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Show Me Your Glory
Show Me Your Glory
In Scripture, we read of God’s glory being revealed to Moses, Solomon, and others—and we want to see the glory of God as well! But God is r…
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May 6, 2024

Show Me Your Glory

Show Me Your Glory
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Jack Hibbs Podcast

In Scripture, we read of God’s glory being revealed to Moses, Solomon, and others—and we want to see the glory of God as well! But God is revealing His glory to us in the pages of His Word. If you’ve ever asked God to show you His glory, dive into the Bible with us in today’s podcast.

(00:00) Experiencing God's Glory and Presence
(07:23) The Glory and Grace of God
(16:56) Inheritance Through Belief in Christ



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00:00 - Experiencing God's Glory and Presence

07:23:00 - The Glory and Grace of God

16:56:00 - Inheritance Through Belief in Christ

00:00 - Speaker 1
Real Life presents the Jack Hibbs Podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture.

00:09 - Speaker 2
He'll never leave you or forsake you, says the Bible. Why? Because he's got a desire to bring you into glory. He died on the cross for the sins of the entire world. He said well, I don't believe. Listen, I understand that he still died for you. If you don't go to heaven, that's your business.

00:32 - Speaker 1
But he wants you there. He wants you to experience his glory. You can get the outlines of this podcast by going to Today. If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five-star ratings. To us that's like saying amen or yes. Then that rating will encourage others to listen.

00:57 - Speaker 2
Now open your hearts to what God's word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs. There's an account in Exodus 33. It's beautiful. You can read it later. God has called Israel out of Egypt. God is speaking to Moses and Moses is on Mount Sinai and they're conversing and Moses brings up the challenge.

God, you've been telling me all this stuff and this is fantastic, but I need to tell the people who is sending me. And there's that famous talk that you've read about and he tells them I am sent you. So you go down and you tell them that the great, self-contained, eternal one, who has no beginning and no ending, is sending you guys out of Egypt and into the promised land. And you would think that that's enough. Moses sees the burning bush, he hears God's voice, he sees the afterglow, but isn't it amazing? Moses presses the envelope, and I'm glad he did. Moses, like any curious kid would say, and I think I've got to tell you, I think God smiled. I think God, his heart got warm when Moses said in Exodus, chapter 33, verse 18, please show me your glory, show me your glory. And that word glory is amazing. That word means essence. Look at the meaning of the word in Hebrew Show me your essence. He's asking me. I want to know the essence of who you are, your matter as in weighty, who you are behind the veil, who are you? All this is fantastic, but I've got to know you personally, the one who's behind it all, the one who is abounding you, who is honor you, who is fierce. I like that, because it's not a fierceness to attack you, it's a fierceness to defend you. I love that. The one that's immovable. Show me your glory. So, church, as we look at this, we are going to be ending this portion of scripture with a grand hope and understanding that God has for us glory in the end. You might want to mark this down, if you would.

That's not an Old Testament argument alone. First, john 2, verses 2 and 3. It's a beautiful thing to want the glory of God. I personally believe. I may be wrong, but I personally believe that every true Christian how do you know if somebody's a? But I personally believe that every true Christian how do you know if somebody's a true Christian? I think every true Christian has the constant abiding inside of themselves, longing for glory, meaning God's presence. If you knew today that you could have God's presence, would you take it? Would you go for it.

Listen, god says this in the Bible Beloved. Now we are children of God and it has not been yet revealed what we shall be like. But we know that when he is revealed, that is when he comes, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is, and everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself as he is pure. What is the hope? That Christ is coming back and we are going to be with him? How does that affect us? We live for him now.

Listen, the true Christian longs to be with God in heaven. Don't get me wrong. I don't have some death wish. I'm not saying let's end it now. What I'm saying is God has numbered our days and we're going to live those days until he calls us home. That's the Christian heart. So we want to make the best of our days for God, and that's going to make for a thrilling life.

By the way, think about all the things that God has given you in life, and whatever that thing is. God says all that I've given you is to have you through this life. I've given you advance, the hope of glory, the hope of salvation, the hope of eternal life, to tell other people, to let them know. And when you think about that, it's quite remarkable. Who are we talking about? It's sharing forever with Jesus, and I'm talking about the Jesus of the Bible. Colossians, chapter 2, verse 9. Very powerful verse Colossians 2, verse 9, regarding Jesus Christ, for in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body. Did you know that? God the Father, god the Son, god the Holy Spirit, but God revealed himself to us in Jesus Christ the Son. Listen, when Jesus spoke the Sermon on the Mount, one of the beautiful things he said was the Mount, or on the Mount of Beatitudes. He gave a blessed, blessed, are you blessed? And he says blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

A good theologian right now is gonna stop and say wait a minute. What does that really mean? It means exactly what Jesus says. It means, yeah, but how is that gonna happen? Because there's God the Father and God the Son. I get that, but how are you gonna see God, the Spirit? And that's a good question. We don't know how it's gonna happen, except this when you arrive into heaven, you're gonna see the glory of God and the glory of God is going to see God in his totality. How will we see the Spirit, the Son and the Father. I don't know, but we will. That ought to freak you out for a good while. That ought to get you excited. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God, and that is the totality of who he is. In the meantime, christ came into this world to reveal God to us, that God became flesh and came into this world.

I'm indebted to our friend Eric Metaxas, who gave us this quote when he was here last, and it's in his book Letter to the American Church. But it's a quote from Abraham Kuyper and I've never heard it before, but I love it. There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is sovereign over all, does not cry. Mine, and I like that. That's scriptural, because the Bible says in Psalm 24, verse 1, the earth is the Lord's in all its fullness. The world and those who dwell therein. Think about that With all that's going on in the world.

By the way, friends, listen, you may be upset with what's happened in the world. You're not more upset than God is. God's hurt, his heart's broken over all the horrible things that are taking place in the world. He said why don't you do something about it? He did something about it. He's doing something about it and he's going to do something about it. He's made that very clear in his Bible. But when we look around and we see the things that are going on, understand this. God is presiding over it all. According to the scriptures, things are working to a very specific time and place, an intersection, almost like in geometry or in some form of artwork, where these two things intersect or they come to a point of infinite meeting, where these two separates come together and, in distance, over time, become one. God knows exactly what he's doing.

The Bible also says and I love this, please mark it in Acts, chapter 4, verse 11. I'm going to read from Acts 4, 11, and then I'm going to jump to Philippians 2, verse 7, because they go together so beautifully Talk about the glory of God. Mark this down. This is the stone which was rejected by you builders. This is Peter speaking on the day that he's preaching at the southern steps there in Jerusalem, which has become the chief cornerstone. Nor is there salvation in any other. What a statement. Acts 4.12 says you can't be saved without Jesus Christ. Didn't that make you think that Bible's so narrow-minded. Well, the Bible's not narrow-minded, but is the Bible narrow? Yes, how many times do you want God to come into this world and die on a cross? Oh, he's only going to do it once, for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. That's crystal clear.

Philippians 2, verse 7. Who, coming in the likeness of men or mankind and being found in appearance as a man, a human, that's a huge statement. Just there, Are you guys with me? Philippians 2, verse 7, already tells you that Jesus, in essence, was not a human, he was God. It was a big deal for him to come into this world and become a man. What a wild, awesome thing, verse 8,. And being found in the appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, even to the death of the cross, friends, none of us humble ourselves to the point of death, even to the death of the cross, friends, none of us humble ourselves to the point of death. We're going to die. We don't choose to die, we die. Jesus chose to die. What an argument, verse 9. Therefore, god has highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name, that, at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow I hope you've done that Of those in heaven, those on earth and those under the earth, the spirit realm, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the. What Glory of God the Father.

Blaise Pascal said this not only do we not know God except through Jesus Christ, we do not even know ourselves except through Jesus Christ. What an awesome statement. The great reformer Martin Luther said this, and I love this quote. By the way, he said I feel as if Jesus Christ died only yesterday. You think about that statement for a moment. Whatever's going on in your life, keep this in mind.

Luther, who was sold out to religion and to all of the requirements of the Catholic Church, was their star monk. In all that he was doing and whatever monks do, he was the guy. And then he started pondering and thinking and reading the Bible for himself and he came to the conclusion wait a minute, it's not about religion, it's about knowing Jesus personally, and his understanding of scripture transformed the world. It transformed your life. You may have never even heard of Martin Luther, but that great reformer, that German theologian, transformed the direction of the Western world, and that forever why he went right back to the Bible, just the Bible, and set him free.

And when he says, I feel as if Jesus Christ died only yesterday, I have to say amen to that. God wants you and I to experience a relationship with him that is so active and current that it's as though Jesus died yesterday, it's as though he just left and oh, by the way, it seems as though he's coming back soon. You say, jack, how do you say that? Because, listen, the believer, christ now lives inside the believer's heart. We walk, we do, we work, we eat, we sleep. It's a life now that is controlled by Jesus.

Friends, if you don't know what I'm talking about, you need to know what I'm talking about, that God wants you to throw your life wide open to him and say come on, just have me come in, have me take over. I'm your creator, I'm your designer, I'm your architect, I'm the one that loves you. And open up the doors of your heart and I'll come in and you know what. You'll walk with Jesus on a day-to-day basis, day in, day out. Listen, he'll never leave you. Once you open up your heart, your life, he comes in. You'll know it and he'll never leave you, you'll never, ever again feel like you're lonely. In fact, look, believers know what I'm about to say as a Christian.

Now we try to find an opportunity to get alone. We want to be alone because when we're alone, we're with him. He'll never leave you or forsake you, says the Bible. Why? Because he's got a desire to bring you into glory. He died on the cross for the sins of the entire world. He said well, I don't believe. Listen, I understand that he still died for you. If you don't go to heaven, that's your business, but he wants you there. He wants you to experience his glory.

And if I can stand at the base of a mighty waterfall and feel so insignificant as the roar of all of that water comes crashing down and you just feel like you're like a flea compared to the power of that water, what about God when he shakes the earth? Or God when he speaks? Or what about when the heavens part and Christ returns? It's gonna happen, people. And when it does, will it be a joyous moment for you or will it be a terrifying moment for you? God wants you to have it to be a glorious moment for you. We're talking about a transformation of your entire life from the inside out. No church can do this, no denomination can do this. A pastor, a priest, a pope cannot do this. It's got to be between you and Jesus. And so, yes, luther, I agree, it's as though Jesus only died and rose again from the dead yesterday. Why? Because he's so close. He is so close.

And so this is our third and final installment, and we'll be done. It's this Don't just look at it, enjoy it. See, what do you mean? Don't just look at your salvation, just don't look at the Bible and all of the things that it says, and those wonderful verses and passages and all of those incredible accounts of great feats of faith. Enjoy it. You know, somewhere along the line I'll flub it up somehow, but if I remember somewhat correctly, the Westminster Shorter Catechism says something to the effect what is man's chief purpose? Man's chief purpose is to know God and to enjoy him forever. God wants you to enjoy him and he calls this heirs. To be an heir means that you are left something from someone who's who first of all has something. Okay, if you don't have anything, you don't have any heirs. You may have people in your life, but you can't give them anything.

Lisa's got a teacup collection. I remember some years ago we had a living trust made up and the issue on like page nine is the teacups. For real, who gets the teacups? And I didn't have any input, I just I didn't. You can talk to the attorney about your teacups, because I don't care who gets them, why they have no value to me. I don't care about those things she does. Okay. But I do have a perfect 1967 Volkswagen from Wolfsburg, germany that's in perfect condition. It won at the Steve McQueen car show. I've had it since I was about 19 years old, 20 years old cutest thing in the world gets about a thousand miles to a gallon is quite remarkable.

Now, when the attorney said now, who, what, who, who gets that Now? Now we're talking about an heir. Okay, lisa, she's like she tunes out. I'm like okay, wait a minute. What's the, what's the plans? And whichever one of my grandkids walks on water first gets the bug.

Listen, you gotta have something to give it away. Are you with me? God says how much do I have? God, you're everything and this is what I'm gonna give to you, and not only you. He says your joint heir is with Christ. Okay, I'm gonna give you the theology of it, but I don't have the faith to wrap my mind and heart around it. I don't get it. I just know it's true.

God, the Father, has bestowed upon his son, post-resurrection, to be the recipient of all that God has In. That, though, is that he represents all of us who believe. Jesus receives from his Father. The resurrected Christ, the God-man. Jesus, receives from his Father, and the Father and the Son both now extend it to us, the believer, and here's what's really good about it.

If I had a hundred dollar bill and I said, okay, you guys get. You guys get to inherit this, knock yourself out. By the time you got to it, you'd get like a quarter of a penny of it. With the people that are in this group, just this service. Are you with me? Because it's a little bit you're going to wind up with even less because it's distributed evenly among all. Hallelujah, people get excited. The Bible doesn't teach that. The Bible teaches that the kingdom that Christ brings to us is not divvied up. Here you get this much, and then you get this much. No, no, no, no. Each individual who trusts Christ, whose name is written down in the Lamb of Life, receives all that Christ has received from the Father. No wonder why the Bible says he gives us eternal life. It's going to be amazing.

18:47 - Speaker 1
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