00:00 - Speaker 1
Real Life presents the Jack Hibbs Podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture.
00:09 - Speaker 2
Think about it this way In the spirit realm that is hostile against you, so to speak, they've got their Marines, they've got their Army, they've got their Navy and they've got their Air Force. They've got four divisions of demonic powers that work to deceive, and you are the target, I am the target, truth is the target.
00:35 - Speaker 1
You can get the outlines of this podcast by going to slash podcast Today. If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five-star ratings. To us that's like saying amen or yes. Then that rating will encourage others to listen Now open your hearts to what God's Word has to say to you.
01:01 - Speaker 2
Here is Jack Hibbs 2 Timothy, chapter 4, verse 3. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine. I believe we're in those days but according to their own desires. That's people, unsaved people because they have itching ears that's an amazing statement because they want to hear something that is either new or something that is like cool. Just don't bother me. I want to come in and hear about God's stuff, but I don't want my feathers to be ruffled at all. Just tell me how to have a happy life in five steps. Teach me how to be a champion every day.
Well, the Bible goes on to say they will heap up for themselves. Teachers, notice, they pick the teachers. I'm not going to go there anymore. Why? What happened? All that person talks about is the Bible. Well, please, by all means, then, if you don't want to hear the Bible, go somewhere else. Listen, no, no, it's a very serious thing, though.
There are some people who crave religion, but they don't want anything to do with the Bible. They don't want anything to do with God, and they will turn their ears away from the truth. They will deliberately do, don't you? I know people like this. When you speak absolute truth to them, they just go blank and they just zone out, they'll turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to fables. They will gravitate to stories being told and I want to say that, no matter what we hear about these atmospheric phenomenon, whatever the Air Force puts out there and the Pentagon releases its documents in a few weeks, I don't care what you hear. The Bible warns us about fables. It doesn't mean it's not true. It doesn't mean it's not true. It doesn't mean it's true. It means that the source is not God. When all the experts? Have we not learned this about experts? That when all the experts come together and tell us what's really going on, you should probably reverse what they're saying and get closer to what's actually happening.
Ephesians, chapter 6, verse 12. You see, jack man, that's extreme. You want extreme. This is extreme. This is right now, today, in the world that we live in. Are you ready for this?
Ephesians 6, 12 tells us, for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood. He's talking to the Christians in Ephesus, turkey. That's where Ephesus is today. You can get on a plane. For those of you who don't know, you can fly and go visit Ephesus. Okay, it's there, still there.
The Bible says we do not wrestle against flesh and blood that's kind of eerie but against principalities. Watch Number one principalities. Number two against powers. Number two against powers. Number three against the rulers of the darkness of this age. Four, against spiritual hosts of wickedness. And notice where they're located In the atmospheric places, the heavenly places. The word heavenly places doesn't mean in heaven, where God lives, it means the spirit realm. There are four orders of, or four divisions. Think about it this way In the spirit realm that is hostile against you, so to speak, they've got their marines, they've got their army, they've got their navy and they've got their air force. They've got four divisions of demonic powers that work to deceive. And you are the target. I am the target, truth is the target.
We, as believers, we believe in God, we believe in the word of God, and we have good reason for that, because we've been convinced from scripture. We're not just a bunch of lemmings that have chosen to be followers of jesus. There's a reason why we believe what it is that we believe, and that reason is from the scriptures. And not only that, but it's the scriptures effect that they've had upon our lives. They've, the word has transformed us, and it's not just that we have, it's the fact that our faith is actually active and real. And when that faith of ours that is there housed in the entirety of Scripture, tells us that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, the movement since these revelations have been this in the community of think.
All of a sudden, now, the antagonists of Christianity, those that made fun of believers, are saying now it makes sense, now we see what those Christians are talking about. Follow me now on this. Now it makes sense, we see, Now we get it. We have now come to the conclusion, with this new revelation of information, that these things are not flying from great distances, they are actually stepping into our time domain and they step out of our time domain because they abide by a different law of physics. Now you're trying to explain, they're trying the argument of when you look at history and they cited the pyramids now they said, we understand how those things might have been built. When you look at some of the great historical breakthroughs that have been given to man, they say they cite Buddha, they cite Krishna, they cite Confucius, they cite Jesus.
They cite that it's very possible that the Jesus of the Bible was simply the son of the gods that Gabriel was none other than an alien who mingled alien sperm with her egg and she produced Jesus. That's why you read about the Gospels. They said with this Jesus being able to go through walls, appear, disappear and heal. You say, why do you bring that up? Because the message being said now, in fact there's going to be a program coming out in about a week or two you want to pray before you watch it, because it is terrifyingly convincing but demonic, how people under testimony will tell you with lie detector approval or test, that this alien showed up and my hearing was restored, that they're here for our good, they're not here to hurt us and they're equating that. Yes, it's true.
Now we now know. Look, now we're becoming enlightened. They're not traveling from distant places, they're right beyond our breath. They actually live in a world that's just beyond us, but they have the power to come in. We don't have watch. We don't have the power to go into theirs unless we meditate. I'm not joking.
If Satan is a deceiver and the father of all lies, if in the last days, you're going to see deceiving miracles and doctrines of demons, what were you and I thinking as to how that would happen? How would that look when we hear the warnings from Jesus and we see the world and the condition that it's in today? You've got to sit up and take notice about God's word and its authority in your life. Because, why? Because these promoters of this new world religion is a religion of a hybrid evolutionary theory. You're going to hear them say these words that for thousands and millions of years, evolution has brought this race to where it's at now. But those that are coming to visit are checking on us to see about our progress, and we've been told that the next step of our evolutionary process which hang on, I'm going to address this in a second will not take time. It will be done in an instant. It will be an instantaneous. Man's next evolutionary shift will be done in a moment's time, and there are some saying that they fear that these alien beings are going to bypass us and go straight to AI and somehow bring their collective thought together.
I want you to know again. I want to reiterate I believe we're talking about demons, not little spacemen, but apparently demons want you to believe in little space guys, because it's kind of cute, et, you know. Put them in your basket, fly around the woods. How cute is that? That's why the only way you'll pick this up is by the Bible in your heart. Holy Spirit using the Bible, and you be can I be a little funny about it? You want to have a force field around you, have the word of God in your hearts, all Alright. So, but notice that the deceivers state things as a matter of fact the human family. You must come into this level of consciousness. You'll hear a lot about consciousness. You're going to see and hear in the future a lot about getting together in groups of 10 or 12 or 13, 15 maximum. Hold hands, close your eyes, meditate and call for these entities to appear.
One of the people talking about it and they're for it says about a particular cult. They said now, this particular cult and all of my religious understanding, they're the only ones that come close to the truth. So premise this person knows the truth. This person knows the truth so much that they write an article about it to tell you nobody knows nothing about what they're doing except this one particular cult. Because they've come the closest, they said because they're the only ones that are successful at teaching that you can become a god. What they really meant to say was you can become an ET also.
The origin is Satan, the target is your soul. And what's awesome about what we're talking about is the Bible warned us in advance that there would be other Gospels, that there would be other Gospels, that there would be other Jesuses preached in the last days, and now we're starting to hear about it. Never thought we'd hear about it from the Navy or from the Pentagon or from Congress. We thought we'd hear about it from some crackpot down the street, some kook. Well, satan's not dumb, and if he's going to deceive the world, think about it. If you were going to deceive the world for real, you would use the most powerful entities at your fingertips, and when you're Satan, everything's at your fingertips. Do you remember that? The Bible says this is his world until Jesus comes and takes it back? You're battling with sickness. You're battling with pain and sorrow and hurt. Jesus said I've come to give you life, but Satan has come to rob you, kill you and destroy you.
Read the book of Revelation. It tells you that when Christ comes back, he takes custody of this earth. You know right now, if one good thing happens to you today, do you know how that's going to happen? It's going to happen because the grace of Jesus Christ that's. That's the only way. It's not going to be luck, and Satan doesn't want you to have a good day. So we end with this the Bible tells us, and makes it very clear to us, that deception is going to increase, but God never changes. The Bible tells us Jesus said it.
I've told you these things in advance that when they happen, you'll know that I'm God, that I'm he, I am, I am ego emi, I am the, I am God, that I'm he, I am, I am Ego emi, I am the I am. Jesus said that in the last days before he returns, you're going to see manifestations of things that are able to do amazing things, but demonically sourced. I find it fascinating that all this is happening at the exact same time when humanity is being redefined. The family, the structure of the nuclear family, is a laughing stock among a lost world. You're looking at a culture that is completely can I say this word in the right context Because of its origin. How is it that people who are in authority are hell-bent on destroying your child's innocence? Do you think that's a coincidence that all of these things are going on at the exact same time? I'm telling you now Make sure you have Bible in heart, eyes wide open.
Judge everything you hear against this book and be very careful about group think. Well, everybody thinks it. Well, everybody's going. Watch out. If this has been heavy, I understand. The Bible says that God loves you, that Jesus Christ came from heaven into this world to live the human life, to die on the cross for our sins and to be resurrected from the dead for our salvation and justification, and that Jesus said if someone were to die believing in him, you live forever. Yet you live. The Bible says to be absent from this human body is to be immediately present with the Lord Jesus Christ and amen.
So, friends, if somebody asks you tomorrow in the cubicle hey, man, see the stuff that's going on you tell them yeah, oh, do you believe in that stuff? I do with a twist. What do you mean? I believe it's demonic. I believe that things appearing and disappearing and things saying we're only here for your good, don't worry about it, look over there, don't look here. It's satanic. Why do you think that? Because Jesus said there'd be days like this. Well, what if somebody said an alien healed their blind child? Yeah, I don't doubt it, except it wasn't an alien. It was demonic activity manifesting and masquerading itself in false miracles and false signs and wonders. You better know your Bible church. We're living in amazing times. We're living in amazing times.
18:05 - Speaker 1
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