God wants you to know Him as much more than just an acquaintance or an ally. He wants you to have an intimate connection, friendship, and dependence on Him. Do you really know God the way He wants to be known? Learn how to de...
Author and speaker Natasha Crain joins Pastor Jack to discuss her newest book, "When Culture Hates You: Persevering for the Common Good as Christians in a Hostile Public Square." Natasha Crain is a national speaker, author, a...
As we step into 2025, there’s one issue that’s more important than anything else you will encounter this year, and that issue is your eternal destination. Where will you spend eternity—Heaven or Hell? Let Pastor Jack encourag...
Last week, we heard about what the Bible says about borders and "loving thy neighbor." This week, Pastor Jack continues his discussion on immigration by delving into his personal thoughts on a plan for the country going forwa...
When we look around this world and see cruelty and injustice, we may wonder about God’s nature. Isn’t He a loving God? Why does He allow suffering, hardship, and pain? Get answers to these questions and more as Pastor Jack op...
What does the bible tell us about immigration? God's Word gives us insights into almost every area of life, and even the seemingly obscure scriptures turn out to be some of the most profound. God is always testing and invitin...
Celebrities, politicians, teachers, athletes, mentors, pastors…even friends and family. All will let you down because they are human. But God has never failed to keep His promises, and because His nature is unchanging, He nev...
Do you find yourself searching for the next "current event" and how it relates to the Bible? How about we take a pause and get back to a "first things first" mentality? What do you think about the fact that God created you? H...
Each of us has been given the ability to exercise choice, and with that comes responsibility. Will we yield our free moral agency to the Holy Spirit, or use it to rebel against God’s commands? Open your Bible and study this t...
Join Pastor Jack and special guest Ken Ham for an exciting conversation that covers topics from gender, evolution, abortion, creationism, and the government. Ken Ham is the Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis and its two popula...
The battle scars of suffering are nothing to hide. They are marks of honor for the Christian. Suffering is a tool that God uses to increase and strengthen your faith. One day, suffering will end–when we see Jesus face to face...
The Bible says that man's heart is "deceitful and desperately wicked" but what about after we've been born again? Are we now inherently good? When should we "follow our heart" when it comes to our life's choices? (00:00) The ...
The Lord puts a choice before us: life or death. Which direction will you move toward? In this podcast episode, Pastor Jack opens chapter 10 of Romans to take a closer look at the choices we make in life. (00:00) The Scope of...
The Pharisees and other religious leaders accused Jesus of being too lax in his habits of eating and drinking with the common people by calling him "a glutton." In this podcast, Pastor Jack discusses how gluttony can be sinfu...
The Christian life is a battlefield! Are you ready for battle? The Bible declares that we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us. When He is our defense, nothing can touch us! Find out more about your role in th...
President Trump recently attended the traditional church service at the National Cathedral after he was inaugurated. What should've been an inspiring and encouraging message from God's Holy Word was instead a scolding lecture...
An autopsy is performed to find out why someone died. Are we at the point in history where the America that the Founders built has breathed its last? Find out why Pastor Jack is wearing the uniform of the Black Robe Regiment ...
We will continue our conversation regarding Jesus taking on the form of a human while being God simultaneously. Christ is our atonement, our sacrifice, who died for our sins and rose again. Not only is He our sacrifice, but H...
When we become followers of Jesus, our old selves are placed upon the cross and crucified. And just as Christ was resurrected from the grave, He is resurrected in our hearts so that we can live the life that He intends us to ...
How do you know when to stay or go when it comes to the church you attend? What about choosing which ministries to support financially and be a part of in serving with your time? Learn what word Pastor Jack uses to describe "...
There’s plenty of debate around the subject of predestination and free will. The Bible teaches that God has known since before the creation of the world who would choose Him and who would reject Him. To those who receive Him ...
We will continue our conversation regarding Jesus taking on the form of a human while being God simultaneously. Christ is our atonement, our sacrifice, who died for our sins and rose again. Not only is He our sacrifice, but H...
Contrary to what many people believe, God is not against us! His desire is for our good, and He has given His all to prove it. Even the prophecies of the Bible point to the fact that God is for you. Find out more in today’s p...
Let's talk about how Jesus was simultaneously 100% God and yet 100% man. Did baby Jesus need his diapers changed? Did Jesus cut himself and bleed when he had a carpentry accident? Was Jesus tempted? Did he have anger? Did He ...