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Jesus Died For God
Jesus Died For God
We will continue our conversation regarding Jesus taking on the form of a human while being God simultaneously. Christ is our atonement, ou…
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Jan. 9, 2025

Jesus Died For God

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Jack Hibbs Podcast

We will continue our conversation regarding Jesus taking on the form of a human while being God simultaneously. Christ is our atonement, our sacrifice, who died for our sins and rose again. Not only is He our sacrifice, but He's also the High Priest. So, in what way did Jesus die for God? Find out what Pastor Jack means in this episode.

(00:00) Exploring the Incarnation of Christ
(14:32) Understanding the Atonement of Christ
(26:17) Embracing the Redeemer Jesus Christ


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00:00 - Exploring the Incarnation of Christ

14:32:00 - Understanding the Atonement of Christ

26:17:00 - Embracing the Redeemer Jesus Christ

00:00 - Speaker 1
Real Life presents the Jack Hibbs Podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture.

00:09 - Speaker 2
Hey everybody, last time we were together, we looked at what is being called the God-Man. What's that all about? Well, today we're going to be getting into the second installment of that argument. You're not going to want to miss this, but by all means you're going to want to hear it in its totality. So get ready, let's dive in.

00:29 - Speaker 1
You can get the outlines of this podcast by going to jackhibbscom slash podcast Today. If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five-star ratings. To us that's like saying amen or yes. Then that rating will encourage others to listen Now open your hearts to what God's Word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs.

00:58 - Speaker 2
Hey, welcome back, magic. This is what I was going to say. If you listen, if you miss last week's podcast, pause right now. Stop, I promise you. Stop this podcast, stop it, don't listen to any more of it. Go back and listen to last week's and then play this one. If you just play this one, you're just going to get angry. In fact, I'm not going to recap, I'm just going to drop the bomb. Here's the bomb In the incarnation of Christ. Christ the Messiah, hamashiach, the Messiah Jesus. The Messiah Jesus.

The Bible says in Micah, chapter five, verse two, that his prior to his arrival in Bethlehem, being born, he's eternal God. Isaiah 7, 14,. Isaiah 9, 6, he's eternal God. Proverbs 30, verse four he is the eternal God. The Father, god, the Son, god, the Holy Spirit, the triunity, plurality, singleness of God, one God.

You know, I just read CS Lewis the other day and CS Lewis said how do you define a cube? He talked about a cube and the sides of a cube. It's multiple-sided cube. And for the cube to about a cube and the sides of a cube, it's a multiple-sided cube. And for the cube to be a cube, it has to have all of its sides. And he even said this is a bad analogy because if you press it too hard it breaks down. But he said a cube is a cube, but a cube has its side. It takes sides for it to be a cube. And that's how, in a rough way, he says that's how God is like. There are sides to the deity the one, god, holy Spirit, father, Son, and of course the analogy breaks down. That being said, watch this. Here's the bomb. And of course the analogy breaks down. That being said, watch this here's the bomb.

When Jesus came into the world, lived his life. Let's go through the chronology of this bomb drop. He was the product of the Holy Spirit coming upon Mary, and Mary conceives. In that instant we have, in my opinion, the greatest miracle that has ever been performed I believe it's even greater than salvation itself is that God relegated himself to wear human bones and human skin, human hair, and it was all scientifically determined at the moment of conception. Just like you, just like me, mary is pregnant in that moment. She's pregnant in that moment of conception and she will be just as pregnant for all nine months. A woman who's pregnant doesn't get more pregnant. Jesus is born, and I believe it's don't quote me, I'm sorry.

I think it's 1 Timothy 3.16 that tells us that God would be incarnated in the flesh. So much so in 1 Timothy 3.16, I think it is that the angels would gawk at his birthing. They would stare with what the Greek word means big eyes and a big mouth. Shock that God, their creator, jesus Hebrews 1, colossians 1, christ is their creator. The Bible says Jesus created angels. They see him coming into the world in human skin and they're freaking out.

You got to check it out. I hope I got the right verse. He lives a perfect life. Perfect. Why is that important?

Because Jesus had to prove both to us, both to the opposition, satan, satan. Both are now in a tri-sense of an argument the law, and what do you mean by that? Well, jesus lived a life that had to appease the law, the Ten Commandments of God and the spirit of the Ten Commandments. In other words, jesus could not sin. If Jesus would have sinned, then he disqualified himself from being our Redeemer.

No-transcript. That's why the Bible says he was tempted in all points, like us, but yet without sin. So you might ask was Jesus really tempted then, when he was being tempted Absolutely, just like you and I are, but he was victorious in fighting it because he knew how to use the word of God. Okay, you and I struggle at using the word of God. We wish we could obey, but we fail at it. So he represents us, jesus, all the while was representing you and I. And what does he do?

Well, he not only fulfills the law, but the perfect Jesus ah, now's the big test enters the Garden of Gethsemane and he cries out and he says Father, if it's possible, remove this cup from me. What was he saying? His human fears, his human concerns, his human anguish, his human limitations in a human body. The humanity of Jesus was saying Father, if there's any way for mankind to be saved, let's do that instead of what's ahead of me. Can you relate to this to a moment? Scarcely can we. This is God the Son and this is God the man, and he's talking to his Father from your side, from my side, father. If there's any other way mankind can be saved, let's do that. If there's any way man can buy his way into heaven, let's just go with that. If there's any way that man can be good enough, religious enough, moral enough, if there's any possible way.

And then what was Jesus's perfect, divine, incarnated response. It's awesome, jesus said, and nevertheless, not my will be done, but your will be done. That's the key. Here's God the Son feeling everything that you and I feel. And God the Son because there's no sin nature in him submitted to the will of the Father in the great kenosis, he didn't save himself and he obeyed the Father. The Bible says he obeyed the Father even unto death. So this kenosis word I brought up last week is this Jesus laid aside his supernatural powers, always within arm's reach. He could have snapped his finger at any given time. In fact, I'll prove it to you.

When, in the Garden of Gethsemane, judas and the gang came to arrest Jesus, what did Peter do? Peter pulled out his knife and lunged forward and cut off the right ear of Malchus, the servant of the high priest, and the ear goes to the ground and Jesus picks up the man's ear and puts it back on his head. Man, that'd be awesome to see, wouldn't it? Peter, I got you Jesus. Don't worry big Peter, I got you man, I'm your man there. There you go, can you imagine? Some scholars say I think it's Harry Ironside that says Peter missed killing the guy and cut off his ear. Instead, peter was intending to kill. The man Cuts his ear off, jesus picks up the guy's ear. I mean, I don't mean to be disrespectful, but I'm sorry. I see the way this is happening. I've been to the Garden of Gethsemane. That guy's bloody ear falls on the ground. I wonder if Jesus picked it up and went, puts it back on the guy's head. That is amazing moment. What did Jesus do right then? And there Kenosis he interrupted his physical limitations to put the man's ear back on his head.

When Jesus said to the scribes and Pharisees I know what you're thinking when the Bible tells us they said this to Jesus and he knew that they were trying to catch him in his words. What happened in that moment? The father revealed to Jesus what was going on. Why? Because Jesus exercised kenosis. He associated with you and I so much, because you and I don't know much, do we. But God revealed to Jesus what was needed in the moment for the cause of God, for the purposes of God, just like God will reveal to you by what we say. Is discernment a word of wisdom or a word of knowledge? When you and I obey God's word in the situation, we're being just like Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit when we disobey the word of God. In that moment we're being just like us in our fallen nature. See, jesus didn't suffer that fallen nature. So here comes the bomb. The bomb is still falling. You can hear it whistling as it's coming down.

When the Bible says and I mentioned this last week together in 1 Timothy 2.5, there's one mediator between man and God, that is the man, christ Jesus. Mediator between man and God, that is the man, christ Jesus. Here you go. Here is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, incarnated in human skin, in human flesh, the Christ of the Bible. Here we go. Jesus is the mediator. What's a mediator for? What's a go-between for? What's a middleman for? The middleman brings two other parties together. Are you hearing me, everybody? If I'm the middleman between Joe and Joe buying a new car from Ford Motor Company, and I'm the broker, I'm the sales guy, I'm the whatever, I'm the middleman, I bring Joe into the room and I bring Ford Motor Company into the room. We work out a deal and I work out that deal, I sign it, the parties sign and it's closed. The deal is closed.

Did you know? Jesus did the exact same thing, exact same thing. Now the bomb hits. For God so loved the world that he gifted, gifted, gave his only begotten, only glorified son. There's no other one and only no other sons coming. There's one. There's one, that who qualifies to die for the sins of the world.

For God so loved the world that he gifted his only glorified son that whosoever would believe on him, trust him, sit on him, rely upon him, recline upon him in faith and belief, would not perish but have eternal life, everlasting life. How does he do that? Jesus is the mediator. Here it comes. Jesus pulls to him. If I be lifted up, I shall draw all men to myself. In other words, you can't even meet God, you can't talk to God, unless you consider Jesus. If I be lifted up signifying that's how they termed resurrection how did Jesus know that? How did Jesus know he was going to be resurrected?

Kenosis, in that moment, god the Father gave him the understanding you're going to die on the cross, you're going to be resurrected, kenosis, in that moment, god the Father gave him the understanding you're going to die on the cross, you're going to be crucified. For it is written, see, you know that. I know that now. Jesus knew it for all eternity. But when he, kenosis laid it aside. He laid aside knowing certain things, doing certain things, unless God, the Father, and God the Spirit intervened and gave him insight or gave him understanding. Wow, sound familiar.

So Jesus brings the lost sinner you, me to him. By the way, jesus says nobody comes to the Father unless I draw him. It also says in Scripture there's a dualism Nobody comes to the Father unless I draw him. The Bible also implies that nobody can come to Christ unless the Spirit draws him. Also implies that nobody can come to Christ unless the Spirit draws him. In fact, you might even say there's a triune argument to that, because Jesus then says in John's Gospel nobody can come to me unless the Father calls them. Wow, of course it doesn't surprise you, because this is how God works. When God saves you, who's God? Father, son, holy Spirit. So Jesus pulls to him the lost world because Jesus dies on the cross.

And listen, one of the multitude of things that him dying on the cross and being resurrected from the dead provides is that Jesus is the mediator and brings lost sinners. Jesus died for man. Here you go. Jesus died for God also. You say what? And I can hear the brakes slamming on. People are screaming. Your hair just caught fire.

We're talking pure theology here. We're talking about atonement. What is atonement? Christ is our atonement. He is our salvation. He is our sacrifice, is he not? But our sacrifice not only died, he rose again from the dead. That's what the book of Hebrews is all about. We have a high priest who not only is the sacrifice, he's also the priest. So when you say Jesus died for God, what sins did God have? I didn't say that God has no sin. So what are you saying then? If Jesus died for God and Jesus died for man, that sounds crazy. Let me explain.

The mediator mediates. He introduces himself to the lost world, tells them what he did on the cross and invites them to experience salvation. All those who will come to me, I will not turn away. He gets you. But what does it mean by Jesus died for God? See this book, see all this.

What is this called? Yes, yes, the Bible. What else do we call it? Oh man, I wish I would have thought I was going to do this today. I got a Bible for Christmas. You should see it. It's red, it's blood red, leather on the outside, blood red. Oh my gosh, it's awesome. It's from London. It doesn't say anything on the cover anywhere. Like most Bibles say Holy Bible, this one says Holy Bible right here. Do you know what it says? It only says one statement On the binding on the side. It says the word right here. Do you know what it says? It only says one statement On the binding on the side. It says the word of God. It's incredible. I got to show it to you sometime.

Jesus is the logos, he is the word of God. It is the word of God who cries out to the sinner and pulls the sinner to himself. And it's God, the Son, who calls out to the promises of who and what. He is representing the Godhead. And Jesus pulls all the promises of God, the prophecies of God, the redemption of God, the salvation of God, the atonement of God, all that God did for mankind. Jesus pulls the Godhead in. The mediator, is in the middle. He brings the promises Watch this and he activates the promises. This is so fundamental, yet profound, yet we never think of it. Jesus, all the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ. Jesus says the scriptures. How does that happen? Because Jesus died and rose again from the dead to activate and fulfill and to bring to pass the promises of God in the believer's life. Jesus is the catalyst to the promises of God.

Before Christ died on the cross, the Bible promised that God would remove the sins of Israel, but how? Before Christ died and rose again from the grave, god had made the promises that God would forgive Israel's sins. It's the book of Isaiah that says that God would forgive the Gentiles their sins by faith. It's Habakkuk 2.14 that says the just shall live by faith. The Old Testament can I say it this way, borrowed from the future. On credit. Abraham was saved. Looking ahead to the cross, you and I look back at the cross. Looking ahead to the cross, you and I look back at the cross. We draw from that bank. Abraham believed that there would be a future deposit in that bank and you and I go and look at the history past, 2,000 years ago, and we withdraw from that bank and we withdraw from that bank. Abraham and you meet at the same moment, based on what Christ did.

When Jesus died on the cross, he fulfilled the prophecies of God regarding redemption, atonement, salvation, soteriology. In that sense, jesus died for God. Not that God needed a savior. God didn't need forgiveness, god didn't need help. No, no, no. Jesus is the answer to the promises of God. Without Jesus coming, there'd be no salvation for the Jew, there'd be no salvation for the Gentile. Without Jesus coming, there would be no empowerment among the lost sinners. The salvation of God, jesus is the mediator. Jesus died for God to activate the promises of God. The sinless Christ activates the sinless promises of the sinless God for us. Jesus takes hell, damnation and guilt and shame from the sinner and washes away their sins. By his blood. He fulfills the law, satisfying God's righteousness. He pays the blood-bought sin of mankind's transgressions and sin and he brings us both together. That's why Jesus is the last Adam.

The first Adam was a transgressor. With all due respect, let's just remove Eve from the whole dynamic. Forget about Eve. You say, yeah, wait a minute. She sinned first. That's right. She sinned first. Adam didn't sin. I can hear you gasping for air right now. What did you just say? The Bible says again in Timothy Adam didn't sin. He did not sin. Eve sinned. Adam did something worse. The Bible says Adam transgressed. The Bible says Eve was deceived, not Adam. What, yep? Eve sinned because she did what she wasn't supposed to. She crossed the line. And then, oh my gosh, did I make a mistake and there's no way back for her. She crossed the line and then, oh my gosh, did I make a mistake and there's no way back for her.

Adam shows up. He looks at God and he looks at Eve. This is why he's the first Adam and Jesus is the second Adam. Watch this First. Adam looks at God, looks at Eve, looks at God, looks at Eve. What's he going to do? He's perfect. Adam is not perfect, a sinner. At that moment, adam chose to partake of the fruit. He transgressed, he thought about it, eve, eve tripped up into sin. Adam is looking at Eve, the sinner, and God the holy. Adam is in, so to speak, in between two worlds. He's fine with God. Adam is fine.

Did you know that probably Eve would have eventually died as she did? God probably would have brought a new creation of Eve. He probably would have recreated Eve because Adam was perfect. So Adam could have said wow, god, look at her, do what you need to do. I'm with you.

I believe Adam was torn and conflicted and he chose love. He chose love for Eve over love for God and in a sense not fully, but in a sense Jesus Christ came as a human being. He died on the cross for our sins and rose again from the dead because he loved the entire whole world. Those who believe him and trust him are called the bride of Christ in the church age right now. Right, and he redeemed us. Jesus didn't sin against the father when he chose to die for you. Jesus lived out perfectly the love of God to humanity in our redemption and at the same time, he lived out perfect obedience to God, the father, in his humanity and thereby satisfied the demands of the law.

The law now has no bone to pick with anybody because the law now has, so to speak, it's tummy full, or you could say the bank was filled up. It couldn't be, couldn't receive any more deposits because Christ is all and in all. So the law is satisfied, so to speak. Moses says all right, I'm good Moses representing the law. The father satisfied, because the father is just, the Holy spirit's just, the son is just. We need justice for all the sin from Eve forward. Jesus fixed that at the cross and rose again from the dead. Done. But what about those poor sinners? Not a problem.

Book of Romans, isaiah Galatians makes it very clear God will take the righteousness of his son, the human at the cross. And yet, because death could not hold him in the ground, death circled. Jesus, looking at every bit of him, trying to find sin, could not find any. Grave couldn't hold him. He resurrected from the dead. The grave couldn't hold him, he resurrected from the dead. All of that work, christ's work, is then given to any man or woman, boy or girl who would trust Christ for their soul and salvation. The gospel.

You see how stupid it is to try to impress God. You know how stupid it is for you to try to be good enough so that God might love you. That's disgusting. We are so, so messed up when we try to bring the nth of a degree of righteousness, thinking that God will accept us now, or I prayed an hour, god must love me. That is sick. Thinking you cannot pimp his love, you cannot barter with him like he's some sort of a smart businessman. That is so, so disgusting. That's why God hates self-righteousness in human religion. Disgusting, so I got to wrap this up. Watch this Jesus Christ pulls sinners to himself.

Jesus Christ pulls the Godhead to himself and in doing so, jesus Christ, the mediator atop Mount Moriah on the cross, died for both God and man to bring us together. He is the great intercessor, the great redeemer. He is the great intercessor, the great redeemer. He is the great Christmas gift that we just celebrated this last December. Every single day he is these things and you need to celebrate him. So, jesus, in wrapping up the great kenosis of Christ, is that Jesus willingly laid aside those 40 days of fasting when he was hungry.

Satan knew this. Satan said why don't you turn these stones into bread? Why does Satan say that? The Bible says, in fact, satan was tempting him. Think why did Satan say it? Because Jesus could have done it. The moment he would have done it, you would have been damned forever. Because Satan would have gotten through to Jesus. Jesus would have ceased trusting the Father, used his own powers to turn the rocks into a pastry, into a bakery. Satan takes him to the pinnacle of the temple and says why don't you throw yourself down? Doesn't the book of Psalms say that he'll cause his angels to bear you up lest you dash your foot against the stone? Satan used the Bible to attack Jesus. Jesus turned right around and attacked Satan.

Satan misquoted the scripture. Jesus quotes it correctly back to him and by doing so, defeats the temptation. What's he doing. Jesus is being tested and proven to be perfectly God in human skin. That's how you're redeemed. Don't ever forget it. That's why we love him. I hope this makes some sense to you. Again, if you didn't watch the first episode of this, it's all craziness to you If you watched first and now the second. I hope this has been a blessing to you. What a God we have In Jesus' name. Amen.

29:39 - Speaker 1
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