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Living In The Daze of Deception - Part 1
Living In The Daze of Deception - Part 1
Pastor Jack addresses the fact that we are hearing and seeing more and more inexplicable things as the days progress, including alleged UFO…
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June 3, 2024

Living In The Daze of Deception - Part 1

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Jack Hibbs Podcast

Pastor Jack addresses the fact that we are hearing and seeing more and more inexplicable things as the days progress, including alleged UFO sightings. How does this play into Jesus’ words about the increased deception we will experience in the Last Days? 

(00:00) Days of Deception
(11:19) Deception, Fallen Angels, and Last Days
(17:49) Beware of Deception


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00:00 - Days of Deception

11:19:00 - Deception, Fallen Angels, and Last Days

17:49:00 - Beware of Deception

00:00 - Speaker 1
Real Life presents the Jack Hibbs Podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture.

00:09 - Speaker 2
The Bible tells us that Satan is like a lion roaming around your life. You right here, it doesn't matter what you believe, if you're hearing my voice right now, satan tries to approach your life, roaming around like a lion seeking to devour you. What does that look like? I don't know. Is that how? Lion seeking to devour you? What does that look like? I don't know. Is that how he begins to devour, though? Does he take a bite of your marriage? Does he take a bite of your children? What does that look like? What does he do to get you to curse God? The Bible says he is a foot.

00:41 - Speaker 1
You can get the outlines of this podcast by going to Today. If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five-star ratings. To us that's like saying amen or yes. Then that rating will encourage others to listen Now open your hearts to what God's word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs.

01:10 - Speaker 2
Then Jesus went out and departed from the temple and his disciples came up to show him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said to them do you not see all these things? That is the temple and the buildings of the temple. Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be thrown down. Now, as he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately saying tell us when will these things be and what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age? And Jesus answered and said to them take heed that no one deceives you, father, we pray that you would open up our eyes so clear, so clean, so wide, that we would be not deceived in these last days. In Jesus' name, and all God's people said amen, you may be seated.

So the word deceived, deception as we are looking at the days of deception, it'll play on words there. The word in the Greek language means this whatever causes you to wander. It sounds kind of almost innocent. The word deceived is scary if you think about it. Nobody listen, nobody appreciates being deceived. We're not talking about being tricked by your friends or being punked or whatever. The local thing is about being tricked by somebody or a stunt. We're talking about a deception that, by nature, is of satanic origins. This is not somebody ripping you off on a contract or something like that. That's bad enough. The whole context demands that its origins of this deception are satanic in nature and executed by demonic activity Church, family. The Bible tells us that there's going to be increased demonic activity in the last days. There's going to be strange things that go bump in the night increasing in the world around us. Jesus made that very clear, but that word goes on to say to go astray or to be led away.

To be deceived is to become misguided. It means that you were once perhaps on course or in the truth, but something happened by which listen you began to think differently. This is a terrifying thought for every one of us. Church, listen to this. How do you think right now? You guys all know AW Tozer said that whatever a person, and however a person, thinks about God is the most important thing that they think in life.

What is your opinion of God? What do you know about God? That answer is eternally relevant. But when we look at deception today, our world is so full of it that now we tolerate. You and I are tolerating levels of deception. There's stuff going on. I know people get all upset with me and that's their problem. But here's the thing about deception we're being deceived by our leaders and we're okay with it as a nation. It's all right. It's all right, it's okay. Nobody seems to care. You know what Deception? Mark it down. I think it matters.

Deception flourishes when there's apathy. If you're apathetic, deception sees it as a green light to go. Now I'm making deception sound like a person. I'm personalizing it. What I should say is, when the church and culture becomes apathetic, then it is very clear that demonic activity increases. And this is a global observation. That has always been since time began that whenever there's a void, it's quickly filled. And so Jesus has always taught in the Gospels to us that he wants us to be ready and watching Church. Right, we know this. He says be watching, be ready, watch, you don't know when. Have the oil in your lamp that's the symbol of the Holy Spirit Always filled up, because you don't know the hour in which I'm coming. Be vigilant, be on guard.

Reminds me of my mom. Was your mom like this? For I don't know. I guess I'm partial. I think it was the best. We used to be able to ride our bikes to the beach without getting molested. We stayed out late and we didn't get hurt Nobody. There was okay. There was no pornography. There was no sickness like this stuff we see in our world today. All we had to do, all we had to do was have a nickel. So we'd stop at a pay phone and call the house and say hey, mom, just checking in, it's eight o'clock, it's summer, I'm good, I'm fine, I'll see you later. But when we, but when it was school time, I could just see my mom saying and doing things like this. She would, she would make sure my shirt's buttoned up correctly, Shirt's buttoned up collar fixing the hair or taking the food off my face, whatever it is. That's what a mom does. Now, I'm not being gender insensitive here. I'm just going to tell you the facts.

Right now, we need moms to make sure that we're able to get to the school bus or to the school and that we have actual clothes on and that there's no food hanging off of our face. And one of the things is okay, your shirt buttoned. Okay, smile, let me see your teeth. So she wants to see what's inside there and is your zipper up and locked. Zipper up and locked, in the right position. And then she would turn you around and she would scoot you off, either to school, because I would walk to school.

Some kids got bused to school, but you got ready. And thank God for moms, by the way, back in those times in the 1850s and 60s why? Because here's what dad would have done. What are you standing around for? Get on the bus. You could be there in your underwear with a pork chop hanging off your face. He doesn't care. Get on the bus. Thank God for moms. Right, they're in the detail and I see Jesus doing that. I see Jesus kind of looking at us, straightening the collar. Are you ready? Listen, don't get in any trouble. Stay out of fights. Right, you'll get picked up. It could be today, but get on out there. And he prepared us and then he turned us loose, and that's a good thing.

And you need to remember that, that the world that you and I live in right now, there is a daze of deception, like a fog that is sweeping over the world right now, in the narratives that are out there, from genderism to what we've been experiencing these last few weeks in our United States Congress and to help you kind of get in the mood, because we have a tendency to laugh at these things. But now nobody's laughing. Nobody's laughing because of congressional testimony and so we have to answer the things that you're going to deal with tomorrow at work from the Bible here on a Sunday so you can be ready for Monday. Does that make sense? And that's the spirit in which I'm bringing this to you. And, of course, I'm talking about this incredible global explosion of people talking about things that they're seeing in the skies.

The percentage is in the thousands of how many people have come forward to say I was on deployment in Canada, in the north, or I was in South America, I was running special ops in Guatemala, or I'm a Russian aviator, or I'm a Chinese pilot literally airline, you name it and they're saying what happened in Congress has opened up the door. I'm going to come forward. Well, what happened in Congress? We'll look door. I'm going to come forward. Well, what happened in Congress? We'll look at the next couple of weeks, at snippets of it, because it's too long to handle.

But what about the Bible and all this stuff? And if there are things out there, what are these things and where are they coming from? That's what people are asking and, by the way, not everybody's being shy about answering it. And that has been the real push about me dealing with it today, because there are pastors that are announcing that whoever or whatever these things are, they're coming from other planets that God has created and they haven't fallen, they're not sinful, so they're here to help us. So this whole thing, ever since Roswell, new Mexico back in the 40s, whatever, all this kind of stuff little green man walking around all this stuff has been the parts of movies and jokes and all this stuff. The Bible says that in the last days there's going to be things that are unexplainable, and Jesus warned us that we better be vigilant and we better be believing in the word of God, because he said that if it were possible, even God's very elect would be deceived.

Now I don't know what you think about what deception looks like. You think it like deception comes. Is it like an Amazon package where it arrives at your door and it says a fragile? Does it say this end up? I think, by nature of deception, it might look fantastic but it's the opposite. Or it might look benign but it's dangerous, whatever it might be. When you're deceived, notice the very act of deception that is placed upon you misled you to believing that you were either going down the right path, signing the correct contract or doing the correct thing, and then you woke up to find out that you were deceived by nature. Deception looks good. It looks good.

I encourage all of you to read. It's not a big read, you should read it. It's called the Art of War by Sun Tzu. You should read this. There's many great quotes about deception.

But his big thing about deceiving your enemy is the key to winning the war Number one. He says get your enemy to believe that you're not at war with him while you're warring against him. He says, for example, when you're near to your enemy, make him think that you're far, and when you are far from your enemy, make him think you're near. When you're strong, have him make you think you're weak, and when you're weak, have him make. Have him think you're strong. And he said by this manipulation of confusion you deceive. And he said the greatest victories are won when you never go to war. He said you can defeat your enemy by deception, without ever invading. And I think Satan knows that very well.

I think we live in an age where it's obvious to me that a lot of satanic repeats are happening. Jesus said in the last days. You'll know that you're in the last days because you've got to go back into history to the days of Noah and you study. Jesus said what it was like in the days of Noah and then you'll know how soon my coming will be. You say, jack, where are you going with this? I'm going to just get the toothpaste out of the tube right now.

I do not believe in aliens. I don't believe in other planets being populated. I don't believe in things flying from distant places just to make a movie. I don't believe in things flying from distant places just to make a movie. I don't believe that. What I do believe in is fallen angels and demonic activity. Why? Because the Bible teaches it. You say well, what's the correlation? Thank you for asking. The correlation is to deceive. When you read your Bible, it proves that Pharaoh's magicians could take sticks and turn them into snakes. It proves that Satan, by the way, can mimic and duplicate and replicate miracles.

The Bible says Jesus said in the last day, satan will be able to do miracles that are lying, wonders and deceiving signs, miraculous, false leading signs performed by demonic powers. But if you listen, but if you are going to deceive your enemy, the last thing you do is you do not announce that you are a demonic power. And I'm just saying we're just right now, we're being one big family right now talking about this issue that is now sweeping the globe in conversation and hosted in Congress, and now deeper congressional and Senate meetings are going to be taking place because of what has happened and what's happening. Here's the deal Someone's got to explain the physics as we know it as to what's going on, and nobody has agreed, nor does anybody say any longer, that things are traveling great distances from very foreign places to come here to show up, because we now have the technology, both on this planet, in our atmosphere and in space, to detect something coming millions of miles away. Did you know that? That's how we know about asteroids? That's how we know how to send a missile out into space to deflect an asteroid. So where are these things coming from? Well, the Bible's got the answer. These things are not traveling on a linear, physical type of thinking. These things enter and they exit. Pilots tell us that it appeared and then it disappeared. Jesus noticed this when Jesus was ministering on earth. Notice satanic powers, demonic powers, appeared and then disappeared. Notice that good angels appeared and disappeared. Did they not Think about the, the cities of sodom and sodom and gomorrah?

What happened? God sent two angels down to those cities to destroy them. Do you remember? You read that in your bible. And those who the men who lived in that city cities, it said wanted to have sex with them because they thought they were visitors, not aliens. They had never been with those guys before. So they said, they knocked on Lot's door, almost tore the door down and said those two men who came into your house today, give them to us, we want them. And pathetic Lot says take my virgin daughters instead. They didn't want them, they wanted the guys Sodom and Gomorrah. You can read about it in your Bible. The Bible says that at one point it was so hostile and violent that the angel stuck out his hand out through the door and blinded those men that were trying to reach in. That's a case where angels look just like you and I, but they had come to rescue Lot. I want you to remember that in your thinking.

What do we know for sure? As Christians. We know that we're 2,000 years from the birth of the church to this moment. We know from the things that are going on around our world in many ways, including, most importantly, the rebirth of the nation Israel, that we're living in the last days. We know that there are prophetic markers starting to rise. The Soviet Union is no longer the Soviet Union, it's now Russia, exactly as the book of Ezekiel said, it would be in the last days, not the Soviet Union, it would have to be Russia. Jesus said watch out when the nations of the world begin to talk about wars and rumors of wars. Might I add that Jesus did not have access to the internet or Google or Alexa. How did Jesus know that, at the end, one of the markers would be the constant threat of global war? How did Jesus know that? Because he was God in skin. What do we know for sure?

In 2 Corinthians 2, verse 11, the Bible says Lest Satan should take advantage of us, for we are not ignorant of his devices. You know, the Bible commands us not to be fooled by Satan's abilities. The Bible tells us that Satan is like a lion, like a lion roaming around your life. You right here. It doesn't matter what you believe.

If you're hearing my voice right now, satan tries to approach your life, roaming around like a lion seeking to devour you. Your life roaming around like a lion seeking to devour you. What does that look like? I don't know, but listen. Is that how he begins to devour, though? Does he take a bite of your marriage? Does he take a bite of your children? What does that look like? What does he do to get you to curse God? But the Bible says he is a foot. I don't believe in the Bible. Then he's really got you duped, because Jesus did. And then there's demonic activity. There's no record in the Bible where a fallen angel or a holy angel possessed a human being, but there is overwhelming evidence in the Bible where a demon possesses a human being or an animal.

What's going on here? What do we know for sure? We know that God has warned us in advance that in the last days there's going to be deception so great that, unless you're protected by God's word, you will be fooled word, you will be fooled.

19:23 - Speaker 1
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