Feb. 20, 2025

Science vs The Bible?

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Science vs The Bible?

Join Pastor Jack and special guest Ken Ham for an exciting conversation that covers topics from gender, evolution, abortion, creationism, and the government.

Ken Ham is the Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis and its two popular attractions: the acclaimed Creation Museum and the internationally known Ark Encounter, which features a life-size 510-foot-long Noah’s Ark—sometimes described as the “8th Wonder of the Modern World.” Each year, the two attractions host over 1.5 million guests. Ken Ham is also an in-demand Christian speaker and interview guest and has authored over 30 books. Ham became well known throughout America for his 2014 evolution/creation debate with Bill Nye, TV’s “The Science Guy.” Ken Ham hosts the daily radio program Answers on over 1,000 stations. He’s also the founder of the award-winning Answers magazine. In 2020, Ham launched Answers TV, an ambitious streaming service. His website, AnswersInGenesis.org, has twice won the top award from the National Religious Broadcasters for Best Website.

(00:00) Biblical Views on Gender and Mutations
(11:13) Worldview Clash and Environmental Worship
(16:47) Godly Stewardship and Cultural Shift
(28:35) God's Call to the Church
(41:53) Genesis 3
(53:28) Science, God's Word, and Human Bias
(01:01:04) Impact of Creation Museum and Ark
(01:10:48) Supporting Answers in Genesis Outreach

ANSWERS IN GENESIS: https://answersingenesis.org/ 
ARK ENCOUNTER: https://arkencounter.com/
CREATION MUSEUM: https://creationmuseum.org/


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00:00 - Biblical Views on Gender and Mutations

11:13:00 - Worldview Clash and Environmental Worship

16:47:00 - Godly Stewardship and Cultural Shift

28:35:00 - God's Call to the Church

41:53:00 - Genesis 3

53:28:00 - Science, God's Word, and Human Bias

00:00 - Speaker 1
Real Life presents the Jack Hibbs Podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture.

00:09 - Speaker 2
Hey everybody, you're going to want to stay tuned to this very special episode of the Jack Hibbs Podcast. Here's the reason why We've got with us Ken Ham and we're going to be talking about some things that you deal with every day. I'm almost convinced of it. You're going to want to know, so hang on. We're going to want to know, so hang on. We're going to get into this right now.

00:29 - Speaker 1
You can get the outlines of this podcast by going to https://JackHibbs.com slash podcast Today. If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five-star ratings. To us that's like saying amen or yes. Then that rating will encourage others to listen Now open your hearts to what God's Word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs.

00:58 - Speaker 2
Hey everybody, welcome back to our podcast and we've got an awesome treat today podcast. And we've got an awesome treat today. It's amazing for me to be here in this setting with Ken Ham, because I used to sit in the pews at Calvary Chapel, costa Mesa, and just be lost in the crowd as this man would come and expound and illuminate and give us insights into the book of Genesis, and he has such a huge role in my life just the appraisal of the Bible being top shelf everything, the authority of scripture. Ken, it's awesome to have you with us and, for those who don't know, he is the chief executive officer and founder, most importantly, of Answers in Genesis. If you have any children or not, you need to go to aigorg, right?

01:51 - Speaker 3

01:53 - Speaker 2
Answersingenesisorg. You're going to want to go there. Incredible, leading edge, top, top technology presentations, curriculum, Just it's wonderful. And, of course, if you're ever in the area, if not, make it happen. Get to the Creation Museum and the ARC experience. It is absolutely the best. Ken, it's great to have you here.

02:19 - Speaker 3
It's great to be here.

02:20 - Speaker 2
Well, listen, you are, you're a legend, and our students here at our school get baptized into your curriculum and the Ark Encounter on almost, I think, an annual basis. So you guys are family. Let's just dive right into this, because we don't have all that much time. Normally it is a lot of time, but with Ken Ham, time flies Are you saying I talk a lot.

No, listen, what you have to say is absolutely essential. And so how about if I start a little bit sarcastically like this, ken, there must be something wrong with my Bible. I read here that there's in the book of Genesis, which you are a great fan of, from chapters 1 through 11 specifically. But there's something wrong, ken. There's something wrong because I can only find two genders in here, even among the animals. Am I wrong? Am I going wrong here?

03:19 - Speaker 3
Well, you know what this should help you? Okay, and calm you down, to show you you're not wrong. Because in the New Testament, jesus, who's the son of God, who doesn't tell a lie, who knows everything, who is the creator, who's always been there, when he was asked about marriage said haven't you read? He who made the beginning made them male and female. That's in Matthew 19. He does it again in Mark 10. And he's actually quoting the text of Genesis 127. In other words, he is affirming the historicity of Genesis. And there's Jesus saying there's only two genders, male and female. And of course, throughout the Bible you only find two genders. I mean, you jump further in Genesis Genesis 5-2, there's only two genders. All the way through Leviticus-2, there's only two genders. All the way through Leviticus. Other places there's only two genders male and female. And do you know? Science actually confirms that.

04:13 - Speaker 2
Absolutely. Science confirms it In fact, you don't even have to be a scientist to figure that out, nor do you have to be someone who's read their Bible to figure this out.

04:21 - Speaker 3
Well, that's true. It's obviously common sense.

04:23 - Speaker 2
If you think about it. I think I heard.

04:24 - Speaker 3
President Trump say that.

04:25 - Speaker 2
Common sense. We just heard that recently. We just heard some tremendous activity in the White House today regarding all of this. But I remember way, way back when there was a guy by the name of Dr AE Wilder Smith.

04:41 - Speaker 3
And yeah.

04:42 - Speaker 2
I remember him speaking on various topics and one of them is that and this is I'm going to flub it up, but you will bail me out, I'm sure I'll fix it Okay, so that without the Bible, there's evidence from nature which is created from God, so that if you never had the scriptures, you would know instinctively, because the truth is written on the human heart, that there's a male and there's a female and that there's this internal understanding of the appreciation of both.

And then, on top of the fact and I thought this was brilliant and I've never forgotten it that if you are a person who denies the existence of God, then you've got to explain some other route for all of this happening, he said this doesn't work, because if you have evolution taking place, you've got to have it happening in sexual unison, in other words, both male and female. How did you ever get them have to sexually mature at the exact same time to propagate? How is that going to happen? And then somebody says, well, I don't believe in God. Then you're going to go to a different argument. But, ken, the argument of there is no God and evolution is what brought us here in this remarkable series of profound accidents, so that we're here today. The interesting thing is, if evolution's true, ken, wouldn't evolution have washed away, eradicated the LBGTQ activity Because it's nonproductive?

06:22 - Speaker 3
Yeah, it wouldn't make sense. You'd become extinct very quickly, wouldn't you? Exactly, if we didn't have two genders. And you know what's interesting? We know a lot more today about genetics and DNA, that molecule of heredity that makes up our genes, our chromosomes. We're made of 23 pairs of chromosomes and it's very interesting that we have a pair of sex chromosomes, and males have an X and a Y, and females have an X and an X, yeah, and so when you get politicians like we had, you know, in recent times, who said they don't know what a woman is, yeah, let me tell you the rule. You ready?

Okay, if you've got a Y, you're a guy, if you don't have a Y, you're not a guy. It's as simple as that. Oh, I like that and see, we should get that in t-shirts. Exactly, if you're a Y, you're a guy, and if you're not a Y, you're not a guy. If you don't have a Y, you're not a guy. And you know, somebody asked me recently about well, what about? Aren't there some people that have like two X's and a Y? Yeah, let me explain that. Let me explain what happened there. But they said what, would they be male or female? I said, very simple If they got a Y, they're a guy. If they don't have the Y, they're not a guy. So that would be a male right regardless. Now there are some. They call them exceptions, but they're a fraction of a percent.

07:40 - Speaker 2
To the point that they are anomalies, to say the least. Yes, to say the least.

07:44 - Speaker 3
And that doesn't negate the created order, that's right. But you know, it's only a biblical worldview that explains that, because of sin, god no longer holds everything together perfectly. So now there are mutations or mistakes that add up in our genes, and it's not just sex chromosomes, but you can have problems in other chromosomes as well. Right, because of the fall, in other words, because it's a fallen world. And so what you see is here's the created order, which is quite obvious. Right, two sexes, male and female. There's a created order, but we see some distortions. And why the distortions? Because it's a fallen world, that's right. So it's only when you start from Genesis that you can explain that.

08:21 - Speaker 2
Interesting, so I have this question for you. So if we have a mutation, does the mutation ever mutate upward or downward? In other words, does it because all have sinned and we live in a world of sin? Does the mutation move upward, to a more superhuman, or does it result in a decline and problems?

08:46 - Speaker 3
Well, let me say this, Let me give you an overall statement, but then I need to clarify and I always ask people wait for the clarification. So ultimately there are no beneficial mutations. Now you got to be careful saying that, because the secularists will say but there are some beneficial mutations. Take sickle cell anemia. If you have sickle cell anemia, then you can actually be resistant to malaria. Well, yeah, if you've got the sickle gene, that's true and they say that's a beneficial mutation. It's not beneficial in an overall sense because you don't want it.

You don't want it Because if you have the sickle cell gene.

09:23 - Speaker 2
You get diagnosed with it.

09:24 - Speaker 3
I mean, you don't want that, then you get two of those together. I mean you can have all sorts of brain problems and all sorts of other problems and physiological problems. In other words, in an environment where you have a lot of malaria, people who have that mutation can survive, but overall it is detrimental to the population and it's certainly detrimental to genetics because it's destructive. And so, no, there are no, when you understand them, beneficial mutations. Which means, by the way, do you realize something? Human race can't keep going on and on and on. There's a lot of mutations that we carry, a lot of mistakes in our genes. Genetic load, they call it. It's increasing more and more and more. There'll come a time when there's just going to be so many problems. It's not going to make sense. That's the opposite of evolution.

10:11 - Speaker 2
Wow, this being the beginnings of a new year, we've all, as a church, we're going through our one-year Bible. Of course, obviously we went through Noah and Noah was found to be perfect in his generation. Noah and Noah was found to be perfect in his generation and, if I remember right from my days under Pastor Chuck Smith, he made it a big point to point out that Noah was somehow pure or clean or genetically healthy in his generation. Generation meaning Chuck would say that the aberrant sexuality and the strange things that were going on that led to the flood, noah had kept himself pure. And I find that, if in fact true that Romans 1 talks about the judgment that those who practice aberrant sexuality receive the judgment within them it says, it tells us that it's within them they receive their due recompense.

11:06 - Speaker 3
It says no. No, a lot of people say a lot of things about those and I guess we have to be careful because the Bible's not explicit. You know what I mean. We try to read into things, but you know you mentioned Romans 1, which I think is very, very interesting, because Romans 1 is a picture of our culture right now.

11:20 - Speaker 2
Oh, it is.

11:20 - Speaker 3
And Romans 1, you know, I remember as a kid reading Romans 1 and you think, wow, it must have been so bad in those days. You know and couldn't imagine what that would be like, never knowing one day I'd be reading it. Applying to this culture, yes, and it's interesting. You notice something when people reject God as creator and they worship the creation instead of the creator. By the way, I think that happens in California, where they have the creation having dominion over man, I think we've perfected it.

Man works, the creation, instead of having man having dominion over the creation. And that affects your whole views of environmentalism. It affects your whole views and you know, for instance, you know here's a problem and that is people who reject God, believe everything natural is good, but the Bible says everything is cursed. That's right, and because they think everything natural is good, you shouldn't, you know, touch these forests.

12:12 - Speaker 1
You shouldn't clear all this brush Let all the debris stay there.

12:14 - Speaker 3
Yeah, you shouldn't try to back burn or anything like that. It really does affect your practical day to day, absolutely.

Because they have the wrong worldview. Absolutely, it's the same with even law enforcement. There's this philosophy that man is basically good and because man is basically good, improve his environment and he'll get better. No, the heart of man is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Man is basically wicked and you have to help people deal with their wicked heart. But when you read Romans 1, when they reject the creator and they worship the creation rather than the creator, what do you find happening? God turns them over to their depraved nature, that sinful heart, where it masters over them. And you see, it's there in Romans 1, the sexual revolution, the homosexual revolution. Now we have the gender revolution, and so it's that progression that occurs as man turns his back on God. And we see it's applying to our culture today and we need to understand what's happened, because man has made himself God. That's right.

And you know where that goes back to, if you think about it Genesis 3.1 and Genesis 3.5,. When the devil came to tempt Adam and Eve, he said did God really say don't trust God's word? Yeah, you can't trust. The first attack was on God's word Absolutely.

And then Genesis 3.5, you can be as God, you be your own God, and so that's our nature. Our nature is we want to be our own God, and we've taken generations of kids through an education system that has thrown God out, and they said man determines truth, and the more man determines truth, then that's the foundation that builds a worldview that says you know, like the book of Judges 21-25, when there's no king, no absolute authority, everyone does what is right in his own eyes. And so the more we take generations and teach them against God, tell them man determines truth, you're your own God, we will see moral relativism dominate our culture, which is what we've seen happen.

14:15 - Speaker 2
That's exactly right.

14:16 - Speaker 3
And we've seen what Church attendance for Generation Z is down to less than 9%. We've seen a catastrophic generational loss from the church because so many pastors have not stood on the word of God, have not stood on Genesis, which is the foundation for everything. Do you know? The first 11 chapters is the foundation for everything.

14:33 - Speaker 2
This is your hallmark. This is your calling card. It's awesome.

14:36 - Speaker 3
There's nothing. It's not the foundation for. And if that's true, to deal with any issue you can name any issue euthanasia, fossils, age of earth, gender, whatever it is you have to start from Genesis 1 to 11. It's the history God has given us that's foundational for everything, which also means Genesis 1 to 11 is the key to being woke proof. Because once you have that foundation, you know what you believe, you know where it comes from and once you understand people who don't start from God's word start from man's word. That's why they believe the way they are and then you understand something else To really deal with those worldview issues in our culture, right, that worldview clash ultimately and I don't want people to misunderstand me here, I'm not saying you shouldn't be out there dealing with the abortion issue and the gay marriage issue.

We need to be right. But ultimately, to get people who have a worldview of moral relativism to have one of the Christian absolutes, they have to have a heart and mind change from building their thinking on man's word to God's word, because if that change doesn't occur.

Ultimately, you're not going to see the change in worldview.

15:42 - Speaker 2
It's so great because the natural man cannot discern the things of the spirit. And yet they feel. They feel so, so true about where they're at that they've got to panic and say well, that's your truth, my truth, is this truth. And then they begin that path downward of trying to justify everything. So you mentioned something about how California is perfected environmental worship.

Right now, elon Musk is going through a battle here in the state of California because the governor is trying to keep Elon from launching his rockets from Vandenberg Air Force Base, claiming that it might be harmful to the environment. It might be. The same governor, for example, said we will not have water in our reservoirs because they're manmade reservoirs. They're manmade reservoirs in these canyons and in these areas and so, because they're manmade, we're not going to let water be backed up and filled, even though they worked great for 50 years.

And lo and behold what happens when, like you just just said, man tampers and becomes god. We have, you know, we have chunks of of los angeles burning down to the ground, life being lost. These policies are are death and destruction, because they do not follow the stewardship mandate given to us by god that look, you've been to europe, I, I've been to Europe. They don't have these problems in their forests because citizens are told when you walk through the woods in Germany you pick up a dead stick and their forests are pristine. You go to Sequoia or Yosemite here and it looks like a dump, and all because the governor says you can't pick it up and it's a fire waiting to happen. Bad thinking.

17:32 - Speaker 3
And you know what's interesting is that same governor says it's okay to murder children in the womb.

17:37 - Speaker 2
Yeah, not a problem.

17:38 - Speaker 3
That's not a problem at all. It's like Peter saying we shouldn't eat animals, but you can murder children in the womb. That's okay, and you know it's interesting because when you have that evolutionary foundation right that there's no God, everything came about by chance, random processes, and you don't believe man is made in the image of God, then you have to look after the environment but use it for man's good and for God's glory. And the dominion mandate which you just mentioned before God gave the dominion mandate that man was to look after the environment. He has dominion over the animals, dominion over the creation, and because it's a cursed creation, because sin has affected it, we can improve it.

18:29 - Speaker 2
I love what you just said. This is not said enough. So many people Christians either don't think about it or they think wrong about it. It was an act of mercy that God gave us and kept us as being the custodians of this world, even as fallen as it is. You're right man is God's ambassador, representative to make things better in a very, very bad place. We can be, even though we're fallen. We can build the hospitals. We can pick up the sticks so the forest doesn't burn down. We can build dams. We can build all we can do, all we can, even. I know it's shocker, but there was a problem, ken, you don't.

You may not be aware, but the Canadians who came down to help us with the fires, they figured out wait a minute, I'm, I'm put. I'm flying around with these super scoopers. I'm flying around with these super scoopers. There's homes here on the shoreline in Malibu burning. I'll just put my plane down in the Pacific Ocean it's 500 yards away and scoop up. And they were scooping up the Canadians. God bless them. The Canadians thought wow, there's the Pacific Ocean, there's the fire, I'm a super scooper. And what happened? The Pacific, the Coastal Commission. They said, well, you can't do that you can't, because you don't. You could be sucking up fish, you could hit a whale, you could hit a dolphin. We can't do that. We can't let the homes burn.

20:08 - Speaker 3
In other words, yeah, we're not going to put humans, made in the image of God, first, we're going to put the animal, the creation, first, and again it's the creation having dominion over man. And you know, you think about this. We have doctors. God has allowed us to have doctors. Why? So they can help us overcome the effects of the curse. Now, ultimately, everyone dies, so we can't overcome the ultimate end right, yeah but they can mitigate and soften the pain, but yeah, we can help with diseases.

They do operations because we know there's problems and we try to repair it and we try to make it the best we can. That's right. And yet with the environment, it's the opposite. They won't do that and so they're totally inconsistent. It's the opposite they won't do that and so they're totally inconsistent. And you know we've got to understand that they have rejected the creator, god, and God turns them over to foolishness. That's what the Bible says to their depraved natures.

21:01 - Speaker 2
Yeah, they think there's something but, we can see the foolishness of it all.

21:05 - Speaker 3
Because they just don't have that biblical worldview. It's a secular worldview, it's based on man's word and they'll always be inconsistent, always being consistent. Save this little fish, but you can rip children up in their mother's womb.

21:18 - Speaker 2
That's right, that's the world.

21:20 - Speaker 3
You know what you should always look for for these people. They cannot have a consistent worldview and they ultimately have to borrow from the Christian worldview. Because if they start talking about right or wrong, wait a minute how do you decide what's right, how do you decide what's wrong? Without an absolute authority? Anything goes without an absolute authority. It's all subjective, it's all relative. Why can you determine something's good or bad If one of those people even uses the word good? Stop them right there.

21:45 - Speaker 2
Boy. I got in trouble one day. I was in LA, I had to go there for the interview I'm not going to mention the network, but it's known to everybody and the issue was California politics and the church's involvement in the definition of marriage. So you think about that for a moment. God invents marriage. It's in the Bible. But what politicians do is they run into this topic or this issue and they raise a political flag over it and then they tell the church you can't speak to this and I just refuse to cooperate with that.

So I was in this interview in LA and I was asked by the interviewer you know, there's a lot of dangerous homophobic positions and I said, well, that's not my position of dangerous homophobic positions. And I said, well, that's not my position. But as we're talking about this topic, we have to remember that God made and I quoted Genesis 1, 26 to 28. And the guy had mentioned well, you know, he didn't say back in those days, he didn't say love is love, but he alluded to that. And I said, well, you have to remember something that for life to continue on, even if somebody has an aberrant sexual lifestyle or desire, they're going to have to borrow from normal to have a family. And that guy, that anchorman, was livid at that comment. Are you telling me that these people are not normal? And I said you have to borrow from normal to have a child and to pretend to propagate.

23:20 - Speaker 3
You have to borrow from the created order. And you said something that was really important. You said God defines marriage. Right, God is the creator, he creates all things. I mean the very first verse of the Bible in the beginning God created, he creates everything, he owns everything, he defines everything. He defines marriage, he defines gender, he defines everything. Now, if you think about what's happening in our culture, right, what is happening? Those who reject God and build their thinking on man's word because God owns everything and defines everything. They then have to take what God has defined and then they redefine it within their own worldview of anti-God.

So they get to be God by doing that they get to be God and see, we've got to remember something the secular worldview. A lot of people have the wrong idea about secular. They think secular means neutral, secular schools means neutral.

The Bible says you're either for Christ or against walking in light or darkness gather or scatter, build your house on the rock or the sand, so we really should replace the word secular with anti-God. By the way, imagine if we started doing that and getting people to say my kids go to the anti-God education system five hours a day.

24:34 - Speaker 2
It's true but it's 100% accurate, it'll shock them into reality.

24:37 - Speaker 3
You know what we need to do that, yeah, we should change it to anti-God. It makes people realize my kids learn the anti-God worldview and the anti-God education system five hours a day. What is that going to tell you about? What your kids are learning? And you see? What they do then is the anti-God worldview. Takes what God has done and they're going to redefine it and turn it in the opposite direction. So they redefine marriage, they redefine gender. They redefine work because there's adoption of work. They redefine the family. They redefine dominion. They redefine the family. They redefine dominion. They redefine life. They take everything God has created and turn it around. Oh, my goodness.

25:18 - Speaker 2
This is great sermon material. It is. It really is Absolutely awesome. So none of this is rehearsed. You guys, we haven't rehearsed any of this. So what's driving you? Okay, we talked about these issues. What do you want to hit on next? What topic?

25:37 - Speaker 3
just Well, you know, let me say something that I don't want people to misunderstand me, and you can clarify if I don't put enough caveats in, and that is this in, and that is this. I am thrilled to see, in government, people turning things around in regard to morality. Now, here's the thing, though. This is what we've got to be really careful of, and I'm going to say we need more people in government who have a Christian worldview, like our good friend Mike Johnson for instance, and there's others.

We need more of them there, and people need to get more involved in school boards and other things to be salt and light. That's right Right To do that. So I'm not in any way undermining that. I'm absolutely endorsing that. In fact, I wrote articles telling people you need to get out there and vote and remember you're not voting for a pastor or an elder and so you can't use those qualifications, but it's very important for the future of the nation and our freedoms and all the rest of it. Now, having said all that, government is not the answer and too many people, I think, put their faith in government and legislation.

It's important and God has ordained government, but it's not the ultimate answer, and so what I really want people to understand is the fact that if you want to see a culture change, it only changes because of hearts and minds. People change it. In other words, how do you ultimately change the culture? Because, if you think about it, this has happened. If you go back in history and look at the different administrations that come and go in government, what do you notice? They come and they're against abortion. They come, they're for abortion, they're against, they're for.

Like the waves of the sea. It just changes back and forth, back and forth. So, ultimately, the only answer to deal with all these issues in an ultimate sense, there's got to be a heart and mind change in regard to God, in regard to his word, in regard to the gospel. Because until people believe God's word and trust Christ for salvation and build their thinking on God's word, in the long run we're not going to be successful. And it has to be a person at a time whose heart and minds change and the more that we go out and impact this person and that person and you start impacting this person and that person. Do you realize if every Christian in our churches went and won one person to the Lord, it won't be long and you'd be fighting over the non-Christians.

28:05 - Speaker 2
Isn't that incredible? Think about that. Think about it Think those church numbers that were declining wouldn't ever turn around.

28:12 - Speaker 3
It would exponentially change, and we need to be out there seeing lives changed, hearts and minds changed, one at a time. And then they change the culture. That's right, because then they get on school boards, they get into Congress, they get into Senate. They then start to change things because of who they are and the worldview they have.

28:35 - Speaker 2
I love it 100%. True, I've said this, maybe once, I'll say it again, and this is okay. Hate mail is going to come, but we worked really Well, if you don't get hate mail, you should be asking what you're doing.

I so believe in what you just said, that leading up to the elections we did everything this church was amazing Ballot collection, which is legal in this state I know where you're from. There's no such thing. We mastered it Literally. Tens of thousands of ballots brought in, safely counted, all legit, all legal Ballots brought in, safely counted, all legit, all legal. And California, shockingly, up and down the state, went trending red powerfully. So we're very excited about all that.

But I got to tell you, ken, I looked around at the horizon and I listened God, according to the scripture, he raises up kings and he takes down kings. If I were God, I would give America Kamala Harris as president. I expected her to win, ken. I never told anybody that because I didn't want to get anybody all riled up or depressed. I never said it publicly.

After the election I was shocked, pleasantly happy, god's mercy. Then the next thought, with everybody celebrating, I didn't jump up and down. Was I glad for the victory? Yeah, yeah, of course. But even with all of the political powers and changes we're seeing happening right now, I mean, you're 100 miles right now, finally, from a secure border. We have a secure border just south of us. That hasn't happened in so long. That's good news, that's great. Bottom line is and I'm so glad you said what you just said is the thought just overwhelmed me and I told the church after the election policies are going to change, laws are going to change With all of this victory. Not one heart has been changed by this victory, because the change now, if anything and I believe this, if anything's going to change, it's got to now happen from what's ever left of the church.

The true church. The true church. Yeah, I think God gave us a little pause to see if the church will step up and evangelize, make disciples and, in that, changing hearts, because, as you said, politics ebb and flow.

31:09 - Speaker 3
That is the answer, and you know it's interesting. I said something similar, but let me tell you what my prayer was. Before the election, I said, Lord, I can understand why this nation deserves judgment. It deserves people in power as a judgment on this nation because of the millions of children murdered in their mother's womb.

31:28 - Speaker 2
Just that alone.

31:29 - Speaker 3
He hates the shedding of innocent blood and the sexual perversion and I was thinking about. You know, I've heard people say it's sort of getting more like Sodom and Gomorrah. But it's different to Sodom and Gomorrah. And I'll tell you why. Because I've thought about this, because I've had many people say to me you know it's so wicked, we're in the days of Noah. I say to me you know it's so wicked, we're in the days of Noah. I mean it must be like the days of Noah. And I would say, actually it's not. You know why? Because in the days of Noah there were only eight people that went on that ark. Think about that.

The rest were judged, only eight people, it's true Right, and there's millions of people, even though they're a minority.

32:09 - Speaker 1
Right but there's a lot.

32:10 - Speaker 2
There's millions of people, even though they're a minority Right.

32:11 - Speaker 3
But there's a lot. There's millions of people who love the Lord in this nation.

32:14 - Speaker 2
This is true.

32:15 - Speaker 3
And my prayer and it was a prayer of others that I talked to too was this Lord when Abraham was talking to you about Sodom and Gomorrah, he started at 50. Would you save these cities for 50?

32:28 - Speaker 1

32:29 - Speaker 3
What about?

32:30 - Speaker 1

32:30 - Speaker 3
What about 40? What about 30? And he gets down to 10. And God was even willing to save them for 10. But there wasn't even 10. Sometimes just a little aside I wonder if that's why Abraham didn't go any lower, because he knew he didn't save the world for eight.

Oh my gosh, but he would have saved him for ten. And so I said Lord, there's millions of righteous people in this nation, and others were praying this as well. So true, would you give this nation a reprieve for the sake of those people? It's not like Sodom and Gomorrah. There are millions who love you, who stand on your word, and I agree with you. I think God has given us a reprieve. It's a window of opportunity, and if God's people don't take it up, you could lose it.

33:23 - Speaker 2
I firmly believe that God did not pause this for there to be a rah-rah, for for there to be a rah rah, you know, go, go Trump, go Republicans, or go red or go whatever, go moral. I think God paused it. Well, those things, I think God paused it to maybe say something like this hey, church, remember how you were basically absent during COVID? How about one more chance? And now I'm going to give you, okay, this guy Trump, he's not going to impose the Johnson Amendment. So, pastors, you're free to say anything you want. Get out there and evangelize. I gave you mercy and go. And I can just almost hear God saying and go, and I can just almost hear God saying go. I really do believe that the church could be the shining star in the next two years if she receives her mantle back to preach the word unapologetically.

34:28 - Speaker 3
Boldly, boldly, without compromise.

34:30 - Speaker 2
Without compromise.

34:32 - Speaker 3
Let the word of God stand on its own and being loving means telling the truth about gender the truth about marriage.

That's what being loving is telling the truth right, in a gentle way, but still telling the truth and boldly doing it. But you know the parables Jesus told. There was one where he entrusted resources to people. Then he said I'm going to go away, but you do business till I return. And we know what that means. God's given us resources, talents maybe a teacher or an artist or a musician or a doctor or a preacher or whoever. Or material resources that's right, a preacher or whoever. Or material resources that's right. I've entrusted you with resources. You use those resources until I return.

That's right, and be on about the business of the king, because that's the most important thing to be on about the business of the king. Don't hoard up treasures for yourself on earth. You use what God has entrusted. And you know there's the other parable, where he entrusted, basically, money to people and he went away and when he came back, this one said I invested it and it built up this much and I invest and I was too frightened to invest it, so I just kept it, and that person was chastened for what he did. No, you were supposed to go and use that. Use it Right. We are to use our talents. We are to use the material resources that God has given us. We're to use what he's given us, because there's nothing more important than people know Christ. Nothing. Yep, absolutely. And can I give you a practical example? Yep, and I don't know you talked about, you might get some hate mail. I might get some hate mail over this one.

36:14 - Speaker 2
Okay, we're an equal opportunity. Podcast.

36:17 - Speaker 3
I always say if you don't have opposition, you should be saying what are you doing? What's wrong with me? Yeah, I know people have said to us if you stand on the devil's toes, he reacts. You guys must be kicking him in the shins.

36:29 - Speaker 2
Well, good, very good, then that's right.

36:32 - Speaker 3
But can I say this, and I want it as a challenge, and again, I always say sometimes I have to put so many caveats in my talk. It's 90% caveats. Do you know what I mean? Because people come up and say, but you were saying this, no, I wasn't saying that, but you were implying no, it wasn't because of the, and you've got to put all these caveats in there. But anyway, I personally, I want to use the pro-life movement as an example of a problem.

Okay, I would say that, looking at it from a big picture perspective, the pro-life movement overall has really been failing in using you, look what's happened in America. It hasn't been that successful. That's true, right? I'll tell you why. I believe that is. I have gone and spoken at a number of pro-life banquets and pro-life groups and so on, and what I found is a lot of these pro-life groups, particularly the bigger ones. Their main emphasis is saving babies. Don't get me wrong.

37:32 - Speaker 2
I know where you're going.

37:33 - Speaker 3
Their main emphasis is saving babies.

37:34 - Speaker 2
We're on the same page.

37:37 - Speaker 3
But I support the pro-life groups. Their main emphasis is teaching them about God's word salvation, showing them the love of God and saving babies, showing them the love of God and saving babies, because if you're not ultimately on about the gospel, then ultimately it won't work.

38:01 - Speaker 2
So, ken, I'm honored that the church that we're at believes in that 100%, to this level. So we're all about saving babies and we're all about saving or changing legislation Absolutely Regarding babies. And you talked about stewardship a moment ago. We're really big on. We don't believe a Christian can not vote, because in a republic, it's an opportunity that God has given you and the freedom and the responsibility to affect the culture by your voting. It's not just your material and it's not just your hands, it's voting also.

Having said that, having said that, when we the ministry that we have here, it says this it gives people the gospel. It goes to the abortion clinics, Planned Parenthood and such, and its primary foundation and vision and word is the gospel. This is the reason why you should save your baby, exactly. Okay, now watch this. This is where I'm just thrilled with these people, when the mom-to-be says, okay, I want my sins forgiven and yeah, okay, I'm going to save this baby. We believe that we should not go that far down the road without going all the way, meaning a lot of these young kids. They don't have the wherewithal to bring the baby to full term. Young kids, they don't have the wherewithal to bring the baby to full term. They don't have the medicine, they don't have the care I mean real practical care they don't have the transportation, they don't have the housing, and we believe that we provide that, so much so that it wasn't too long ago. Some of the people behind the cameras here might remember.

It just so happened that this woman was saved at a I mean saved born again out of Planned Parenthood here in Southern California. She was a young black girl who couldn't go home. Her dad said you're not welcome in this home, pregnant the guy she doesn't know who the guy is. She gets saved, the church picks her up and starts bringing her to church. She moves into a home with one of the families. We've got pictures of her being baptized at Pirate's Cove With this big baby belly. The baby is born and, lo and behold, taken care of.

Remarkably, all this stuff and one of the and it seems to me like every church has got somebody like this or more. One gentleman said I don't want my name known, I don't want my name anywhere, but I want to know who this kid is and I want to set up right now a savings account for this child and I'm going to deposit this amount of tens of thousands of dollars in this account that it will grow and this kid can have access. He wrote in all this stuff like it was his own kid. That's the body of Christ doing love. You can talk love, but when you talk love you better be ready to follow through with do love.

41:19 - Speaker 3

41:19 - Speaker 2

41:22 - Speaker 3
And I mean that's incredible, an incredible story there which should be a lesson for people. It's a lesson you know using your resources to do the business of the king. Let me give you another example in regard to our own ministry. Okay, because I get accused a lot of times of being oh, you're one of those young earth creationists. Well, I actually hate the term young earth creationist, don't get me wrong.

41:47 - Speaker 2

41:47 - Speaker 3
I'm a young earth creationist?

41:48 - Speaker 2
I am too, but I don't like me wrong.

41:49 - Speaker 3
Okay, I'm a young earth creationist. I am too, but I don't like people saying it like that. I'll tell you why. They make out that the most important thing to us is young earth.

41:57 - Speaker 1
It is not. That's right.

41:59 - Speaker 3
The most important thing to us is God's word in the gospel. Yeah, and now, why are we on about a young earth? Because of the consequence of believing scripture.

42:08 - Speaker 1
Absolutely, and why?

42:08 - Speaker 3
are we against evolution Because of what God's word says and so on? Right and so the reason we're in a creation apologetics ministry and dealing with issues of the age of the earth and all of these other things fossils and ape men and so on is because they're used today to attack biblical authority. That's right, but I've always positioned our whole ministry as being on about biblical authority and the's right. But, I've always positioned our whole ministry as being all about biblical authority in the gospel.

42:32 - Speaker 2

42:32 - Speaker 3
You've never changed, and so let me add one other thing to that. A lot of people can, and again I've got to put those caveats in. I need 50 caveats right now but a lot of people get enamored by the intelligent design movement and there's some great scientists in the intelligent design movement and we use intelligent design arguments. We would use some of their same intelligent design arguments when we talked about DNA, and DNA is an information system and a language system, and information only comes from intelligence, language only comes from intelligence. Matter can't produce information or a code, and so that's intelligent design. There's obviously a designer code, and so that's intelligent design. There's obviously a designer. But the problem with the intelligent design movement to me is sort of in a different sort of way, analogous to just saving babies. Yes, in other words, yeah-.

It's not actually an answer. You're not going out and telling them who the designer is. Right, he can be known, and the other thing is if you don't teach them from God's word, they could look at this creation and say look at all the death and suffering and disease and the horrible things going on and fires that destroy all these homes and people die.

What kind of God is that? He must be an ogre. That's why we never, ever, should be divorcing God's word and the gospel from all of the arguments that we're using, because ultimately, that's what it's all about. So it's the same in the creation, evolution issue. And then there are all these moral issues, whether it's the gender issue, the gay marriage issue, the abortion issue, the euthanasia issue, whatever it is, we should always be on about God's word and the gospel.

44:06 - Speaker 2
You're making me think I'm going to. This thought just came into my head. Word in the gospel You're making me think. This thought just came into my head. You've probably already mastered this one. So, with what you just said, the gospel is chief among all that we think, say and do. Why? Because it is the eternal answer, it's the forever answer and it's the answer that God is looking for. That said, where, in your opinion of Scripture? Where was the first manifestation of the good news? In your opinion, Genesis 3.15.

44:43 - Speaker 3
Yes, that's, it right there.

44:47 - Speaker 2
Okay, wait, I know that verse, but hang on, could it be possibly even sooner? Let me Look, I'm being Well, this is scary. It's happening right here on film. Right now I'm experimenting with myself.

45:00 - Speaker 3
So, okay, the Bible does say Christ was sacrificed before the foundation of the world.

45:04 - Speaker 2
Okay, but that's not what I'm talking about. True, but okay.

45:09 - Speaker 3
And everything. At the end of Genesis one, we're told everything was very good. Right, so there was, everything was very good. So in that sense we didn't have the gospel. But when man sinned, as soon as man fell, what did God do? He said I'll put enmity between you and the woman, your seed, her seed. And then Genesis 321, that's Genesis 3.20. Genesis 3.21, he killed animals and gave them coats of skins. That's it and that's the setup of the sacrificial system.

45:40 - Speaker 2
Okay, sorry, you are so right. I was wrong. When you were talking about the gospel, my mind jumped to. The first manifestation of the gospel had to be the sacrificial animal. That covered Adam and Eve. That was a foretaste, that was a model. But then you corrected me and you're exactly correct. That came after 315, didn't it?

46:03 - Speaker 3
Yes, Genesis 315 is when, and it's written in cryptic language right, I would have failed the Bible B. We call it the proto Easy. Where are you? I would have failed the Bible beat Easy.

46:11 - Speaker 2
where are you? I would have failed the Bible beat.

46:12 - Speaker 3
We call it the proto-evangelium, in other words, it's the proto-gospel, because I'll put everything between you and the woman. Your seed, her seed, it shall bruise your head, you'll bruise his heel, love it. And it's talking about the seed of the woman, which, and those who are gods, right. And then we have the seed of the woman who is Christ, and then you'll bruise his heel. You will wound him. It'll be a fatal wound, but he will bruise your head. He will conquer you. So it's the whole gospel in one verse.

46:45 - Speaker 2
It is so awesome and what's beautiful about that is, if I remember right, that Hebrew word can be translated bruise crush, mm-hmm. So you can survive a heel crushing, but you cannot survive a head crushing, right, exactly, exactly, awesome, wonderful.

47:04 - Speaker 3
And you know what else is interesting? That's the origin of clothing in Genesis 3.21. Why do we wear clothes? That's true. God got clothes because of sin. And then, when you think about that, those coats of skins can't take away our sin, because the blood of bulls and goats can't take away our sin, and those clothes only cover our sin, so to speak.

47:23 - Speaker 2
Well, they covered their shame and nakedness, which?

47:25 - Speaker 3
is pointing to the ultimate sacrifice of Lord Jesus Christ. Right, and here's another important point why can't the blood of wolves and goats take away our sin? Because we're not connected to the animal kingdom right.

Because man is made in the image of God. Animals are not. What does evolution teach? We're all connected to the animal kingdom, so we've got to make sure we teach that man is separate and we actually should have a separate kingdom for man. We shouldn't put him in the animal kingdom. That's true Because we need to be teaching our kids in our schools and homes use the criterion made in the image of God and man is separated out.

47:57 - Speaker 2
That's a great book the kingdom of man, the man kingdom.

48:00 - Speaker 3
Yeah, which then helps us understand more about the abortion issue, because we're made in the image of God right from fertilization, and this was pointing to the ultimate sacrifice. The Israelites sacrificed animals over and over again, thousands, tens of thousands, but they couldn't take away our sin. That's why God's son, called the last Adam, takes the place of the first Adam through the first Adam.

48:23 - Speaker 2
This is important, what you just said. He said that correct, folks. There's the first Adam, there's the last Adam, there's last Adam. There's not the first Adam and a second Adam. If you have a first Adam and a second Adam, you can have a third Adam. He was. Adam was the first Adam and Jesus was the last Adam.

48:40 - Speaker 3
There's not another Messiah coming there's not another Savior, there's no, no, no, the other, another Adam here there. He is called the second man, because there are only two perfect men, adam and Christ, but there's only one last Adam. He takes the place of the first Adam. Through the first Adam, sin came death. Through the last Adam, death comes life. And then, as Christians, we're clothed in the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ, which covers ours right and so the picture in Genesis, clothed in animal skins, the first blood sacrifice, pointing to the fact we need to be clothed in the righteousness of the Lord Jesus.

49:23 - Speaker 2

49:23 - Speaker 3
I love it, which is why I believe we wear white robes before the throne of God.

49:27 - Speaker 2
You know it's interesting. I don't know if this is true. So in our journeys to Israel we've been many, many times somewhere along that route. Like we're prone to do is get into discussions with rabbis. Certainly, by the wailing wall or the old city you'll bump into a rabbiations will be struck up, and so years ago I thought this was fascinating Years ago, and think about 1 John as I say this 1 John walk in the light, as he is in the light. So these rabbis were saying that Adam and Eve, they walked with God in the garden, which is so you and I get that immediately. They walked with Christ, they walked with God. It's relational. There's no religion involved.

50:25 - Speaker 3
I think it was the first theophany.

50:26 - Speaker 2
I do too. You know, it's the only thing that makes sense. First, theophany, I do too. It's the only thing that makes sense. And so they believe, they told us, they believe that Adam and Eve, though they had no clothing on, they were clothed in light because God is light. And they believe that they wore light. And you think about well, that's crazy. Well, wait a minute. We now come post-atonement, post-resurrection, where God has given us his restoration project, right of sanctification by the Holy Spirit, all that wonderful work that he's doing, Work of redemption.

Yes, but all that takes place. All that takes place because we walk with him now and you think about how you and I yes, we're clothed in his righteousness, but I want to believe what those old rabbis had said. How cool is that? That Adam and Eve, when they ate the fruit, something went out, something. I mean no clothes fell off of them. Something happened for them to say, oh my gosh, are we naked, isn't? That amazing to think.

51:36 - Speaker 3
Yeah, something happened.

51:37 - Speaker 2
Something happened for them to say well, let's go hide. We have to sew fig leaves together to hide out. They were no longer clothed in light.

51:47 - Speaker 3
You said something there too. I don't know how much more time we've got.

51:52 - Speaker 2
I'd like to go for hours, but anyway.

51:55 - Speaker 3
So you said, they looked at the fruit and can I tell you what I think a big problem we have today. Because what was Adam and Eve's sin? You know, the devil came and said did God really say? So? God said to Adam, and of course Adam gets the blame for sin. That's why, through Adam, sin came to death, because he was given the instruction not to eat the fruit of the tree, and he was there when Eve took the fruit. I sometimes thought what was he doing?

52:25 - Speaker 1

52:26 - Speaker 3
He must have looked that way, or he was saying because the Bible says, and his husband, who was with her?

52:32 - Speaker 2
She was saying Adam, I'm going to eat this. Adam, are you listening? Adam, I'm going to eat this.

52:36 - Speaker 3
Or he was there saying well, I'll see if she dies. If she doesn't die, then you know, if she does, I'll just get God to make me another one, you know.

52:44 - Speaker 1
But, anyway, the.

52:46 - Speaker 3
Bible says they looked at the fruit. She looked at the fruit and it was good to the eyes. Here's we tend to be, if I can explain what I mean by this evidentialist at heart, because of that sin nature of Adam. Here's what we tend to do we look at the evidence and try to interpret it ourselves, instead of starting with God's word to interpret it. No, don't touch it, don't eat it.

53:14 - Speaker 2
Don't eat it.

53:14 - Speaker 3
And that was the instruction.

53:16 - Speaker 2
Don't eat it, but when did she eat it? If you think about it right, is this where you're going?

53:24 - Speaker 3
No, no, I was going to a different place. So they looked at the evidence instead of looking to God's word and interpreting the evidence on the basis of God's word, what we tend to do, because most churches have been trained just to think in a true biblical worldview, starting from God's word. How do you fit dinosaurs with the Bible? How do you fit death and suffering with a loving God? How do you fit fossils with the Bible? No, you don't look at the evidence and take man's interpretation, which many do.

And then they say, well, genesis can't be true, you've got to start from God's word to interpret the evidence.

54:00 - Speaker 2
There's some good people that love the Lord, but they get their science ahead of their theology, don't they?

54:07 - Speaker 3
Well then, it depends what you mean by science.

54:10 - Speaker 2
Okay, I take that back. You're exactly correct, that was. I shouldn't have said it that way, because science will be in absolute harmony with the Word True science.

54:20 - Speaker 3
You know, on the 4th of February 2025, it was the 11th anniversary of when I debated Bill Nye, the Science Guy, at the Creation Museum.

54:30 - Speaker 2
Wow, who did not watch that? If you've not seen that, you got to see it everybody.

54:35 - Speaker 3
And the first thing I did was he said this is science versus the Bible. And I said no, you've got to define the word science. Good Science comes from the Latin scientia, which means to know. Science means knowledge. And then I said there's two types of knowledge when it comes to using the word science. There's knowledge about the past, when you weren't there. Your beliefs about the past, in other words, your beliefs about origins, right, but there's knowledge you gain using your five senses to enable you to repeat your observations and build technology.

55:04 - Speaker 1
That's right.

55:05 - Speaker 3
And what's happened in our culture. People have been brainwashed because the secularists use one word science for millions of years and evolution, and the same word science for our technology. And people are brainwashed into thinking if I don't believe in evolution of millions of years, I'm rejecting the science that built technology instead of understanding. Wait a minute, the word science is knowledge, and just because a scientist may be good at building some jet airplane or space shuttle or computer doesn't mean you can believe what they say about origins, because that's totally different. And remember, you can't ignore the fact that a scientist is not a neutral person in a white lab coat searching for truth. They are people who have biases, they are people who have a sinful heart and they're hard If they're not regenerate and trusting the Lord. Even those who do still have this problem that we need to continue to look at His Word because our heart doesn't want us to search for truth.

56:06 - Speaker 2
I so believe what you just said, that now it's my turn to get in trouble. I so believe what you just said, that now it's my turn to get in trouble. Somebody may be highly intelligent but have no wisdom in applying what they know to this argument. Because, if you think about it, if someone does not have that biblical worldview foundation not brainwashing something we're talking about we're talking about an actual biblical worldview foundation, much like John Adams saying this constitution, this government in America, only works for a moral and a religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the governance of any other. Think about that for a moment. What's the foundation? According to John Adams, this government's not going to work unless you are a moral people and a religious people. It's not going to work. Think about if someone does not have a biblical worldview foundation and they approach science, they immediately have a problem. Because what you just said and I'll sum up is can you repeat it? Can we build from it? Is it really something that is reliable? They come in not even caring about that. They come in because they're going to try to find bits and pieces to back up their anti-God view, no matter what they have to do. And so I guess.

Here's my statement I wanted to make. When you look back at Newton and others who had a biblical worldview foundation, they had. No, they didn't. They didn't come to the data to attack it. They came into, they were, they were discovering, they were like, they were like travelers arriving at this discovery of information and they interpreted it through the existence of this grand designer, this grand God, this redemptive God, this loving God, this caring God. And wasn't it the Prajapita that somebody had asked Newton something to the effect? Well, now that you've written this, and it's so stunning and spectacular does this explain away, god? And he said it's the exact opposite, because science doesn't. Science only tells you how things work.

58:20 - Speaker 3
And Newton, you know, is classed as the greatest scientist of all time. And I forget. I'm sort of trying to think of my brain. It was either Newton or Johannes Kepler. I think it was Newton who said we're just thinking God's thoughts after him. It was either Newton or Johannes Kepler. I think it was Newton who said we're just thinking God's thoughts after him. There was one of those who said that, and you know that fits with what does Scripture say the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

58:40 - Speaker 2
Notice it's wisdom.

58:47 - Speaker 3
And I'm always reminded and this can sort of sum up what I've been saying here with you too. I'm reminded of Job because I think every one of us has to get to the position Job got to Because, if you think what happened, all these things happened to Job and he had a lot of wrong advice from people and then he basically wanted to justify who he was before God. You know what, I've been a pretty good person and you know so on. And God said Job, listen to this. And so in Job 38, 39, 40, 41, he goes through do you know this? Do you know that? Were you there when this happened? Can you do this? Can you do that? What about this? This, Do you know this? And then in 42, it's so important, I think, for every single Christian to get to this position, single Christian to get to this position 42, Job says I've seen things and so, but now I see you, for who?

59:38 - Speaker 1
you are, you can do all things.

59:39 - Speaker 3
You know, you know everything, I know I know nothing compared to you. I repent in dust and ashes. We have all got to that position because, you know, pride puffs up and the Bible says a big problem we have is pride. We think we know a lot, right, knowledge puffs up and we've all got to get to this position that, compared to God, you can have a million PhDs and you know nothing compared to God. That we have got to say I've got to let you be God, I've got to start from your word. You know I've had these theologians. Some of them say to me well, you know, how can you have light before the sun? I mean day one. It says you know, let there be light. And if you take the Bible literally, God didn't make the sun until day four.

Well, light can have different sources, whatever.

01:00:28 - Speaker 2
Well and can have different sources whatever, and he is light.

01:00:30 - Speaker 3
But here's my question Could not an infinite creator, god, who's all powerful, who knows everything, when he says let there be light, why can't I believe? Let there be light, exactly Because he did it Exactly. So what's wrong with that? That's right. I don't have to have. It makes total sense. When they say where did the light come from?

I say where'd the light come from? I say, well, God doesn't tell us, but he said there was. He said and it's there. So why can't we all want it just seems people want this natural explanation for everything.

01:00:58 - Speaker 2
It's so funny because they think it belittles their intelligence when they I can't believe. That's silly Right.

01:01:04 - Speaker 3
Well, how did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead? I mean, he'd have to restore all his DNA, all his muscle tone right All the connections between the eye and the brain. Or how do you do that?

01:01:17 - Speaker 2
I have no idea how he did that Exactly.

01:01:18 - Speaker 3
Except he did it.

01:01:19 - Speaker 2
He did it and he said Lazarus, come forth, because he's God. He's God, he can do anything he wants and he doesn't have to answer to us.

01:01:26 - Speaker 3
And that's why we've got to start from His Word to build our worldview. For many Christians the Bible is a book of spiritual things, moral things, relationships out here that they sort of try to add to their thinking or, like many Christian schools, take secular textbooks and try to add.

01:01:42 - Speaker 2
God from the top? Of course they do. It's horrible.

01:01:44 - Speaker 3
You've got to start from the foundation of God's Word to build a true biblical worldview.

01:01:49 - Speaker 2
Yeah, absolutely awesome, ken, because I want everybody to go. Why should people come to the Creation Museum and why should people see the Ark Encounter?

01:02:05 - Speaker 3
Well, the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter are the two leading Christian themed attractions in the world.

01:02:10 - Speaker 1
No doubt.

01:02:10 - Speaker 3
And they really make the Bible come alive for all ages. And not only that, but we have all sorts of exhibits in all sorts of ways that answer the questions that cause people to doubt God's word. You know, I call Genesis 3.1, you know where it says did God really say? I say that's the Genesis 3 attack. And there's been Genesis 3 attacks down through the ages. It's always an attack on God's word but manifests itself in different ways because the devil changes the way he does things. It's the same attack, god's word, but changes the way it's done. And in our era, particularly since the 1800s, there's been an incredible attack on Genesis 1 to 11, because the teaching of evolution millions of years has permeated the world.

And so all those questions people ask how do we know there's a God? And how could Noah get the animals on the ark? And well, where did Cain get his wife? And what about the ape men? And how do you explain fossils? And what about the dating myth? And what about the ice age and the dinosaurs? So we go through all of that. Actually, the museum is a whole walkthrough of the Bible. That's right. And we have the most powerful pro-life exhibit in the world. We have a 4D theater and a planetarium and an insectarium and a dinosaur exhibit and we just opened the only conservatory in the world that exhibits the plants of the Bible Four massive glass greenhouses.

01:03:31 - Speaker 2
And it presents the gospel, just what we saw at the museum. Regarding your grounds, the gardens, they're beautiful. I mean seriously. You just pull one leaf off of any of those ferns or those trees or whatever and put it under a microscope. You'd have to walk away saying God, you're amazing, yeah exactly, Absolutely awesome.

01:03:51 - Speaker 3
And you know, we also and we have a lot more there as well we even have zip lines, because you know, Christians can have fun too.

01:03:58 - Speaker 2
I love your zip lines. And then at the.

01:04:00 - Speaker 3
Ark Encounter, a life-size Noah's Ark, built to the dimensions in the Bible. It's one and a half times the length of a football field, half the width of a football field and it stands 10 stories high at the bow.

Yes, it does 3.3 million board feet of timber. You can walk through all three decks, 130 exhibits answering questions, presenting the gospel, and we have a zoo. We have a zoo at the Creation Museum. We do live animal programs from biblical worldview. We have a zoo and live animal programs and children's zoo at the Ark Encounter. We have a carousel, we have a virtual reality ride. We have auditoriums at both places. Do concerts, do programs during the day, teaching programs and you know what's interesting. Do programs during the day teaching programs and you know what's interesting. We, from statistics, from research we've done, 30% of those who come are non-Christians. Wow. And if you just take the Ark alone, right between the Ark and the Creation Museum right now, we're getting about 1.5 million total visits a year. People come from all over the world. I've been there and seen Sikhs, buddhists, hindus, muslims, orthodox Jews, mennonites, amish, catholic nuns, all sorts of priests, orthodox priests, even Baptists, even Baptists.

01:05:16 - Speaker 2
Even Baptists, that's amazing Presbyterians, even Calvary Chapel people, even Calvary Chapel people, an oddists, even Baptists. That's amazing.

01:05:19 - Speaker 3
Presbyterians, even Calvary Chapel people, even Calvary Chapel people, even Calvary Chapel people. An odd United Methodist or two, yeah, we saw these people. But you know what we do? All sorts of different things, but the whole purpose of them is to say God's Word is true, yes, and the gospel based in God's Word is true, you can. The gospel, the research that we've done, thousands and thousands and thousands of people researched who've been to the ark and the creation music, just the ark alone. Do you know how many have said that they committed their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ became Christians because they came just to the ark, not even the creation music?

I don't know, but I'm not surprised 6.3%, which works out to be over 60,000 a year. Oh my gosh, how many other places are seeing that sort of gospel impact?

01:06:05 - Speaker 2
No, no, nobody sees that. I don't care who they are. It is amazing.

01:06:08 - Speaker 3
No way.

It's amazing and you know we do. During the year we do the biggest Christian music festival in the world, 40 Days of Christian Music, where we bring in these artists and we do a concert at three o'clock, then we do 30 minutes Bible teaching, presentation of the gospel, and then another concert. And we do that for 40 days at the Ark and last year. And we challenge people to trust Christ for salvation. At the end of that 30 minute Bible teaching time and because their hearts have been prepared, they've already been to the Ark and so on Last year just from that challenge and we give them a Bible and so on, and we believe those commitments are sincere.

There were 2,500 committed their lives to the Lord just at those concerts in 40 days and over 60,000 a year as statistics for the Ark, and then there's those at the museum as well. It is having an incredible impact.

01:07:03 - Speaker 2
Absolutely Well, listen, friends, you do, I'm not kidding. You really need to go to these two locations. When you go there, you need to make some good plans, because they're a little bit of a distance from each other, something like 45 minutes apart. They're a little bit of a distance from each other, something like 45 minutes apart. This region of Kentucky, kentucky, is absolutely gorgeous and beautiful. I believe you fly into Cincinnati if you're going to be taking an airplane.

01:07:29 - Speaker 3
Yep, because Cincinnati Airport's in Kentucky.

01:07:31 - Speaker 2
I didn't know that until we landed. People get confused by that. Yeah well, we landed. I've never been to Ohio before and the guy said you're still not in Ohio this is Kentucky.

01:07:41 - Speaker 3
The Creation Museum is in northern Kentucky and Cincinnati Airport's 10 minutes from the museum.

01:07:45 - Speaker 2
In Kentucky. You got to go. Make it a family thing, just go, you will not be disappointed, you'll be radically impressed. The things that well, I put it to people this way. Forgive me for saying it this way, but when people say, should I go? Well, have you been to Disneyland? Oh yeah, and I said, well, listen, then you must go because Disney's got nothing on the Ark Encounter or the Creation Museum, I mean that literally there are the technology that you guys employ, the attractions, the whole thing, quality of everything and we're non-woke.

Zero, woke, just fact and awesome. So how do people stay in touch with you? How do people find out more?

01:08:32 - Speaker 3
Well, they can go to answersingenesisorg. Answersingenesisorg is our main website, and if they want to find out about the Creation Museum or the Ark Encounter, they can just Google those we have, you know, arkencountercom, creationmuseumorg. But AnswersInGenesisorg is our main website. And I'll tell you something else we're doing right now that would be great for the kids at your school, great for families is to do. We have now got AI on our website, answersingenesisorg, so that if you log in and do an account for an account, you just need an email address and a password, that's it and you get an account, and so you're logged in. There's a little chat box comes up and so your children can go on there and say how did Noel get the animals on the ark, or whatever.

01:09:16 - Speaker 2

01:09:17 - Speaker 3
AI only is, it's only confined to, confined to all the thousands of articles.

01:09:23 - Speaker 2
So you guys control that AI to be fenced.

01:09:25 - Speaker 3
We totally control the message because we fenced it in Nice, and the AI will go and summarize the articles and give you a little answer and so on. Great for your kids to use.

01:09:35 - Speaker 2
So this can be used for homeschoolers and public teachers if they're brave. Anybody. I didn't know that. That's awesome.

01:09:44 - Speaker 3
We're still developing it. It's sort of in the beta testing phase, but it's working really well Wow.

01:09:49 - Speaker 2
So great. We've got to wrap this up. We're having too much fun. I remember walking through somewhere you were taking us and there's this huge screen and you can see people placing orders from various parts of the world. You can see an order coming in from Shanghai or from Sydney. Do you remember what I'm talking about? It's like a fulfillment center or whatever it was.

01:10:11 - Speaker 3
It shows all the people coming to our websites and it'll show you where they're going on our website and what device they're using, and so on. And, by the way, we do ship out materials from our warehouses, where they're going on our website and what device they're using, and so on. And, by the way, we do ship out materials from our warehouses, it's not Amazon size.

01:10:29 - Speaker 2
We're mini Amazon.

01:10:31 - Speaker 3
But Amazon doesn't have an arc. It used to be that we would have the UPS vans and FedEx and then back up. Now we have tractor trailers back up. There's so much material, pallets of material impacting people every day all over the world.

01:10:47 - Speaker 2
Amazing, absolutely amazing. So you guys, we've been talking to Ken Ham. He's the CEO and founder of Answers in Genesis. You've got to find them on the web, you've got to go visit them. Just love, love the commitment to the Word of God. Let the word of God speak to you, and so love this guy, love what he's doing, and so listen. As always, it's time, we believe that it's time for you to live out what you believe in, that it's time for real life. So God bless you in your walk with Jesus, always. Amen, thank you.

01:11:18 - Speaker 3
Thank you.

01:11:19 - Speaker 2
Loved it.

01:11:24 - Speaker 1
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