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Why I Stand
Why I Stand
God's word calls us to 'do whatever we do, do it all unto the glory of God,' and that is exactly what our guest on this episode is doing. M…
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Sept. 19, 2024

Why I Stand

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Jack Hibbs Podcast

God's word calls us to 'do whatever we do, do it all unto the glory of God,' and that is exactly what our guest on this episode is doing. Meet Jonathan Isaac, an NBA player for the Orlando Magic, author of "Why I Stand," and founder of Unitus, a brand of premium Christian apparel whose mission is to promote a global movement of true greatness centered around Jesus Christ. You'll blessed and encouraged as you hear stories of setbacks to success and everything in between, all with God's divine intervention.

(00:00) Jonathan Isaac Interview on Jack Hibbs
(04:25) Journey to Faith and Giving Back
(13:07) Faith, Science, and Personal Transformation
(17:01) Healing Through Love and Faith
(26:56) Discovering Purpose Through Faith and Challenges
(37:29) Unitas Sneaker Line
(48:33) Redefining Greatness Through Faith
(01:01:40) Inviting God's Gift of Eternal Life




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00:00 - Jonathan Isaac Interview on Jack Hibbs

04:25:00 - Journey to Faith and Giving Back

13:07:00 - Faith, Science, and Personal Transformation

17:01:00 - Healing Through Love and Faith

26:56:00 - Discovering Purpose Through Faith and Challenges

37:29:00 - Unitas Sneaker Line

48:33:00 - Redefining Greatness Through Faith


00:00 - Speaker 1
Real Life presents the Jack Hibbs Podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture.

00:09 - Speaker 2
Hey everybody, you're about to hear an amazing podcast with an amazing young man, Jonathan Isaac, and you're gonna be blown away because what God has done with him to bring him to where he's at today will inspire you. So stay tuned to bring him to where he's at today will inspire you.

00:30 - Speaker 1
So stay tuned. You can get the outlines of this podcast by going to slash podcast Today. If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five-star ratings. To us that's like saying amen or yes. Then that rating will encourage others to listen. Now open your hearts to what God's Word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs.

00:58 - Speaker 2
Well, hey, everybody, welcome back to our Jack Hibbs podcast, and we are so delighted that you've joined us and thank you, by the way, thank you for giving us a five-star mark, thumbs up, sharing with others. Why? Because this podcast, by God's grace, has really taken off, and that's because of you. We can only offer up what we have, but you take it and you run with it and God's been using it. For that we are grateful, and so spread the word. Listen, before we get into today's podcast. You're going to love this.

The scriptures tell us in 1 Corinthians, chapter 10, listen to this. It says, therefore, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God, and that is the Lord's calling upon all of our lives and it is the calling upon the brother that we're going to be interviewing today. Brothers, I should say, and we have with us in this very special podcast Jonathan Isaac, who is the remarkable player for the Orlando Magic. I don't know why I always think of Orlando. It's hot, so I think of heat, and that's not a good connection. But and his pastor and I wanna say this right, because it's French, but it's Dr Durand- that's it, that's it Hepburn, hepburn, that's it, hepburn, now's it Hepburn.

Now, how did you get the last name of?

02:27 - Speaker 3
Hepburn my parents.

02:29 - Speaker 2
That's a good question, yeah yeah, yeah, but we're going to get into all of this from the Bahamas. Somebody has to be from the Bahamas.

02:36 - Speaker 3
That's right.

02:37 - Speaker 2
But so we're going to dive in. We're going to talk about a lot of stuff, everything from this young man's career on the court, off the court, challenges, setbacks, victories all of it in a book, by the way, and we're going to be announcing this over and over again. You'll be able to get it at the site that is listed below, and I think most often, if it's not directly from his ministry, Amazon, but whatever is there, get the book. And here's what we always ask when we believe in a message like Jonathan Isaac, his message, we ask you to actually get two copies. And here's the reason why, If you can afford it, do it, Because you're going to read one and you're going to hang on to it and then give the other one to someone in your life, especially a young person, so that's going to be tremendous.

So, Jonathan Isaac, it is an honor to have you with us and at the time of this podcast happening right now, this young man stood up in front of several thousand people last night a lot of them young people here and just hit it out of the park because of how remarkably open and tender you were to them, and their response has been tremendous. So let's dive into a little bit as to who you are and you mentioned to them last night, you mentioned to all of us last night your can I say insecurities, setbacks, fears. It's hard for us to handle that because we see you so confident, so strong, but yet you're a testimony to the work of God. Talk to us about it.

04:23 - Speaker 4
Yeah, so my name is Jonathan Isaac. I play basketball for the Atlanta Magic. I'm 26 years old and my story starts in Bronx, new York. My parents split up and I moved from Bronx, new York, to Naples, florida, when I was 10. And I went from a predominantly black community to a predominantly white community, and that's where the majority of my struggle started trying to fit in, trying to make friends, um, feeling a deep sense of insecurity about who I was.

And, uh, basketball became this safe haven for me, where, uh, I was able to make friends and the girls wanted to talk to me because of how good I was playing. But it also was a great fear of mine of playing bad, because if I played bad, I felt that I would lose everything that I had gained. I would lose the popularity, I would lose the friends. And I got into this cycle of working for love, working for acceptance, working for peace, instead of resting in a peace or having something to call a peace to myself. And it wasn't until I got to the NBA, after being the number one player in the state of Florida, being on anxiety medication, having panic attack episodes in college and the whole nine. This blew me away when I heard this To meeting this guy on an elevator and him saying to me I can tell you how to be great and you got to know Jesus and from that moment it was like God took the wheel and got us to this moment.

05:38 - Speaker 2
I heard that last night and then I couldn't wait for us to get together this morning because I wanted to ask Doc, how were you guys? How did that happen? First of all, in an elevator Right, but what was the behind the scenes stuff? Were you there for some ministry vacation, whatever? How did you bump into Jonathan like this?

06:04 - Speaker 3
First I want to say thank you for having us. Oh, my pleasure, you are awesome. You are awesome. I thank God for your heart. My wife said she saw you for the first time. She said he looks like such a humble man. I said, honey, he's so nice, so I was telling about your spirit. So we can't wait to come back. Every time we come to California we're coming to your church. So anybody we want you to know you need to come to Pastor Jack Church in California Because you're awesome. You are who you know. You meet people. You see them on TV, but when you meet them you get to see their heart. We're seeing your heart. You're such a kind man. Thank you Very generous.

With Jonathan, we lived in the same building and when we lived in the same building, I'm not a basketball fan, I love track and field. So when I saw Jonathan I thought he played overseas. And yeah, I didn't know he was. He was just recruited to Orlando to be and at the time Jonathan didn't know whether he was going to be a start or not. And I also remember telling him I said you're gonna start. I say you're gonna be a start. I just begin to speak over him. But before we met, I told him, said I knew Anytime I meet people, I always try to minister to them Anytime, so it wasn't unusual to share the gospel. So when I saw him, I just told him, Coming out the elevator.

I was going upstairs, he was coming down, but Jonathan, you know, being an NBA player, yeah, they just keep it moving, they. They don't check for anybody else. So when he came out I said to him I said continue to be great. He said tell me. I said you got to know Jesus. He said I know Jesus. But he was just living a different lifestyle. That was to keep me quiet, to keep it moving. Yeah, that's right, he really didn't want to hear.

But we kept running into each other. And I went to my wife. I said honey, I in my life, but he don't give me the time of day. So I just committed it to prayer. So just prayed and we just kept running into each other. So one night I went home and when I went home things was in two. I decided to go out. Things was incorrect at home, so I went for a ride. When I went for a ride, I was just driving and, believe it or not, Jonathan was coming out of movie theater, theater, and I was driving past the same time. Oh God, the same. This was like 10, almost 10, 11 o'clock at night.

08:08 - Speaker 4
Our cars, like he's going straight here and I'm turning and our cars meet window to window.

08:13 - Speaker 2
Window to window.

08:14 - Speaker 4
After I'd seen him a million times.

08:15 - Speaker 3
Angels moving the cars just right, the steps of a righteous man ordered by the.

08:20 - Speaker 2

08:21 - Speaker 3
Yeah, there you go and you said about a movie. You saw a movie that night.

08:23 - Speaker 4
Yeah, what's so interesting is, during this time I had already went to that chapel. I went to a chapel service in the NBA and the chaplain said Luke 646, why do you call me Lord, lord, and not do what I say? And that was the first time I felt confronted with kind of having Christianity in my back pocket.

08:41 - Speaker 2
Wait, wait wait, when did you? You got that verse, but where did it come from?

08:47 - Speaker 4
It came from a chapel service, so you heard it in the chapel service.

Yes, 60 minutes before every game there's a chapel, and one of my teammates invited me to it, so I went. I was a rookie in the NBA, was already living the NBA lifestyle went to the chapel service and the chapel said Luke 646,. I never heard the verse before. Why do you call me Lord, lord, and not do what I say? And I said that's me. And so I had started saying you know what I'm gonna figure out if this Christianity thing is real. And I started watching a ton of apologetics Frank Turek, william Lane.

09:18 - Speaker 2
Craig. We love Frank. He's one of our guys.

09:19 - Speaker 4
John Lennox. I started watching everybody, and that's when I went to a movie with my old trainer in high school. He was a Christian, always trying to get me to do Bible studies, and I said man, I just want you to be my trainer, but we went to see a Christian movie. It was awful.

09:37 - Speaker 2
Unfortunately, no, I mean yeah.

09:40 - Speaker 4
So we left it. But it's important for the time, because we left that movie halfway through and went and watched Thor, and Thor is like a three-hour movie, yeah, so then we're ending the thing and he says to me where are you at with God? My trainer and I said you know what? Honestly, man, I'm searching. I don't really know.

10:06 - Speaker 3
But he said if you keep searching you're going to find home to where we live. And sure as day. We went to lunch the next day. You want to take it from there. So in.

10:13 - Speaker 4
In the same way that I was searching, I came across a verse that says whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me. And that was around thanksgiving time, so I have it in my mind hey, I'm gonna buy some burgers and pass it out to the homeless. That was his Christian thing to do so we go to lunch and or we think it was breakfast. We go to breakfast and I start telling him about it Like cause you know he talked about Christ.

10:36 - Speaker 3
I'm like yeah, I'm going to pass out these burgers to the homeless and he's like you can't do that.

10:39 - Speaker 4
Yeah, I'm going to get some points. Yeah, you're going to feed people, you've got to feed people, right, correctly. And so he says, follow me. So I follow him to Sam's Club. Now I still don't really know who he is. Right, he doesn't. And I'm driving in the car and I'm going, what are you doing? You do not know who this man is, but I remember saying to myself something about this feels right.

11:00 - Speaker 3
So I follow him. Wait, wait. You're missing a part of the story. Go ahead, tell the part where you said this man is going to take my money and the food.

11:06 - Speaker 4
Oh, you know I'm getting to it, so wait, wait, a 6'11 guy is intimidated by a well-dressed, well-groomed I'm in the car behind him, I'm following him to Sam's Club.

We get to Sam's Club, I buy like $700 worth of the food and he asked some people come pick it up. And I'm thinking to myself I just fed this guy's family for a year, I'm not gonna see him again, and uh. So he's thinking next thing, you know, we connect again. He sends me a text message about a place to come um and I show up and there's a line of 200 homeless people two to three hundred homeless and I hop in line.

the food is all cooked, it's all prepared. I put my hairnet on. I stand next to this beautiful young lady that's my wife today. That's right, tequita for the first time. People need to stay focused on that. You want to find a husband and a wife find them in serving the Lord.

11:54 - Speaker 3
That's right. In the field, in the field, we met Boaz. In the field, yeah.

11:58 - Speaker 4
So I pull up next to her and I put my hairnet on and we start serving the food. And it was a beautiful moment, just serving the homeless and being out in the community. And I was injured at the time I had rolled my ankle and he brought me inside of what looked like a church, but I'm still like I don't know what's going on. And he prays over my ankle, his wife prays over my ankle and several leaders, and I just remember feeling loved and I remember thinking to myself that God was real, like I had done all the apologetics and I had gotten to that cliff. But that was the moment that I jumped off where I was like God loves me. This is key. And I went home that night and knelt on the side of my bed and said Jesus, come into my heart. I remember the prayer from youth group and I started going to and I just started.

12:42 - Speaker 3
I told him. I said you know what? I said you need to come, go to church with me. He said I'll go If you're cool. The pastor got to be cool, so I took him to church. He didn't know who I was yet, he was just calling me Doc. And then when I came out he said you're the pastor. He didn't know I almost eight years. Yeah, excellent.

13:07 - Speaker 2
Getting back to the apologetic, we can do the science right. We can do the learning that's right. We can do all of the background work, which is fantastic. We should, and you did the right thing. God, in his grace, took that knowledge that's right and, by circumstances and situations, knocked it down into your heart to bring you to that point, to that moment where I need to, I need to know if there's any personality behind this truth. Right, because, uh, look the 10 commandments they true, but they're stone. And the scriptures tell us that the law came through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. So you heard the truth, you knew the truth, but when you saw the love and this is a great witness for all of us the power of love to back up the science of theology or the science of an apologetic argument, it's great to know the answers, but it's great to know why there's the answer and who is the one that gave us that answer.

14:19 - Speaker 4
And he was just reeling you in by the power of his Holy Spirit and it was exactly what I needed because of what I had been dealing with behind the scenes. So everybody sees, you know, I'm the sixth pick in the draft, number one player in the state of Florida. But all the stuff that was behind the scenes, to your point, it was like the apologetics addressed the mind issue in terms of like. You know what I could see this being real. But the moment of like you said the Holy Spirit really me and using Dr Hepburn, it became tangible. And then when I started going to the services and he's teaching on faith and love and grace and I'm like, oh my gosh, it started to work on me and I talked about it last night where there's all these little instances of God allowing me to kind of, through him, to stand up to fear. That got me to standing up in front of the world.

15:06 - Speaker 2
The people that you reached last night, not only just in the crowd but those that were no doubt watching. We will find out over time and then eventually we'll find out in heaven. But for me personally, my granddaughter last night, when asked how was it, she just shouted great. And you know, listen, teenagers are hard to impress.

15:33 - Speaker 4
Hard to please? Yeah for sure, Hard to please.

15:35 - Speaker 2
And so what happened was is that out comes this star, this man that has got everything that the world would seek after. But what people didn't expect, I think, was the humility and the package right of the redeemed Jonathan Isaac, who found his footing in Christ. Because you shared things that, by doing so, you allowed us into your private life. Did I get this right? Did I hear this right last night, that you used to be so intimidated that you were speaking at a youth camp and that even caused you to be a panic attack?

16:24 - Speaker 4
Yeah, I had a panic attack while I was at Florida State and talking to a bunch of kids and I remember somebody fanning my face afterwards and not even remembering what had happened. And I even had instances like that in high school. But getting to Florida State and being the big man on campus and everybody expecting that we're bringing in Jonathan Isaac he's the number one player in the state of Florida I had all of this pressure on myself about being able to perform and realizing, like, if I don't, what everybody else would think about me, that I was a fraud, that I was, you know, I wasn't capable and all that stuff, even though I was trying to keep the image in the forefront. It was eating at me on the inside. And the image in the forefront, it was eating at me on the inside. And I remember there were times where I would just be eating breakfast and I would tangibly freeze and my teammates would be like bro you good and I'm like I'm trying to break out of it and I can't move.

17:16 - Speaker 2
Let's kind of dig personal for a moment for the benefit of others and I'll share why in a moment. But do you feel it coming on? Do you feel it somewhere when that, when that moment was arriving, it didn't hit you like a train right. Did you kind of like feel momentarily coming on, maybe a few minutes before that, there's this you might have noticed that your breathing is shallow or something. Can you describe a little bit of that for others that might be going through that?

17:40 - Speaker 4
Yeah, absolutely. It's just a feeling, feeling of uneasiness, and I remember just sweating a bit, losing control, just feeling like I had been overtaken by something, in a sense of like I'm okay and all of a sudden something is gripping me to where I'm not in control anymore and my body's reacting to it with the sweat and with the not being able to make a sentence and then, ultimately, just completely freezing.

18:09 - Speaker 2
I say it that way because for years up until 1983, I stuttered really bad all my life and even when I asked my wife to marry me I will you please marry me she said thankfully, yes in her mercy. But for people who stutter, I can tell you that you can feel there's about I'm going to guess maybe 10 seconds ahead of time where you begin to feel this really bizarre. It's almost a pain on the inside. You know what you're about to say but you can't say it. There's a disconnect and then that causes a tension and a pressure where you feel your pulse immediately spike. You feel out of control and you don't know what to say.

And back in the day, when I was young, bullying was a cool thing to do, so I even had teachers put me, jack, stand on top of the desk and read chapter three, and they would laugh and all that kind of stuff, and it was intense and it just caused me. It caused me as a young. You know, gosh, I remember, nine years old. I don't know how personal we can be. Wait, this is my podcast. This is yours. This is true, so don't tell anybody. But I was walking home from school one day. I was nine years old. I can tell you what I was wearing. I can tell you that I had white high top Converse tennis shoes on. I had a white t-shirt on, levi button up 501s. It's just riveted in my mind. I can see the faces of the six guys standing around me and they were in their young teens maybe. So they said, hey, you're the guy that stutters. And they started pushing me around and so they pushed me down and then they began to hold me down and each one of them took the opportunity as they urinated on me and they said this will fix it, this will fix it. And I have to tell you, when they went away, I got up, went home, as you can imagine. I got up, went home, as you can imagine the stench, the humiliation, forget the stench. The internal pain was so great that from that moment on, I started hurting people however I could. And it was almost like you know, in some Italian movie where you know, guido shows up to bump somebody off and he says you know, it's nothing personal, it was nothing personal, but I had so lost control that I had no control, couldn't talk, I couldn't talk my way out of anything that I became violent and that allowed me.

In Southern California we had what's called Junior All-American football. In other parts of the States it's called Pop Warner. So I started playing contact football and I wasn't very big but I was really mean because I had so much hurt on the inside and so I did pretty good in football. And so I did pretty good in football. But all for the wrong motive, right, right, even buying hamburgers for somebody with the wrong motive doesn't work. Well for me. My motive was I had to bring people down to where I live, right, and basically this hellhole of life, and it was just terrible. And I got saved. In 1977, heard the gospel for the first time, overwhelmed me, that there was a father in heaven that loved me. But it wasn't until 1983 where God, in one night, healed me, awesome, miraculously. But that being said, those early years and there's a lot of kids today, yes, getting bullied A lot of kids today that maybe it's their parents, maybe it's their physical situation Speak to their hearts.

22:17 - Speaker 4
I would say that it's still something that I deal with Like for you being miraculously healed, god please but like it's been a continuous battle of learning how to fight back and learning that I can fight back and learning that I have a choice to fight back, and many of the tools that Doc taught me was about using the word to speak back. He always said that if the devil speaks, you speak back and you keep it moving, and I remember so many instances of having that thought come across my mind. You're going to have a terrible game, you're a failure. All these different things and saying back to myself God got me. The righteous are as bold as lions.

22:58 - Speaker 3
I love that passage.

23:00 - Speaker 4
And it would combat it and it would give me some leg and footing to stand on. And as I began to do that more and more, I got to the place where I'm able to stand in front of people and talk and share and just learning how to rest in Christ's love.

23:15 - Speaker 3
Not just that, but when Jonathan came on early on, I used to tell him come meet me at 530 Prayer. So I started to build our relationship around prayer. I knew if prayer was the foundation he would be able to stand. So I started to build our relationship around prayer. I knew if prayer was the foundation he would be able to stand, so I started to teach him how to come to 5.30 prayer. He would come and maybe pray for five minutes and fall asleep.

23:32 - Speaker 2
But that five minute turned into 10 minutes, but the spirit was willing.

23:35 - Speaker 3
The spirit was willing, then he would go to 30 minutes, but prayer was an integral part. So I started to develop that spiritual foundation and I think that's what really begin to cause him to develop and really here laying that foundation of prayer.

23:50 - Speaker 2
This. What you're saying, Doc, is amazing right now because there's the movie the Forge that's out there where it's really all about discipleship, disciple making, loving men, loving on younger men to build them up in Christ, and you live that out. I mean, that's, that's exactly and that's what we're supposed to do. I've seen too many churches that are and don't get me wrong that are fixated on evangelism and and look, we all. We're all. In fact, Paul told Timothy that we are to do the work of an evangelist. There is the gift of evangelist. Obviously, Billy Graham and others have that gift, but we're called in Matthew 28 to make disciples Right, and this is exactly what's happened here Right, right.

24:39 - Speaker 3
Meeting the need. I think is so important to be able to meet people where they're at. When I met Jonathan, it was meeting the need. He didn't have the furniture in his house Certain things was in there when he would invite me over so I saw things around where I could have helped and ministered. So all of that was a part of just meeting the need. I think he went away one time and had a real bad game and it was around Christmas time and when he went away he was feeling bad about Christmas. But somehow we snuck into his apartment, we put up a Christmas tree, we put gifts inside the house and when he came back it just totally just that love just began to change him. By this will all men know you, my disciples, by the love you display. So that was really key too, with the love we showed and the people in the church just ministered when we could cook home-cooked meals we cook home-cooked meals just met him where he was at and he saw that and that's what drew him.

Sometimes we make ministry so hard, but it's just meeting the needs of persons. When you meet their need, you can't, you can't defeat love, you can't pretend love. Love is real and the bible says love never fails. So as long as we operate in love, love always wins. No matter how it looks so good, love will always win so good.

It was God's love that won you, won us. That's right. That's right. When I said, when you I'm talking about the pain that we were in you said, when you met, that encounter with Christ was when you begin to heal, and you was just totally healed from that, so was that was God's love you're, um, you're making me, uh, think of something that I have.

26:03 - Speaker 2
I must confess right now that I have become so accustomed to God taking care of me and it's what you mentioned a moment ago, and I don't think I've ever said this before but God healed me, but I cannot go out before any one of the three services on Sunday, or the midweek service on Wednesday, or wherever I might be guest speaking. I must confess, the enemy, even though he's defeated, um, he never gives up. No, because I and you just made me think this and know this and realize this Every time I get ready to go speak, I sense this attempted failure, this attempted ploy by the enemy. A thought will come into my mind when you get out there, you are not going to remember a thing that you've studied, or you're not going to be able to say a word. That's the battle. Yeah, you can. It's insane.

27:08 - Speaker 3
Yeah, it is. Yeah, it's the battle. It's the battle. Yeah, but you know what I want to say to that? But you could always tell that you were destined to be great, because behind our weaknesses, where our strength was, the enemy was trying to keep you silent. But look at the masses of people that you're reaching now. So behind that was now you're reaching the world through speaking. So he was trying to keep you silent. The same thing with Jonathan God. He was trying to keep Jonathan in that, paralyzed with fear, so he would never be able to operate and become the man that God has called him to be, that's now speaking to nations, speaking around the world. So behind that, to everyone that's watching, behind the weakness is where their strength lies. An unguarded weakness is a double test where your strength is. So you got to guard your weakness.

27:49 - Speaker 2
So, so good. What can you say right now? I'd like you to say something to the men of a church believers. They're wondering Lord, show me my ministry. You know is it, is it taking? You know, show me this, god, show me this. What would you say to them when there's so many young men in the church that they're at, they have no father figure, they have no one to come alongside them. What would you commission a man, let's say I don't know, 35, 45, 55, 65. What would you say to him, with all of the ministry that's right under his nose? You know he's looking beyond.

28:31 - Speaker 3
One of the first things I want to say is it's so important to get plugged into local church and find a pastor. When I was young, I didn't have a father in the home. My mother basically raised four boys, so church was my refuge. I came to Christ at age 11. So I run to church and I plugged in and anytime you go, get planted. God is strategic. He has a plan for our lives. There's always ministry around us. So even if you don't know what to do, get plugged into a ministry, whatever it is, whether it's helping with the youth, whether it's helping the pastor carry his briefcase. Get plugged in, plug inside of something in that, and because God has a plan, he will strategically set up the pieces. He will put it together where he wants you to go. But if you're not plugged in, if you don't get, make yourself available and become a part of ministry, then what God wants to reveal in your life, it can't be revealed. So I would say to every young man get plugged in, get under your pastor, get in the youth group, become a part of something. Whether it's cooking, everybody has a gift. Whatever that gift is, use it and then watch how God will set the divine appointments and put things together.

David was, joseph was a dreamer. But what happened to Joseph? Joseph find himself just using his gift, and his gift put him in trouble, but ultimately God's destiny and plan came to pass in his life. The devil couldn't fight it. So the Bible says to Jeremiah from Jeremiah, before you was in your mother's womb, I knew you that's my verse and I ordained you to be a prophet To the nation, to the nation. So nothing could stop it. So once God has a plan for you, you get plugged in in a local church. When the enemy fights people from going to church, well, are they trying to take my money? Your churches are not real and I won't even speak to that. You go to work, and people at work hurt you, but you still got to go to work.

30:06 - Speaker 4
You have family members that hurt you.

30:07 - Speaker 3
That's true. You have family members that hurt you, but you're still a part of the family. It to you, but you got to fight for what you want. Nothing comes easy.

30:19 - Speaker 2
And I would put it this way you got to show up.

30:22 - Speaker 3
You got to show up. You got to show up, show up.

30:23 - Speaker 2
Oh Lord, you know, show me the need. Show me the need. Look around.

The need is there so many needs and you find out the need by first of all saying hi, what's your name? That's right, Just getting that name. And what you did? There's a there's a friend of ours that wrote a book called Ignite your Life, Barry McGuire, and it's all about, he says, it's all about moving people just one step closer to Jesus, and that's an act of love every day, just just no matter who they might be. Love on those who either need encouragement they might know the Lord, but they need encouragement or they need to know the Lord, and that is a tangible, tangible witness. Let's change gears a little bit. What's the inspiration behind the book? What brought you to doing this? And, by the way, I'm looking at the back of the book with endorsements by Ben Shapiro, Franklin Graham, Tim Tebow and others. Jonathan, what inspired you to write why I Stand?

31:23 - Speaker 4
Well, really, the big thing is the stand itself right. So you know, back in 2020, I talked about it last night with the tragic death of George Floyd and figuring out how to maneuver through that crisis as a black man and as a black Christian man. And so I remember, as everything was going crazy and there were riots, doc was preaching and he talked about the moment that Peter lunges forwards and cuts off the guy's ear, malchus' ear, and.

Jesus said if you live by the sword, you'll die by the sword. And what he was trying to get us to understand was that, in this moment in time, if we act in the same way, if we act in the way that's our nature to us, which is to retaliate, which is to be angry, which is reasonable, but it's not Christ-like, but it's not right.

32:09 - Speaker 2
It's not Christ-like, that's right.

32:11 - Speaker 4
And he said, if we could step into this moment with love and grace and truth, that we would see real change. And I remember we did a whole walk through downtown. We called it Lift Up the Lights, Hold Up the Lights, Hold Up the Lights, where we said if Jesus' name be lifted up, he would draw men to himself Right during that time we walked through the streets and then we went into what was called the Bubble and that was where this culminated. And you know, we had a team had knelt before us already. They knelt for the national anthem and they wore Black Lives Matter T-shirts and they knelt. And so we had a team meeting and everybody's like look, we don't have a choice, we need to kneel because this team already knelt it's over and I'm watching you, not knowing you at the time.

32:50 - Speaker 2
I'm watching you on the news. I mean, I'm seeing unfold, where here's this young man standing. Yeah, and so, with all the pressure, with all the pressure, frankly I mean putting his total career on the line. Yes, absolutely they could have just said you know?

33:06 - Speaker 3
absolutely remember. Now they were not. They were excommunicated. People were getting canceled, people were getting canceled.

33:10 - Speaker 4
That was their thoughts. And we're getting canceled. And, uh, one of my teammates turned towards me and like, jonathan, what are you gonna do? And it was like that same moment of fear, uh, gripping me. And I said I said what are you going to do? And it was like that same moment of fear gripping me and I said, fellas, I'm not going to kneel and I'm not going to wear the T-shirt. And I said I cannot throw stones from a glass house. We all fall short of the glory of God. Such a great response.

One of the things that I said was that if we could love each other the way that God loves us, which is in spite of our sin, in spite of our shortcomings, then we could have real change. And it wasn't that I didn't see an issue. Like you know, people will say because I, because I decided to stand, I'm saying that that issue doesn't exist. No, I'm saying that one. That's not the only issue. Ultimately, the issue is the hearts of men, and what truly changes the hearts of men is the gospel of Jesus Christ, the love of God. Love of God that changed me.

So great so um and just to bring it together. So after the bubble kind of happens, I hurt myself the next game. So I stood in the bubble.

34:05 - Speaker 2
Which injury was this one.

34:08 - Speaker 3
It was my ACL, Remember he just stood that night and then the next game is where he injured himself the very next night.

34:13 - Speaker 2
I know this, it's like okay, lord Wow.

34:16 - Speaker 4
And so as I'm dealing with that, you know Doc comes over to my apartment and he's like you need to write a book. And he said people know your stand, but they don't.

34:23 - Speaker 2
This is after the injury.

34:24 - Speaker 3
This is after the injury he said people know your stand, but they don't know your stand. I came dancing yeah, he was and I didn't say you're just going to write a book and you're gonna make a movie and so we started to work towards the book and everything just kind of came together.

34:40 - Speaker 4
what was so funny is that, uh, I go tell my agent, uh, hey, you know I'm looking to write a book. He was like I literally just got off the phone with a book agent that was saying that you need to write a book and that's right. It came together, um, and, and we did it, and the name is called why I stand and what. What's really remarkable about the book? For me, it's not the stand, it's not any of that, it's the full story that takes you back into how I started, which, to me, speaks to the reality of Christ being an answer. The answer Because people, they will look at the stand and so many people are like, oh, you're so courageous, you're so bold, and this was able to show them. It's not how it always been and it's always been a battle. And this is how I got from here, from taking anxiety medication, to standing before the world.

35:24 - Speaker 2
I love it because when we look at the incredible exploits, Daniel 11, 32 says those who know their God shall carry out great exploits. When we look at these remarkable events of the Old Testament, we all love them. We read them and the temptation is to make them a Sunday school story. They're not a Sunday school story, they are actual events.

These things really happen, and so when we read about this incredibly outnumbered army of Israel's got just a scrappy 300 group of guys or whatever it might be God comes through, and it's been my understanding of scripture that God doesn't move with the mighty, he doesn't move with the numbers. He seems to use those that are weak, he seems to use those fewer number. Of course, the scripture says that he would get the glory. That's right and I think that is a fundamental thing that we allow me to allow two pastors to just kind of riff right now on this. Where, if we would get back as a church in the 21st century to what the first century church was so much empowered by? They were weak, they were just starting out, they had no manual, they had no church conferences to go to. They were open, vulnerable to the Holy Spirit and empowered by God. He's the same Holy Spirit today that he was then.

So why do we not see these powerful things be done? I think we are. If we realize what you just said, lord, I know that in me dwelleth no good thing. That's right and that's not like an insult. That's not God beating us up, that without him there's no eternal value, but with him there's infinite eternal value. And we don't go around saying stuff. We go around because we have something to say and if it's Bible coming out, then I think we can expect results. I think we should actually expect them. Amen, amen.

37:29 - Speaker 3
When Jonathan told me one of the things that Jonathan called me that night that he echoed. I told Jonathan when he was nervous about standing. He said, doc, I don't know if you know what's going to come out of this. I don't know if you know what's going to come out of this. I said, listen, you can't stand for God and God must stand for you. I love it and I was. I was so true, it was just so true and God has proven that.

And I told him other things. I said to have children. I said this will echo for the rest of your life because it's attached to eternity. God is eternal. I said so, whatever you do for God will last forever. And it's rippling the book, the clothing line, the things that has happened. Just had a daughter. It's just rippling and the movies will come and there'll be a number two movie, then a number three movie. There'll be a number two movie, then a number three movie. There will be sequels, because nothing in God stops. He takes us from glory to glory to glory. Yeah, as long as we give it to him.

38:22 - Speaker 2
That's right. That's right. It's not only the book. It's not only the book which, by the way, you guys, you can see the link where you can get the book, get the book, get two books, share one with somebody else, but wonderfully, published by Daily Wire. What an honor. Daily Wire, I mean my goodness first book?

38:42 - Speaker 3
yeah, first book published it's the first book they published.

38:46 - Speaker 4
I think they just yeah, they just started their daily DW books, angle or side of the business, and we were first.

38:53 - Speaker 2
That's fantastic that's right, but it's look, watch this. It's not only that. I want to save this for last. Okay, so it's not only that. Let's talk about this. Right here I'm holding a box. That is my box.

Jonathan gave this to me last night. You had a deal with Nike, had a deal with Nike and situations changed and God led you to create your own line. And when we say his own line, we're not talking about something off right, we're not talking about something less than this is remarkable. You guys, I don't know if you visit the site and take a peek, take a look, but I got to tell you. Jonathan gave these to me last night and I'm torn because I put them on immediately and they're amazing, but then I don't want to wear them ever again because I just want to have them as like a little trophy piece. But tell us about how this came about and the quality of the shoe. I mean, this is legit. This is NBA legit. This is not some half-hearted attempt. That's why I read that passage out of Corinthians Everything that you do, do it wholeheartedly, under the Lord, to the glory of God. Talk about this thing. I mean this is absolutely incredible engineering.

40:20 - Speaker 4
Yeah, thank you. So these are the Judah 1 low tops and the way it started you talked about it. I was signed to Nike while I was in the bubble. I was a Nike athlete and they ended up not resigning me after my injury and I went to doc and I was like, hey, I'll probably be looking for because I would have to go through a bunch of rehab. And I said when I come back, I'll probably be looking at Adidas or another brand to wear. And he said why don't you make your own shoe? And I said you're insane, you're a wild man, you know that.

40:45 - Speaker 3
But that's pastors. That's why it's so important to be planted, because when people are sitting under the word, they have a pastor, a leader to go to who can give them godly counsel. The Bible says there's safety in the multitude of counsel. People believe that they don't need a pastor, but the Bible said how will you hear without a preacher? I love it, and faith cometh by hearing. So you've got to hear a preacher so your faith can grow. So, just like you need the doctor in the hospital, you need your pastor. Yeah, yes, people don't understand the necessity of their pastor.

41:13 - Speaker 4
Yes, I love it, love it. So I was obedient, even though I didn't quite understand it first, and I started making phone calls and called my agent and told him about the idea and he was like, okay, and we, just we ran with it and the first shoe that we created was the Judah one. It was the high top version of this. You know they're still on the website now, but it was the first NBA signature sneaker with visible Bible verses on the outside.

41:39 - Speaker 2
Yes, I don't know if you guys can see that. If not, we'll take a closer look.

41:44 - Speaker 4
So this shoe is called Spotless. The name of this shoe is called Spotless. Psalms 51 and 7 cleanse me, lord, make me as white as snow, and so that's why it's called Spotless. And each shoe has its own Bible verse and each shoe has its own kind of name. So I wore the high top version all last season and these low tops dropped this summer and I'll be wearing them for the next season as well. But it's been the culmination of, like you said, the hard work and God just ordering the steps and filling in the details to be able to produce something of this magnitude. These are the actual shoes that I wear in the NBA.

42:13 - Speaker 2
Very good, did you hear that? Everybody, the actual shoes he wears and I got to tell you, put one on, like I did last night for the first time, and you'll sense and know the quality of it. It's just absolutely excellent. Where is it available?

42:32 - Speaker 4
You can go to weareunitascom.

42:35 - Speaker 2
We are Unitas, which is the name of the company we call that the parent.

42:39 - Speaker 3
Would that be the parent company Weareunitascom.

42:42 - Speaker 4
And I'll say that when the first idea was just a shoe, it was okay, we're going to make this shoe. My middle name is Judah Jonathan, judah Isaac, so I said, hey, we're going to call it Jonathan, judah, isaac, isaac.

42:54 - Speaker 2
I mean, how does somebody get a name like that? Were you born in Israel?

42:58 - Speaker 4
My dad is Jacob and I'm his fourth son, that's right. So, yes, so that was the idea was initially just a shoe, and then we had another conversation and he was like we need to, we need to make it bigger, and the idea was that the thing that comes to my mind and I've been been talking about it a bunch is encouraging the body and allowing people to take the word of God with them on the court, off the court, in their everyday lives, through their footwear. And then it turned into clothes and he came up with the name Unitas, and I remember you can tell the story how he came up with it.

43:32 - Speaker 2
I think I need to hang around you more often.

43:36 - Speaker 3
Well, I love hanging around you, so we could do that anytime. I want to get all that wisdom. Oh, my goodness, the other way around. What happened? I was in prayer and I was just praying about the name and we have the Ark of the Covenant in the church and I saw the two cherubims pointing their wings at each other and I said God, this country is so divided. I said only you could unite us. That's right, only you can unite us. So I said the name is Unitas, perfect, the name is Unitas. And I called him. I said Jonathan, the name needs to be Unitas and that's how the name came up, with the two angels pointing their hands. Only God could unite us. That's right. That's right. I told him I loved it.

44:13 - Speaker 4
I told him I loved it and we started running with it and now it is what it is today. It's growing. We went from the high tops to the low tops. Later this fall we'll be dropping our first shoe outside of basketball, so it'll be a trainer. I've got them on right now so I won't take them off to show them. Take them off, I'll follow instructions, show them. So this shoe, it's called the Fortra and this is going to be dropping later this fall. This is one of six colorways that we'll have. They all have 1 Samuel, 2.30 on the back 1 Samuel 2.30.

He who honors God, god will honor. And so we're taking this shoe as we're going to honor God. We're going to honor God with every step, and so these will drop. And then one of the colorways is purple and it has Esther 414 on the back and that's our mom's colorway. This is our mama's bear, and I talked to you a little bit yesterday about after we dropped the initial six, we're going to come out with a life colorway. Yes, jeremiah 29.

45:10 - Speaker 2
Explain this if you can. I don't know what you can say or not say about this, but, friends, obviously you know the life issue is is the number one issue on the planet today, and it should be, because it's human sacrifice. The offering up of of children, unborn children, is is from ancient times. We talked a moment last night about how I believe it's Jonathan Cahn who wrote the book the Return of the Gods and it's technically the return of the demons. And what are the manifestations of that? It's the taking of the unborn life, and so you are gonna put out what is it a theme?

45:52 - Speaker 4
Of this shoe, of this shoe Called the Fortress. So this is, it's gonna be a specific colorway unto itself, and we're going to do it in conjunction with live action and Lila Rose. Lila Rose, so I was on her podcast yesterday. Fantastic warrior. And so it'll be its own colorway, and the verse on the back will be Jeremiah 29 and 11. And people will be walking around supporting life.

46:14 - Speaker 2
So people buy these online.

46:15 - Speaker 4
Yes, same website.

46:16 - Speaker 2
Until you have a storefront of your own.

46:21 - Speaker 4
In Jesus name, we grow big enough to have our own store.

46:24 - Speaker 2
May there be storefronts, because I'm going to guess the NBA or ESPN or NBC, they don't zoom in right, they don't zoom in with the camera during no unfortunately not. They probably avoid your shoot. They probably see you. They'll cover you going down the court from ankle up. Sure, because they don't want to get that Jesus involved in things. But they can't stop it.

46:50 - Speaker 3
They can't stop. They can't stop it.

46:52 - Speaker 2
Yeah, they can try all they want. They can't stop Gosh want. They can't stop Gosh. I wish you guys could look at this and hold it and feel it, and it's so impressive. I can't even begin to imagine how you go about finding the engineers that put this together, and I mean, I mean engineering, it's, it's amazing. So this is going on and, at the same time, because you do not avoid controversy, which I love- In fact listen.

47:19 - Speaker 3
Hey, you guys, people who avoid controversy they live a boring life.

47:25 - Speaker 2
Jesus was controversial. Yes, right, and we don't go around picking fights. That would be gross, because we need to go around sharing the love of Christ. But listen, the truth of the matter is when evil rears its ugly head, we're supposed to confront evil. In 2 Corinthians 10, verse 6, paul told the Corinthians which I mean, I've been to Corinth, I don't know if you guys have ever been to Corinth, but after visiting Corinth and looking at the archaeological evidence of how debased the Corinthian culture was in the first century, if you wanted to insult somebody, you called them a Corinthian. That's how bad it was. It's like somebody today saying he's a Californian. It's like wow. Well, paul said to them, by you being obedient to Christ, your obedience will punish all disobedience and your obedience shall be spoken of. What a remarkable verse. It almost sounds like an Old Testament verse because it sounds a little bit militant. But when we talk about punishing disobedience, it's not violence, that's right. It's righteousness, it's doing the right thing.

And so this is the right thing. That's right. This is the right thing.

He didn't have to do any of this stuff at all whatsoever, but here's one of those examples Of the right thing, of the right thing to do. So on the back is that wonderful name, the brand Unitas. Okay, and this shirt is I stand with Israel. I stand with Israel. I stand with Israel. Can you see that? Let me get that out there. So the reason why I'm going to be very, very bold, the reason why I'm showing you this right now, is because I want you to buy them. We don't ever do this right. Do we ever ask for money on this podcast? Never, but and I'm not promoting anything that I've done this is everything that Jonathan is standing for and doing. But you guys, if you're any part of this audience, you know that we stand with Israel. And so if you want to bless the people of Israel and if you want to bless the God of Israel, stand with Israel. And Jonathan has put together this t-shirt. And where do they get the shirt? Same location.

49:37 - Speaker 4
Yeah, same location, weareunitedcom, and I will say a portion of all the proceeds go back to a company called united hatsala in israel. They do on live medical work, um, on motorcycles taking medical aid to, to different things and people when there are those, uh, unfortunate attacks that's right you can't beat, you can't beat it, you can't beat it, you got it Please, is it?

50:01 - Speaker 2
what's the price?

50:02 - Speaker 4
of these. Actually, I'm not sure. I'm not sure what they're on the website for, unfortunately. Look at the site. I think 20 bucks on the website.

50:08 - Speaker 2
So get them, please get them. And, um, you know, we need to get, by the way. We need to get to get, we need to get these into Israel so that Israel will know that there's someone wearing this shirt that stands with them. Because right now, you guys, israel feels so isolated. They've been so maligned by the media. It's, it's horrible what's been going on, and and so this again, this is another brave, brave stand that you're taking, and so you should be to be honest with you is because God said to us in Genesis 12, I'll bless those who bless you.

50:47 - Speaker 3
And those were the children of.

50:49 - Speaker 2
Abraham. So, so, what, what, what more, what's, what's next? What's what's happening in your world next what's?

50:58 - Speaker 4
just just what's happening in your world next, just continuing to grow. I had this kind of like a revelation yesterday when we were riding in the car, and I remember the brand phrase for Unitas is redefine greatness, and what that means to me is that the world has a version of what greatness is how much money you have, your accolades, everything that you've done. But to truly be great is to honor God, and so what's so interesting is that's the first thing he said to me. I can tell you how to be great In the elevator.

51:30 - Speaker 3
That's right. I can tell you how to be great.

51:33 - Speaker 4
You have to know Jesus, and now.

51:42 - Speaker 2
What a great, what a great statement. Yeah, because you can give that to anybody, that's right, that's right At any time.

51:44 - Speaker 4
That's right At any time. I can tell you how to be great. Yeah, wow, and my thinking is okay, you're going to tell me how to be great, well.

51:51 - Speaker 2
I got to.

51:51 - Speaker 4
I got to do more pushups, I got to shoot more shots. That's human. That's where everything that I have given to Christ in terms of my life and my surrender has brought me into what true greatness and the redefinition of what greatness is. And everything that's been me has taken me in the wrong direction and it's taken me in this pursuit of an artificial greatness that the world offers. But if we could really rest in that in our hearts, that to honor God is to truly be great, is to walk in the redefinition of greatness, then we'll do it more often.

52:20 - Speaker 2
So do you know? He's preaching to himself and we are to do this. I think it was Adrian Rogers had made the comment, or maybe Charles Stanley had said and he was probably repeating some great preacher before him that every day we need to preach the gospel to ourselves, and that is a reminder of God's love for us and God's purpose for us. And so when you say what you say, when you remind yourself, when you are now telling us of greatness, of using everything to the glory of God, making a statement, telling your story so others can be inspired, you are literally warring against that past that held you bound. Yes, and I mean this to encourage you, I've been a Christian for a very long time and the battle, doc, you mentioned it earlier the battle's not going to go away. I don't believe the Lord allows the battle to go away, because it's how we keep our sword sharp. That's right. And so you're such a great example of battling through with the Lord through all of these things. Battling through with the Lord, through all of these things injuries, setbacks, pressure to bow the knee, all of it you have plotted along, you've just kept going, and God has blessed you with a godly man in your life. I would just want to add this that when we say, when Doc says I can tell you how to be great, and then Jonathan just says, redefining greatness, that Jesus Christ is that model. So we're not talking about greatness like, put my name on the plaque, put it up on the lights, give me a star on the walk of fame. Jesus made it very clear that greatness is serving your brothers and sisters. The one who the ones among you are to be the greatest, will be the servants of all, and that is the joy of true, biblically based Christianity. And we're seeing in our world today the church being prepared. It's almost as though God has no longer much patience for the flaunting and pushing of human greatness within the church. The world's going to do what the world does, sure, sure, sure. They don't, father, forgive them, they don't know what they do. That's right. But when you're the star in a church setting something's very wrong, something's ill. But if you're going to be a servant of all, he defines that greatness. That's right. And when he does, he gets your witness and your message out there. He gets your witness and your message out there. And so I want you to know we are 100% committed to Jonathan Isaac, to Unitas, to getting this out. That's why I'm not being embarrassed or ashamed for the first time ever, to plead with people to get the book because it's worth the read, because it's got something to say. Get these NBA quality witness. They're marked with scripture.

What more can this young man do to get the body of Christ pumped up and ready to go? That's right, because, listen, people spend I don't. People spend ridiculous amounts of money to put on Nikes and all this other stuff. Come on, forget them. We know what they stand for, we know where they're at. There's a better thing going on. There's a better thing going on, and we need you to get behind what this young man who loves Jesus is doing. We don't hear this enough. We don't have the opportunity enough to promote this. You're doing great, and so we're going to stay in touch from this time on and we're going to do everything possible to get you out there. Doc, some final words before we pitch the final words to the.

56:34 - Speaker 3
I think that it's important for people who are watching to understand God is not trying to take something from them, he's trying to get something to them. Jonathan had the mindset that something was trying to be taken from him. That's what the world thinks. But God is trying to get you to greatness the book, the shoes, his family. It far exceeds that. So eternity God was trying to get, which becomes tangible.

People think that when they get saved, it's just about just about losing everything. But you lose your life, but you gain so much more. The Bible says whoever leaves father, mother, brother or sister in this life, in this life, shall receive a hundredfold, not just when they go to heaven. He said in this life. And Jonathan is getting the blessing of coming to the Lord and seeing the manifestation. So people remember now all of this has happened when he was injured, not when he was in the game, when he was injured. So God showed him listen, I got your back off the court and I got your back on the court, and it's something I always quote to Jonathan. I said off the court, on the court. I said whatever you do in life, you can manifest on that court. I said if you're strong off, you can be strong on. I said if you could fight off, you will be able to fight on. So, looking at the enemy, I had to teach him behind the scenes.

So spiritual that spirituality being built, we made spirit, soul and body. The best part of us is our spiritual part. When that's built up, nobody could stop us. That's why what comes out of your mouth is so important. That's why this podcast is so important. And you speaking this, what you're doing is you're speaking life into people's spirit. So be encouraged and listen. You don't stop. I told you so, but I see movies on you. You don't stop because the best is yet to come. You don't stop. You keep going because God has so much more for you.

58:13 - Speaker 2
So beautiful. Thank you so much, jonathan.

58:16 - Speaker 4
closing words man, just thank you so much for having us and I truly appreciate it. You are the most down to earth guy that I've met and so I'm truly appreciative and, like you said, we're going to stay connected. And thank you to everybody that's watching, and I'm grateful.

58:31 - Speaker 3
We would love to stay connected.

58:33 - Speaker 2
We will. We will Everybody listen. Pray for Jonathan Isaac. Pray that God just elevates him even more in the NBA and puts him forward. Not only the NBA, because you know what the NBA is. Not his identity, that's right. Right, it's the Lord, jesus Christ. And so because of that, it's evident that the Lord is opening up more and more doors for him to get out the Word of God. He could have put his name on the back of this. He for him to get out the word of God. He could have put his name on the back of this. He put scripture on the back of this. That's right.

So, wherever you're at, whoever you are, many of you have contacts, many of you are in industries whereby these wonderful productions can be used to advance the kingdom. Do your part, play your part. And I was reading last night in closing. I was reading where in Oxford, england, there's a black X that is in the street. It's called Broad Street there in Oxford, and at the point of that X is where three very famous reformers of the faith died. They were burned to death at that spot for their faith, because they believed that everybody should have the word of God for themselves. And I had the chance to stand there, even though I was reading about this. But I was reminded, having stood there and then reading last night, the fact that in this moment, when these men were tied to the stake to be burned and everybody was surrounding them, they were spitting on them and cursing them, that was the organized religious hierarchy that had turned on these, these preachers of the Word of God, because they simply wanted to bring to the people the Word of God.

The strong statement was made I believe it was by Fox. Fox had said to Bishop Ridley he said play the man, be strong and play the man, because what catches fire here, think about themselves. What catches fire here will become an unquenchable flame throughout all the world. And I read that last night and I was moved by that, because that's not only true in history, it's true for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, for God so loved the world that's you that he gave his only begotten, that's glorified, son that whosoever would believe on him would not perish but have everlasting life. Friends, jonathan found his liberty and his freedom in the identity of Christ. It's not by how many scores, it's not by how many efforts he does, how many points he gets in the sense of God. Are you happy now? No, the Lord is happy with Jonathan Isaac, because the Lord sees him wrapped in the blood of Jesus Christ, and that robe of righteousness that Jesus provided for us is available to all those who will simply ask.

But there is a prerequisite, there is something required of you. It is this Lord, I'm a sinner, I'm a sinner, I have failed, I've sinned against you, god, and I'm sorry for that, and I want to make it right. I want to receive your free gift of eternal life and I want to have this great exchange. I want to make it right. I want to receive your free gift of eternal life and I want to have this great exchange. I want to become a new creation. I want to have this power that I've heard about in this young man's life and in Doc's life. I want to have this power. I want to know God. I want to end my life with purpose and meaning, because to you, lord, be all the glory.

You can simply pray that prayer in whatever words you want there's no magic prayer but invite the Lord, jesus Christ, to come into your life. If you do that, let us know. We'd love to pray with you contact us, but in the meantime, friends pray. This is your mission now. Pray for Jonathan Isaac that God would bless his witness. We need more and more people just like him. So God bless you, doc. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for having us, just our pleasure, jonathan.

01:02:44 - Speaker 1
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