Meet four passionate women running for school board in Capistrano Valley and hear their stories as to why they're standing up to protect parental rights and create a safe learning environment for kids. These ladies see a need...
Sometimes, in our grief or sorrow, we are not able to articulate our prayers, and our spirits groan within us. However, the Holy Spirit stands ready to make intercession for us! Learn more about this help from Heaven in today...
Courage, resilience, grit, and perseverance—these are just a few words that describe today’s guest, Chad Williams. A former Navy SEAL, Chad has had an incredible journey, transitioning from elite military service to tackling ...
In today’s episode, Pastor Jack explains how the overarching theme of redemption is found throughout the Bible’s pages. God’s plan and purpose is to restore our broken relationship with Him. Heaven’s heart beats for you. Does...
The battle over our nation's children is reaching the boiling point, and the battleground is the classroom. The local school board is typically where concerned citizens go to bat for the children, but some members come with e...
In the Book of Romans, the apostle Paul presents a compelling argument for the case of Heaven. In today’s episode of Real Life TV Pastor Jack uses Paul’s argument to teach us why Heaven is real and what that fact means for ho...
God's word calls us to 'do whatever we do, do it all unto the glory of God,' and that is exactly what our guest on this episode is doing. Meet Jonathan Isaac, an NBA player for the Orlando Magic, author of "Why I Stand," and ...
Planned Parenthood, Racism, Marxism, and what connects them all. Pastor Jack, Seth Gruber, and Dr. George Grant discuss an eye-opening and informative upcoming documentary, The 1916 Project. You don't want to miss this import...
All of us are on our way to one of two eternal destinations: Heaven or Hell. Are you sure you are on the correct path? How will you spend your time on the journey? Pastor Jack walks us through truths from the book of Romans i...
In this episode, we dive into government insider information, Islam, the January 6th events, The Patriot Act, and much more! Join Pastor Jack and our special guest for an engaging and enlightening conversation that you won’t ...
Pastor Jack speaks of a new perspective when we live our lives by faith. The struggles that we experience, our perception of current events, and the way we interact with others are all affected by this new point of view. Lear...
Israel at war. Should we support Israel or pull back? Should we stand with them or run from them? Be careful what you believe when it comes to the media, things aren’t always what they appear to be. (00:00) Israel and the Con...
All creation groans as it waits for full and final restoration and redemption. We may suffer now, but our heavenly reward is worth the wait! Anticipate the imminent return of Jesus Christ as Pastor Jack talks about our hope a...
The Bible says that we should "train up our children in the way that they should go, and when they are old, they will not depart from it." What does this mean and how do we put this into practice with kids? When you start to ...
God has called us to be stewards of this wonderful world He’s created. Does that mean it’s up to us to save the environment? At what point does caring for the planet become Earth worship? Get answers to your eco-related quest...
What does the Bible tell us regarding where Jesus went between His death on the cross and His resurrection? What is Hades, why did Jesus visit there, and what did He do during that time? Be encouraged regarding Jesus' life on...
The promises of people are often broken and bent, leaving our hopes dashed. But God’s promises never fail, and that’s why our hope in Him is sure and steadfast. If you’ve been feeling downcast or disillusioned lately, this ep...
In today's episode, Pastor Jack and Erick Stakelbeck delve into a range of topics including the war against Israel, the upcoming election, and the biblical implications for America’s future. Plus, get a glimpse into Erick’s r...
The trials, hardships, and tribulations you’ve experienced have brought you to a new place of strength and understanding. The scars you bear are a testament to the experiences God has seen you through. In today’s episode, Pas...
What does it mean to be a "Christian Nationalist"? Today's Christians are being labeled all sorts of things from the world around us. Don't let others define who you are, especially you're when obeying God's Word with the cho...
If it feels like life is passing you by, or your mind is set on cruise control, God is calling you to wake up to the things He has in store for you. In today’s episode of Real Life TV, Pastor Jack answers some of life’s bigge...
Join us as we begin an intermittent series called "Ask Me Anything", where Pastor Jack will devote an entire episode to answering questions from listeners. Today's questions include how we should handle our feelings when our ...
Until the Prince of Peace returns, believers are at war. The battle is all around us in the spiritual realm, and we cannot ignore or avoid it. Learn to fight the war from the victory that’s already been won at the cross. Jack...