people have been rejoicing over the decisions of those states, with leaders, and it has drawn out the insanity of the putrid. It has drawn out the madness of the putrid. It has drawn out the madness of the sick, cursing, screaming, almost fomenting at the mouth, and people listen. People are not losing their minds over righteousness. Demons are being exposed because of the light. This nation has been demonized and it is being demonized because this nation has made sexual pleasure its new God. Everything about our culture is either sexualized or for the advancement of self, and today I was just looking at it before I came out here people screaming on TikTok, people screaming on their devices, people crying, cussing, screaming, cursing the shooter, the assassin for having missed raging.

Did you know something? That during the presidency of Donald J Trump, outside of Ronald Reagan, it has been estimated that there has not been more Christian believers circling around and being with Donald J Trump than any other previous president? But hold your applause. I was one of them. I was on the president's faith advisory board.

I was one of the handful of guys sitting in the Roosevelt room when Trump came in and was telling all of us about all the wonderful advancements in the campaign of 2020 leading up to what was supposed to be a certain victory. And we were told in the room that don't say anything unless Trump calls upon you. And he was bragging about Minnesota. He's bragging about Florida, he's bragging about Wisconsin and all of these things. And I said but, mr President, and he just kept talking. He didn't hear me and I was about well, I was about this far, this far away from him, opposite the table, and he's talking about Iowa and he's talking about Indiana.

And I said, mr President, and he said what is it? I said don't forget California. He said California, california is a lost cause. What I really wanted to say to him at that point was then how is it that you receive the most money from your fundraisers in California more than in any other state? But I didn't say that. I said California, mr President, has been waking up since 2016. People have been voting for biblical worldview values. And he said are you telling me that I could win California? And I said you ought to try campaigning in California and see what happens.

That never happened, but he was surrounded. We got up for what it must have been my fourth time to get up and literally lay hands on his shoulders and to pray the gospel over him with Eric Metaxas and a few other brothers, and we prayed for him, and he's had others surrounding him over the years telling him the gospel, and the danger that we're in today is the fact that this nation knows the gospel. It just doesn't obey the gospel. And what happened yesterday? People are saying all kinds of things about it, as people will, as I am.

My question is why is Donald Trump still alive? Why is Donald Trump still alive when he first survived in his initial campaign to run for president? The attack, if you remember back then, seems like a thousand years ago. Right, covid has robbed us of time. It just overrides everything. But when President Trump was running against 16 other candidates, remember that Nobody took him seriously. Nobody did. But then he wound up being the last man standing. Cnn was against him, fox was against him, nbc was against him, the Republicans were against him, the Democrats were against him. Everybody was against him. The guy winds up winning, shocked the world and then quickly became Israel's best friend. God saw that from heaven. It wasn't the man, it was the decision he made regarding the blessing of Israel, and that made people angry when Trump blessed Israel. It made the people angry, because the people angry about Trump blessing Israel were the people screaming for Israel's destruction.

Ladies and gentlemen, when you stand for what's right, things are going to happen. Evil will not sit silent. Evil has no self-control. Evil is the one that's masquerading itself around using the word tolerance when evil is the most intolerant thing that has ever existed. Evil cannot take a message like this. It starts to lose its mind.

I'm not calling you to support Trump, I'm calling you to fall on your face before God. But nothing could be better, and I believe this is true. Did you know? Now, don't laugh, I mean it. I did the best I could. I should have just just, I've been getting as I hope you are too your news from international sources. One of them that has been fantastic in the reports of the post assassination attempt has been Sky News and BBC of all people, bbc's liberal, lunatic news division of England. But I tell you what man. They've been on it, they have been on it, and it was BBC News in the early hours of this morning, of course, daytime there for them that an MI5 or an MI6 agent pointed out that when President Trump was speaking. Now hear me out.

When President Trump was speaking, you need to know that in tandem, there was a disruption taking place to his right. Bbc exposed this, bbc showed it BBC. And as he's speaking, if you look behind him especially, there's a young lady, blonde woman, with a sign that she's holding up and she's right about here, and she starts looking to the right and she starts scowling and looking. What's happening? Something's happening before the shots ring out.

Distracted enough, Trump heard something and he looked in that direction. The moment he looked in that direction, his right hand went up to his right ear and he stepped back and then he listened. He listened which is not common for him to listen to the Secret Service and he ducked. It later was discovered that Trump said I felt my ear on fire, I felt the burning of my ear and I heard quote the whiz of the bullet passing by my head. Trump said that BBC News reports this. I don't know if you heard it in American News. I don't watch American News. It absolutely stinks. So BBC points out and I want to show you this pathetic drawing. I told you not to laugh.

Bbc points out this while Trump was looking straight ahead the shooter who we're going to be learning more about, whatever we've seen. He is an interesting character. He does look like somebody that climbed out of the Louisiana Bayou, which explains why he was an excellent, excellent marksman. He literally had his sights dialed in. Bbc discovered by the trajectory of the shot. It would have gone straight through his temple, descending down through the lower part below the earlobe on the left side. An absolute kill shot. One shot done. Trump was distracted, the woman was distracted, others were distracted. Trump looks in that trajectory, going down, sadly killing a woman not far in the crowd.

Trump goes to the ground and because of his size, trump is extremely believe it or not firm. He's very, very firm. He's a big boy. Those secret service guys jumped on him. It would not have been uncommon for them to break his ribs by trying to protect him. It was no easy thing that they were doing to shield him. But in that the Secret Service goes into action. And now we find out that Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas who the Secret Service answers to to the Department of Homeland Security that the Trump Organization had been asking for more Secret Service protection because there had been a cutback several months ago on his security detail Not Obama's, by the way, and not George Bush's, they all have security details for life once you're president. But they drew back on Trump's and they wound up outsourcing it to private protection agencies, where there was a small group of Secret Service in relation to the other apparent secret service. Thus you are hearing, or not, the holes in the security protection.

How is it that a man on the highest building, 160 yards away, in direct line of shot, was a building unattended? No drones, absolutely not normal. Why? Whatever man plots, if anything, just why? Why was it left unattended? Maybe it was a big mistake? Listen, it's possible Confusion. People. You take building two. Okay, I thought you said four. This happens.

Bbc interviews four young men who, prior to the event, was shouting to the Secret Service and the butler PD. There's a guy on the roof right there. There's a guy on the roof right there. He's got a rifle and they interviewed the young man who was shouting shooter on the building, shooter on the building. He said he shouted that for over five minutes. No response, zero response. This morning Dan Bongino records or mentions that what probably happened was that this kid and his buddies got so loud and distracting that they're calling the guy out. They were, listen, they were 50 to 60 feet from him. He was above them. That the kids are screaming and yelling. Bad guy, bad guy. That Bongino, a former Secret Service agent, said that those kids forced the shot, meaning the guy acted. He had to act quickly before discovered. Coincidence? I think not. Trump being distracted in a nanosecond of time to look right, has his ear pierced.

I told you I had a message in the book of Romans for today and it was already titled. I got the title on Friday and the title was Can you Hear this? And that's my question today? Can you hear this, maybe more appropriately? Will you hear this? Listen, christians in America, will you hear this, or is this just a little too much for you, that unless we repent from our sins and our aberrant conduct and call ourselves Christians, judgment is falling? Can you hear this? Until our leaders understand that they are to represent the rule of law that is absolutely rooted in the Judeo-Christian scriptures, will righteousness come again? Will justice ever be in our nation again? No way, never. Unless the so-called Christians repent. As long as there's Christians dabbling in pornography and justifying it, or sleeping with somebody else's wife, or Christians saying they're Christians but never desiring to apply the word of God, did we not read this morning at length? Listen, you read so much, 68 verses. You read this morning in church. If somebody asks you this week if you read the Bible, you tell them yes.

What was God saying Obey me, I'll bless you. Disobey me, you're gonna wind up eating your own kids because of starvation. Obey me, I'll cause your crops to prosper. Disobey me, your crops will fail. Obey me, your enemies will be terrified of you. Disobey me, you'll be terrified of your enemies. Obey me build homes, plant vineyards. Disobey me, aliens will come in and take your home and eat your vineyards.

God said that it sounds like a description of America. If it doesn't sound like your portion of America, it sounds like California. We've got to get back to God and the hour is expiring. The time is up. God is sending a message. He's sending a message Every single time. God wanted to do a work. This is 100% biblical to what's happening. He's warning us and people don't want to hear this. You know why People, by nature, cannot deal with reality. God is saying choose today whom you'll serve.

We are now Trump who survives the first election and then four years of investigation, two forensic FBI audits. Do you understand that? Two FBI forensic audits. Listen any liberal wackos that are listening right now? Oh, you know he's a crook. Excuse me, you may not like him. That's your business.

I got news for you Ain't nobody in this room able to survive two FBI forensic investigations. When it comes to watch, you would have to produce the receipt for the basketball you bought four weeks ago or four months ago to the FBI to pass that test. Can you do that? No way. Every dot, every comma, and can I suggest to you that Trump deals with commas and zeros on a scale that you and I will never know? Okay, and what did they find? What did the FBI that we now found out was against them? What did they find? Nothing. And all of a sudden, stormy Daniels' testimony evaporates because he never had sex with Stormy Daniels. It turns out Michael Cohen, the chief witness for the prosecution fiasco you just learned about last month. What happened? He was the one who confessed on the stand that he had robbed from Trump himself by slipping money by the tens of thousands into his pockets, discredited and debunked. The state of New York, setting the trial off to the side, is probably going to be dismissed. Listen, we don't know, but we know this.

This time, trump's ear got bloodied and I prayed, like you did last night God, may he and Melania be talking deep talk tonight. God, when he falls asleep, give him dreams and visions, because let me tell you something right now. This is not going to go over well, but it will go over. True, if Americans are trusting in Donald Trump to turn the nation around, he will never become president. You want to know why God will not allow. It Is your savior, donald Trump.

God uses people. He says I take down kings and I raise them up. Listen, when I saw that bloodied face in that ear. This is a strange connection, I know. But God said all those who represent me in the priesthood, there's to be a sacrificial basin of blood and I want the toe of the priest to be dipped in the blood, the big toe, the right toe, dipped in blood. I want the priest's thumb dipped in blood because his feet and his decision making is covered in my blood, and then take the blood from the basin and put it on your right ear.

Mr President, if you're watching this right now, your right ear was bloodied. It wasn't your eye that got shot. It wasn't your nose that got shot. It wasn't your temple that was intended to be shot. Your ear was hit. But we would like and pledge and pray that you might bow your knee before the Lord Almighty and say not only did God do this, because I know, mr President, you said that today that God protected me. But who is God, mr President? Who is he? What's his name? You've heard it for years.

It's time to bow the knee. It's time to say that Jesus Christ is Lord, that he's the one that rules over the affairs of man. He loves and died on the cross and rose again from the grave. It is Jesus Christ, the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and he desires that all men should come to worship him in spirit and in truth. This has been a warning by Almighty God that your ear might be sanctified. Will you hear this? Can you hear this? Can you hear this? Listen to the word of God. Stop stop talking about God and come to know God. It makes all the difference in the world. Jesus Christ must be bowed down to. If this is unusual, it's because we do not know our nation's history. The very founder of this nation, the first citizen, the first commander in chief, the first general, the first president, bowed his knee daily in prayer to Almighty God. So much so the famous painting from Valley Forge is not a hoax. It's not a joke.

Isaac Potts was dispatched to keep an eye on Washington as he went into the woods, away from the starving forces of the colonial army, feet frozen in snow, bloody trails left behind by bloody feet in ice, cold weather. We were, did you know, at Valley Forge. We were eating the soles of our boots. Did you know that we were eating and chewing on bark off the trees? We were reduced to nothing. And Washington left his troops and it was noticed where's he going? And he walked his horse into the woods and he got on his knees in the snow and he prayed and part of that prayer was written down by the man who heard him. That man also said in that moment I knew, right then and there there is no way for Britain to defeat the United States. If the God of benevolent heaven heard this man's prayer, is this too much for people? Is this a message that I'm saying that will gender criticism? I hope so.

We are so ignorant of American history. We don't even know this nation and how it came into being. But let's remember this this country's not ours. It was given to us by God. Listen, our pilgrim fathers on the Mayflower. They understood that Today this nation is run by a bunch of thugs and despots. It's run by money and the decisions that this nation is making is right out of Deuteronomy 28. Our nation now traffics in the souls of men and women, and boys and girls. Our nation is so sick on power and want that we've run out of money and we have to borrow money from the Chinese to keep this nation running. And at any moment China can call their loans that we cannot pay back. Did you know that China can call their loans? This goes back a long time, by the way, second Gulf War Toward the end of, by the way, second Gulf War Toward the end of the last year of the Second Gulf War under George Bush Jr. Did you know that we borrowed money from China to fight our battles in Iraq? We're a nation that has spent its vitality on its lust, but now its lust for power has been fully manifested.

Madonna said that if she had a gun, she'd blow the president's head off. I'm not quite sure who Madonna is, but it was something that Madonna said. It's been said recently In the media you can go look at it later, unless they've scrubbed it today that the DNC said we need to put a target on Trump. No, they might have been. They might have just been saying look, I'm sure let's give them the benefit of the doubt. They were probably just saying we really need to dial down and get this campaign focused. We got to really put a target on Trump. I'm not insinuating that. They said we need to. Yeah, I know it was Joe, but I didn't want to say it.

But listen, here's the deal. By the way, listen, if you're, I'm not a Republican fan. I want all you to know that. Never underestimate the Republicans' ability to screw up a good moment. The Republicans' ability to screw up a good moment, to screw up a good opportunity. They've done it every time. Republicans are just as bad as Democrats. They just wear a different colored tie. I despise, in fact. You know what? This last week, the Republican Party which had a pretty good platform back in 2020, the Republican Party decided to start embracing woke on its upcoming platform. That will be read starting tomorrow as the convention gathers this week.

It is a policy that we were against. We voiced our opinion about that. Removing or dampening, taking down the intensity of defending an unborn child they've watered that down. The definition of marriage they've watered that down. God saw that.

God hears that these are desperate times. It is obvious on all fronts. It is obvious on all fronts. What will become of America, only God knows, but this we know If we will turn and seek his face, repent of our sins and humble ourselves. God says I will heal your land. I don't know what that means, but I know it's good. But, with all due respect, we have to qualify that. That's a condition. Did you know that? Well, I thought salvation was free. I'm not talking about salvation, by the way. Salvation is free, but not to God. It cost him everything. Thus it, but not to God. It costs him everything. Thus, it's free to us, because he doesn't accept our currency.

But regarding this country, there's a qualifier. If, if, my people, let's be honest have you been weeping, have you been sick to your stomach, have you been unable to eat? Are you watching the systematic rise of those manifestations that the Bible says is of demonic activity? Then you know this. We call it mental illness. There is mental illness, but I'm not buying that everything that's going on is of mental illness First of all. If it is mental illness, where's all that coming from? I think, the mental illness First of all. If it is mental illness, where's all that coming from? I think the mental illness that we do have is certainly a result of spending 40 hours a week playing video games and never seeing the light of the day and having Pepsi and donuts for breakfast. That stuff will kill you. The brokenness of family we read it. That stuff will kill you. The brokenness of family we read it today. That will destroy you.

The attempted banning of preaching of the gospel so that young people think that they were nothing but a successful exit out of a primordial mud hole of evolution. And then somebody grabs a rifle and shoots up a classroom and we're all in shock. What a bunch of hypocrites. We tell people they're a derivative of an animal and a monkey and then we expect them to act like angels in the classroom or on the streets. What a bunch of hypocrites. Our nation needs to turn back to God. Listen when it says nation, don't wait for Barack Obama or Donald Trump or Gavin Newsom or anybody else. It's not gonna happen until I turn back to God. It's not gonna happen unless you turn back to God. Don't leave this service today and say you know those people need you turn back to God. Don't leave this service today and say you know those people need to return back to God. No, it's us. We are here in this condition because of the church.

Do you not know history? Alexa de Tocqueville gets dispatched from Paris, from Versailles. You've got to go. Take this assistant with you. We'll fund the whole trip. You're brilliant, you're a great observer, you're a great philosopher, you're just the right man Following the Revolutionary War and the victory of the colonies over Great Britain. Go figure out how did they do that and then bring back the report so we can have a revolution here, just like they did.

Tocqueville came to America and he went throughout the colonies. You can read it. He wrote the book. Tocqueville came to America and he went throughout the colonies. You can read it. He wrote the book, taking notes, notation this, notation that, and he was puzzled Out of his own mouth. He was puzzled as to the greatness of America. How could this be happening? This upstart nation defeats the greatest military power on the face of the earth. How is it that this nation, in its army, loses almost every battle and then somehow wins the war? So it's not their military strength. Everybody knows that. So he checks that off his list.

He goes to the fields and de Tocqueville writes unbelievable production of apples and peaches, walnuts, cherries, wheat. The farmer is getting so much out of one square acre of land. I've never seen such a thing. Bounty Writes that down, cattle, all of it. He writes it down. But he said listen, this is brilliant.

He said this still doesn't explain the greatness of America. What makes the ground do this? Do you remember in California, you guys? Years ago I was born in San Diego. This is as far north as I've ever lived, but I remember the days of California when the central valley, in the Salinas Valley, you could almost spit on the ground and strawberry bush would grow. Did you know that California was the fruit and vegetable basket of the nation, the entire nation? The Salinas region was known as the salad bowl of America. Did you know that? The Tocqueville can't figure it out and he's about ready to get back on the ship and head back to France? But he went to church and he said I just found out. America is great, he wrote, because America is good. The day that America ceases to be great will be because it ceased to be good. America is in its last twilight, gleaming. I do not know what's going to unfold in these next few months leading up to November. Only God knows.

But do you realize that if we got on our knees and prayed, god might do something. Father, we come before you right now and we ask you, lord, god, that Donald Trump, right now, would be overwhelmingly preoccupied with his right ear. May it be sore? May it be ringing, I don't know. May it be sore, may it be ringing, I don't know. May it be constantly having to have his attention that you might speak in that moment. How many times have we stubbed our toe and God has spoken to us? And by your providence, almighty God, that bullet that was destined for his temple hit cartilage of an ear. And would you say to President Trump today, are you hearing? Are you listening? Did you hear that? And we pray for his soul. Today, we pray, dear God, that President Trump would come to know you as Jesus Christ, lord and Savior, that he wouldn't know about God but he would know God. He wouldn't talk about God but he would talk to God. And we pray, lord, for ourselves as a people.

Almighty God, we pray right now that, unless you watch the gate, the watchman watches it in vain. God, our nation has been torn open, our borders have been destroyed, our economy is imploding, our children are exposed to the violence of the streets. We are in debt. We have forsaken Almighty God and we ask you, lord, in Jesus' name, that you would awaken the United States of America for no other reason but to bring you glory. God, wake us up to the reality.

God, wake us up to the reality. This nation has not won a war since World War II and we live off of hype, showmanship so much of it perception. We have been hollowed out because you are no longer the epicenter of this nation. Lord, we invite you to come back to this country with mercy. Come back to this country, god, we plead. We invite you to come back to this country with mercy. Come back to this country, god. We plead. We ask upon you and we plead upon you, almighty God, to forgive us of our sins. Expose the pornographers. Expose, lord, the drunkenness. Expose, lord, the evil. Expose the aberrant sexuality. Expose the robbery. Expose, lord, the idolatry. Expose the things that have ravaged this nation all the while.

You, you, have been targeting our ears all along and saying church, will you hear me? Church, listen, and Father, I pray today that, instead of President Trump raising his fist in victory, which I understand, any political photo of that is I mean, that is a poster, no doubt about it. That's a commercial clip, no doubt about it. I pray that you would just dissolve that thinking and that there would be the going to the knees. Father God, we pray now and we ask, in Jesus' name, for you to do a miracle in our midst. Start with California. If you're going to start with California, start with us, with us. But, dear God in heaven, may we not wave a flag all over the place without the Holy Spirit being pleased with our conduct. The only answer is going to come from God's house, and we pray Lord, god, in Jesus' name and all God's people said amen.

43:27 - Speaker 1
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